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Vol 2 Chapter 839: The mission of the big snake pill

"Disgusting snake, come to me again for what? The battle of the country of grass has ended, and your" commander-in-chief "can no longer control me." Tsunade said, looking at Osumaru who came to her actively.

At this time, the war of the country of grass has ended ... or to put an end to it, Tsunaru's sky city has also entered the "Battlefield Hospital" mode, and until Osumaru came to her, Tsunaru was still directing the medical class. , And personally, to provide treatment for the wounded soldiers.

"It's a ruthless title, and ... before the battle ended, didn't you listen to my command? Thanks to our" three forbearance ", even if we haven't seen each other for so many years, we still have such a tacit understanding, we can still win without unified command ... I do n’t know where the guy is from now. ”Osumaru deliberately emphasized“ three forbearance ”.

"If you're provocative, just go and humble and hurry, I'm still busy." Tsunade said impatiently.

Tsunade didn't have any real feelings about the big snake pill betraying Koba ... because at that time Tsunae had left Koba.

But before she left, Tsunade's younger brother was killed in a mission led by Osumaru. Although he understood that it was a war, anyone could die, not Osumaru could control, but Tsunade was still aggrieved by the incident. Yu Huai.

As for more than a year ago, the big snake pill seriously injured the three generations of Naruto, in contrast, it did not give Tsunade too much feeling ...

For Ape Flying Sun Chop, Tsunade originally had a heart knot, and compared to the original plot, because of Guan Liyuan's butterfly wings, Uchiha Itachi rushed back to the wood leaves in time, making Ape Flying Sun Chop to die for another period of time before he died. Off.

However, when I heard Dashewan once again mentioned the title of "three forbearance", it was obviously in Ying Yinggang's hand!

"If you stay here, you should have no interest in the news I want to say ..." Dashe Wan said, unchanged.

"Well? What's the news?" Tsunade heard that he immediately realized that it might be related to Koba!

Otherwise, it is true that the character of Dashe Wan is not a person who will come for a joke. It is likely that the "three tolerances" just mentioned is a kind of temptation.

Oshimaru said with the same look: "There is a war between the Konoha ninja and the Federal Overseas Division. The country of fire has declared war, and Konoha will naturally respond."

"What? Koba ... what's the reason for them to do this?" Tsunade was a little angry, and could even be said to have caused "accusations"!

One is because he worships his grandfather, and the other is because he is dissatisfied with many decisions made by the senior leaders of the world during World War II. Therefore, even if Tsunade slashed the ape, he only respected the teacher and did not treat it as a naruto. Recognition.

In Tsunade's heart, except for her grandfather, only the second grandfather was considered a half-qualified Naruto, and all other Naruto were dregs!

In particular, the Qianshou clan canceled their surnames, but the other ethnic groups in the village did not follow up at all. Now there are families that are keen to divide their interests. Even the Uchiha clan has broken into the internal consumption ... These things make Tsunade even more unwilling to return.

At the time, Tsunade was young, and he could not understand the disappointment of Zhu Jian when he saw that the families did not agree with him at all, but now Tsunade can understand it.

This is also one of the reasons why Tsunade joined the renewed federation because of the "non-existent reality" that Guan Liyuan intervened in-at least in this matter, Guan Liyuan did not lie, compared to the current Koba, the renewed federation is more Will to approach the column.

If Guan Liyuan is going to declare war on the country of fire, then for emotional reasons, Tsunade will definitely find Guan Liyuan's theory angrily. After all, "Leaf" is a special place for her, her grandfather, and her Of the same age, creating a paradise of peaceful growth.

However, now that Koba has not harmed it or even its interests, the initiative to declare war with the federation has also made Tsunade angry at Koba!

"What's the reason? Oh, there are too many reasons, such as the failure of the young Naruto in the country of rain, and some people want to take the opportunity to expand their influence ... Another example is that the federal system hurt the young minds of the nobles of the country of fire, So prepare to kill the danger under the banner of revenge for the King of Water ...

What a perfect match, do you need other reasons? "Da Snake Pill said mockingly.

Of course, he wasn't mocking Tsunade, but "some people."

To some extent, Dashe Wan can see more clearly than Guan Liyuan. If Guan Liyuan didn't expect that Muye would intervene in the front, Da Snake Pill actually had half of the expectations before, but just didn't say much.

"Those **** ..." Gang was furious with his teeth.

The mentality is probably the same as when the baby saw various races of Warcraft and used the ice field to abyss creatures to fight for their own benefits.

In Gangshou's heart, the forbearance village established by his grandfather was not used for these purposes!

"What does Guan Liyuan say!" Tsunade asked angrily.

If Guan Liyuan suspects that she will be biased towards Konoha, and she will be transferred away, Tsunade will definitely go to him to challenge him ...

"His Majesty the Speaker just said that we should be careful. When necessary, we may also take the initiative to attack to reduce the pressure of overseas branches. I hope you will understand ... Then after that, the Majesty the Speaker asked me to organize a team first. Envoy wood leaves. "Obuchi said.

"I'm going! I look at those guys, do you have my face in front of me and talk about their 'reason'!" Tsunade said immediately.

"No, you can be responsible for guarding Konoha ... let Miss Mute lead the team. At least also let them know that Miss Sun, the first-generation Naruto, is on our side, maybe there will be a true truce? Hehe." Osumaru today Full of ridicule.

Tsunade was so angry that his head was green and angry, but he finally understood it, and Otsumaru's taunt made sense-it would be no wonder that Koba's people would stop fighting because of her!

And remove her personal emotions and identity ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Obviously Tsunade is not a good candidate for mission!

Even then, there may be other incidents, and it is not impossible to hold her down. After all, "the granddaughter of the first generation of Naruto opposed the high-level decision of Koba" was not acceptable to Koba.

Koba didn't know that Tsunade was updating the federation. The last time there was news of Tsunade, or the message that came back from time to time ... When she asked "Sabbatical" for Sakura, she said she was going to learn from Tsunade.

As for mute ... you can represent Tsunade, and you don't have to worry about being buttoned down—because the mute button has no effect except to annoy Tsunade.

"Well? I'm in charge of alerting the nation of fire? What about you?" Tsunade suddenly responded.

"Ah ... you actually reacted. Well, let me tell you alone ... I will hide in the mission and go back and look at it, don't tell me to be silent! That child is too honest, and it is easy to be informed See the flaws. "Dashe Wan put his index finger on his lips.

"what do you want to do?"

"Who knows, maybe one or two assassinations may be assassinated." Dashe Wan said.

When Tsunade saw that Oshimaru wasn't ready to tell the truth, he asked, "‘ that guy ’knows you're going?”

"Of course, Your Excellency the Great Speaker also sent me a courier. When the courier arrives, I will pretend to be a guard and set off with Miss Mute," said Oshimaru.

Thinking of the courier that he was about to receive, Dashe Wan couldn't help but admire Guan Liyuan ... Although Guan Liyuan lacked sensitivity to many issues of interest, but it was detrimental in the details ... keke, it is wise enough.

Thinking about what is going to be done, Dashe Wan is very excited-such a "smart" thing, the pervert snake likes it!

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