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Vol 2 Chapter 848: Ninja (temporarily) strongest

: The question about "King" or "Daming" is not a typo. It was explained last time when I wore it to Naruto, and it was all written as "King", otherwise there is no such thing as a general or emperor, so using "Daming" feels awkward.


"Actually, I came here with the" Send of Heaven "... Unfortunately, it seems that Master Lei Ying is not good at taking people away." Guan Liyuan said after catching up with Lei Yingai and Kiraby.

In fact, when he was about to catch up with the two, Kiraby wanted to break off by himself ... It would be good to be able to stop for a while.

However, Lei Yingai didn't agree, and at last she stayed in place, waiting for Guan Liyuan and two chasing tail beasts.

At this time, Leiying Ai and Kiraby did not speak, but were ready to fight.

However, Lei Wang, a middle-aged man with long-skinned black skin, said to Guan Liyuan in panic, "You, you actually attacked the city of Thunder? Don't you worry that we will do the same?"

"Ha? You also want to attack the city of Thunder?" Guan Liyuan looked at him with an expression on his face.

"I mean we will attack you ... yours ..." Thunder King got stuck halfway through the day.

Indeed, Thunder King did not know where to use it as a threat!

In the battle between the five great powers, the default attack target is Hidden Village, and they will not attack each other.

Otherwise, their own royal family and nobles will also blame the hidden village. After all, they will attack each other, and the danger will eventually be theirs.

However, the renewed federation has no restrictions in this regard. There is no so-called royal family, nobles, and the administrative center is also a military center.

"In short I won't let you go ..."


Before Lei Wang's words were finished, his head had become a rotten watermelon.

I saw Lei Ying Ai next to him, and flung off the blood on the armour, saying, "Your Majesty King, take a rest!"

"It's a complete rest." Guan Liyuan said coldly, looking at the rotten body.

He did not expect that Lei Yingai would be so decisive.

"Although I don't know what you must do for Thunder King, but the Thunder King you found dead should be the best result for Thunder Kingdom." Lei Yingai said calmly.

Indeed, the death of Thunder King has an impact on the kingdom of Thunder, but since it has been overtaken by Guan Liyuan, then the right should be "stop loss" ... as for the killer who killed Thunder King?

As long as Lei Yingai said that Guan Liyuan killed, who can refute?

"If you were in the palace and left after killing Thunder King on the spot, maybe I really can't catch up with you ... but now, it seems that today is the great funeral day of Thunder Kingdom, Thunder King and Thunder Shadow will both die today Guan Liyuan said coldly.

Working with Dingchun and Chongming, Guan Liyuan now has 80% confidence that he can leave Leiying Ai and Kiraby.

Of course, there is no problem in defeating the opponent. Guan Liyuan is worried that Lei Yingai will have some means of escape. After all, before the myth of speed was broken by the water gate, Lei Yingai was also a famous second man in the Ninja world ...

[Bull ghost, come out and help me get caught up with Kiraby, then I can let Kiraby leave. ] Guan Liyuan discussed the conditions with Niu Gui in order to expand his advantages.

If the cow and the ghost are entangled in Kiraby, it is that Guan Liyuan and Dingchun and Chongming fight one by one, so that they can escape, then Guan Liyuan can only do nothing.

However, Niu Gui said simply: [I refuse. 】

【what? I'm not threatening you with Kirabi. If it were me and Dingchun and Chongming, I would never show mercy. Guan Liyuan was surprised.

After all, the last time he promised the cows and ghosts, he only let Qilabi pass, and after that he didn't take the initiative to find Qilabi ...

[If Lei Ying really wants to die here today, than ... I should rather follow his brother to the end, rather than save my life after being dragged by me. 】 Niu Gui said very tough guy.

"That being the case, Chongming, Dingchun ..."

I saw Guan Liyuan and the huge nine tails standing behind him, at the same time bearing the most basic "child" mark, while the seven tails on the head were a pair of front forks, as if they were also printing.

Then the nine tails behind Guan Liyuan gradually disappeared, replaced by a huge gold-orange tail beast Chakra from Guan Liyuan's Chakra center, covering Guan Liyuan's whole body, forming a special black curse. After the seven tails also gradually disappeared, and Guan Liyuan's imperial robes, a green and golden mantra was accompanied.

The imperial robe soon disappeared as well, and Guan Liyuan's skeleton expenditures also carried this golden orange streamer, forming a gold Saint Seiya-style battle suit in vitro-it is the battle formed by the "tail animal bone" technique. You can see the roaring demon fox in front of your chest, and three pairs of transparent cicada wings like Chong Ming are stuck out behind, but it is slightly golden.

The perfect Yin-Yang combination of nine-tailed human pillar strength, plus the perfect seven-tailed human pillar strength, combined with Guan Liyuan's unique tail animal bone mystery ...

The only regret is that the power of yin and yang has not yet formed, but Guan Liyuan believes that in the current state, Uchiha and Kaguya have not been resurrected. Before the tree of God has reappeared, no one in the entire Ninja world is his opponent. .

Only the completely broken Chongwu may be able to compete with it one or two-yes, Guan Liyuan's evaluation of Chongwu was certainly not bragging, without the help of the tail beast Chakra, and without considering the death ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ Guan Liyuan is not the current opponent of Chongwu.

Leiying Ai and Kiraby also felt the threat of Guan Liyuan at this time, and not to mention that Guan Liyuan was always venting a depressing momentum in front of him. Even if he saw the two tail beasts "disappear", he could understand the current Guan Liyuan. How horrible-at least one movie level plus two tail beasts, otherwise Guan Liyuan would not choose "fit"!

"Well, is this perfect seal without barriers?" Kirabi hasn't forgotten his strange oral habits.

Niu Gui and Qilabi also mentioned the "perfect human pillar force". Although they are also considered as "perfect", human pillar force and tail beast open up to each other ... However, because of the existence of the seal, their combination is ultimately There are obstacles.

However, there is no way for Kiraby and the cow ghost. All the seals that can seal the tail beast are bound to have strong parasitics, otherwise the tail beast cannot be combined with the human pillar force.

For example, the "Iron Armor Seal" of the eight-tailed seal of Yunyin Village cannot be unlocked by itself. The removal of the seal will cause the death of human force. The so-called "pulling out" tail beast is actually the process of forcibly destroying the seal.

The vortex family ’s gossip seal is the most technical, and can be unsealed with limited autonomy, so in the original work, Naruto was able to incarnate the nine-tailed chakra form in the later period, instead of stopping at the tail beast like the cow ghost and chirabi Into.

"Than, it's coming!"

"Well, dumb brother, how long haven't you fought together?"

"Stupid! Do not mix strange adjectives for rhyme!"

I saw Lei Yingai enter Lei Chacha mode, and Kirabi also covered the dark red tail coat, and rushed to Guan Liyuan ...

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