Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 824: About "Homestead"

[At present, it is only a result of deduction. The specific need for Mr. Administrator to break through the extraordinary and personally practice it ... But you still remember the elephants, the dragons and the elves are extraordinary, intending to refine the power of the original world of this plane , But things that have little effect? Reminded Penguin.

[Yes, it is said to be because they are not plane creatures? ] Guan Liyuan still remembers this.

After the ancient protoss, the strongest native race in this plane, withdrew from the historical stage, human beings have always been in a hegemonic position, because all power systems originate from the plane, and they continue to marry with the native races. Even now there are ancient protoss in the planes Bloodline, so human beings are recognized as natives by the will of the plane.

The Dragon and Elf ... have also been put into the standard for a long time by the corresponding forces in the Qiankun world, but because they are all "dry food", although the starting point is very high, they have their own complete heritage from the beginning, and even were born. It is extraordinary, but it is also rejected by the will of the plane.

As for humans, Guan Liyuan estimates that the mother family who "threw" their ancestors from the original plane, that is, "have a date without a date", threw a group of ordinary people without any common sense.

[Does it need the will of the universe? ] Guan Liyuan suddenly reacted.

[Yes, the favor of the will of the universe is a prerequisite ... In addition, according to my deduction, if you want to refine the power of the original world, only the power that is most suitable for the world can be effective, otherwise the dragon **** and the elven queen may appear. Case. Said Penguin.

That's right, why didn't the dragon gods and the elven queens expand at large?

On the one hand, there are many human beings. Even if they have an advantage in the peak combat power, they can only choose to cooperate and concede. On the other hand, they are too slow to refine the original world, and do not need too many sites ...

[By the way ... why does the plane of the main world have cosmic will? Guan Liyuan wondered.

It is said that the main world as a whole and the other worlds in the forum are equal. Even if the origin of the world is high or low, some are strong and some are on the verge of destruction, but in essence each world is equal.

However, in the main world, the dimensions of the Qiankun world and Guan Liyuan's plane fragments are different. Even from the current situation, it seems that the Qiankun world also has only one kind of plane will, such as the plane occupied by the abyss. It is the abyss of will ...

Now the power of refining the original world in the main world needs the favor of the will of the plane, but in other worlds it needs the favor of the will of the universe ... Isn't that a grade worse?

[No, you have misunderstood the cosmic will of the main world, and the cosmic will also exists in the main world. The reason why you can awaken the dual professions during the opening ceremony is because you have promoted the "favor of the cosmic will" and has nothing to do with the will of the plane . Explained Penguin.

【Oh? In other words, the will of the plane is not the will of the universe? Does the other world have such a will? ] Guan Liyuan did not feel the existence of the level of "plane will" in other worlds. Compared to the beast of the Pokémon world and the **** tree of the world of Naruto, "plane will" is undoubtedly closer to the will of the universe.

[Most of the other worlds do not have ... the plane will of the main world is actually the product of the variation of the will of the universe, and the reason for their mutation is presumed to be the power system of the main world, which can refine the power of the original world when it develops to the extreme !!

The power of the original world is the manifestation of the will of the universe. This part of the force is often combined with the individual. Although the individual cannot exist forever, it gradually mutates the will of the universe, giving birth to the next level of will. Said Penguin.

Guan Liyuan nodded slightly, probably understanding that this "plane will" is actually the same as the **** beast in the Pokémon world and the **** tree in the world of Naruto. It was originally a part of the will of the universe, but the **** beast and the **** tree gave birth to their own bodies. Your own consciousness is thus separated from the will of the universe.

The "plane will" does not have its own form, and it still belongs to the "will" rather than the individual "consciousness", so it is closer to the "cosmic will" ...

For example, the "Abyss Will" instinctively invades the will of other planes, but it does not have personal likes and dislikes, no joy, sorrow and joy. Its aggression of other plane wills, and the "Jedi Lord" in the land of joy are all instinct.

The **** tree in the world of Naruto and the beast in the world of Pokémon were born in accordance with the will of the universe. They first had independent bodies and gradually formed independent consciousness.

The "plane will" of the main world is because of countless extraordinary existences of constant "pollution" ...

Guan Liyuan does not know how many years the history of the main world has developed to date, but judging by the scale of the world, I am afraid that it is longer than the known world in any forum, so it will be born to the extreme and can be refined. A power system that transforms the power of the origin world.

In these countless years, there have been countless extraordinary existences and countless extraordinary existences dying, and the power of the original world has been "contaminated" by individual consciousness again and again, and thus gradually separated from the will of the universe. The will of the universe is the purest, All "foreign objects" will be separated out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The abyss will is precisely because of the countless abyss, which is the so-called demon king, devil, and countless generations of continuously refining the power of these planes' original world, making the planes will It is also contaminated by the aggressive nature of the abyss and formed a will of the plane.

As for the fragment of Guan Liyuan's current plane, it is obviously not from the birth of the ancient protoss, it may have been a part of the world of Qiankun, so it also has the will of the plane that favors "self-protection" and "exclusiveness" ...

[In addition, according to the experience of humans and Warcraft in the plane, obtaining an absolute number of local ethnic recognition and support can speed up the power of refining the original world and reduce the difficulty. Said Penguin.

Indeed, if a paradise is born in the paradise, because it has the support of almost all human beings, it can quickly refine the "paradise" into its territory, and instantly have the strength comparable to the old-fashioned devil.

The extraordinary power of the normal refining source world, even if it is not in its own territory, is stronger than the extraordinary power of the ordinary world, and in its own territory, it has additional strength bonuses and additional enemies. Weakening ...

However, in order to avoid the fragmentation of the entire plane into the world of Qiankun and the face of the abyss, human beings and Warcraft supernatural belong to the power of the "borrowing" original world and will not be fully refined, so they cannot leave the paradise or ice field, otherwise "borrowing" Lapse, only leave when decided to go to the world of Qiankun.

However, the approach of humans and Warcraft is worth learning ...

Therefore, this time traveling to the world of Naruto, Guan Liyuan's willingness to reform the Ninja world is also stronger!

If Guan Liyuan can get the support of the vast majority of the Ninja, it will be easier to refine the power of the original world corresponding to the "Ninja" ... r

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