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Vol 2 Chapter 827: Land of Thunder

"Big speaker, the position of Yunyin Village is in front. You have stopped contacting three days ago in accordance with your order, and fully retracted the defense at Frost Fortress." Honglian reported to Frost Xue, who had just arrived at the front. The fortress situation.

Frost Fortress—The eastern fortress of the Frost Kingdom. The Frost Kingdom was once the neighbor of the Kingdom of Thunder on the west side. When it was merged into the Northern Alliance, the eastern fortress has been refurbished. Frost and Snow Fortress confronting the border of Thunderland!

Honglian, the former owner of Jingxu Blood, who was under Oshimaru, was responsible for commanding the eastern front ...

Honglian not only reaches the level of elites tolerant in terms of strength, but also in other comprehensive qualities, it is also the best choice. Even in the five hidden villages, such talents are very rare.

"Do you seem to be dissatisfied that we give up the contact war?" Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

Before going to Snow Country, Guan Liyuan had worked with Hong Lian, and naturally she could hear her complaints.

"It's not 'we', you gave up the contact war." Honglian bowed her head and half-knelt in front of Guan Liyuan, looking very respectful, but she was not polite at all.

Although the renewal of the federation's half-knee order has long been inauthentic, it is impossible to change this habit.

"Our and Yunyin villages have too much difference in strength, and contact warfare will only lose viable power. It is better to directly prepare for the final battle." Guan Liyuan said.

"There is too much difference in strength, so can the battle be won?" Honglian obviously did not agree with Guan Liyuan.

Naruto wars in the Naruto world have already taken shape during World War I, and completely formed during World War II, that is, a small unit of three to six people first fought each other between the warring areas, and the maximum number of participants Twenty or thirty people.

After one side completely fails in the contact battle, it will stick to the fortress and make the final decisive battle with the other side ...

No matter it is the Third World War or the local wars that appeared in various places after the Second World War, this form is still used. The weaker the party, the more desperately they must desperately have the advantage in contact warfare, and then obtain the trap arrangement right and information advantage.

"Rest assured, I have brought the 'secret weapon' ..."

Honglian remembered more than one hundred mysterious cloak men who came with Guan Liyuan, and there was some doubt in her heart.

But Guan Liyuan added at this time: "These are the guardians of the federation designed by Daemaru and me! All the best new soldiers in the federation are accepting the transformation!"

Speaking of the big snake pill, Honglian stopped talking at once ... Although Guan Liyuan wanted to achieve this effect, he still got some injuries after seeing it--the old snake looked more reliable than me? The body he uses now is still split from me!

"Because of the abandonment of the contact war, our intelligence was almost paralyzed and there were not too many traps." Honglian added.

Just as ordinary army battles, scouts will be sent to each other, and scouts will meet and fight from time to time in the field. In the early days of the Ninja Village War, the squad contact battle was actually an exaggerated scout battle. Abandoning the contact battle is naturally quite equivalent. Yu gave up intelligence.

"I know, in terms of intelligence, I will find a way by myself. After that, the original Ninja of Frost and Snow Fortress will be handed over to you. When the battle begins, I and the" Federal Guardians "will shoot again." Guan Liyuan said.

After being ordered, Honglian turned and left, not seeing the eyelids of Guan Liyuan's eye, always "floating" the picture that should not appear here ...

Guan Liyuan actually summoned many flying Pokémon before entering Frost Fortress, and used vision sharing to detect enemy situations.

Although he was discovered and "killed" a lot, but the general situation of the other side, Guan Liyuan still can grasp.

From the perspective of the strength of Yunyin Village, the renewal of the federation is indeed complete. Although it seems that Lei Ying did not detonate the fourth Ninja War this time, he really wanted to break up the renewal of the federation—in In Lei Ying's mind, be sure to defeat the Update Union before the war spreads!

There is indeed a gap between the strengths of the two sides. If you do not count the hidden power that Guan Liyuan had "tossed" everywhere, the entire renewal of the federation will not be much worse than the country of Thunder, but the number and quality of ninjas are not an order of magnitude.

Just considering the collection of ninjas in various ninja villages in the northern countries, dozens of large and small ... no, to be precise, dozens of small and smaller ninja villages together, that is, nine thousand ninjas .

In Yunyin Village, among the five big ninja villages, the number of ninjas is second only to Muye, and there are 25,000 ninjas, and the number of ninjas and ninjas is particularly comparable to Muye, with more than 300 people. .

In particular, Ninja refers to the ninja who has reached the level of tolerance in some aspects, but has not reached the standard in some aspects. In the team operation, there will be flaws because of the "shortcomings". It is enough to be good at what you are good at, so it can be regarded as formal tolerance ...

The ratio of Konoha's upper ninja, including the special upper ninja, to the total number of ninjas is 100: 1, which is relatively normal in the five hidden villages, but the kingdom of thunder has 80: 1. To a certain extent, Leiying does have "poor soldiers." "The capital, it is no wonder then that Koba directly identified and handed over the body of the sun-fall ...

As for the ratio of the small villages in the northern countries, there are actually 100: 1, but most of them are blown by themselves. After renewing the establishment of the federation, they are re-assessed to qualifications in full accordance with the standards of the five major hidden villages. Multiplayer, 150: 1, most of them are especially forbearable!

This is still the northernmost snow ninja in the mainland, the star ninja that has improved after receiving the treatment plan, and the Zhuto family, three excellent ninja groups, which have raised the "average score", otherwise they will rely on other miscellaneous ninja villages. The proportion will be even worse ...

However, this is only a force on the bright side. For example, in Yinyin Village, only the part that was abandoned by Dashewan was counted. Most of the subordinates in Dashewan ’s secret research institutes were not exposed. From the south Directly riding the "Sky City" and the air tolerance from Tsunade were not exposed.

The most important thing is that after the implementation of the National Chakra Plan, the ninjas who passed the level 4 and 6 exams-some of them were ordinary people before, and some were lower tolerance and middle tolerance, and they were not eye-catching in the war, especially ordinary people ... From the perspective of other countries, even ninjutsu does not, just relying on basic body exercises and meditation of some chakra guys, it is no different from ordinary people!

Only a few people in the Federation know about it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ these neglected forces will be the key to breaking the game ...

On the side of Frost Fortress, the pressure to update the Federation is not small. Before Guan Liyuan rushed to the "Federation Guardian", one of the secret troops, there were already 4,000 federal ninjas under the leadership of Honglian. .

However, the result of Guan Liyuan's investigation just now ... Although it was too late to see who had come from the elite and the elite, but a rough estimate is that at least 8,000 Yunni came from the side of Lei Zhiguo.

Considering the advantages of the ninja qualities, this is enough to defeat all the powers of the updated Federation! Lei Ying's purpose is clear ...

"Brigade, Chongming ... If there is a fight in the future, you will go up first, the rhino and Iso are on standby. If the other party does not send a cow and ghost, Dingchun will try not to appear first." Guan Liyuan notified the tail beasts in advance.

Although there are many hidden powers to update the federation, most of them are on the side of Oshimaru and Tsunade, facing the country of grass. The side of Guan Liyuan is only for dragging. Therefore, only tail beasts and one hundred "federal" can be used. Guardian ", eighteen" mass production-type human column force 1.6 debugging version ".

However, some of these hidden powers will have counter effects outside the battlefield ...

For example, once the "Federal Guardian" is used, it is equivalent to exposing Dashe Wan, and there is a lot of resentment against him; as long as the tail beast appears, the Xiao organization of the country of rain will become a potential enemy; once the Nine Lamas take the shot, the wooden leaves will also blow up pot.

Not to mention the "mass production-type human pillar force", which is a big killer that will cause embarrassment and jealousy in various countries ... If the technology is mature now, of course Guan Liyuan can safely use it and sweep directly across it, but in fact this "1.6 "Debugging version" is not only incomparable with defects, strength, and real human power, but also not many!

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