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Vol 2 Chapter 832: Blood following snare and yin and yang

"It's almost a little ... Although for professional reasons, I can urge the" kill gray bones ", but because of the immortal chakra, it is worse than the blood following snare, and does not really make the five attributes merge. Therefore, 'common killing gray bones' cannot yet achieve the effect of killing. "

Guan Liyuan looked at a gray-black skeleton with a small forearm in his hand and muttered.

That's right, Guan Liyuan is also studying why the "joint killing of the ashes" has not exerted all its power.

After all, Guan Liyuan's goal this time is to transform the Naruto profession to its peak, so at least the currently known "peak"-Hui Yeji and the Six Immortals are the goals of the effort.

Now no one in the ninja world knows the "six powers" ... maybe the class with soil and waiting for resurrection has some concepts about this, but it can be imagined that they are only half a guess.

But I really felt that Guan Liyuan, the "six-level" Chakra of the three generations of Ninja Sect Capricorni, now has his own unique experience!

It may be slightly different from the description in the original book, but this is what Guan Liyuan actually felt in this world of Naruto ...

The highest level of power Guan Liyuan has experienced so far is the reincarnation of Capricorn Murray Chakra-not its vastness but its superior strength.

That is, "Yin and Yang Chakra", a real six-strength power, the first-generation Ninjo sect, the second-generation Ninjo sect Asura, and the second-generation Ninjo sire and its enemy, Indra, all possess the power.

However, in the "Naruto world", after Guan Liyuan used several times to "kill the gray bones", he found that there should be another kind of power with the same potential as "Yin and Yang", that is, five kinds of chakras of "water and fire thunder and earth" The power of fusion ...

Guan Liyuan believes that this should be a "blood following snare". Otherwise, if it is "blood following elimination", it can only accommodate up to three types of chakras, and one more will only make the fusion more unstable, unless the five major chakras are merged in one breath. To reach a cycle.

Although there is also a saying that the "blood following snare" should be the seven kinds of chakras, that is, including the power of yin and yang, at least according to Guan Liyuan's personal feelings ...

In the original setting book, the evaluation of "blood following snare" is "substantiate Chakra, has reached the realm of God", and the highest achievement of the Six Immortals, in addition to "Ninja", created " "Yin and Yang", the "blood following snare" can contain seven kinds of chakras, and the achievements of the six immortals are too small!

It also means that the "yin and yang" of the six immortals is a bit short of Hui Yeji's "blood following snare" ...

Guan Liyuan has another evidence, that is, the six immortals in the original work, as well as Ashura and Indra ... No one has mastered the "kill the gray bones together."

At the same time, the Huiye family, who has a corpse skeleton, also has very vague origins. Unlike the Mori Sensui family and the Uchiha family, it is clear that the genealogy can be ranked on Asura and Indra, and it can also take advantage of fatalism.

In contrast, the family of Hui Ye from the surname to the vague origins feels like "illegitimate children". Even their relationship with Hui Yeji is guessed from the surname and ability ...

The Six Immortals, asura, and Indra did not have similar abilities, and the corpse veins of the Huiye clan are more like an unexpected "return to the ancestor".

As for the Six Roads, since the "righteousness can be destroyed", it can also be indirectly proved that the "blood following snare" and the "yin and yang" are at the same level of strength. In this way, it is unlikely that the seven attributes are united, but more like five Unity of attributes ...

The six immortals possessed the bloodline of Hui Yeji, and also created the Yin and Yang 遁. Like the blood following snare, the Yin and Yang 遁 can form "seeking Tao jade", but the power such as "kill gray bones together" cannot use Yin and Yang 遁activation.

Therefore, the Six Immortals behave differently from Hui Yeye in many ways ...

Of course, there is also a possibility that Hui Yeji might have had a "blood following snare" of seven attributes, but because of the birth of Yuyi and Yucun, the six ancestors and the white-eye ancestors, her ability has deteriorated. That's why Hui Yeji later wanted to recapture the strength of the two brothers.

However, these original settings are only reference for Guan Liyuan. After all, he can clearly feel that "rebirth eye" and "joint killing gray bones" need two similar levels, but the nature is Not the same force.

As for the burlap clothes of Yunyin Village ... it really looks very learned, and even the blood has been snatched up for such a long-lost thing, and it has found some relevant information!

But unfortunately, the information is obviously wrong. It only records that the "blood following snare" is related to the five types of chakra changes, and it is still a vague introduction about "only the same power can compete with it." It is thought that the eight-tailed human pillar force that has five kinds of chakras at the same time can counteract the "common killing of gray bones".

But in fact it is much worse ... After all, the eight-tailed cow ghost and the nine-tailed Dingchun are both tail-beasts that are inherently too strong, have a high starting point, and have no breakthrough at all.

The other seven tail beasts are all born with two kinds of chakras ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is easy to form a "blood following limit" chakras after combining, and Niu Gui and Dingchun ... With "Yin and Yang" Chakra!

Even if there is no fusion, it is also steadily ranked first and second among the nine tailed beasts. Even if the recent progress is not small, it is hard to say that he is stronger than Niu Gui.

If Yaowei and Jiuwei go one step further, they can directly grasp the power of the six Dao level, that is, "blood following snare chakra" and "yin and yang chakra".

[Dingchun, can't you be upset? Your other half has already been rescued long ago. Why is there no progress on Yin Yang? Otherwise I can experiment now ...] Guan Liyuan could not help complaining.

In the end, I forgot the "private chat" ...

[What other half? Yes, is that **** in Liuwei? You did with him ...] Xiao Hei's voice came over.

[What does it have to do with Primary Six? Don't make a fool of yourself ... Also, Guan Liyuan, on the six worlds, you don't need to call me Dingchun! Call this uncle's real name! Dingchun first explained in a low voice and a little black, and then refuted the name of Guan Liyuan.

[Oh, yes ... yeah? Wait, what's your real name? 】

Dingchun: [……]

Just when Dingchun wanted to protest, there was news from Pokémon, who was in charge of the communication over Oshimaru!

Thousands of grasshoppers came out of the northern border of the country of grass and the junction with the renewal federation. However, they were only in the east and west battlefields. They found that the power of the renewal federation was sent out, but they did not know that in the southwest On the battlefield, most of the hidden forces that renew the Federation are being laid out.

When the grass ninjas left the northern fortress and were about to enter the renewal of the federal border, they saw a huge city in the sky appearing out of thin air ...

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