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Vol 2 Chapter 841: Guan Liyuan's Gift (2 in 1)

The Federal Mission received invitations from the three parties to meet at the same time. However, it was more conservative and silent, and it was the first choice to see the fifth generation of Naruto-although I heard that he is now the lightest speaker!

What she didn't know was that, at the same time, one of the twelve escorts secretly lurked into the forest next to the wooden leaves ... found a place where nobody was, and silently waited after finishing the seal.

Not long after, I saw a young ninja with white pupils and a wooden leaf guard on his head. He also came here with a clear purpose.

That's right, the person who came was Nichihei!

And Sister Yu's guard is naturally the big lady of the lady-Dashe Wan.

Because of his father's self-sacrifice, Ning Ci, who has the highest level of authority in the family, has a "bird curse in a cage". Although it is still restricted by all parties, if he actively cooperates with the research of Dashe Wan, he will not be discovered by the sun and the sun.

When Guan Liyuan first obtained the Tudai ... that is, the sun-descent that was blackmailed by Yunyin Village, he had a deep talk with Ningci once and reached a "transaction".

The content of the transaction is that the Nikkei Ningji will cooperate with Guan Liyuan and Dashewan to study the "bird's curse in the cage" of Hyuga, and Guan Liyuan will help all people in Hyuga to lift the curse-just "help" everyone to lift it, not this way. As a threat, as for the choices of the people who separated afterwards, Ning Ci felt that he did not need to be loyal to the family to the extent that he was willing to be a slave.

If the other families are willing to continue to obey the family's arrangement, it is considered to be a well-rounded leader. If they are not willing to ... it is also their own pot.

Ning Ci does not want to destroy Hyuga ’s house subjectively, but the "bird curse in the cage" should not exist-this is the consensus reached between him and Guan Liyuan.

After that, Obuchi put a "seal" on Ningji. Without unraveling, he did not have the memory of cooperating with the federation, so as not to expose his acting skills.

Only when Ningji went out on a mission each time, if possible, Dashe Wan would find him to cooperate with some experiments ...

But this time Dashe Wan was directly near the wood leaves, and Ningji's memory seal was lifted remotely. Sure enough, Ningji came all the way.

"Meet again, young man of the Hyuga tribe." Osumaru said in his original voice, without hiding his identity.

But this time Ning Ci said coldly, "Our deal, let's terminate!"

"Oh? Don't you want the 'Bird's Seal in the Cage' to disappear forever?" Osumaru was not surprised.

Ning Ci heard a word of silence, but finally said: "I really want the bird in the cage to disappear, but ... I will not betray Koba. Since Koba will be at war with you, I will not cooperate with you again! Of course! , You can also choose to expose me, after all, I did work with you. "

"Don't forget that there is a bird curse in the cage acquiesced in the cage," said Oshimaru.

However, Ning Ci did not respond, but was silent.

Sure enough, Ning Ci did not want to betray the wooden leaves because of the "bird curse in the cage", and even the Hyuga tribe was not betrayed. Without the "bird curse in the cage", the family could not control the sun or even be retaliated. The clan's own cause.

However, now that Koba announces and renews the Federation as an enemy, Ningji has abandoned cooperation after hesitation, and he feels that if he continues, he may inadvertently hurt Koba.

As a ninja of Konoha, Ningji still has a strong sense of belonging to Konoha.

"Well, Your Excellency the Speaker has already anticipated your choice, but I just want to fight for it one last time ..." Da She Wan pretended to be helpless.

Ningji became nervous for a moment, thinking that the other party wanted to do something ...

"Rest assured, our great speaker, you are still very polite. Since you do n’t want to cooperate, you do n’t need to make a memory seal afterwards. Even ... Your great speaker said, 'Meeting gift' has been given to you He just kept it on his behalf, and will not take it back, and will return it to you by the hand of the mission. "Osumaru said.

Ning Ci heard some excitement when he heard the words. The so-called "meeting ceremony" was the sun-sun eclipse that Guan Liyuan had "given" to him, that is, one of his father's eyes, which Guan Liyuan had dug from Yunren Tudai. !!

However, in order to prevent Ningci from being able to explain the origin of the eyes, Guan Liyuan proposed to keep it for him.

Originally Ningji had made preparations for his sacrifice this time, but even so ... he didn't want to hurt the leaves.

However, I did not expect that the other party was so frank, not only "good together and scattered", but also returned his father's eyes?

If the mission returned the wood leaves, Ning Ci would naturally not need to explain anything ...

"Thanks ... Thank you! If there is something that will not hurt Kobe or my companions in the future, I will certainly cooperate with you!" You ".

"The only thing you can do for your great speaker is the bird in the cage ... Forget it, I won't force you, but if you change your mind, you can find a place where nobody is. Scrolls. "Osumaru said and passed the scrolls to Ningji.

Ogimaru looked at the back of Ningji's departure, and couldn't help whispering: How can there be such a person with great discipline as His Excellency the Great Speaker?

Of course, this question Guan Liyuan answered him-I just gave him a chance to see the wood leaves, and I also gave the wood leaves a chance, didn't he? Is it me who is walking the tightrope? They have one tenth of my martial arts, and I will lose everything ...

Why is there such a dialogue between Dashe Wan and Guan Liyuan?

The reason lies in the mission ...

At the time of Omomaru's meeting with Ningji, Koba had collapsed with the envoy, knowing that Tsunade had joined the renewal federation, and also accused Koba of starting war for no reason, not only did the advisory group and the group hide no guilt, but instead taunted in silence Tsunade threatened to declare her rebellious.

Uchiha Itachi feels quite right, but now it is hard to support alone!

While mute was angry, he didn't forget Tsunei's request ... In fact, this is also Otsuma's request for Tsunei.

The last effort was made, and that was to give Koba a "gift"-yes, it was the white eye that repeatedly changed hands! Before that, Guan Liyuan specially gave the white eye "Biaodiao Express" to Dashe Wan.

"It's ... Yun Ren Tu Dai's dilated eyes?" The consultant Mito Menyan saw the white eyes in the container and asked immediately.

They knew what Tu Dai was killed before, and now they all understand that Guan Liyuan did it!

Silently speaking, his voice froze, and he immediately became angry: "White eyes of Tudai? How can a Yun Ren have white eyes ... This is the sunray of the sun and the sun! In those years you were blackmailed by the so-called" ally ", your grand parliament. It has been retrieved and is willing to return it to you! I hope you can figure out who is the enemy and who can be friends! "

Mito knew he was guilty of a word, and looked a little embarrassingly at the scene. As the patriarch of the Hyuga tribe, he played a pivotal role in the village and also attended the meeting.

What Tsunade told her before ... or what Osumaru told Tsunade is that no matter if the peace talks are successful, the "gift" must be given.

After the silent mute left, the top leaders of the wooden leaves looked at the "white eyes", and many of them secretly glanced at the sun and the sun.

The renewed federation will return the white-eye, naturally they will not be understood as "goodwill", but now this white-eye is very sensitive!

From the source, this has been regarded as "giving" to Yunyin Village by Muye, and the former enemy of the Tu Dynasty was attacked and killed by the common enemy "Update Federation".

Now that the federal government has returned its eyes, can they accept it directly? Once you accept it, what will Yunyin Village think about it?

In particular, Mute also deliberately emphasized "ally" and "friend". If it was really accepted, would it be considered by Yunyin Village that Muye had already formed an alliance with the Federation?

You should know that Yunyin Village has some doubts about Muye now ...

What they want to do most is to send the white eyes back to Yunyin Village, but what will they do in this way?

"The Hyuga family ... is the strongest family of Konoha, and will also have standing on the side of Konoha. I'm a little uncomfortable. After that, please discuss it with everyone and let me know." Hyuga also understands the embarrassment now, sigh With a sound, left the seat.

The meaning of "Towards the Overall Situation" of Sun and Sun Foot is very clear, and others know what to do ... Anyway, it was the same year, and it was sent with the white eyes, and there was a corpse!

However ... To the desolation of Muye's high level, there is no impenetrable wall, so the gift of the delegation spread in the village.

The day-to-sun affair at the time made many Koba ninjas dissatisfied-they would rather fight with Yunyin Village to die.

However, the top leaders of Muye did not allow such irrational things to happen, and still solved the problem in a "focus on the big picture."

This time when the mission returned the eyes, many ninjas felt happy and had a better impression of the federation after the leaves of the woods spread, especially the ninjas of the Hyuga tribe. At this time, many families were separated. They all have great opinions on the Zong family, but there are "bird curses in the cage", these "opinions" can be ignored.

The happiest now is naturally Ning Ci ...

But ... wait and wait, the white eye of Richa did not return to the family of Hyuga, but waited for the decision of Koba to "return" Baiyan for friendship with Yunyin Village!

This was the third day of the delegation's visit. I heard that the news was silent, and had a long period of sullenness. I was ready to return without power. Although it was raining outside, I didn't want to stay for a moment.

In the same heavy rain, Hyuga rarely saw the firework homework of her daughter and ignored the affairs of the clan, but watched the rain alone under the eaves alone ...

Sunward Sunfoot also knows that there is a person who is more depressed now than him, but ... As the head of the Sunward family, Sunward Sunfoot thinks his decision is correct.

However, the previous three clan veterans proposed "reducing Ning Ci's power to rise above the ground"-the reason is that if this situation occurs again, it may affect Ning Ci's loyalty to the family ...

As a result, Sunward Sunfoot not only did not agree, but instead slammed the three clan elders. Sunward Sunfoot just considered the overall situation and was not heartbroken ...

And Ningji ... Although originally resentful to the Nichigo clan, he did not want to destroy it, and to remove the "bird's curse in the cage". From Ningji's point of view, it was a "better" result for the Nichigo clan, only to the family Just bad.

As for Muye, Ningci's sense of belonging and loyalty is beyond doubt, even if something happened that year, although he can't accept it, he can understand ... at least before today.

But "loyalty" is not something that can be tested repeatedly.

In the heavy rain, Ningji knelt alone in front of the coat of arms that he had laid down for his father. I didn't know how long ... and finally opened the scroll that Oshimaru gave him.

As Guan Liyuan said ... he is the one who walks the tightrope. Some people have a bit of discipline, and now he has nothing to lose. However, those who have the discipline have no right to speak, and the big people who have the right to speak "look forward to" his blood. Then you can't blame him for being rude!

"Child, it seems that our gift could not be delivered to you ... but rest assured, we will take it back again." The voice of Dashe Wan sounded behind Ningji.

Just in Muye, when an event happened in the future that would change the future of the Ninja Wars, Guan Liyuan also made an unexpected gain in the Kingdom of Thunder!

"Eh? One, two, three ... five blood relay limit ninjas? There seems to be a very rare pupillary blood relay limit, and ... doesn't seem to be Yun Ren? When is the kingdom of thunder's blood relay limit? Much more. "Guan Liyuan muttered as he watched the" Thieves "attacking the official convoy of Lei Zhiguo.

Although Lei Zhi's national name is Shang Wu, and Yunyin Village is also committed to studying jutsu in various countries ... but it should not be done with blood and blood!

Five seem to be ninjas from the "Thieves". All of them are owners of the blood relay limit, and four of them are mixed blood relay limits of the Chakra type. The other one is actually a rare physical blood relay limit, or Blood pupil limit of "pupil" type.

The ninja who has the limit of pupillary blood circulation looks like a "little girl", but Guan Liyuan, who is sensitive to natural energy, finds that the natural energy contaminated by her is more like that of an adult in her twenties.

In addition, Guan Liyuan's concern is that the source of the "bloody smell" in natural energy is the pupil power of "Little Girl"!

It can be determined that these people are not Yun Ren, because the target of their attack was a convoy of thrones guarded by the King of Thunder and the team that Yun Ren cooperated to protect, but they did not look like important people because the Ninja was not strong and did not have Too many followers, more like a transport team.

"Come on ... Taiwan · The strong wind is cracking!"

I saw a blue-haired young ninja headed by a thief group, suddenly using blood following ninja ... analyzed by Guan Liyuan's perception, it should be a chakra mixed blood following belonging to "wind + thunder", and Troy The magnetic properties of the chakras are the same, but the results are not the same. This is a kind of "wind" chakra blood.

Under the strong wind, the last few ninjas who were still standing also thundered.

"That's it! Quickly, move everything away ... These abominable aristocratic thunderous nobles are really greedy," said the blue-haired young man.

Sure enough, the goods were hijacked, and Guan Liyuan saw what they had removed from the convoy, and immediately understood that this should be the tax transportation team of the country of Lei. Half of the "goods" were food, and some were livestock, coins, and ... The mess is like grabbing at random.

Regarding this situation, Guan Liyuan also knew what was going on. He had also encountered it before in the Kingdom of Thunder.

Just look at those grains ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Most of them are high-yield crops from the federal, but some are ordinary crops!

Facing the outflow of high-yield crops and the Chakra cultivation method, Lei Zhiguo ’s national policy was to find that those who practiced chakras without permission were directly executed, and in addition, the tax was directly increased according to the output of high-yield crops-and the increase was very limited, making ordinary people Growing high-yield crops will not leave more food than before.

In this way, it is completely ensured that Chakra's power will not flow into the people, and that the Kingdom of Thunder and the Yunyin Village can enjoy the innovative "bonus" to the greatest extent.

As the toughest of the Big Five, this approach has its own characteristics, and the civilians of Lei Zhiguo are not unexpected.

However, there will be a serious problem, that is, some people do not plant high-yield crops in time. This round of tax can only be subsidized by selling pots of iron, so there will be some messy things copied in the "tax" ...

"Leader, here ... there are still a few girls ..." When another ninja opened a carriage, he saw a few maidens **** inside, a little embarrassed.

"Well? Untie them first ... um ... don't worry, you will be sent home first in a while, and the stolen things will be returned to you later!" Said the blue-haired young ninja, righteously.

Guan Liyuan, who is watching from a distance, can probably guess their identity ...

Sure enough, the "little girl" comforted several young ladies and sisters at the moment, and patted the chest without any scale, "You can rest assured that our Thunderbolt regiment is a righteous thief and will definitely save everyone!"

Guan Liyuan could not help whispering: "It's really good people have good rewards, Lei Guang Mission ... I just gave Muye a big gift, and I immediately got a return from Lei Zhiguo ..."

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