Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 831: Get excited

"Is it too late ..."

"Captain, kill ... kill me!"

"What a poisonous jutsu! Is it ... toxic?"

"The other three are dying ... Damn it!"

At this time, almost all the ninjas in the Yunyin Village's crusade outside the Frost Fortress were sleepless all night.

The horror of Guan Liyuan's "killing the ashes" was presented to the ninjas of Yunyin Village!

If it is in the hands of Hui Yeji, "to kill gray bones together" is, to a certain extent, more terrifying than "seeking Taoyu".

The strength of "Qiu Dao Yu" is that if you do not understand the power of the Six Ways, you will be completely defensive. Any contact with life or objects will be erased directly ...

In contrast, "Joint Killer Bone" can use weapons and items to defend, as long as the body is not harmed, it will not cause the effect of physical collapse.

However, at the same time, when "Qiu Daoyu" hits the target, only the part it touches will be "erased". If it only hits a non-lethal part, it will not cause death and only inhibit regeneration. In addition, Qiu Daoyu has six powers for the same The goal is not significant. It is suitable for mastering the existence of the "Six Forces", and using levels to crush and kill "six ants" ...

For example, Guan Liyuan was embarrassed by Qiu Daoyu when fighting against the dark side of the three generations of Ninja Sects. In the end, Guan Liyuan transplanted the white eyes of the sun and the sun to his palm, and later borrowed the three generations of Ninja from Ziyuan Chakra, the reincarnation of "Capricorn Murray", awakened the "rebirth eye", and thus possessed the ability to resist the "six forces."

After having six strengths, Qiu Daoyu's attack method is actually not high-end ...

But "jointly killing the gray bones" belongs to the means of killing opponents as long as any part of the body is injured, as long as it is not truncated in time, and there is not enough strong Yin and Yang.

If you compare the two, if you have a "six-way power" super strong abuse, it is more convenient to use "seeking jade", if it is a target of the same level, or "kill gray bones" is more reliable!

Guan Liyuan had already taken away the white eyes of the sun-descent ... Fortunately, after a period of time after leaving the body, the "rebirth eye" degenerates back to the white eyes. I believe Ning Ci should not be able to see it.

After that, Guan Liyuan has triggered the true "rebirth eye" because of the universal bloodline given by the forum, but it is too expensive to supply the "rebirth eye" with the immortal chakra ... After all, in the world of Naruto, opening the rebirth eye means entering the "six ways." Power "door!

If Guan Liyuan can master the yin and yang chakras, it is estimated that the "rebirth eye" can be used normally. Forcibly using the immortal chakras to open the rebirth eyes is equivalent to forcibly converting the immortal chakras into "six forces", and the conversion efficiency is extremely low.

Without the help of the reincarnation of Capricorn Murray, Chakra, Guan Liyuan could only persist for a few minutes ...

In contrast, the power level of "killing grey bones together" is lower than the "six strengths" required by "seeking Taoyu" and belongs to the category of "blood following snare".

Although a big wave during the day cleared Guan Liyuan's blue bar, but it also played a significant role.

Even if it is only the joint killing ashes that have weakened to the limit, Yun Ren have left a deep memory ...

When Yumu and Darui originally returned to the troop position, they were still discussing the next strategy, but because of their lack of vigilance, the darkest night began ...

Some Yun Ren, who were just scratched by a few "blood ash bones", had suffered a few bloodstains and could not even be injured, and died because of continued physical collapse!

To know that if you want to use an early truncation method to stop the body from collapsing, you don't just cut the skin at the wound, but you need to cut it over a large area.

If a broken finger is a finger, at least one finger needs to be cut. A broken finger is a finger, and most of the palms must be cut off. If the palm is broken, the elbow must be straightly broken ...

This is still in the limbs and wounded. No one cares about it at first. After a slight breakdown of the body, there is almost no time to treat it. If the medical ninja had the technique of removing most of the wounded internal organs without dying, then Kato would not Will die!

Countless on the battlefield, Yun Ren suffered only minor injuries, but after retreating, was sacrificed outside the battlefield.

"It's okay" because Guan Liyuan used the immortal chakra to use "joint killing gray bones", in fact, he is still downgrading. The power level of the "immortal chakra" and "blood following snare chakra" is still half a level behind.

Therefore, Darui and Yuren discovered that the "blood following limit Chakra", which fuses the two attributes, can weaken the effect of "killing the gray bones together"-it seems that Guan Liyuan's joint killing the gray bones is not due to the insufficient energy level. The "indelible" effect is exerted, and if it persists long enough, it can still disappear.

However, how many blood followers are there in the entire Yunyin Crusade?

Only have time to save some reluctantly enough time to endure ...

There were only a thousand ninjas who died on the battlefield during the day ... but overnight after the war, more than 1,500 people had already died outside the battlefield!

Even Yun Ren, who was too late to "treat", couldn't stand the process of watching his own body and feeling his body slowly collapse, begging his companions to kill them ...

The 8,000-person Yun Ren expeditionary force has not only broken 30% of its staff before breaking through the first pass of the renewal of the federation, and this horrible injury is a devastating blow to morale, even by the wooden men and Daru Yi, did not dare to attack the Frost Fortress the next day ...

The response of Yunyin Village was fairly timely, and in the evening of the next day, the "reinforcement" who had been supporting overnight had arrived ... although there were only four people!

"Master Qi, Kirabi? Is it time for you to call out?" Darui stared at Uncle Sunglasses in shock.

"Oh! Damn Darui, the casualties are so heavy, even the injuries are broken, and the injuries can't be treated. Of course, I need to play!" Kirabi said in a weird pause.

(Rap Dongdong can't make it up ... Anyway, according to the language of Naruto World, this passage is rhyme!)

"But the opponent's operation is very dangerous ..." Darui still looked a little uneasy.

It is true that Darui believes that he is not an opponent of Kiraby, but Kiraby's identity is special. Under normal circumstances, Kirabi will not be on mission unless Master Raider personally takes the lead.

"Relax ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ According to your description, it is sackcloth that found some related records of that dangerous operation. If you are not wrong, Lord Kirabi's power can restrain the opponent's operation." Samui, with short blond hair, said.

That's right, the other three "reinforcements" are the three disciples of Kirabi, the hot and capable "Samui", the pessimistic white-haired male "Omoi", and the long red-haired, grumpy " Carui "...

Although all three were Kirabi students, they were not in the same session. Sam Ibbiomoy and Kalui were more than a dozen years old and are now the backbone of Yunyin Village.

In addition to the inexplicable conclusion that "Kirabi's power can restrain Guan Liyuan", the reinforcements bring another good news ...

"In addition, it has been confirmed that Caoyin Village has figured out the strength of the renewal federation in the east and west battlefields. It is estimated that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it will update the south of the federation by surprise. After that, the old man in Yanyin Village will not be reconciled. Watching. "Sam Yi said coldly.

Darui sighed with relief ... Although this is not the way to win in Yunyin Village, the wooden troops and Dalui previously led the crusade, hoping to independently defeat and update the Federation before the other parties reacted. Yes, but now ... they feel that there is an easier way, too!

At the same time, in the Frost and Snow Fortress, Guan Liyuan also received the message that Da Snake Pill communicated to himself through Pokémon's mind communication ...

"Caoyin Village is already about to move, and found that Yunyin Village and Yanyin Village have tolerated it, is it haunted in Kusano? Is that good? It seems that the new combat troops have a chance to perform! For a moment ... Caoyin Village overseas can also do it at the same time. Since it is a chicken and a monkey, it is necessary to kill it thoroughly ... "

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