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Vol 2 Chapter 834: The Aesthetics of Thunderland

"Have you seen the country of rain? Good. Later, according to the plan, there should be a buffer zone?" Guan Liyuan had already received the battle report from the southwest battlefield at this time.

However, soon after, Guan Liyuan found that Yun Ren not only did not retreat, but once again showed signs of attacking Frost and Snow Fortress.

Guan Liyuan also had some doubts at first, but immediately realized that ... the other party's intelligence was delayed!

Probably Yun Ren outside the city, only knows the time of Cao Ren's attack. It is estimated that Guan Liyuan should have received the message that the country of Cao invaded the federal territory at this time, so when Guan Liyuan was desperate, he would attack the Frost Fortress. Only by being able to scare Guan Liyuan directly.

But they did not know that Guan Liyuan's intelligence was faster than they thought, and that they had received the news of the fall of the country of grass!

"Honglian, ready to fight!" Guan Liyuan preached.

Yun Ren ’s crusade came out this time. Although more than 2,000 ninjas were folded last time, including more than a dozen Shang Ni, but the remaining 5,000 cloudy Ninja this time are all according to the United Ninja. The side team of the surgery, all the way to the Frost Fortress, looks more powerful than the last time.

And also learned from the last lesson, there are many physical ninjas, at this time the intervals are distributed in the queue ...

Last time Guan Liyuan also took an unexpected advantage. You should know that among the five hidden villages, Yunyin Village is the most “developed” in physical operation, and almost all Yun Ren will be equipped with short or long swords. very common.

"Yu Muren, Da Rui, met again? Why, the last hospitality was not comprehensive, do you want to come again this time?" Guan Liyuan mocked on the wall of Frost Fortress.

"Your **** ninjutsu has been spotted by us! Now is the time for revenge ... Unfortunately, your life alone is not enough to calm the anger of our Yunyin village, and to renew the federal ninja, we must all be buried. "Yu Ren said coldly.

Of course, Guan Liyuan suspects that the main purpose of the other party is to "scare" ...

Indeed, at this time Frost and Snow Fortress, there are already many "Ninjas" in the Federation showing their fears!

If at this time Guan Liyuan had received the news that "Caoyin Village had invaded the territory of the Federation," and he would be shaken out by the other party, maybe there would be fear of war or even defeat.

Guan Liyuan was not disappointed about this either-except for the new army in the southwest battlefield, the troops in the two major battlefields in the east and west were all ninjas in the villages of the former northern countries!

Among them, only the Taketori family, the old part of Yin Ren, the old part of Snow Tolerance, and the old part of Xing Ren, the snow war troops reorganized by the old part of Snow Tolerance are still on the "Ice Palace" Iceland ... Containing overseas ghost lantern cities, that is, those grass ninjas who were assigned after the Third World War.

And other "various" ninjas of the northern nations, not to mention martial arts, will never be brave!

Even Guan Liyuan can be sure that there must be spies from all parties.

After all, in the form of the rise of the federation, as long as the dark parts of each village are not waste, they can easily penetrate into a sieve.

Guan Liyuan didn't expect them at all, even the new generation of alliance fighters were unwilling to mix with these guys ... the two most important battlefields seemed to have most of the combat power they did n’t even have the troop numbers. Will transition.

"Oh! The boy at the fortress, your federation, has been taken down by Cao Ren, so go back and see." Qilabi said, and he gestured strangely.

"Who is this ..." Guan Liyuan looked at the suspicious black uncle with black lines.

[Be careful, it's Niu Gui! ] Brigade's voice sounded in Guan Liyuan's mind.

At this time, Brigade and Chongming again, they were hiding in the center of Chakra, Guan Liyuan, and they didn't need a seal ... belonging to their active hiding.

And Isobu and Rhino are ambush near the western battlefield at this time. As for Dingchun and Xiaohei, they are both in Tiancheng, the capital of Harada, and now the capital of the Federation.

If Yiyan can't bear to attack from the west, or a powerful elite group such as Xiao organization, they send masters to bypass the border directly. If they attack Tiancheng, they will also shoot!

Anyway, Li Yuan is here, and they can be channeled to the eastern battlefield at any time ...

As for You Lu and Chong Ming, it was because they had just been summoned two days ago, so they did not leave.

When I was traveling in Yunyin Village, I obviously passed through Yumu and saw Yao's column strength!

[Bull ghost? Is it Kiraby? It is strange that Yunyin Village was reluctant to send him out ...] Guan Liyuan couldn't help but wonder.

But I do n’t know if this is a pot of less reading, Yun Ren still thinks that the eight-tailed chakra can restrain “joint killing the ashes”.

[If you are a cow ghost, how should you be confused ... keke. How do I persuade? Guan Liyuan asked.

【do not know! The guy had been "fascinated" by the black skin and didn't seem to want to come out of the seal. 】 And said unhappyly.

Without Guan Liyuan's words, Kiraby should be the only "perfect human pillar force" at the moment. The pillar force of other people at most only makes the tail beasts "half-push and half-push", it is amazing to know the real name of the other party ... what truly becomes a "partner" ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Currently only Kiraby.

Hearing Kiraby's words, the miscellaneous troops on the Frost Fortress were shaken even more, and only a few remained calm.

"Cao Ren? You don't know yet, have they been defeated?" Guan Liyuan said.

"Well, don't lie. Obviously all combat power is focused on confronting our Yunyin Village and Yanyan Village," said Carrui with red hair and brown skin.

"Eh? Is there any dark skin in the Whirlpool family?" Guan Liyuan couldn't help wondering.

Karui could not help but anger: "What kind of vortex family? My family has been the ninjas of Yunyin Village for generations! And ... the brown-black complexion is the embodiment of beauty in our kingdom of thunder!"

Guan Liyuan couldn't help looking at Sam Yi next to her ...

Contrary to Kalui's complexion, older Sam is fair-skinned, and ... has grooves.

Guan Liyuan couldn't help but pull a side of a ninja who was originally Frost Kingdom and asked: "Take a closer look, she ... and the one next to her, which one is more beautiful?"

The Frost Country is the easternmost member of the Federation and a neighbor of the Thunder Country. The current Frost Fortress was once the Frost Fortress.

I was pulled over by a young ninja, and I suddenly felt nervous when I heard the speaker talk about it, but when I heard about it, I calmed down and looked around and said, "This ... or a blonde lady is more in line with my aesthetics. some."

"It seems that only the aesthetics of Lei Zhiguo is abnormal." Guan Liyuan could not help but say.

I heard that the Speaker of the Grand Assembly still had a mood to say this at this time. It really did not look like his home was copied. The other ninjas at the fortress were also relieved ...

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