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Vol 2 Chapter 836: Charge me

"My Excellency the Speaker, we have just received a regrettable message, do you want to know?" Darui said still lazily.

"Coincidentally, I also received a message ... Brothers and sisters of the Overseas Federal Division seem to have encountered a little trouble." Guan Liyuan said on his own initiative.

Darui and others heard the news with suspicion-they had just received the news, and the source of the news was Muye, before they officially started the war, they gave them a message.

How did Guan Liyuan know? This intelligence is faster than Yunyin Village? And ... it is likely that there was a federal traitor inside Koba!

That's right, the wooden leaf ninja should have just appeared on the battlefield of the kingdom of water, and there must be a process to spread the message as soon as possible?

Unless ... Guan Liyuan had news before the Konoha Ninja appeared in Waterland.

Several big brothers of Yunyin Village could not help but secretly make up for themselves-does the Federal Republic seem to be easily penetrated, in fact, at the same time, his family has also been penetrated by the Federal?

"Alas, alas! The boy at the fortress is not honest enough, not only is Koba, a little trouble!" Qilabilian retorted with a rap.

"Shut up, black skin! It's awful to die ..." Guan Liyuan said politely.

Kirabee seemed to have hit the "Shadow Binding" on the spot, and his posture was fixed in place. After a few seconds, the whole person was depressed.

"Oops, we dare not tell such a thing to the teacher. Will the teacher give up? Will he commit suicide? Oops ..." Omoi wrinkled his hair worriedly.

Omoi, like Darui and Kiraby, has brown-black skin, and is slightly different from Karui's brown-red skin. It has short white hair and amazing pessimism. It is also a disciple of Kiraby, and Karui It's the same session.

"Shut up!" Carui said grumpy.

Not to mention the two disciples to comfort Kirabi, the atmosphere on the other side of Frost Fortress is also very bad-what did they just hear? Wooden leaves? Did Koba join the war ... and was still the opposite of the Federation?

Although Muye is not as strong as Yunyin Village, after three wars, Muye, as the victor, has a strong influence on the northern countries. For most ninjas in the northern countries, Muye ... is God The same existence!

At this moment, I saw hundreds of people wearing cloaks and standing tall behind Guan Liyuan.

When Guan Liyuan received the message that he “may be at war with Muye”, he understood that the old federation of Ninja forces at Frost Fortress was half cold ...

"No way, it seems that Koba is not used to seeing the Federation a little bit better ... Although you have sworn as fighters of the Federation, I can give you another chance!

The country of fire waged wars not only because of the brothers and sisters of the overseas branch, but also because of the people of our north finally standing up ... The land of Lei, opposite you, can grow tens of times as many rations as ordinary people. Only the rations are left for the people, and all those who practice Chakra privately are treated as treason.

I hope that the North will return to two years ago, and it will become even worse than it was two years ago. Now you can withdraw. If the country of mines and the country of fire wins, you can continue to change back to the original state. If the federation wins ... Just leave the Federal District yourself! Guan Liyuan said directly at the fort.

"Sir Speaker!" Honglian hurriedly tried to stop him, but couldn't stop it.

Just as the ninjas at the fortress looked at each other, suddenly the young ninja that Guan Liyuan pulled over to interrogate, stood up and asked, "Big speaker ... I don't want to go back two years ago, but ... can we really win? "

"I don't know, but if you are willing to try it, protect me the Frost and Snow Fortress ... and charge us in front of us! The Yun Ren in front of us is just the first wave of enemies we want to shatter! The enemy will not cease the war because of sympathy , Can only make them trembling truce! "Guan Liyuan said.

The following Yun Ren did not intervene now, so as not to inspire the other party's "common enemies" feeling.

They didn't even rashly seduce the other side to surrender—because they couldn't make any promises, even if they surrender, at most they would save their lives now, and then ... as Guan Liyuan said, it was their job to bring the North back to its original shape.

Facts have proven that Guan Liyuan's confusion was not full, and the first "fighter" who stood out soon appeared ...

"I'm sorry, the speaker ... I ... I don't want Qingyin Village to disappear, no matter the victory or defeat ... I will take Qingyin Village to the north!"

With the first person taking the lead, many hidden villages responded immediately-although the hidden village system has been abolished, at this time, everyone still instinctively thinks from the perspective of the "hidden village".

Although Guan Liyuan was disappointed, it was not unexpected ...

But at this moment, the first different voice appeared: "Old boss! You go, I stay!"

"Lin! What are you talking about ... that's Koba!"

"Old leader, if you want to rebuild the Hidden Village, there is nothing more than one, less one, and nothing more. I ... want to stay and see if I stay in the Federation. Can you see the Speaker of the Parliament on the day of the founding of the Federation? Said the future. "A young ninja ... no, said the soldier.

"Yes, I will stay too! If I die, my brother will take care of you!"

"I won't go! Rapp, you can't go, think about what our village was like before ... if they want to ruin everything now, I'd rather die on the battlefield!"

"Nima ... Did I say I'm leaving? Remind me with your teasing beep?"

"Sister, you go! I stay ..."

"Why don't you leave if you don't leave? You are so stupid that I would have died early without me."

"Well, I seem to have found something weird siblings!"


"Good! Honglian, recount the number of troops immediately. You are responsible for guarding the Frost and Snow Fortress for the Federation ... and you want to leave, like the previous families who left before, I don't blame you, but if you are in the Federation You are in trouble and wrongdoing ... Even if I die, the remnants of the Federation will give you priority to kill you! Do n’t forget that the tail beast will not die! "

Guan Liyuan also silently made up a sentence in his heart: I will not die!

As for others, will they die? Of course, people will die if there is war, but Guan Liyuan dares to say that their death is the most valuable ... because they did not die for the ambition of some people, but for the "future" promised by Guan Liyuan.

Although Guan Liyuan also has his own ambition, his ambition is favored by the will of the universe, and this ambition will only make Guan Liyuan act completely with the goal of "hope the better forbearance", and the selflessness is comparable to that of a thousand hands.

Eliminate the "universe will favor ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ which other people can't understand and don't involve" Guan Liyuan can feel the conscience of jumping around and say: I'm all for Ninja!

If anyone can say that Guan Liyuan has a hint of self-interest, he can cry worse than Nomura.

There are also many people who choose to stay, half of them, even this is beyond the expectations of Guan Liyuan, which is enough to please him!

I don't know how much will be left in the western battlefield ... As for the new army in the southwestern battlefield, Guan Liyuan is not worried.

The recruits from the civilian population are gradually maturing, and it is OK to "wash away" impurities-Guan Liyuan comforts himself.

Watching the changes on the fortress, the Yun Rens below were also secretly startled ... Darui was even a little worried whether he would be overturned.

"Sir Speaker, the defense is in place." Honglian said.

"Well, after killing this wave of Yun Ren in front of us, we will directly attack the land of Thunder, otherwise it may not be enough to make the stubborn Big Five feel pain! If you can't keep it here ..." Guan Liyuan whispered.

"We" naturally refers to Guan Liyuan and the "cloak men" behind him.

That's right, Dalui is worried about being overturned ... Guan Liyuan didn't put him and the thousands of clouds in front of him at all, even if he has a headache, it also has other headaches.

However, after waiting for Guan Liyuan to finish speaking, Hong Lian looked up at him and said, "I can't hold it! Frost and Snow Fortress will never fall!"

"What if it was the coalition of Muye and Yunyin Village?" Guan Liyuan asked in return.

"Fortress is here, people are here!"

"..." Guan Liyuan was speechless for a moment.

However, he was ready to clear up his mood immediately. As long as he could achieve the expected results, the chance of frost and snow fortress to be dangerous is actually not high ...

"Lords! Follow me as you charge ... catch Kiraby alive and kill Yun Yin Army!"

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