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Vol 2 Chapter 837: Cloud forbearance in doubt

"Be careful! He's down!" Darui reminded.

I saw Guan Liyuan with more than 100 federal soldiers wearing capes, and rushed down from the fortress ...

One hundred and eight of them were the "Federal Guardians" whom Yun Ren had met before, and sixteen were wearing strange-looking armor ... One of them, recognized by the wooden people, was actually Yun Ren and Hyuga. A family of ninjas, bamboo attacked in conjunction with the attack!

That's right, it is "the" production-type human column force 1.6 debugging version "-Guan Liyuan's side are all elites who have passed the level 4 or 6 assessment.

Especially take bamboo to take the empty!

The transformation of meridians is based on the bamboo-empty meridians, and its own ability to withstand the tail animal Chakra is naturally more prominent.

Although the other parts of the body are not “matched”, they cannot carry too strong tail beast Chakra, but Chakra armor can solve this problem ...

Taketori is currently the only federal fighter who has passed the eighth level examination. His chakra armor is specially made, and when he goes all out, he can explode with the power of Dingchun's column strength and eight tails.

In addition, the Chakra armor of Takenori is different from other people's standard armor. It is not a chakra weapon, but the same as his best combat method. It can be gathered in one punch, one foot, and one palm. Huge energy burst!

In the original work, Naruto was even able to break free from the starburst starburst when the eight-tailed chakra broke out, and even the Nagato's heavenly avatar was helpless ...

After taking part in the "Mass Production Pillar Program", Zhu Qukong became one of the hidden trump cards of the Federation.

"Million times ... push the palm!"

I saw that Bamboo took the air, and the right arm suddenly made a "push palm" action, and the entire Chakra armor immediately reflected it. The power of Dingchun's eight-tail shape was derived from the core of Chakra and transmitted to the right arm, Pushed out with a palm!

Under the orange-red chakra, Yun Ren, who was originally "sniping" on the ground, and "mass production-type human column force" were directly taken off in pieces.

After realizing this vaguely familiar power, Kiraby also readjusted his mood from depression ...

"This is ... the power of the tail beast? The armor is so ugly. The one who uses external forces, the power of human pillars ... the others spread out!"

Kirabi said that the whole person was completely covered by the eight-tailed chakra, and instantly formed a monster with eight tentacles and a bull head!

Although Dingchun is stronger than Niu Gui, the complete octagonization of Niu Gui is definitely stronger than the eight-tailed pattern of Dingchun ...

"Alas, the tail beast still has to be dealt with, the tail beast will deal with it! Dude, come on!" Kiraby's voice came from the body of the cow ghost.

"This sentence will be returned to you in the original class! Empty, you will fight off other Yun Ren, as for the cow ghost ... to the tail beasts to deal with it! Psychic!"

I saw that Guan Liyuan summoned Chongming and Youlu directly, and there was no surprise at Kiraby who was a ghost of the cow. The two tail beasts had appeared on the battlefield before.

"Although I don't agree with what the Nine Lama said, the number of tails has something to do with the amount of chakras. Although the two of you add up one more tail than me, it doesn't swell to the point that Can they beat me together? Besides, I'm not fighting alone now! "

It seems that the eight-tailed cow ghost made a sound this time.

Guan Liyuan was confused for a while, and then he showed a "sudden realization"-yes, Dingchun's real name is "Nine Lamas"! But I still feel better in Dingchun!

"Well, sure enough, I said this guy has been fascinated by that black uncle?"

"No, it's a companion who you haven't met yet, who can open yourself up and can depend on each other. Remember what Father said ..."

Although he knew that Niu Gui was talking about pure fellowship, Guan Liyuan still had a numbness in his scalp when he heard it-was Murphy Kirabi trying to challenge Xu Xian's man?

"Old man means the early Nizong and the Six Immortals, right? If his old man knew that the eight-tailed cow ghost was guarding him, it would be an organization that runs completely counter to his old man's ideas, would he cry?" Guan Liyuan couldn't help but sneer. .

"No, the old man said that if there was war after his death, it means that his philosophy is not entirely applicable to the Ninja world. Although the old man did not ask us such important things, but looking for the real world that the old man once protected The rule is the greatest respect for the old man! "Niu Guizhenzhen said eloquently.

"Oh? So Lei Zhiguo, the power to subdue the civilians in the country, is what the Six Immortals look for?"

"You still don't understand the age of the old man ... if this can keep those humans alive, it's not bad." Niu Gui said.

"Hehe, the Ninja Sect established by the father for the sake of mutual understanding and all-heartedness of the world, was actually misinterpreted to such a degree, and sure enough, this guy has been fascinated by Uncle Hei." You Lu seems to have a bad relationship with Niu Gui Before Mingming, they were in Yunyin Village.

But think about it right, when Brigade was still "imprisoned" in the seal, Niu Gui had become a companion with his own column strength, and it was normal to see him unpleasantly ...

And just as Dingchun and Shouhe have a famously bad relationship, and the "honest man" Isofu always likes to ridicule and cynical while shooting Dingchun's "Fart", maybe the number of tail beasts equals ten is not the same!

"Brigade again, I know both of you. You do n’t want to stay in Yunyin Village. If you are going to leave now, I wo n’t stop you ... and Zhongming. Although you are second only to me, But he is not good at fighting between tail beasts at all! "Niu Gui can easily fight two by himself.

"Although I want you to see me now, it's completely different from before ... but unfortunately, we have more important things, we must catch you alive!" Chong Ming said silently.

"Ha? Catch it alive? Wouldn't you have seen that fox? Right, this slang, since he was sealed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I haven't heard it for a long time! Hahaha ..." Niu Gui laughed .

"It looks like someone misses you ... Dingchun! Come out ... psychic art" Guan Liyuan seals again.

"Dingchun? Who is it?" Niu Gui said that he was completely confused.

At the same time, I saw three huge psychic mantras appearing in Yunyin's army, and Yinyin and Brigade and Chongming encircled the cow and ghost together.

"This size ... must ... three? How is that possible?" Darui and Yumu on the side couldn't help showing surprise.

The smoke generated by the friction in space filled the three giant monsters in the smoke under the frost and snow fortress!

The huge "turtle" with three tails, the huge "snot" with six brachial feet and tentacles behind it, and the super huge monster fox with nine tails-three tail beasts appear at the same time!

"This, this is ..."

"How is that possible? Three, six and nine?"

"Dammit! Didn't the news of Koba say that when the rebels of the kingdom of waters were crusade, did they find that the three-tailed and six-tailed people were strong? Why are the two tail animals of the original waterland here?"

"Nine-tailed? Nine-tailed? Legend has it that only those two who once used Kobe could surrender and have the highest column strength ... Why did they appear here? Konoha didn't even know that he lost his tail beast?"

"Not good ... Is it a conspiracy of Koba?"

Yun Ren began to doubt life ...

Only then did the two sides understand why Guan Liyuan didn't put Yun Ren in front of his eyes. At first, a nine-tailed out of control caused a serious injury to the leaves. Now the five-tailed beast is here. Even if Yun Ren has eight tails, May be an opponent!

The soldiers who had been determined to die in the frost and snow fortress suddenly felt that ... seemed safer than expected?

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