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Vol 2 Chapter 846: Strategic shift is also an offense

"Is it started?"

I saw a black cat whispering to himself in the city of thunder, and then came to the middle of the road ...

A galloping carriage rammed in the middle of the road at this moment, seeing that it would run over the black cat's body, but at this moment, the black cat instantly swelled into a completely human-souled beast form similar to a human form!

Yes, the "black cat" is naturally the "little black" summoned by Guan Liyuan to the world of Naruto.

Because of the soul and soul contract, Xiao Hei and Guan Liyuan are in the Naruto world and can communicate with each other, which is similar to the soul and soul contract calling function after the death of the main world.

In addition, the black cat form, black panther form, and humanoid form of Xiaohei are all regarded as the "body". Even if the city of thunder has an enchantment to detect transfiguration, it cannot stop Xiaohe from sneaking in.

Before Guan Liyuan took people to "snack" Yunyin Village, Xiao Hei had already reached the city of thunder!

I saw Xiao He in humanoid form and glanced at the two horses with contempt. Whether it was a horse, a coachman, or a pedestrian around the road, he instantly stood still, apparently caught in illusion—Xiao Hei's Mental abilities naturally appear as illusions in the Naruto world.

Although the city of Thunder was also very nervous recently because of Guan Liyuan's "long drive straight ahead", the royal family and the nobles' guarding ninjas were on alert and immediately discovered the situation of "sudden quietness" in this neighborhood, but it was too late ... ...

"Spiritualism!" Xiao Hei, like a human being, uses Ninjutsu.

After a period of smoke from space friction, a person with a giant baboon bone arm behind him suddenly appeared in front of a black cat.


"Stand still!"

"Hug your head, hold your head with both hands!"

There were police officers patrolling around immediately, and there were some who jumped from the roof. They should be the so-called guard ninjas ...

However, Guan Liyuan naturally ignored them, and directly formed the seal of psychic hands, and the suffering and shuriken flying around were all blocked by the baboon's bone arm.

On the battlefield of Yunyin Village, the fourth generation of Lei Ying was almost flashed by Guan Liyuan's sudden "disappearance ..."

Found that Guan Liyuan suddenly disappeared, and the pupils of Leiying of the fourth generation shrank.

However, my body didn't have time to respond, and I still fell forward two steps: "Oh, I'm beep! How come ..."

With the strength of Leiying Ai, it is almost impossible to be avoided by opponents using techniques such as "substitution" when they are deadlocked!

"Not good! Entangle all enemies! Don't let them contact the tail beast ..." Lei Yingai shouted immediately.

However, it was too late, and I saw the rhinoceros suddenly "exploded" and shattered into countless independent "snots", similar to Tsunazumi's puppet ...

Although the original rhinoceros looks the same breed as the tadpole, it only has more tentacle-like tails, and it has arms, feet, and hands. However, it was originally not the tadpole's division ability.

Like Chakra's share in Dingchun, this ability is also a special ability developed by the rhinoceros after practicing with reference to the atmosphere of the meteorite!

I saw more than four hundred little rhinoceros, and they came into contact with the soldiers of the Federation one-on-one.

The rhinoceros is divided into more than 400, each one is much larger than ordinary humans, and it directly wraps up the soldiers of the federation. It does not need the soldiers of the federation to enter the mouth of the tail beast ...

At the same time, the other four tail beasts, at this time, went all out to attack Yun Ren and restrain the other party from being able to focus on destroying the "Rhino Capsule".

Just after the last bamboo taker was empty and he had entered the mouth of Jifu, Yun Yin Ninja troops pinged in front of him, and then smoked up-not who ate soy, but in Just a moment, all the enemies disappeared, leaving only a smoke screen brought by space friction!

That's right, it was Guan Liyuan who was in the city of thunder and used psychic skills to complete the big transfer and release all the Yun Ren to the pigeons ...

Along with Guan Liyuan's use of psychic skills, four tail beasts and hundreds of huge snots with tentacles suddenly appeared in the city of thunder!

"Enemies, enemy attacks!"

"It's a renewed federation! Here comes the renewed federation ..."

"All vigilance, the enemy uses space ninjutsu to sneak on block 3, and the target is suspected of being a palace!"

"All the palace guards attack!"

The guardian ninjas of Thunder City suddenly became lively.

The king of the Thunder Kingdom was originally relieved because he received the news that the Federation had attacked Yunyin Village. Who knows that the Thunder City soon sounded an alarm!

The old king was so scared that he fell to the bottom of the table and shouted, "Go to Yunyin Village and ask the four generations of Lei Ying ..."

Unfortunately, although there are point-to-point messaging in the country, because of various types of jutsu and the reason for sensing the remote docking of the ninja, the message delivery speed is not slow. It is impossible.

From the perspective of the distance, even the elite advance troops will take nearly a day to arrive, and ... unless the fourth generation of Lei Ying is dizzy, it is impossible to let Yun Ren arrive in batches according to the difference in the fastest moving speed. What is the difference between Huluwa and Grandpa?

Under Yunyincun Mountain, Yunni were also covered. The enemies who were fighting the moment before disappeared in an instant ...

"Hope, go check the news of the city of Thunder!" Shouted Dalui.

"It must be there ... Damn! How dare to play with the old man ... how about sackcloth?" At this time, the fourth generation of Lei Ying also knew that he had been played ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Master Lei Ying was already contacting the city of Lei Perceived Ninja ... Signed! There are indeed enemy forces, there are tail beasts ... it is the renewal of the Federation! They are in Thunder City! Xi said with blond hair and white face, as a first-class perception ninja of Yunyin Village.

"Damn ... sackcloth, immediately use the heavens to send me!" The fourth generation of Leiying Ai annoyed.

"Master Lei Ying, if you use the sky-sending technique, although you can immediately reach the city of thunder, but the consequences ... you know, please think twice!" Mabuyi said worried.

Although the sackcloth's "sky-sending technique" has almost the ability to "transmit", it will have a great impact on what is transmitted. Usually, it is used to transport some imprecise items. "Send" to others ... Ordinary ninjas are torn directly.

Even the Leiying Ai, considered to be the strongest human body in Yunyin Village, will not be harmless after transmission.

"Not when these are said, fast!" Lei Yingai insisted.

Just then, Kirabi also stood up: "My body can resist, count me as one."

"Than, now you ..." Lei Yingai hesitated a little.

"Relax, brother, even if the cow and ghost are gone, I can still use the eight-tailed chakra, but I ca n’t stimulate the beastization of the tail. His physical strengthening has not disappeared, "said Kirabi.

"Okay! Let's take a look at what the two **** want ..."

To a certain extent, Lei Yingai seems to have no hope of stopping Guan Liyuan, but after the city of Thunder was attacked, he must be present!

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