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Vol 2 Chapter 830: Poisoned Ninjutsu

One hundred and eight guardians, compared to thousands of Yun Ren, are only a small part.

But be aware that this 108 guardians can at least show their strengths in physical skills, and because they use "natural energy" to fight, the endurance is much stronger than the general tolerance, and the defense after the spell is printed Power is stronger than usual ...

Renewing the Confederate's hole card, just revealed a card, it frightened Yun Ren!

One hundred and eight athletes are especially forbearance ... This is almost 30% of the total forbearance and forbearance in Yunyin Village. According to Yunyin Village's prediction, the total number of forbearances in the updated federation has not reached 100.

In Yunyin Village, there were only 124 ninja crusade troops, of which there were only 124.

Moreover, this is the first battle. Yumu and Dalui also only took 5,000 clouds to endure the attack—normally, this number is superior to the federal ninjas in the fortress, regardless of quantity and quality.

Although the physical skills are particularly tolerant, the weakness is obvious, that is, the superiority can only be exerted after close combat, but now ... the updated federation has completed close combat!

And compared with ordinary physical skills, the "Guardian of the Federation" is even more difficult.

Suddenly faced by two tail beasts and more than a hundred body arts, Yun Ren's feet also chaotically ...

In less than three minutes, Yumu was taken off by another claw!

Her coat of tail-tailed beasts is particularly effective for other ninjas because of the nature of Yanchachakra, but for the brigade, it is nothing.

And Darui barely caught Chongming at this moment ...

Darui not only possesses the blood sacrifice limit of the scorpion and the thunder, but also masters the mutated black thunder, which is outstanding in both attack and ninjutsu control.

Chongming was originally weak in the tail beast. Although there are seven tails, because he is good at illusion, and other tail beasts are generally very immune to illusion, so it is the opposite of a tail guard crane ...

Shou He was born in the tail beast, but with the development of magnetic maggots and physical strength, the strength can be ranked in the middle reaches, or even in the middle, but before the seven tails re-emerged, it was almost bottom!

However, Chongming's "technical flow" development path began to show advantages after the tail beasts began to understand the "meteor star". Of the five tail beasts in the Guan Liyuan contract, they are only weaker than the nine lamas ...

Darui's so-called barely "entangling" was the instruction that Chong Ming could not directly attack other Yun Ren, but it could not affect the large-scale release of Phantasmal Phosphor Powder, and even if Chong Ming was in the tail beast, it was the weakest melee combat. Darui didn't dare to be tough and had to fight.

When the red lotus on the fortress caught sight, he immediately organized the federal ninja to use offensive joint ninja to fight back. For a time, Yun Ren could not put pressure on the fortress. If he wanted to passively defend, the "federal guardians" did not give it a chance.

"Kill the Ashbones and the Dance of Hayao!"

At this moment, Guan Liyuan saw the immortal Chakra burst out, and the sharp corners on his forehead were faintly longer. At the same time, countless gray bone spurs and bone forests emerged from the underground in the battlefield ...

In Yun Ren, the screams suddenly started, some of them were too late to escape, and they were directly worn by the "tips" hanging on the bone forest. The most infiltrating thing was that they were just a half-dead hanging on the floor and hissed ... ... and their bodies are slowly turning into pieces and disappearing!

And the guardians of the federation, at this time, can even fold down the gray "bone" of the surrounding bone forest and use it as a weapon to fight ...

In addition to Guan Liyuan's intentional control and no intentional harm to the "Federal Guardian", it is also because they use natural energy, so they will not be eroded by the forces unique to the joint killing ashes.

As for the power of Chakra, there is no resistance at all in killing the ashes ...

In the world of Naruto, "Killing the Grey Bone" should be regarded as a direct advanced blood follower of the corpse bones, which was originally owned only by Hui Yeji.

Because it has the ability to directly harm the soul, Chakra, which is completely refined from itself, has a strong restraint. Ordinary chakras are like nothing in front of them, and even the body formed by the rebirth of dirt can completely disintegrate!

Only by mastering the power of "Yin and Yang" can it compete with the destruction of "Burning Grey Bones".

If yin and yang are a creative force out of nothing, then the ability to collectively kill the gray bones and destroy the soul is the power of erasing things from "existence" ...

In the original work, Naruto's yin and yang chanting delays the death of soil from the collapse of the whole body after being hit by the co-killing ashes. If Naruto's yin and yang chanting is stronger, it may be possible to stop or even reverse the effect of collapse.

Although Guan Liyuan is still not able to grasp the existence of Yin Yang Yang with a little touch like Hui Yeji, he can only look at his own power that is slowly dying out. "Killing Grey Bones" can already be regarded as Chuck Clark.

The widespread use of "killing gray bones" ... even if the version is weakened, Guan Liyuan still has a slight headache, but the effect is obviously easy to see.

Instantly reduced Yun Ni's ninja forces by 20%!

No matter how many gray bones are weakened by joint killing, it is not that ordinary Shangren can survive after being directly penetrated ...

Among them, the severely injured ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yun Ren will find that their injuries cannot be treated or healed, and they can only die by looking at the wounds.

As for the ones that did not hurt the vitals, even if they only scratch the skin slightly, the soul will gradually die out. In the world of Naruto, the soul and the body are completely combined. The death of the soul means that the body will gradually collapse.

Unless the wounded area is removed in a timely manner, even just breaking the skin will cause death.

If it is Teriyaki to use it, or even just encounter it, it will collapse in a few seconds ...

Under Guan Li's extensive attack, Yunni's troops did not die on the spot, but the injured ninjas accounted for 30%!

Not to mention the "Federal Guardians", who became more brave after being able to hold a common killing ashes to make weapons ...

Of course, even with the total amount of Chakra and recovery speed of Guan Liyuan, these "joint killing gray bones" will become ordinary bones again within two or three minutes.

At this time, Dalui also knew that there was nothing he could do, and immediately began to organize a retreat, and the other 3,000 left-behind ninjas of the troop had already gone to respond ...

Before the critical moment, Guan Liyuan didn't want to expose the "artificial column force" and Dingchun, so sitting and watching the other side evacuated-the residual effect of killing the gray bones should be enough to make Yun Ren feel afraid!

Unsurprisingly, even Guan Yinyuan, the best warrior in the five hidden villages, did not launch another attack that night, because the medical class of the other party had been sitting on wax ...

Because they didn't understand the nature of "killing gray bones together", even two of them who had hoped to survive and were not seriously injured could only watch their bodies gradually collapse.

And this delay has caused many wounded people to miss the opportunity of strong men to break their wrists!

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