Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 825: Guan Liyuan: Not only I forgot, right?

After the incident on the northern ice field was over, Xiao Hei wanted to find Dingchun and meet them, but Guan Liyuan stopped her ...

Because when they return to Yunji City, they will immediately enter the "Naruto world". Of course, they will also "go home" in Dingchun, and now it is better to go to the Naruto world together.

However, this time Guan Liyuan did not plan to use the forum currency to shape the incarnation of Xiao Hei. Instead, he promised that she would summon her in the world of Naruto-that is, the same as summoning Pokémon in the world of Naruto.

It is equivalent to the immortal Chakra who consumed Guan Liyuan, and shaped the incarnation for Xiao Hei ...

In contrast, the avatar modeled by Forum Coin, although it has the best potential, is equivalent to "washing and re-training". Instead, it directly summons Xiao Hei, which can maintain her avatar in the Naruto world and also has some combat power.

The chakra system of the Naruto world is not very helpful to Xiao Hei, there is no need to experience the growth process specifically, and it will also consume forum coins ...

As for a little consumption ... It's nothing to Guan Liyuan of the Naruto world, and Guan Liyuan can pass this consumption to the Nine Lamas who almost represent the infinite Chakra in the Naruto world!

After knowing that the energy of "Dingchun" can be used to shape the avatar, Xiaohei didn't know what he thought of, and agreed in one sip.

After returning to Yunji City, Guan Liyuan first reported peace with Zhong Liqiu and Wei Yingying, who had been worried.

After the alliance's crisis was lifted, there were also activities that needed Guan Liyuan's cooperation to clarify the correctness of the alliance's resolutions, and also renamed Guan Liyuan.

Busily for half a month without leaving Yunji City, Zhong Liqiu and Jiang Ruonan set off for a week with the tail beast team one week after Guan Liyuan returned. Xiao Hei also took the opportunity to leave together. Guan Liyuan did not expect them to work so hard at first ...

Although Dingchun, which has reached the lord level, is stronger than Zhong Liqiu and Jiang Ruonan, at least two women are not weaker than other commander-level tail beasts.

Before, I was to adapt to the real field experience, so I didn't go with the tail monster team, but this time ... It is equivalent to Zhong Liqiu and Jiang Ruonan, joined the tail monster team, and went directly to the wild mountain area to experience!

The tail beasts did not make the experience safer. Instead, in order to adapt to the difficulty of the tail beasts, for Zhong Liqiu and Jiang Ruonan, they had to "cross-level" into the wild mountain area.

We must know that with the strength of the tail monster team, the casualties in the "Wild Ridge District" are very high, but they will not really "dead" and can be summoned again.

The "Meteorite" kept by Dingchun can be used as a summoning coordinate-that is, the tail beast that is re-summoned appears directly at the place where the meteorite is located, so the tail monster team can ignore the casualty rate.

Guan Liyuan's opinion did not agree with such a risk, but Zhong Liqiu and Jiang Ruonan clearly did not want Guan Liyuan to "slide away" to throw them away, and therefore directly rejected Guan Liyuan's "disagree".

For this reason Guan Liyuan had to hand over the "Meteor" to Zhong Liqiu for safekeeping ...

In this way, if something unexpected happens, Guan Liyuan can support by summoning Pokémon.

In addition, Zhong Liqiu and Jiang Ruonan have also been instructed. He will summon the tail beast to him for a few hours after half a month. At that time, they need to enter the "stronghold" in advance to avoid leaving them only in the wild.

at last……

By the time the world of Naruto could enter again, Guan Liyuan had also confirmed to Dingchun that Zhong Liqiu and Jiang Ruonan had entered an alliance stronghold at the junction of the wilderness and Yeling region.

Later Dingchun greeted Zhongli Qiu and Jiang Ruonan, and all the tail beasts "disappeared."

Zhong Liqiu and Jiang Ruonan just thought that Guan Liyuan had something important, but they didn't know that Guan Liyuan and the tail beasts had already come to the world of Naruto!

When Guan Liyuan came to the world of Naruto this time, he not only had the goal of cultivation-that is, clearing the obstacles for the "pinnacle of the foundation" of the Naruto profession.

And there is also a goal set for the future refining of the origin world-complete the Ninja Reform!

Judging from the origin of Teruyuki and the theatrical version of "THE & LAST", the Naruto world is not only a map of the Ninja world, but at least this time, it is necessary to prepare for the refining of the original world power of Ninja World ... ...

If Guan Liyuan can successfully refine the Ninja Realm, the potential alien invasion crisis of the "Ninja Realm" can also be lifted.

By then, it would be useless if Hui Yeji's fellow villagers had her strength, and 70,000 Ye Yeji would be able to "biu" one by one.

Of course, there is still a long way to go. If you want to refine the power of the original world of each world, one of the most important prerequisites is that Guan Liyuan must become an extraordinary existence!

For Guan Liyuan, even if he successfully reached the peak of the foundation this time, there will still be the light environment, the field environment, and the world environment. These three heavens are waiting for Guan Liyuan.

Not to mention there is the most difficult world peak to the level of extraordinary existence ...

The three realms of halo, realm, and world are only the light environment that breaks through the realm of the realm, which is relatively easy.

That's why Miss Mo insisted on breaking through the realm of the higher ranks, not "raising" in the realm of the ranks to gain the opportunity to gain inspirational skills.

Of course, the so-called simplicity is only "relative". The league does not know how many super-professionals are stuck in the light environment. Such a "wave" development plan is only suitable for "monsters" like Miss Mo.

Even if Guan Liyuan now leans on the forum, he just wants to copy Miss Mo's development plan and reach the peak of the foundation to break through the high-end. At the high-end, he will use the halo skills that will appear to quickly and truly reach the light environment. Realm, and break through the super order ...

In this case, if you are lucky, you will be equivalent to having a ticket to the world.

After that, the hardest achievements are extraordinary!

For the existence of the world of Qiankun World, there is actually another way, that is, at the peak of the world, you can try to forcibly absorb the power of the ordinary world on loan, which is to break through the "pseudo-transcendent"-blood 狰It is this kind of doctrine.

However, at the standard level, there is no power of the ordinary world to absorb, and such a breakthrough pseudo-transcendent cannot refine the power of the original world.

In the great world, most of the existences above the world level are "pseudo-extraordinary", and there is very little power that can refine the original world.

Like the Demon King ... In fact, there are many demon gods who are willing to seal a piece of territory to this excellent new demon king, but the demon king is not willing to be restricted by this.

In accordance with the rules of Qiankun World, the enclosed territories ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ not only can you only get 30 to 70% of the power of the original world, but also after you lay down other territories, you will also have some of the power of the original world. Will be turned in.

Therefore, the dreaded demon king chooses to play the idea of ​​playing land. Once he succeeds, he can have an independent territory. After all, the demon king is also an abyss demon king. Even if the plane fragments are integrated into the world of Qiankun, as long as they show their due strength, they do n’t Too worried about being targeted.

Humans and Warcraft in the plane will be informed of this "truth" after reaching the peak of the world. Before the end of their life, they can bet once and try to bypass the abyss and enter other places in the world of Qiankun. surface.

If you succeed, you can try to break through the pseudo-transcendent, but it is difficult to return after leaving, so the speaker of the church does not know how much success.

After Guan Liyuan came to the world of Naruto, he first called Tsunade ...

Guan Liyuan vaguely remembered that before leaving last time, the Kingdom of Thunder had declared war on the Northern Alliance, but the main world had been here for a year, and Guan Liyuan, who was running around in various worlds, had passed for several years. The specific situation was a little confused.

"Ha? What are you asking now? Wasn't the military meeting just held a few hours ago?" Tsunade secretly used several methods to test whether Guan Liyuan in front of him was a fake!

"This ... I don't remember a little sleep ..." Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

Tsunade is already the best candidate he has thought of. His status is too low and he doesn't know the whole situation. If he is called Dashemaru and Beiliu, they are now expected to shake their confidence. Seeing that they will fight against the kingdom of thunder, The country of the land is also staring at it, and the Speaker of the Federal Assembly sleeps and forgets the situation of the war? This is still a hair!

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