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Vol 2 Chapter 835: Wood leaf intervening

Under the Frost Fortress, Karui glared at Guan Liyuan, while Sam Yi's expression became even colder.

In the past, Guan Liyuan deliberately laughed a lot to ease the atmosphere, and of course they could hear ...

Lei Zhiguo is indeed beautiful with brown skin ... but not ugly with white!

Due to the special terrain and national environment, the people of Lei Zhiguo have darker skin and reddish brown skin. They are more like fair people such as Yuren and Samui. Therefore, the aesthetics of Lei Zhiguo is Acceptance is higher for all skin tones.

As for the whirlpool family, Guan Liyuan just said casually, not all the red-haired ones are the whirlpool family ... Isn't Ding Ci's father also red-haired?

"Beauty, although you have been discriminated against in the land of Thunder, it doesn't matter ... I believe that in the renewal of the Federation, someone will discover your beauty. Would you like to go through immigration procedures? You and other friends with white skin can also be together. Introduce. "Guan Liyuan shouted to Sam Yi.

"Oh, in order to show sincerity, shouldn't Mr. Speakers come down to talk?" Sam Yi sneered, apparently not pleased by Guan Liyuan's praise.

"There is nothing wrong with going down, let alone talk about it. I dare to go in and out of seven ... Three generations of Lei Ying claimed to have the strongest spear and the strongest shield, but was killed by siege by thousands of territories. I wanted to come to me There should be no such great face. "Guan Liyuan said with a smile.

Under the frost and snow fortress Yun Yun, they even changed their face when they heard it!

The current Leiying is the fourth generation of Leiying. So far, the four Leiyings are all from the "Yueyue Clan". When inheriting the role of Leiying, they will be named "Ai".

Unlike the first generation of Muye, among the four Renyings of the Yeyue family, the three generations of Leiying are generally considered to be the strongest, and because of the deeds of the three generations of Leiying, Yun Yun now also worships and remembers the three generations of Lei. Shadow.

Lei Zhiguo is located in the northeast peninsula of the mainland, and its national strength is only slightly inferior to that of the fire nation. Moreover, it has been martial arts for generations ...

At the time of the first Ninja war that year, the second-generation Lei Ying almost made an alliance with the second-generation Naruto Chishou. If the two strongest villages had formed an alliance, the end of the war might be completely different. However, when the two sides met At that time, Golden Horn and Silver Horn, heroes of Yun Ren Village, launched a coup and killed the second generation of Leiying, which indirectly led to the death of the second generation of Hao Ying!

The death of the second generation of Lei Ying, and the rebellion of the Golden Horn troops, caused a serious damage to Yunyin Village. Fortunately, the third generation of Lei Ying turned the tide over the fallen and helped the building, and calmed the rebellion and killed the Golden Horn and Silver Horn.

And it is well-known that during the reign of the three generations of Lei Ying, although it was not the overwhelming power of the first generation of Haoying, it was also known as the strongest movie at that time ...

However, during the Third Ninja War, the three generations of Lei Ying calculated that in order to protect Yun Ren's troops from retreating, he was alone as a bait, and took away thousands of soil forbearance, and eventually died under siege!

Ten thousand soil forbearance is almost all the power that Yanyin Village can use. It can be seen that in the heart of Onoki at that time, a three-generation thunder shadow was heavier than Yun Ren's army. Even if Yun Ren's ninja army is let go, it must be killed. Three generations of Leiying!

It is also because of the self-sacrifice of the three generations of Lei Ying that although Yunyin Village lost one "Shadow", in comparison, in the Third Ninja War, it was relatively lightly damaged. Four generations of Lei Ying took office. It was actually able to blackmail Kobe, who was the victor, which made the "sudden" sacrifices of the Hyuga tribe soaring.

It is precisely because the three generations of Lei Ying can satisfy the hero complex of Yunyin Village from birth to death. Therefore, Yun Ren's humiliation for soil toleration "10,000 vs. 1" is usually extremely shameful.

It just ignores "10,000 vs. 1", not because the three generations of Lei Ying really need 10,000 ninjas to kill, but Onoki thinks that killing the three generations of Lei Ying is more in line with the purpose of Yanyin Village than to destroy the Yunren troops ... ...

After all, the kingdom of earth and the kingdom of thunder are not bordering each other. Ohnoki just doesn't want another character between the pillars and spots, instead of trying to make Yun Lei cheap after picking up Yun Ren.

But now Guan Liyuan directly mentioned this matter, which stimulated Yun Ren under the Frost and Snow Fortress. Even if he really goes down now, I am afraid they are not good at siege ...

At this moment, Guan Liyuan noticed keenly that there was a Yun Ren beside Darui, who passed him what seemed to be a scroll of communication.

What is still being passed at this time ... definitely the important news is undoubted!

[Is it the news of Cao Ren's defeat? Too fast ...] Guan Liyuan muttered secretly.

Guan Liyuan just received the synchronization message. Yunyin Village passed the news so quickly?

Coincidentally, Guan Liyuan also received the news of the green caterpillar-"Green Caterpillar" was left by Guan Liyuan and would not be chopped, only for communication.

Although Guan Liyuan's "Pokémon" credit cards were also exchanged for easy communication, due to the physical structure, they could not speak even if they could understand ...

Only there is a spiritual connection with Guan Liyuan, that is, when the other party sends a message to Guan Liyuan, the information is relatively complete, and when Guan Liyuan sends a message to the other party, only the most basic information can be passed-by the action of the green caterpillar, To complete the identification of information!

At this time, the overseas branch ... that is, the main island of the original water and the islands in the southwest, the news came out that, when fighting the restored Wuyin Village, there was a wooden leaf ninja involved!

It was not secretly sending support, but blatantly carrying wooden leaf guards against the overseas branch.

This is not the Tuanzang faction's "hidden" support for the restoration of the original water country and Wuyin Village, but the equivalent of Muye's declaration of war against the renewal of the Federation ...

Guan Liyuan also realized at this time that, from the time point of view, the news just received by Dalui should be more likely to be the news of Yunye Village by Muye than "the defeat of the country of grass".

Later, it was passed from Yunyin Village to the battlefield here, and Guan Liyuan received the news that Muye had not done it after he had already started!

Complaining in the heart that the fifth generation of Naruto could not “hold down” Tuanzang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Guan Liyuan also realized that things were moving in the direction he did not want to see.

It's just a secret aid from the Tuanzang, and it is two different things to declare war with Muye ...

Although Guan Liyuan had never thought about it, Muye would end up in harmony and serenity, and Muye, who has the most and strongest ninja family, would sooner or later renew the federal station to the opposite side, but Guan Liyuan did not expect it to be so early!

Darui also notified the message received at this time to Yumu, Qilabi, Samui ...

Looking at the other party was not shocked at all, Guan Liyuan confirmed more and more that they received the news of wood leaves instead of grass country!

At the same time, Guan Liyuan is also like Dashe Wan and No Cut again. On the one hand, he will not cut back the defense. On the other hand, he will make Da Snake Pill prepare for the renewal of the Federation ... even if necessary, always ready to actively attack the northwest of the country Ministry to "Wei Wei rescue Zhao".

After Yun Ren received the news that Muye was in the game, he became even more jealous of the northern renewal of the Federation. Guan Liyuan looked at the Yun Ren troops under the fortress and narrowed his eyes ...

It seems that it is impossible to easily make the other side "dread" the truce, and what Guan Liyuan has to do now is to use force to persuade all parties to dare to act rashly!

Even if necessary, Guan Liyuan will inform Dashewan to use the complete empty shells of his five tail beasts as a "gift". Please organize the spoils-if you must face the attack of the three major powers at the same time, Guan Liyuan would rather choose to "skin with the tiger."

[Dingchun, Jifu, Rhino ... you're ready, too, and see your old friends soon! The situation has changed. Even if you are determined to kill the Yaowei column force, you still want to leave the cow and ghost! 】

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