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Vol 2 Chapter 828: Meet

"Honglian! Ready to meet the enemy immediately, Yunni have collective action!"

On the third day when Guan Liyuan arrived at the Frost and Snow Fortress, he discovered that there was action in Yunyin Village through Bobo and immediately notified Honglian.

It is said that the renewal of the federation now directly gives up the contact war. For Yunyin Village, it can be attacked at night ...

However, the style of Yunyin Village led by Lei Ying this time was relatively strong. Secondly, it really did not take the renewal federation into consideration, so it was a direct and vigorous operation during the day.

After all, the combat power from Yunyin Village is based on enough to push the entire federation, and the renewed federation must also guard against the land country in the west, even the fire country in the south and the grass country in the southwest. It is impossible that all ninjas are in the eastern battlefield.

After hearing the warning from Guan Liyuan, Hong Lian was ready to face the battle, but her heart was somewhat aggrieved-not only did she give up the contact war in the eastern battlefield, but she also went up to the war machine, to suffering, shuriken, and detonation sign. Not much!

The strength gap is not small. How can we fight this? Although Honglian insisted on the task, she didn't think there was any chance of winning.

Guan Liyuan didn't explain much ... Honglian's level of knowledge is not enough. Of course, I don't know that most of the battle array equipment at this time are in the southwest battlefield.

"The eastern fortress of the Frost Kingdom was so high? It looks so troublesome ..." In the team of Yunyin Village, a young man with dark hair blocked his half face and muttered.

"Darui, please be careful ... The four generations of Lord Leiying have ordered us to resolve any federation within half a month, and the first fortress ... target three days!" Youmu serious Said.

"It's best to end today so that you can take a two-day break ..."

"No, you can't rest today!"

"Ah, it's boring ..." Darui was lazy.

Yumu and Guan Liyuan can also be regarded as "knowing". When Yunyin Village intervened in the Northern Alliance's united war, she led a team with Muye's Hyuga group and attacked the eastern battlefield of Taketoru led the team. ——Because the family of Hyuga wants to study the body of taking bamboos to take empty.

However, Guan Liyuan arrived in time, and only the Trojans and Yuki were fleeing.

In addition to the fact that Magnetic Trojan Ninja Troy had a trick that was good at breaking away from the battlefield, it was also related to Guan Liyuan ’s intentional indulgence, because Guan Liyuan took the opportunity to conquer Erwei and Brigade.

Although the relationship between Erwei and Youmu was not in harmony with each other, not even reconciliation, but because Yumu was at least trying to communicate with Youyou, this was different from the column forces of Erwei in the past. Ask Guan Liyuan to let her go ...

Guan Liyuan left her with an empty shell. Yuren didn't know that Brigade had been "pumped out" in disguise at first, but only found out that Brigade slept again. In fact, it was easier for her to control Chakra, but I don't know if Guan Liyuan is waiting to give her a "surprise"!

At that time, there were different concerns. Guan Liyuan and the Hyuga tribe, no one dared to let the official know about it, but in order to avenge the Sun Xiang and the Yunyin village, Guan Liyuan also went to the Yunyin village to assassinate the Tudai and recaptured the Hyuga Poor white-eyed eyes, and after a trip to Ning Ci, there will be a greater "surprise" waiting for the Hyuga family.

When assassinating the Tudai and capturing the white-eyes, Guan Liyuan first gave out Jifu in Yunyin Village, and then Jifu made himself help and detachment, Guan Liyuan psychede out and traveled, and Yulu was released immediately. The "empty shell" of the human body.

Until now, Yunyin Village could not be sure that Guan Liyuan was related to this incident. Only the Muren faintly doubted-because the brigade "sleeped" after confronting Guan Liyuan, and was later rescued by the seal.

"Well, isn't this a wooden man? It's been a long time, Troy? You fled so fast last time, did you lose anything?" Guan Liyuan said mockingly at the fortress.

"Advisor Guan ... No, now you should be called the Lord Speaker. You renewed the Commonwealth and killed my ninja in Yunyin Village twice. This time, I am ordered by Thunder Shadow. Please go to Yunyin Village if you refuse ... ... "

Before Yumu had finished, Guan Liyuan interrupted: "Of course I won't refuse it! Sooner or later I will go to Yunyin Village. By then, it should be to discuss the details of the integration of the Kingdom of Thunder into the renewal of the Federation."

"Oh, the speaker is still so humorous ..." Yuki said, the two-tailed Chakra in his body erupted, forming a translucent, dark blue and black tail coat with two tails behind him!

That's right, although Yumu's Brigade has been stripped off, but can still use some of the tail beasts Chakra, just like the golden horns and silver horns of the year, but only swallowed some of the nine tail chakras in the stomach of the nine tails. Use the tail beast coat ... the assimilation effect of the tail beast Chakra is left.

In the original work, the wooden man was directly killed after being forcibly drawn from the tail beast, but when the dirt is reincarnated, it can be seen that it can still use the two-tailed chakra.

In contrast, Guan Liyuan's "extraction" essentially forms a new body for the tail beast from the outside world, leaving only the "empty shell" in the body of the pillar, which does not need to destroy the seal, so it will not cause human death.

"Three and four teams are preparing for collective ninjutsu. The first and second teams are attacking with me. The other units listen to Troy's command!" Said Yuki, who was wearing a tail coat.

Although you lost the tail beast, for Yuki who could not completely control and travel, she can keep her consciousness and use the tail beast coat. In addition to her own strength, there is not much decline in strength, just lack of outbreak. But it is more controllable-the special Chakra of Erwei belongs to the "Yan" of the fusion of fire and thunder, and the nature of Chakra by the wooden man itself is fire and thunder!

The surrounding Yun Ren worshiped and watched Yumu ... a controllable dummy Zhuli ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is more popular than the genuine human Zhuli who will lose control at any time!

Just smiled about Li Yuan's disdain.

"Honglian, you command everyone to use collective ninjutsu defense, don't let them destroy the Frost and Snow Fortress too quickly, and leave the rest to me." Guan Liyuan ordered to Honglian.

After that, Guan Liyuan jumped out of the fortress directly, and his body flickered away from all the ninjutsu released to himself-the bulky collective ninjutsu, how could he keep up with Guan Liyuan's speed.

"Don't mess, you continue to attack the fortress, he handed it to me!" Yumu quickly shouted.

Guan Liyuan greeted the Yumu who turned into the outer beast's coat, ignoring the other person's eyes, and was about to come to himself. The silent seal was completed one second before the Muren was about to attack himself, and his palm was pressed to the ground: Art! "

The psychic art is not unusual in Shangren. Although the contracted psychics of the three immortal lands are not easy to qualify, it is relatively easy to raise ninja beasts or to contract some of the ninja races of the little immortal lands.

However, Guan Liyuan's psychic skills still startled everyone-because the summoning spell that appeared on the ground was too big!

One of the mantras appeared in front of Guan Liyuan, at the feet of a wooden man, and the other appeared directly under the square array of a collective ninjutsu team in Yunyin Village ...

It seemed that he felt the hidden power, and Darui hurriedly shouted, "Six teams, dodge!"

However, it was too late. I saw two huge figures appearing under the frost and snow fortress under the explosion of smoke caused by space friction!

Yumu still had time to jump backwards, and the six teams were directly hit by the collective ...

One of them made Yumu and Yunren familiar ... and despair!

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