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Vol 2 Chapter 847: Fall of Thunder City

"It's really almost unguarded ..." Guan Liyuan pushed all the way to the palace of Thunder City.

No, to be precise, it is not even a "push" because there is not much hindrance at all!

There are only a few hundred ninjas with Yun Yin's protection, which looks like that, but the number is too small, which is about the same as the number brought by Guan Liyuan.

However, we must know that Guan Liyuan's side, after setting up Dingchun's BUFF, the weakest fighting power is close to the strength of Shangni, and those in Yunyin Village are the weakest.

Sure enough, all combat power was involved in Yunyin Village, and there was no resistance in Thunder City.

In fact, this can also be regarded as "Yangmou". The four generations of Lei Ying'ai did not completely predict that Guan Liyuan might target the city of Thunder, even if Guan Liyuan puts out many smoke bombs ... From the stronghold of elimination, it is indeed all the way Came to Yunyin Village, but the fourth generation of Lei Ying is not completely unsuspecting.

But the problem is that even if Lei Ying'ai guessed, he didn't dare to sing empty city plans in Yunyin Village. Otherwise, once Guan Liyuan targeted Yunyin Village, Yunyin would really have great vitality—as one of the five hidden villages, and It is the most active laboratory in Yunyin Village, which is most actively studying jutsu.

Once these materials are seized and the equipment is destroyed, it is far more serious than the leveling of the city of thunder.

As for the two sides of the division ... we have to worry about being broken one by one, especially in the case where Qita Port has divided a part of Yun Ren in the past, Yun Ren wants to divide the sides and does not have that strength.

Yun Ren has a total of about 25,000 ninjas, but because of the underestimation of the Federation, the preparation for mobilization before the war was insufficient, and he did not even stop accepting missions. The ninjas that could be called initially were only about 10,000, of which 8,000 went to the Frost Fortress. , Others are performing tasks in various places, after all, everyone is not eating.

This 10,000 ninjas were almost half off at the Frost Fortress ...

The hasty withdrawal of the ninja in the mission will have a devastating blow to Yun Ren's reputation.

Therefore, even after Guan Liyuan's counterattack, Yun Ren attached great importance to the Federation, but he could only remove some insignificant tasks that could be lost at a cost, or could be outsourced to other hidden villages immediately, and then assembled back to about 8,000.

Later, he was transferred to Qita Port for 3,000, and the four generations of Lei Ying were able to fight the Federation, and there were only 10,000 people.

Although this 10,000 ninjas include Yunni 80% of the top combat power, and most of the elites are on it, it is too dangerous to divide the two ways ...

Therefore, now in the city of thunder, the four generations of thunder shadows had only sent five hundred clouds to support the defense in advance.

Protect Ninja? Among the guardian ninjas of various countries, the strongest should be wood leaves. The twelve headed by the royal guardian ninjas are called guardian ninjas-most of them are ordinary upper ninjas!

The second is the royal family of the country of the wind ... Although the total national power and the power of the sandy village are the lowest, but because the royal family of the country of the wind completely suppresses the hidden village, it is speculated that their guard ninja is very strong, maybe better than the country of the fire .

As for the kingdom of Lei ... Although the strength of Yunyin Village is closest to that of Yeye, the King of Thunder ’s family has been suppressed by the hardy Yunyin Village. Although not in some small countries, the royal family is “extremely oppressed” by the Yincun, but Lei The strength of the King's room is definitely not second.

Especially after the events of the Blood Pools that year, not only the power of the royal guardian ninjas at that time plummeted, but they have not recovered for decades. Many homeless ninjas are suspicious of the throne room of thunder. In fact, they are unwilling to join the high salary. among them.

This also caused that the current city of thunder is almost unguarded in front of Guan Liyuan!

The only thing was that when preparing to catch the King of the Thunder Kingdom, I encountered some trouble, that is, no one was found ... Apparently there was an attendant to explain, not long ago King Thunder was still in the palace.

"Large speaker, King Thunder has run away!"

"Let Dingchun and Chongming take two teams to chase! Others spread the news that King Lei betrayed his people and fled the city. As for the other nobles ... all caught the square in front of Wangcheng for public trial!" Guan Liyuan frowned. Then said.

Hitting the palace all the way, it didn't take long for the king to have time to escape?

Guan Liyuan's surprise attack on the city of Thunder, Thunder King is one of his important goals.

Only by catching the Thunder King alive can Guan Liyuan be sure to completely disrupt the Thunder Kingdom and force them to leave the war.

Don't look at the fourth generation of Lei Ying's strong attitude towards the royal family. The royal family will often compromise with him, but if the city of thunder is really closed, it will have a severe impact on the whole kingdom of thunder. It is hard to blame.

However, Lei Ying also knows this, and also understands that alone, coupled with Kiraby, it is impossible to completely stop Guan Liyuan, only to prevent the worst situation from happening.

Therefore, the teleportation target of "Sky Send" is in the palace, and Leiying Ai and Kirabi have already taken a step and left with the king ...

Guan Liyuan had to take a step back and capture all the nobles of the Thunder City who had not had time to withdraw, and ordered the federal soldiers to pass through-within one hour, every household in the city, at least one person, must go to the palace square and Gather nearby!

When fighting in the past, the EFF tried not to affect the civilians, but now it forces everyone to gather.

At this time, the civilians instinctively wanted to hide at home, but for the stubborn "township", the federal army will also take coercive measures ...

The small arms can't twist the thighs. It didn't take long for Palace Square and the surrounding neighborhoods to be crowded.

As the capital of the Kingdom of Thunder, although not famous for being rich and densely populated, there are hundreds of thousands of people. One from each family fills the neighborhoods. Federal soldiers on the surrounding houses stand on top to maintain order. .

As for the original Ninja Guardian and Yunyin Ninja, they were either killed or captured.

There are also some hidden things. In order not to make Guan Liyuan wish, at this time, a suicide attack was launched in the crowd, and the theory of slaughter was rendered, and he wanted to create panic, but he was executed on the spot by federal soldiers.

The most important thing is ... Under the policy of repression by the kingdom of thunder, civilians in the kingdom of thunder in Shangwu are not too afraid to resist oppression!

What Guan Liyuan did afterwards was actually very simple, that is, let Xiao Hei use magic in the square to make the nobles "frank and strict", confess their guilt, and then encourage the civilians present to report it ...

After the emotion was almost aroused, the nobles who had lost all their protection were handed over to the victims themselves. Of course ... there were also many victims who did not dare to handle it by themselves, and the Federation could also do it for them ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ People can't see the situation at all, but the speed of word of mouth is not slow.

Later, Guan Liyuan gave a speech in the square, reiterating the "mission and responsibility" of the Federation. In principle, "Cultivation of Chakra is the natural power given to all by the Six Immortals, and the shadow and king are inviolable." The Federation is the defender of this principle. ...

And the federal willingness to accept civilians unconditionally, all the temptation to obtain federal resident status after entry.

Guan Liyuan originally thought that the King of the Kingdom of Thunder could not catch it!

After all, the soldiers on the federal side are indeed much worse in tracking and reconnaissance capabilities than the real ninja.

It is said that Dashe Wan is researching a real-time image analysis technology and later loaded on the goggles of the Chakra armor, which can automatically analyze the clues after collecting the images and play a detective role.

However, the priority of this research is not high, so it has not been developed yet ...

Now Guan Liyuan has to rely on the perception of the tail animal for rough tracking!

However, he did not expect that less than an hour after the speech, Dingchun really returned the news that he had found the other party's whereabouts.

It turned out that Leiying Ai and Qilabi were running away with the king of the kingdom of thunder-the tracking methods of the tail animals were rough, but the anti-tracking methods of these two were also rough!

I just want to escape because of the speed, but with a Thunder King, where can I go?

It turned out that Dingchun and Chongming were really overtaking ...

After knowing that it was Leiying Ai and Kiraby, Guan Liyuan also guessed that it was a "sky-sending technique". It would take more than half a day for Yun Ren to come over, so Guan Liyuan left others in the city of Thunder Maintain order to prevent uncontrollable unrest, and pursue the pursuit alone according to the direction Dingchun said.

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