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Vol 2 Chapter 833: 3 Axe of the Southwest Battlefield

"Well? Wait! Look, what's in the sky?"

"Is ... a city?"

"I haven't seen it yet ... someone has hidden a flying city with illusions?"

"Is it renewing the federation? Master Ben, what shall we do?"

"Calm, I don't know what this thing does, maybe it's just for transportation or investigation ..."

In addition to Cao Ren, Cao Ren's crusade troops also assisted by Yan Ren and Yun Ren in accordance with the sentiments sent by them. For the two major nations, the actions of Cao Zhiguo are also beneficial to them!

In contrast, Yanyin Village, which has no direct war with the Commonwealth, has invested more power in Cao Ren. The five-tailed person Zhuli "ban" led the team and led more than ten Yan Ren Shang Ren to "assistance" Cao Yin Village.

And Yunyin Village specifically supports a cooperative team of hundreds of ninjas ... There are no masters, and there is no meaning to fight for control with Yanyin Village, which is the number of Yunyin Village after the reinforcement of Frost Snow Fortress. .

Caoyin Village was affiliated to Yanyin Village before the "3rd Ninja War", and the country of grass was also the bridgehead of the country of land attacking the country of fire.

However, after the three world wars ended with the country of fire and wood leaves victory, the country of grass became a subsidiary of the country of fire. The strong men of the original grassy village were all "appointed" by the leaves to guard war criminals overseas, that is, the theater version "Ghost Lantern" ...

Therefore, there are two inland and overseas Caoyin villages, and the strongest in the overseas Caoyin Village, named "Jailer", is actually part of the assignment.

However, after the three generations of Naruto died two years ago and Uchiha Itachi inherited the position of the fifth generation of Naruto, the wooden leaves strategy turned to "conservative".

Although for the sake of prestige, he helped Caoyin Village repel the "(half) bamboo takers" that almost destroyed them, but after that, the assistance and control of the dependent countries decreased.

For example, in the northern countries, Muye directly dumped the "Tian Yin Village" established by the old Ministry of Music and Forbearance and the Taketori clan at that time, and gave Guan Liyuan the opportunity to form the "Northern Alliance"-that is, to update the predecessor of the Federation. The rise of the "Renewal Confederation" has created external conditions.

And the rise is not only the renewal of the federation. When Cao Yincun was attacked by the bamboo takers, it was very bad. This can be seen from the life experience of Xiang phosphorus.

However, the near-destroyed attack of the bamboo-taken family has also reborn Caoyin Village. In the six months of the renewal of the Commonwealth, the Caoyin Village also proposed three strategies of "rich country, strong people, and open sea". Also annexed several small countries around.

It's a pity that the revolutionary in Caoyin Village is hostile to the renewal of the federation. Instead of incorporating it into the renewal of the federation or paying homage to the elder brother, it looks forward to taking a bite!

One was because the renewal of the Commonwealth originally started with the bamboo-taken family. Although the bamboo-taken family that destroyed them was divided into two parts, the "half of the bamboo-taken family" of the country of grass was later defeated by wood leaves, and it was also north. The alliance took them in.

Therefore, the two sides are regarded as "natural" feuds. Secondly, at present, the four kingdoms of the grassland are adjacent to each other. Except for the country of fire and the country of land, there is only the country of rain and the renewed federation.

The country of the rain has fallen into the woods again. The country of the grass wants to go further, and the way out can only be northward. If it can reach the northern coastline, overseas ghost towns can also be " "Return" can achieve the revival of the country of grass.

"It's pitiful, that's the end of your revival dream ... Tsunade, let them know, and end up against the renewed federation?" Oshimaru said "maliciously".

"Don't speak in that villain's tone ... and you can't turn me to command me!" Gang Gang jumped on his hands.

Originally, the "Renewed Confederation" was properly counterattacked. No one can tell who the Federation is, but in the mouth of the Serpent Ball, it was as if they had taken the initiative to invade ...

Of course, Tsunade also understood that Guan Liyuan's previous arrangement did mean malicious guidance, so he just opened the door and led Caoyin Village to take action.

Only as the granddaughter of the first generation of Naruto, although Tsunade had been baptized by war and saw more about war, he was used to being a "justice" party.

"Okay, everyone is an old friend for so many years. Don't quarrel as soon as you meet. This time, we are the commanders of the three armed forces in charge of the southwest battlefield. We must cooperate with each other." On the side, "and slime."

Bei Liuhu's current body is a new body that was "mitotic" by Guan Liyuan. It has not been fused too much and had chakras before, and the rejection caused by it is currently in the "right year" state.

"Shut up! You are the least qualified to say this!" Tsunade felt that the blue veins on his head were running out.

Who is Beiluhu? The Kobe ninjas of the same age as Sanni, although talented, were considered "friends" with Sanni, but later they rebelled against Kobe because of studying the human body's prohibition.

[How can I be confused with these rebellions? The old lady left Koba just on vacation, not rebellion! 】 Tsunade depressed for a while.

Different from Tsunade, Dashemaru and Beiluhu are real S-class rebellions.

But thinking of her "before leaving Kobe" ...

"I'm leaving." Muye Cunkou, Tsunade said to Guan Liyuan, who bid farewell to her.


"You have nothing else to say?"

"Let's go out after getting tired! I'll wait for you to come back."

"Come back? Why come back ... maybe I will never come back."

"Don't we make an appointment, are we going to change the ninja world together?"

"But Koba has rejected our naive plans and should never pass it!"

"No, no matter if Kobe passes or not, I ... change the ninja world! Will you come back and help me?" Guan Liyuan said, holding out his little thumb.

Thinking of the little thumbs that the two caught, thinking of her grandfather's last will, Tsunade for the time being patient with Dashemaru, believing for a while ...

Although Tsunade understood that that was not what happened, it was a true memory. "If Guan Liyuan was there, he would do it ..." It just didn't happen in the real world!

[If you dare to lie to me, hang you up with the disgusting snake and the ass! ] Gang Shou secretly ruthlessly.

"Although it is said to be 'commander of the three armed forces', Your Excellency the Great Speaker said that this person is the commander-in-chief of the southwest battlefield." Osumaru silently reminded Tsunade and Beiluo but both pretended not to hear.

"Federation First Air Force orders, all have ... to execute plan A, bear with it ... the whole army attacked!"

Tsunade looked at Cao Ren's army. At this time, he had discovered that the city of the sky hidden by illusions had been lifted, so he directly ordered the troops on the line through the communication system of the city of the sky, and also notified a nearby butterfly. Wings, a girl like an elf-forbearance!

"Forbearance" is the energy and control center of the city of the sky created by Ashura. He used to absorb too much negative energy and lost control because of Capricorn's mistake, and later became the "zero tail" under the control of Shennong ...

Almost a year ago, Guan Liyuan used the method of "summon avatar" to clean up the negative will energy, and then returned to his original appearance.

Because it was discovered that Tsunade had the bloodline of the second-generation Ninja Sect, he was very close to Tsunade, and the city of the sky has always been occupied by Tsunade ...

With the help of patience, not only has most of the functions of Sky City, Tsunade already mastered it, but Ashura's physical strengthening method has also gradually played a role in Tsunade's body.

At this time, after Tsunade ordered, dozens of "taxiing runways" were either extended or opened in the city of the sky, and then hundreds of thousands of "Ninjas" carrying special aircraft were spewed out of countless runway mouths. !!

Kong Ren, the guy who once gave Woody a headache ...

Unlike "Death", for "Ninja", flying belongs to a very special ability. For ordinary ninjas, flying and "ground-to-air" attack are very strange things.

Although air-tolerance flights have great limitations, such as the need for a special runway and an initial altitude ... the aircraft can only keep them from lowering altitude, but it is difficult to take off directly from flat ground.

But with the help of Sky City, this shortcoming is not a problem at all ...

The First Federal Air Force is based on the former Air Ninja as the main body, and has been incorporated into the Federal Ninja as the backbone. The reorganized air force ...

"Well? Something was dropped. That's ..."

"Like ... is it human?"

"What are they going to do?"

"Be careful!"

"No, the fortress is in danger! Retreat, retreat!"

The air-tolerant flying device has undergone the technical transformation of the snow-tolerant Chakra armor. At this time, not only can the sufferings tied with the detonation charm be sprinkled on the ground, but also the chakra attack can be transformed with a special combat suit for air combat ...

Unless the detonation charm is a hidden trap, it is still easy for the ninja to escape. However, the "detonation charm" bombed the northern fortress behind them, and it has the wind, thunder, and fire properties. The squad is responsible for attacking the ninja!

Under the baptism of wind blades, thunder, and fire, Cao Ren immediately wanted to retreat, on the one hand to rebuild fanfare, and on the other, he was worried that the northern fortress could not stop the bombing of the air force, even if the Yan Ren's squad could not stop the retreat. Potential.

At the same time, Beiluhu has led an 800-strong "Marine Force" to approach the ground quickly with landing gear ...

The advantage of air tolerance is that it can directly ignore the defensive forces and obstacles and directly attack the enemy's rear, but it cannot complete the attack independently. At the beginning, air tolerance caused Koye a headache, that is, they directly bypassed the various positions of Koye and bombed the fire. Civilians in the country have caused huge casualties.

Guan Liyuan would not use this kind of puppets and civilians ... No, it is precisely a strategy that deliberately and completely targets civilians, so the main effect of the Air Force is to break up enemy defenses, cut off enemy communications and logistics, and for subsequent attacks Remove obstacles!

Just as the grass ninja troops were in chaos, the northern fortress was teetering, and the offensive and defensive momentum was instantly turned.

"All the First Army of the Federation listened to the order and assisted the Air Force in combating the enemy's vigor and capturing the northern stronghold of the country of grass!" Announced Beluhu.

Immediately, I saw hundreds of federal warriors wearing chakra armor, and the position of the center of the chakra at the waist and abdomen began to overflow the tail beast ... and it was not their bodies that accepted the tail beast, but they imported the chakra armor directly. in!

That's right, the main body of the Army is made up of federals who have passed the "second-level exam", most of them are ordinary people who have only undergone basic meditation practice and basic physical training in Chakra, and have no ninja experience!

The so-called "second-level test" is actually to confirm that the Chakra center can withstand the assessment of "the equivalent of Dingchun's two-tailed state Chakra", pass the "ideological and moral cultivation", and ensure that it has accepted the assessment of updating federal values. Passing these two assessments, you will get a secondary certificate, usually with additional tax-free subsidies, and you will also receive federal mobilization before the war.

Although the Chakra center can withstand, it does not mean that their bodies can withstand it, as if Naruto usually looks normal, but once the nine-tailed Chakra breaks out, the body can't bear it immediately. The difference between the two is big. !!

But it doesn't matter ... Before the war, they had undergone the transformation of the Chakra meridians, visited the bamboo meridian meridians, transplanted artificial meridians characterized by "thick, strong, wide", and connected the "chakra center" of the human body. With the "power source" in vitro.

Fortunately, a master of human research who is at the same level as Dashe Wan and better at Chakra Meridian has joined, otherwise it would be really difficult to succeed so quickly!

All members of the Marine Corps have a "power source" similar to Iron Man's chest at the waist and abdomen, which is the outside of the Chakra Center in the body. The new Chakra armor bypasses the scarce "energy core". ", Directly connected to the transplanted" power source "when worn.

That is, the chakra armor is used to transform the chakra central chakra in the center of the chakra, avoiding the weaknesses of the two technology trees: “the scarcity of the chakra armor ’s energy source” and “the artificial body ’s column forces require too much physical fitness” ...

At the same time, it has also accelerated the formation of folk Chakra practitioners—the ability to withstand the tail beast Chakra depends partly on talent and the other depends on physical skills and self-chakras.

Soon after the implementation of the nationwide Chakra training program, he was able to pass the "second-level exam", which is equivalent to ordinary people's adaptability to the tail beast Chakra. Although it is not comparable to the whirlpool family, it can also be used. Weakened version of the "two-tailed Dingchun empty shell" to quickly form combat power!

As for ordinary people who do not know how to fight ninjutsu?

That ’s right, the major ninja villages did n’t pay attention to ordinary people before, but also because ordinary people who ca n’t even do basic trisomy, some meager chakras ca n’t fight, and ninjutsu learning ca n’t be completed quickly. ...

But chakra armor solved this problem. The essence of chakra armor is the chakra transforming device. The ninja transforms chakra into ninjutsu. The chakra armor is also equipped with a basic melee "chakra blade", long range The "Chakra lance" and the "Chakra Shield" for defense are the basic equipment of the army.

Cao Ren, who was in chaos at first, found that the northern fortress could not stand at all, otherwise it would be a target for flying ninjas ...

Seeing that under the scourge of the Air Force, when the fortress was teetering, it also wanted to "strive to zero" to avoid the damage of combat effectiveness, but at this moment the army forces were overwhelmed.

At the beginning, the grass ninjas took a sigh of relief, and after seeing the army, they rushed forward-because their attacks had little effect on the air force, and if they killed the other ground forces together, the natural air force could not. Attack them again.

However, after the contact war, the grass ninjas were horrified to find that these weird guys, attacking and defending, regardless of melee and long-range combat, although the means are single, they are at least equivalent to the level of mid-endurance, or even elite mid-endurance, Endurance is better than the elite!

When you are far away, you will face rounds of chakra volleys. When you are close, you will have to fight with chakra blades in a uniform team attack to suppress the effect of fighting skills to the lowest level, as if a master of martial arts is on the battlefield. There is no room to play on.

And want to pull the farthest, organize joint ninjas ... Sorry, too far away from each other, so concentrated, that the air force is blind?

The original organized joint jutsu did indeed restrain the army with a single fighting method, but it also required the other party to have the opportunity to use it!

Once you find the enemies that have pulled away from the pile, how happy the air combat troops are ...

As for the Ninjas headed by the Five-Tailed Pillars, who want to do things with their own strength? It is true that the role played by a powerful elite is not comparable to that of a "Wulin master", but ...

"Wait a minute, the suspected Yan Rens without a cap, your opponents are here!" Bei Liuhu smiled and blocked in front of the class.

"Hmm, I don't know what you are talking about ... we are the hired ninjas of the country of rain!" Ban didn't want to recognize his identity, even if the other party had already seen it-after all, Yanni's methods were very recognizable.

Even the class has erupted the tail beast Chakra. It is only necessary to make a decision not to admit it, no matter how others "guess" it is useless!

However, Beiluhu did not argue with him much more, but directly taught people to let the class know that the human power is not invincible!

For the first time in the Ninja Realm, "Ghost Buddhism" was used brightly and with various blood relay limits ...

The class that thought it was "no master" to update the federation was directly beaten by the "unknown little puppet" in skeptical life!

As for the others, in the army ... passing the second-level exam is "basic", but some pass the fourth- or sixth-level exams, only "most" are on Guan Liyuan's side!

"Tail Beast Jade! Let me die!"

"Hehe ... Ningji · Culture Hole."

Ban couldn't help but use the "killer" of the human pillar force directly, but was "absorbed" by Beiluohu!

Finally, the class couldn't help but greeted all the Yan Rens to retreat ... As for the grass tolerance, Yun Ren? Already collapsed!

And when the Cao Ren Alliance was completely defeated by the Federal Army, there was also an "armored unit" under the command of Osumaru ...

The predecessor of the "Armored Forces" was the Snow Country's "all-round attack on the Sufferless Jet Train"-yes, it was the arrival of a train with all the carriages open, and the densely packed ones were all Sufferless Jets.

In addition to the Chakra armor, the snow country's technology tree is also biased towards "war machinery". The idea is to use trains and rails to quickly move large war machinery to suppress the enemy.

After updating the technology tree of the federal countries that inherited the franchise countries and the alliance, they have also improved this ...

I saw twelve huge iron paving cars at the head. They were not fast and there were guards around them. Wherever the paving cars passed, sections of the tracks were laid.

Inside the compartment is a folded portable rail! There are also specialized engineering soldiers to troubleshoot and strengthen the rails, and the engineering soldiers are the owners of the indigenous Chakras. Using special chakra armors, they can consume their own chakras to fine-tune the landscape along the way and ensure leveling.

As for the big obstacles? They were all flattened by the air force!

Along the railroad tracks, a roaring "mobile fort" -class war machine!

It is conceivable that where these "mobile forts" are located, Cao Ren wants to recapture them, which is almost the same as actively attacking other fortresses.

Air combat forces break up the enemy's organized defense forces and bomb strongholds; marine forces wipe out obstacles and annihilate the enemy's vigor; rear armored forces press on ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to directly give up the land the enemy has turned into His "fortress" doesn't leave the enemy in depth ...

In addition to the air combat units, the three new federal teams of the Federation, as well as the other Marines and engineering teams, are mainly "ordinary people" who have no ninja experience.

The air tolerance was not exposed at all before, so no one even counted them as the power of the renewed federation, and Cao Yin Village did not consider them at all, thinking that the "full power" of the renewed federation was in the east and west. battlefield.

However, the three new-style teams now give them a lesson with practical actions ...

"The entire army continues to press, don't be afraid that the armored troops can't keep up! Do you urge the people in front! Twenty-four hours ... Within twenty-four hours, we will see the borders of the country of rain!" Speaking to the ground responsible for leading the armored forces directly.

The country of rain is south of the country of grass. Now the battlefield is north of the country of grass ...

round-the-clock? Osumaru is supposed to sweep and completely control the whole country of Kusukuni at the speed of ordinary ninja squads!

At this time tomorrow, the ninjas of the country of grass will either be scattered or driven to the south, and the major domestic players will be lined with mobile fortresses that can spit out various blades and detonations ...

Even where the "grass village" is located, with the cooperation of air combat troops, they can "walk past" directly. The existence of armored troops makes the opponent have no chance to fight back at home ...

It is not enough to defeat the enemies of Caoyin Village to deter the two great powers of mines and soil. Guan Liyuan's previous mission to the new army in the southwestern battlefield was to "level the entire territory of the country of grass within 48 hours of war", and When I arrived at the commander Osumaru, there was a direct halving of the deadline-twenty-four hours!

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