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Vol 2 Chapter 840: Federal mission

The news of the failure of the country of grass one day spread to the five great nations ...

The original Yanyin Village, which was about to move, immediately died down and ignored the news from Muye. However, Yunyin Village, who had already moved, was too late to "close it"!

Guan Liyuan took more than 400 federal "ninjas", defeated Frost and Snow Fortress, and killed 8,000 cloud ninjas, and entered the country of Thunder ...

Although Guan Liyuan's positioning for them was not a "ninja", Yunyin Village still understood it this way.

And the thing that Yunyin Village couldn't ignore was that Guan Liyuan was in the war, and at the same time, five tail beasts were psychic, besieging Qilabi ...

In the end, Kirabi was released, but he lost the eight-tailed cow ghost!

The whole thing is full of "unbelievable", first of all, Guan Liyuan can actually "psychic" tail beast? This is more difficult than catching the tail beast and sealing the adult column strength!

And it was the psychic that produced the "five" tail beasts ... except that the seven tails were all clear, the others were all "beautiful" tail beasts.

It also includes "two tails rescued by three tails"!

Of course, now people in Yunyin Village can also guess what is going on at the beginning-Guan Liyuan absolutely psyched up "Three Tail" in Yunyin Village, and then sang a one-man show, otherwise Sanwei would not appear like that unexpected!

In this way, Guan Liyuan is undoubtedly the one who killed Tudai and took away the only white-eyed murderer in Yunyin Village.

If the country of fire does not support the restoration of the country of water, and before the frosty snow fortress is defeated, you will get the news of the day of the country's failure. Perhaps Yunyin Village will really die and retreat.

However, now that Muye is at war with the renewed federation, two and two tailed beasts are taken away, and the Frost Fortress has suffered heavy losses ... This situation has caused the militant Yunyin Village to completely stimulate the war. meaning!

The senior generations of Yunyin Village, such as the fourth generation of Naruto, Mabuyi, Samui, etc., are studying how to completely leave Guan Liyuan in the Kingdom of Thunder ...

At the same time, Kobe's response was somewhat different.

After all, there is no "cutting pain". When supporting the restoration of Wuyin Village, the leaves of the ninja were not damaged. Even after knowing the news of Caoyin Village, despite the shock, Woody still had absolute confidence.

But what happened to Jiuwei really surprised them!

Because they have n’t sent a message back since, they still believe that Naruto, a human vortex, is safe, but they think of the attack on the shrine that contained the masks of the Maelstrom family a while ago, and vaguely guessed that Nine Nine Tail was released. .

As for the "nine tails of yin and yang unity" that Yunyin Village had proposed to them, Muye didn't fully believe that-Bacheng is a soil dweller in Yunyin Village and had never seen how strong Jiuwei was.

Guan Liyuan estimates that when the news of "combat" begins, Naruto will find him "private chat" when it spreads all over the world, so he explained to him first ...

Except for things that are not easily explained by the universe's will, and detailed battle plans, Guan Liyuan did not hide or flicker Naruto, but that was a long and private conversation, but he did not get a Naruto response for a long time. .

However, for a long time, Koba did not learn that Naruto's nine-tailed tail had been "shelled".

As for the wooden leaves ... It was just the attack on the shrine that contained the masks of the Whirlpool that was enough to give them an excuse to confess their sins!

Of course, if there is nothing in the country of water to update the current record of the Federation, Muye will certainly pretend that he hasn't seen it. After all, even the blackmail of Yunyin Village can be tolerated at this time.

The main reason is that the King of Fire's royal family and aristocracy demanded for the restoration of the country of water and severely punished the chaotic party. Therefore, it was a good match with the Tuanzang who was preparing to step on the five generations of Naruto ...

Uchiha Itachi does not actually support the war against the renewal of the Commonwealth, but the "Shadow faction" suffered too much damage in the "Rain Country" not long ago, and now the Naruto position will be stabbed. His approval or disapproval has no effect.

However, the news of the failure of the country of grass one day did indeed shake the country of fire, and it also regarded the renewal of the federation as a threat.

Although at the beginning, Tuanzang's goal was only the overseas branch, but they did not want the North Headquarters to intervene at this time, so they contacted Yunyin Village, but when they learned that Guan Liyuan led the elite to enter the territory of the Thunder, " "Tuanzang faction" is already considering whether to take the opportunity to attack the north to update the federal headquarters!

At this time, Guan Liyuan had entered the kingdom of Thunder, pulled out a valley stronghold in Yunyin Village, and found some "interesting" things ...

"Eh? Did you smell it? It's so **** ..." Guan Liyuan said on the battlefield full of dead bodies.

Takenori heard the words and scratched his head: "Is it blameless if there is no **** smell? Those federal guardians' fighting methods are so rude, look ... these are all broken."

"No, I'm not talking about the **** smell here, but the nearby natural energy, all with a hint of **** ... forget it, you first clean up the battlefield here, then rest in place, I will go there to see." Guan Liyuan Seems to feel something strange.

Just as Guan Liyuan was exploring the kingdom of thunder, the federal mission headed by silence on the bright side had come to Muye.

Not only is the silent identity amazing, but the deputy envoy is equally astonishing-it turned out to be the "fifth generation of Naruto's younger brother" Uchiha Sasuke who was "missing" for almost two years!

Whether it was Uchiha Itachi or Tuanzang in the original leaves, they did not want to see this so-called "federal mission".

Because according to the hidden rules of the Ninja Realm, the so-called "mission" should be "country to country" and "hidden village to hidden village". Now the nobles of the country of fire ... or the nobles of the five major countries, update What the Federation is most dissatisfied with is that its system of "forbearing the nation" has directly opened up the aristocratic collective.

At present, the Confederate mission did not intend to leave the King of Fire, and came directly to the leaves.

I want the aristocracy of the country of fire to support her as a group of Naruto. Naturally, she does not want to see this ill-conceived and unspeakable ambassador. Even Uchiha Itachi does not want to have extravagance when the popularity is down ...

Even though the Federal Mission was notified in advance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although Muye would not kill such a shame halfway, he still resolved to ignore them.


After they really saw the federal mission, they found that there was no way to ignore it ...

Silence, Sasuke, and the twelve guards of the Commonwealth entered Woodleaf without any welcome.

At this time, the senior leaves of wood who learned the identity of the messenger could not calm down-what about a good federal messenger? How are all our ninjas!

That's right, go silent with "Take a long vacation" with Tsunade. Naturally no one dare to count her as rebellious. As for the "missing" Sasuke ... Because of the fifth generation of Naruto, it has always been defined as "missing", no Declared to be rebellious, in theory they are still Koba ninjas.

And everyone knows that mute stands for "Tsunade", and "Tsunade" stands for Thousand Hands Orthodox!

Although the first generation of Naruto Qianshouzhu, because the village was expected to truly become a bridge for everyone to connect, not just a tool for various families to compete for power, they took the lead to abolish the family name, so that now there are countless theoretically no family names with the blood of a thousand hands Muye ninjas have a weak family consciousness, but ... it doesn't mean that they forgot the thousand hands!

Not to mention those ninjas with no surnames, even the major ninja families, there are many people who miss the first and second generations of Naruto.

However, it now represents Tsunade's "muteness", and actually returned to Koba as the ambassador of the Federation?

What the **** is this-if you don't figure this out, even the old foxes of the advisory group can't sleep!

As for Uchiha Itachi ... it is necessary to meet Sasuke.

The previous plans were all a joke. On the same day, the federal mission was interviewed-Naruto, the advisory board, the root, the kind that the three parties invited at the same time ...

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