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Vol 2 Chapter 826: 3 enemies

"... just like the last time you were dominated by the dark side of Ninja Soul, I woke you up!"

Guan Liyuan finally had to excuse himself that his Chakra had a problem, and he was affected by his "illusion", so he felt a long time.

Previously, Tsunade was controlled by the black tail of the center of the city of the sky left by the three generations of Ninja Sect, and the black tail was controlled. At that time, Tsunade entered the infinite dream cycle, but Guan Liyuan gave a lot of life. Only wake her up through soul communication.

At that time, the "dream state" was that in a short period of time, Tsunade felt that he had been dreaming for a long time, so Guan Liyuan gave an example to dispel Tsunade's doubts ...

Tsunade naturally knew that Guan Liyuan's illusions were enough to sneak into his illusionary dream when he was unconscious.

And Guan Liyuan also said that "dream experience"-that should only be known by Tsunade and Guan Liyuan ... this is why I believe Guan Liyuan's statement.

Guan Liyuan also took it for granted, because in the "dream", he had interfered with almost every inch of Tsuna's life before leaving Kobe, so it was too easy to imagine Tsuna!

After all, Tsunade is not Naruto. As a mature ninja, how can the defense be worse if he even reaches the top of Naruto in the original work?

If Guan Liyuan had not proven himself just now, Tsunade would definitely insist that he was a fake ...

"Although you know that you are under a lot of pressure now, but ... try not to practice those dangerous techniques, but fortunately, your memory is a bit fuzzy. If you have amnesia now, the situation is even worse!" Tsunade could not help complaining.

Obviously he has accepted Guan Liyuan's "going into flames" and hit his own illusion setting.

But suddenly Tsunade seemed to think of something, and asked a little suspiciously: "Why don't you have a vague memory of things about me?"

Guan Liyuan explained in detail the various details of his intervention in Tsunade's "Life in a Dream", which is why Tsunade has such doubts.

"Of course I won't forget about your affairs ... Hey! What are you doing? Don't buckle the table ... the wood chips have fallen!"

Guan Liyuan looked at Tsunade in doubt, not knowing why he was suddenly a little shy, and his eyes were slightly confused. After that, the expression on his face remained unchanged, but he felt a sense of intentional control.

More obviously, while Tsunade talked, he began to use his fingers to clasp the table in front of Guan Liyuan, and unconsciously lowered his foot with one foot ... Then there was a small pit on the table and on the ground!

"Really! I hope you can remember some more useful!" Tsunade said, taking the previous meeting record in front of Guan Liyuan, and then turned away.

Guan Liyuan was confused ... what? Women are unreasonable, no matter how old!

As for Tsunade's dream life, Guan Liyuan did not forget ... How many times did Guan Liyuan repeatedly try his life before he finally passed the customs? Repeated memories, of course, will not forget!

At the same time, Guan Liyuan also looked at the minutes of the meeting-look, it was still the elite from the elite who was born in the eighth genus Ergi leaves, and when he had the meeting, he knew that he had made a record, and it was right to ask her to ask.

On the side of the Naruto world, Guan Liyuan also spent a lot of thoughts. Before that, his memory was a bit vague. Now, when I look at the minutes of the meeting, I think of it.

After the last departure, the Northern Alliance has been completely reorganized into a "renewal of the federation", and the internal reorganization has been basically completed. Once the mode of coexistence of the ninja village and the state has been changed, the ninjas in the federation all exist as federal violence agencies-already similar to Guan Liyuan The normal country in the impression, not the task mode in which the bandits had to spend money to hire.

In addition, the National Chakra Project has been implemented for several months, and the high-yield crops researched by Dashe Wan have been planted to ensure that when ordinary people practice Chakra, the larger appetite can be met ...

However, at this time, because of the "National Chakra Project" and the prohibition of other ninja villages from entering the country without authorization, many major countries have shown hostility towards the renewal of the Federation.

Of course, the most important reason is that after the renewal of the Commonwealth's dominance of the northern nations, the population and area are not less than the five largest countries, especially the half of the water country not long ago, under the leadership of the no-kill, the announcement to join the renewal of the federation led to various The vigilance of the great powers.

Yunyin Village of Leizhiguo and Yanyin Village of Tuzhiguo intentionally provoked and still dispatched ninjas to renew federal territory and perform violent tasks, so Guan Liyuan ordered direct execution ...

Earth Shadow and Lei Ying are also startled. They did send someone to update the Federation on purpose. If the update of the Federation is encouraged, the previously announced regulations will become a decoration. If there is a conflict, they can use the excuse to start a war.

However, Guan Liyuan was never expected to be so fierce and killed the ninja who had performed violent missions across the border. He also claimed that the two great powers would give him an explanation!

To this end, Lei Zhiguo immediately declared war against the renewal of the Federation—the toughness of Lei Ying, making Lei Zhiguo the most affected country in the five largest countries.

In addition, the native country in the west started to play Tai Chi at this time. Obviously, it is necessary to pay attention to the fighting situation between the two sides. If the updated federation is defeated by the kingdom of thunder, the native country will immediately take advantage of it.

(For details, please refer to Chapters 301 and 302. Those two chapters are almost a half-year history of abbreviations before the last departure. I won't go into details here.)

In other words, the renewal of the federation at this time requires at least two divisions, the east road must directly engage with Yunyin Village, and the west road must also deter the defense forces at Yanyin Village.

To the outside world, the renewal of the federation is just an ordinary population and area, reaching the level of the five major powers, but in reality, the number of ninjas and high-level combat power is not comparable to the five hidden villages.

Although most of the original water country in the southeast has joined the renewal federation, the old school of the water country has been restored on the western islands, and there is obviously a shadow of the Muye group Tibetan ...

Last month, due to the sudden outbreak of the Xiao organization in the country of rain, Koba suffered a lot of damage in the country of rain, and it also frustrated a group of films led by Yu Zhibo Itachi.

Now the more and more fledgling Tsang-Zang faction is very optimistic about the opportunity to restore this country that cultivates water and Wuyin Village.

Therefore, the renewal of the "Southeast Division" of the Confederacy, and now it has to keep up with the old forces of the water country, and the wood leaf group Tibetan party behind it, and has not spared much support to the northern headquarters.

Even the North Headquarters, be careful of the grassland in the southwest ...

Although compared to the five major powers and the renewed federation, the country of grass is not ranked at all, but the country of grass is not a small country.

In particular, after losing to the Taketori family, the grassland nation ’s reformers came to the fore. For the renewal of the federation, the grassland nation has been following up, but it is even more extreme. Unlike the renewal of the federation, it guides the people to spontaneously cultivate and then recruits the outstanding ones. The country of grass is directly planning the economy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even when the leaves of wood are not available, he has made contact with the grass-covered village overseas ...

Kuo Zhiguo's current sweep of fatigue and determination is the result of imitating and following up on the renewal of the federation, but Kuo no Kuni is absolutely grateful for the renewal of the federation.

After all, the bamboo-taken family that Guan Liyuan started from, once used the power of the family to beat the grassy village, and now the country of grass is always ready to bite and update the federation ...

"Not so long ago" updated the combat plan just formulated by the Federation, that is, Guan Liyuan personally led the team, brought the tail beast and the "humanoid column force 1.6 debug version", and part of the conventional ninja troops eastward to meet the country of thunder, Yunyin Village.

Chongwu and Beiliuhu led the team, carrying most of the battle-type battle machinery to defend the land of the country of the hidden village.

The Dashemaru of the research department is carrying a "secret army", and is planning to use the country of grass to test the "new war" method that Guan Liyuan and he have envisioned for a long time ...

According to everyone's expectations, Yunyin Village now only wants to hurt the renewal of the federation, and is not ready to start a full-scale war-after all, both sides have a giant wood leaf as neighbors.

In the case where Koba is not completely in the game, both sides will refrain from directing the battle in the direction of the "fourth Ninja World".

Of course, according to Lei Ying's current meaning, any renewal of the federation is nothing more than a confluence of people. It doesn't take much effort to break it down directly ... Without suppressing Lei Ying's flames, he is really inflated.

At that time, as long as the Dashemaru side has a quick decision, Guan Liyuan will hold on to the east and fight for a few wins. Waiting for the report of the country of grass to spread will naturally deter the Thunder Country Yunyin Village from fighting.

As for the country of grass ... Guan Liyuan started from the matter of fragrant phosphorus, depending on their discomfort, and now dare to stretch his neck, of course, they must be fulfilled!

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