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Vol 2 Chapter 842: Thunderbolt

"Well, let's go! There is a stronghold in Yunyin Village not far away. The five Great Hidden Villages are not so easy to provoke ..." The blue-haired young ninja, known as the "head", urged.

"Well, the **** in Wuyin Village haven't been taken away by the renewed federation?" Said a square-faced player, and he touched a scar on his forehead.

In the end, he was knocked down by the "Head": "But killing us is enough, let's go!"

"Leiguang Regiment" is a thief group originally operating in the country of Bamboo. It usually robs the ill-gotten riches and gives it to the poor ... As one of the northern countries, the Bamboo Country has now been incorporated into the Federation.

Appeared in the original "Sasuke Biography", four years after the end of the Fourth Ninja War, the survivor of the Thunder Light Group Chino, because of the rescue of the blood pool and the Uchiha family, to the last survivor of the Uchiha family. Revenge, attacked Koba ...

And at this point in time ... In the original work, the "Thunderbolt Regiment" should have been involved in the secret scheme of Wuyin Village during the four generations of Miyake Yakura's reign, resulting in death and injury and reduction of staff under the pursuit of Wuyin.

According to the situation in the original work, the "Leiguang Group" will usually accept the employment of Wuyin Village and do things that are not easy for Wuyin Village. As a result, Wuyin Village hired them to assassinate the king of Bamboo Country, but Wuyin Village The purpose is to personally rescue the king of the country of bamboo, in order to win the country of bamboo.

Therefore, the Thunderbolt was not only ambushed by the fog, but also became the target of the village of Wuyin.

The most unacceptable part of the Lei Guang regiment was that when they took their injured companions and sought help from the village they were funded and protected, hoping for rest and basic treatment, they were rejected under the pretext of "will affect us". .

Under the constant pursuit of Wuyin Village, two of the five people died, and the remaining three also "separated". Four years after the end of the Fourth War, the head of the team "Feng Xin" and the owner of the blood dragon eye "Qian Nai" ", Began the revenge of Sasuke.

According to the original plot, it should be that "Leiguang Regiment" is being chased by Wuyin, or it has just been separated for a while ...

However, due to the influence of Guan Liyuan, the fourth-generation Yakura stepped down earlier, and Wuyin Village naturally stopped chasing them after not cutting off again.

But the attack on the king of the country of bamboo did happen!

In the early days of the renewal of the Federation, when Guan Liyuan ordered all thieves and ninja families in the Qing area to be involved in violence, the King's room of the original bamboo also "complained" with the federal government that such a group of bandits in the country of bamboo ...

However, although Guan Liyuan knew the "Leiguang Regiment" because of the original work, such "trivial matters" did not reach Guan Liyuan here. After receiving the complaint, a family of ninjas was taken to solve it directly.

In the end, it was because the ninja who went to "Qing Ming" was defeated, but brought back the news of "Leiguang Regiment voluntarily withdrawing from the north". Guan Liyuan only learned about this ...

After all, Wuyin Village stopped the pursuit of the "Leiguang Regiment" indirectly because of the renewal of the Federation, and the cleanup of the bandits after the renewal of the Federation was also a righteous act in the eyes of Leiguang Regiment.

Especially after the bandits in all parts of the north are calm and high-yield crops are popularized, villages, towns, and counties in all corners can also live normally. Now they can still be starved to death, which is definitely a waste of laziness.

If they do this early, they will not be deceived and betrayed by those delicious and lazy and ingratitude.

Therefore, they did not have a hard time to clear their ninja. After defeating each other, they promised to leave afterwards.

For Guan Liyuan, of course, I hope to recruit these young ninjas who are a little bit clueless and still in Form Two, but have great potential.

However, when he knew about this matter, the Bamboo Group had not been found in Takenochi, and not long after, there was a clue in the territory of the former Tang Kingdom that the Light Group had appeared, but he left without any case.

Guan Liyuan had some regrets at first, but now they meet them again in the kingdom of Thunder!

Guan Liyuan couldn't help but want to jump out and say a few words: Several donors have a connection with my federation ...

Papapa—Guan Liyuan gave applause and appeared in front of Leiguang Mission.


"Is Yun Ren?"

"Without a guard ... is it a ninja of the royal family?"

The Leiguang regiment was immediately on alert.

"Qian Nai." Feng Feng quietly called "little girl".

Qian Nai shook his head, signaled that he did not see how Guan Liyuan appeared ...

"Don't be too nervous, I'm just passing by, you guys are the Leiguang regiment that originally appeared in the country of Bamboo?" Guan Liyuan said.

However, he didn't know he mentioned the "Bamboo Kingdom", but made the people in Leiguang regime more nervous. After all, they assassinated the king of the Bamboo Kingdom!

"Wow! Big brother, you are so terrific,‘ bang ’suddenly appeared!” China, like a real little girl, approached while admiring in a cute tone.

But halfway through, the white part of the eyes became completely red, while the pupils of the eyes were dark red with a horizontal bar in the middle—somewhat like Naruto's fairy pattern.

Suddenly Guan Liyuan found himself standing on a blood-colored sea, and there was no sense of strength under his feet, and Chakra's adhesion did not prevent him from falling into the blood-colored sea ...

At the same time, the stinky liquid was poured into Guan Liyuan's nasal cavity and mouth madly—of course, bloody.

Just when Guan Liyuan was struggling to float on the sea, he found that in the sky above his head, two red eyes larger than the full moon and the same little girl as before were floating in the air ...

However, at this moment, the giant "eyes" in the air were slightly above the middle, but suddenly cracked, and the two horrible eyes seemed to feel wrinkled as if they felt pain!

The perspective returned to "outside" and saw Qian Nai shouting, covering his forehead, "It hurts!"

And Guan Liyuan's right hand with the "flicking fingers" shape that was slowly retracted illustrates the "murderer's" method of committing crimes ...

That's right, blood longan has the same basic illusion ability as writing round eye-so in the original work, Qian Nai thought of using a "human bomb" made by hypnosis to attack Muye Village, and then led Sasuke back to Mu leaf.

The six generations of Naruto Kakashi at the time did indeed want to recall Sasuke for the first time, because Kakashi couldn't think of any other way to counter this kind of illusion besides the complete writing of the chakras ...

However, the situation of all parties has now been completely affected by Guan Liyuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Not only is the fifth generation of Naruto "substitution", the sixth generation of Naruto is not likely to be Kakashi-the former wooden leaves met in the country of rain One of the most important incidents in the raid was the duplication of Ninja Kakashi who was dug out of one eye!

"Don't be naughty! And ... you shouldn't call me 'big brother'." Guan Liyuan could not help but say.

"Eh? You ..." Qian Nai heard a shocked expression, thoroughly confirming that this person knew her details, and that the blood dragon eye's illusion was almost useless for it!

That's right, Chino's age is unknown, and the original only shows that he is older than Sasuke. It seems that for some reason, the body has stopped growing and looks like it is only eleven or twelve years old.

Just now Guan Liyuan was not only immune to the effects of illusions, but he was able to shed a bit of spirit and pretend to be in illusions ... This is a level that has completely played with it on the palm of his hand.

"Well, the leader of Fengxin is behind? Put down the knife ... I am Guan Liyuan, the speaker of the renewal alliance. We don't need to play a game here in the country of thunder, right?" Guan Liyuan said.

"What? You, you are the great speaker?" Feng Xin heard a word, and immediately dropped the flying knife that was pouring Chakra.

"Before in the country of Bamboo ... No, it was during the renewal of the eastern part of the federation. Because of some misunderstandings, we injured some ninjas in the federation, and I hope you forgive me," Feng Xin said politely.

What Guan Liyuan didn't know is that the renewal of the Federation not only indirectly stopped the pursuit of Wuyin Village, but also during the most difficult period of the Leiguang Regiment, it also received the help of the "Northern Alliance", the predecessor of the "Renewal of the Federation", although only When Yincun mobilized the ninjas to go to the Snow Country, they passed them some emergency medicine, but the Leiguang regiment always remembered.

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