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Vol 2 Chapter 838: Open black ... and open (2 in 1)

"Niu Gui, did you find the" contract "I passed on to you? If I agree, I will tell Chong Ming to stop their hands, otherwise ... they will start with the determination to kill Kirabi!" Guan Liyuan said.

Niu Gui has no time to respond. What kind of ghost is this contract ...

At this moment the five tail beasts put too much pressure on him!

Just a Nine Lama has more power than him ...

Originally, Niu Gui also heard that more than ten years ago, when the Nine Lamas broke off their seals and attacked the wooden leaf village, they were deprived of the negative nature of Chakra. At that time, his relationship with Qilabi was good. He can know something about the strength of the column.

At least half of Chakra will not directly reduce the strength by half, but it should be 20% or 30% lower, and the endurance should be greatly reduced.

When he saw the Nine Lamas just now, Niu Gui even suspected that this was the Yin Nine Tail that the other party did not know how to "liberate", so it was not possible for Koba to discover that his column strength was out of order.

Therefore, Niu Gui estimates that the Nine Lamas who have only the positive attributes or only the negative attributes of Chakra may not be their opponents ... at most they can only draw with themselves!

The endurance of Niu Gui was not as good as Nine Lamas, the strongest tailed beast after the ten-tail split, but only half of it ... Niu Gui is still very confident.

But now Niu Gui is surprised to find that the strength of the Nine Lamas is only stronger than the peak.

It is almost certain that this is neither the Nine Nine Tail nor the Nine Nine Tail, but the Nine Lamas that have truly become one.

[Man! Not quite right, Lama Nine ... seems to be the real peak! Niu Gui said to Kiraby.

[呦, 呦, Boys of Koba, quite sloppy ...]

Kiraby was also very curious. Those guys in the wood leaves, half of the human tailed beasts were taken away, and half of the seals were released. They were completely unaware? Or ... did you intentionally not inform Yunyin Village?

[Hey man, try to cover your companions, and then we will lie to you, just go out and play! Qilabi said.

Kirabi understands that although Niu Gui is strong with himself, he even thinks he is as strong as "the second in the world"-of course, his righteous brother, the fourth generation of Lei Ying.

But no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to "stand alone" with five tail beasts including the Nine Lamas, or even just one Nine Lamas, which makes Chirabi and Niubi despair.

At the same time Niu Gui also has some doubts-he knows the peak strength of the Nine Lamas, and he is indeed stronger than himself.

However, according to his original expectation, under the condition that he and Qilabi cooperated closely, the Nine Lamas only faced with the tail beast alone, at least they could fight invincibly!

However, Niu Gui now feels that the nine Lamas themselves have exerted more power than him, and even ... Chong Ming and Ji Fu have seemed to be stronger.

In Niu Gui's "common sense", tail beasts still rely on talents to fight. After passing the juvenile period and reaching adulthood, the increase in strength will become less obvious.

Even if Shouhe, under the "oppression" of the Nine Lamas, broke through his own limit, he only "strengthened" by optimizing the fighting method.

Another way to get stronger is to find humans who can understand and cooperate with one another and become the perfect human pillar force-this is what the old man told them that year.

But now the Nine Lamas have obviously not cooperated with human beings, but they have become significantly stronger than before ...

And the most maddening thing about Niu Gui is how are these five **** so skilled?

Isn't Lao Yin Gui Ji Fu the favorite to find faults?

Actually still stand up and take the initiative to bear the attack, and give Chongming and Rhino the opportunity to restrict his activities?

In his impression, since they were "created" by an old man, no tail beast has joined hands in this way ...

[Damn! Why are you so skilled! Niu Gui feels very aggrieved.

If it is just the enhanced version of the Nine Lamas, even if the cow and the ghost cannot win, but the Nine Lamas can't stop trying to leave, it is the same as in the ancient times when they played countless times ...

Now the Nine Lamas have become stronger, but Niu Gui also has his own "partner", and his strength is also stronger than before ...

However, the five tailed beasts joined forces to make Niu Gui feel deeply malicious. At the same time, the most doubtful thing in his heart was, where did this "cooperation" come from?

What are the unlucky ones who acted as sparring?

Why didn't the major hidden villages get any news?

Now Niu Gui only wants to cover other Yun Ren for the last time, and then finds a way to escape by using "brachial foot surgery" ...

Niu Gui believes that even the Nine Lamas can't see through his "brachiopodism". This is a life-saving method that he and Qilabi have developed together, even the people in Yunyin Village don't know!

On the other side, Yun Ren's troops also lost ground at this time. They looked like "We really need to cover and retreat" ...

No way, just hundreds of body puppets holding the "pseudo-common killing gray bones" blades are enough to forbid the chickens and dogs to jump, while on the other side there are Isophobia and Rhino just psychic At that time, a total of about 300 people were "vomited"-all of them were "mass production people"!

That ’s right, before the rhinoceros and Isobu were in the southwest battlefield, before Guan Liyuan psychic came, they also transferred some "new army" who was fighting with the country of grass not long ago, and only related to Li Yuan's tail beast psychic. Surgery, can achieve this group of spatial transfer effect ...

However, if you want a psychic tail animal, not only has a high demand for Chakra, but also the "willingness" of the tail animal, or complete control ... How many people can do it since ancient times?

Although the subsequent 300 "mass production manpower" are all second-level, which is equivalent to the elites, but the endurance is better, but there are other four- or six-level strengths, which are led by bamboo and empty. Leadership of the mass production leader "followed behind the" guardians of the federation "and easily shattered the Yun Ren troops that had lost their fighting spirit!

Guan Liyuan's side only invested more than 400 people, less than 10% of Yun Ren's troops. However, the weakest is also the elite Zhong Ren, and there are five tail beasts besieging cattle and ghosts. "Stirring" is actually "battering ten by one."

Yun Ren already had experience at this time. He pulled out the cloud knives one by one, showing the style of the big powers of cutting, and completely took the gray bones in the hands of the "guardians of the federation" as a poisonous weapon to guard against ...

However, most of them are unbearable Yun Ren. How is the weakest EFF opponent who is also among the elite?

Unless ... you can use joint ninja to unite a lot of the power of ninja!

However, after all, now the bull ghost is completely suppressed by the five tail beasts. Where is the battlefield, not his control, but under the control of the Nine Lamas ...

In addition, the five tail beasts were more savvy when besieging cattle and ghosts. If Yun Ren gathered, and they wanted to brew something too large-scale joint ninja, they could also enjoy a "tail beast".

Even if the joint killing of the "borderguard" in the hands of the "Federal Guardian" had only a five-minute effect, but after persisting in time, Yun Ren still couldn't stop losing.

It was the same as when the three generations of Lei Ying were "sieged" by 10,000 ninjas ...

Guan Liyuan also thought that leaving Qilabi ... or leaving Niubi, was more valuable than killing Yun Ren's troops, so he would be given the opportunity to "cover Yun Ren's retreat".

Otherwise, a Nine Lama would stop him, and then if other tail beasts entered the battlefield, not even one-tenth of Yun Ren's forces could escape!

As for "brachial foot surgery"?

Guan Liyuan was always watching the change of natural energy, how could he let him escape?

Since Niu Gui took the initiative to take cover for Yun Ren's retreat, he was doomed to escape ...

At the beginning, Dalui wanted to cover Yun Ren's retreat with Qilabi, but he was almost caught by bamboo to take the opportunity to shoot dead.

After realizing that there is still a big gap between himself and Kiraby, Darui had to evacuate with Kiraby and other Yun Ren together.

Now the strength of Bamboo to take short is only slightly weaker than the combination of "Qirabi + Niu Gui", which is not inferior to the ordinary tail beast.

If it is the third generation of Leiying who can be a gun and a rigid eight-tailed bull ghost, it can indeed defeat Taketori, but Dalui, as the heir of the third-generation Leiying, has not yet fully grown up and is not an opponent of Taketoru .

Yun Ren went all the way to fight and retreat, and the Nine Lamas also received the command of Guan Liyuan, gradually driving the cattle and ghosts away from the fortress ...

Seeing that Yun Ren had almost withdrawn, Niu Gui roared, "Damn! I fight with you!"

"Hey, hey, fight, and fight, you explode!" Qilabi's voice also came from the cow's ghostly body.

Then, a huge explosion swept the audience ...

Fortunately, Guan Liyuan ordered the manpower of the two parts of "Public Production Force" and "Guardian of the Federation" all to bite Yun Ren's troops.

This is not just to expand the results, but also to avoid this scene ...

Niu Gui's "self-explosion" was, of course, chosen after most Yun Ren had withdrawn from the scope, and at this time only five tail beasts on the federal side were still in the range.

And this so-called "self-explosion" has a wide range of influence, but the attack power is just average for tail beasts and Guan Liyuan ...

"Well? Niugui ... when is it so tough? Even if he can be resurrected, wouldn't he consider his" partner "?" Chongming wondered.

The tail beasts, as the "Ten Tail" derived from the Divine Tree, are divided into special Chakra life. As long as the Ninja Chakra system spawned by the "God Tree Fruit" is not completely destroyed, they will not truly die.

It will be resurrected in a long time, somewhere in Chakra's meeting place ...

But how long will it take? Nine Lamas do n’t know, just listen to the words of “Old Man”, there is no such a tail as to try it yourself!

"I think the eight-clawed cow was frightened by the boss of Dingchun ... replaced with a certain seven-tailed, of course, there is no such effect." Ji Fu said immediately.

I don't know if he really has a bad relationship with Chongming, or because of the competitive relationship between Chongming and Dingchun, he as a "fox leg" is particularly keen on orchestrating Chongming.

"Be careful! He's alive ... here!" Guan Liyuan said, looking towards the dense forest, and rushed forward with five tail beasts.

I saw that Guan Liyuan's eyes were already white at this time, and the blue tendons exploded near the temples ...

When there were others before, Guan Liyuan didn't want to expose his "white eyes". After all, he might start a war with Muye at any time. He finally managed to set up a "bureau" with the Hyuga tribe. Now Guan Liyuan doesn't want to arouse the vigilance of the Hyuga tribe.

But now only the tail beast is nearby, and Guan Liyuan has no worries.

Guan Liyuan can even open the "rebirth eye", naturally the ordinary white eye has also been "unlocked".

Although it is just the most common, "white eye" of the people of the Hyuga family, it is completely incomparable with Teriyaki's white eye, but compared to the rebirth eye, the victory is nothing to consume.

Guan Liyuan was also startled. After the cow ghost exploded, his huge body completely disappeared, and because of the surrounding natural energy, he was also disturbed by the explosion, so he didn't find the opponent's backhand in the first place ...

However, after turning on the white eyes, Guan Liyuan found out that in the perspective of the white eyes, the tail beast Chakra is completely different from the surrounding black and white scenery, as if opening a perspective to see the people in the grass!

Niu Gui found the Nine Lamas as they approached, and was shocked, and quickly notified Qilabi to escape ...

I saw in the dense forest, a section of "octopus claws" that had blown up before the explosion fell here, and at this time the octopus claws were creeping into a human form!

Because the enhanced version of Nine Lamas and five tail beasts joined forces, the pressure was too great. For the sake of insurance, Niu Gui didn't even use a “brachio foot” as his deity to deceive each other, but he really discarded most of the body and kept only a small section of the brachiofoot as the “seed”.

How could it still be found? Even if it is open, is it still open?

Kiraby and Niu Gui escaped ...

Just before "exploding", before the recovery, Kiraby could not be transformed into a beast. He originally thought that "small" had a small advantage and wanted to retreat without leaving traces.

However, the other side bit him hard, and no matter what the reason, he could lock his position. Now, at most, he can only put on the "tail of the tail" Kiraby. Naturally, he can't run the five tails and Guan Liyuan ... ...

"Stop it, Kiraby. If I continue, I can only kill you first, and then try to see when the cow and ghost can be resurrected." Guan Liyuan said.

Not long after, Kirabi was caught up with Guan Liyuan and the five tail beasts. After standing a little, he was immediately surrounded by tacit understanding. Even if he could be turned into a beast ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I'm afraid I can't catch the opportunity to break out!

[When is your relationship so good? The voice of the cow ghost sounded in the hearts of the nine lamas and other tail beasts.

And Guan Liyuan said at this time: "Come on! Niu Gui, it is to sign a contract now ... After that I can promise that you will not need to attack the kingdom of Thunder, and I will let go of this uncle Hei. Or ... we will kill now Drop this uncle, try to see how long you need to resurrect, and then try to force you to sign a contract. "

That's right, "Bingqingyujie" has always been the key to Guan Liyuan's ability to conquer summoners from other worlds. Everyone thinks so!

Guan Niyuan was also relieved when the contract rune of Niu Gui appeared next to the professional rune of "Summoner of the Other World".

If it is to the point where Killaby is to be killed, Guan Liyuan is not good at judging how long it takes for the cattle and ghosts to resurrect ...

Of course, Guan Liyuan also coveted the "Outer Golem" organized by Xiao, because of the "meteorite", Guan Liyuan always couldn't help but think about it-the meteor with ten tail fragments can be used as a "secret treasure". The outer golem of the ten-tailed body ... can it also exist as a secret treasure?

However, it ’s still too early to fight an evil golem. Guan Liyuan has handed over the judgment of "communicating with the organization, disrupting the ninja world, and trying to win in the chaos" to Dashe Wan. What he has to do is try to avoid this. .

It is in the best interest of the Federation to be able to force the withdrawal of the Kingdom of Thunder, and to temporarily suspend the war before the Fourth Ninja War is detonated-because the power of the Federation is growing faster than other countries combined!

Just two-handed preparations ... even the worst result, "fight with Muye immediately," must be considered.

For example, there are other tasks that Li Yuan gave him ... [.]

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