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Vol 2 Chapter 829: Federal guardian

"Again, again?" Yuki, who jumped back to avoid the attack, showed an unbelievable look.

That's right, it appeared in front of Yumu people that it was exactly half a year ago that Erwei, who was "rescue away by Ji", ran again.

Although Lu Lu said, he and Yu Muren are not familiar with each other, it was enough to let her go last time. As for attacking Yun Ren ... Lu Lu is happy again! After all, it has been sealed for so many years by one session, not to mention how much resentment it has.

But how did Guan Liyuan know if he was proud or not? A wooden man, Guan Liyuan hasn't put it in his eyes, he can just let you travel to solve it by himself. To kill and look at himself, the only requirement ... must be resolved within three minutes to ensure that the wooden man is out of the battlefield!

What Yumu had suspected before and that the brigade was related to Guan Liyuan, but did not expect that the brigade would be "psychic" by Guan Liyuan.

Controlling the tail beast? Isn't this what the two monsters of Koba could do?

Quickly Yumu looked at another psychic target ... not the three-tailed giant turtle she imagined, but the seven-tailed one with three pairs of wings and a long tail!

[Is he in control of more than two tail beasts, but Isobu? Or is it ... it was only a coincidence that Brigade was rescued after being rescued by Mio? 】 Yu Muren was surprised.

Guan Liyuan was also incomplete, because he was able to injure the tail beast, so he did not put "Iso Fu" in the first batch.

As for the seven-tailed celebrity ... originally, Qiu Ren village had the Qiwei pillar power. Qiu Ren village had "joined" during the Northern League period. The renewal of the Federation has the Qiwei pillar power, which is a fighting force on the Ming side. Yunyin village has also considered To this point.

As for the seven tails, Yun Ren most doubted why he appeared directly as a tail beast. Where did the human pillar force go?

As soon as Chongming appeared, he flew up and overturned a squad of dozens of people. At this time, the surrounding squads either avoided or defended themselves, and a lot of them aimed at Chongming. For the goal of joint jutsu ...

But at this moment, I saw ... Chong Ming vomited!

It is said that the acidic water is spit by a mouth. It should be Jifu. Chongming is good at phobia. However, when he spits the acidic water, he is extremely "magnificent". When flying in the air, his body is throwing I can't wait to spit it all over.


"Second team ... Water Margins and Barry Water Front!"

"Fourth team ... Tudi Baili turbulent wall!"

"Seal class keep up! Seal iron wall!"

"East ... East team, immediately dilute it with irrigation ..."

"Report, east ... the east team has never been irrelevant to the water and will not be irrigated!"

Yun Ren's various teams immediately used joint ninja to cooperate with the defense, and even made errors in the command.

However, they immediately discovered that it was not necessary at all, because the liquid that Chongming spit out was not corrosive, but ... there were some people in the cloak jumping out!

That's right, this is the new tactic developed by Guan Liyuan. First let the tail beast swallow some ninjas and hide them in the stomach. Then use the nature of psychic skills to complete the space transfer. The "Gift of Heaven" that can't bear it is much smarter.

For example now ... numerous "Guardians of the Federation" have used this to break into enemy lines.

"Be careful! It's the enemy!"

"No, defensive jutsu is useless to them ..."

"Quick, use attack ninja instead."


If you started using attack ninjutsu, it might not be so smooth, but now ... what's the use of earth wall? After the Guardian of the Federation falls on it, just two more steps to jump down!

A total of 108 "Federal Guardians" directly "faced" them in front of Yun Ren, and they could not use joint ninja to fight back, otherwise they were not chaotic enough to enter the melee phase.

"Don't mess up, don't mess up! Few of them ... the Squadron immediately goes up!"

"Sorrowless! Three people besieged one, quickly destroyed!"

However, Yunni quickly found out that there was a "monster" under the cloak ...

Some people can still see some people's looks just after removing the cape, but they are much more burly than normal people, and there are many black curses on the skin exposed on the outside!

But in a blink of an eye, the cursed people who took off their cloaks all turned into "monsters"-yes, it was cursed prints!

The renewal federation fought with the kingdom of thunder. Of course, there are many spies from other forces watching, and the renewal federation and Yunyin village also know, but there is no intention to stop it.

Yun Ninjas only thought it was a monster for a while, but ... A ninja hiding in a distant bush with all his pupils white and a wooden leaf guard was startled!

This kind of "monster" ... seems to have appeared when Da snake pills assassinate three generations of Naruto!

[Don't ...] Hyuga's perception of the ninja, his heart beats.

However, he still remembers the task of sensing the ninja. He didn't need to decide what he wanted. He just passed the message back truthfully and quickly.

These "monsters" in Yun Ren directly start hand-to-hand fighting. It seems that there is no ninjutsu. The means are much simpler and rougher. The most trick is to stretch out and squeeze out from the taupe body. The "tracheal" organ was then sprayed with Chakra as a boost.

They are infinitely powerful and incompetent, and even weaker jutsu, they don't bother to hide ...

If someone who is familiar with the original "Spell Seal Experiment" of Dashemaru is present, it can be seen that in addition to being stronger than the original "Experiment", there is another biggest difference between these "Guardians of the Federation" and that is the form Stable and emotionally stable!

Unlike the experimental subjects, after being completely cursed, they will lose their senses in various degrees and look strange, with six arms, seven legs, and three heads ...

At this time, the "Federal Guardians" on the battlefield showed no signs of losing control, and although they did not look like humans, they all looked the same-if they had seen the cursed seal ancestor Zhongwu, they could be seen They look very similar to Chongwu's curse!

That's right, the "Guardian of the Federation" is an improved version of Omomaru's mantra test.

Guan Liyuan played a big role in promoting it. For example, all "Federal Guardians" inserted a phalanx of Guan Liyuan into the pituitary gland, limiting them to the edge of out of control, just like Guan Liyuan's insurance for Chongwu.

In addition ... the biggest secret of their strength is that they are not just representing themselves!

Ordinary cursive test subjects, if limited to the range of "emotional cannot be out of control", will not be too strong, or even completely cursed, and their ability to bear is limited.

However, after the exchange between Guan Liyuan and Dashe Wan, he took advantage of the adaptability of Chongwu's cells, transplanted them directly, and concentrated the cells of many people's curse on one person ...

All the original cursed imprints, whether they were failures or semi-finished products, except for the 108 people, the rest of Chengdu returned to normal ... 20% died on the spot.

These 108 people were selected after re-evaluation. The selection basis was not related to their strength. They all voluntarily continued to fight as "monsters." Some were loyal to Dashe Wan, some were for strength, and some were really for the federation ... … The federal slogan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is still very easy to incite passionate youth.

However, most of the other experimental subjects are more willing to return to normal ... even if they know that after being drawn, they may die, and even if they succeed, they will be greatly injured and may even be disabled.

However, the 108 people who achieved this result, regardless of their original intentions, were all named by Guan Liyuan as the "Guardian of the Federation"!

Da She Wan is actually very satisfied with these batches of curse prints, and even thinks that this can be regarded as a finished product, which is higher and simpler than the "mass production force", but the growth limit is slightly lower ...

However, under the insistence of Guan Liyuan, he did not continue to create more mantras, and the original materials have also been destroyed.

Looking at the 108 "Federal Guardians", Guan Liyuan sighed ... Although they are stronger and easier to "manufacture" than "mass production force", Guan Liyuan has not been mad!

"Mass production human column strength" is just to transform the Chakra meridian. In the core of Chakra, seal the empty shell of a tail beast, and match it with a pair of battle armor. After taking off the armor, it is just like normal people. Imprinting is a real monster.

Their body structure is completely different from normal, and it is not like the natural curse of Chongwu. When it returns to normal form ... unless it has been brainwashing, it is not voluntary!

As for Dashe Wan ... his research is more for interest and self-proven. Since the mantra experiment has been completed, he doesn't care if he uses it later.

"It is enough for the" Guardian of the Federation "to have 108 people. When the Federation was established, it was declared that every member should be guarded. Others always sacrifice themselves to guard, not like a word ..." Guan Liyuan muttered secretly. .

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