Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 849: Superb

"It's really ugly ... it was actually forced to such an extent by a little ghost."

"Oh, stupid brother, it's the end ... cough cough ... cough, cough, cough ..." Kirabi actually coughed and vomited blood while still coughing and vomiting a few rhymes. Cough to save the field.

At this time, the four generations of Leiying Ai and Kirabbie's "AB combination" have fallen to the ground. In the recent battle, Leiying Ai broke a left arm and was able to see some obvious focal points throughout his body. mark.

Although the state of the thunder armour has greatly improved the defense, it is obviously not enough to see Guan Liyuan, who combined Dingchun and Chongming forces.

As for Kirabi, at this time, the sunglasses have been shattered, and the whole body is a little more serious than Lei Yingai. The most obvious is a wound in the abdomen, which is almost an open bowel and a belly. Even the tail beast Chakra cannot be repaired immediately!

At this time, Guan Liyuan was floating in the air with the three pairs of insect wings behind him. He was not injured and did not see any consumption. Obviously, it was completely crushed.

I saw Guan Liyuan slowly raising his hands on the side of the body, one blue and one orange tail beast Chakra condensed, each of which is equivalent to the tail tail cannon with nine tails and nine tail tails injected with natural energy ...

After the two groups of mutant tail cannons swelled to a diameter several times higher than Guan Liyuan itself, Guan Liyuan pressed down against the two tail beast cannons and pressed toward the location of Leiying Ai ...

Of course, because the two were lying too close, Kirabi was also in range, but the cow and ghost did not speak at this time.



With the explosion sound of "No Survival Possible", Guan Liyuan made a soft squeak-did not seem to "smash" it?

After the dust settled, Guan Liyuan looked at a deeper pit than the destruction of the "Earth Explosion Star", and the color of doubt grew stronger.

Just at the moment of his hit, Guan Liyuan had a feeling of "falling out." It seems that at the very moment of the moment, Leiying Ai and Kiraby disappeared?

At the same time, under the surface space of the Naruto world, in a strange space, Leiying Ai and Kirabi are lying here!

This space seems to be extremely simple. Several regular cube platforms with dark borders are like a sandbox map pinched out ...

"Well? Who?" Lei Yingai said in surprise.

Kirabi also sat up barely at this time, and wrapped his wound in the abdomen with the tail animal Chakra.

I saw two guys wearing red cloud robes, also in this weird space. One of them was wearing a white mask on his face, and the other was carrying a huge bandage with a bandage on his back.

Apparently, Leiying Ai and Kirabi appear here, which is related to these two guys!

"Good danger, good danger, if we move a little later, maybe we may all be affected." The mask man said "good danger", but the tone was still light.

"It's you who are too confident ... but the power of your two eyes is really much stronger than before, and you haven't even noticed it. You approached the guy directly from the space of Shenwei, and then you saved someone to come in."

As soon as the person carrying the blade opened his mouth, he turned around, and Leiying Ai and Kiraby immediately recognized the guy ...

"Dried persimmon ghost? You are Wuyin's rebellious dried persimmon ghost?" Lei Yingai frowned.

"Well, the red uniform has no temptation, but it is a bit like the secret association of the country of rain." Kirabi was still **** while stopping his intestines from flowing out.

"Eh? The eyes are ..." Lei Yingai suddenly noticed that the mask man not only has the "three hooks" sign on his mask, but his eyes are similar to the writing wheel eye, but not like the three hooks, but like a windmill picture of.

"Five generations of Naruto? No ... who are you exactly?" Lei Yingai asked alertly.

"Yes, at least a little polite to your life-saving beneficiary ... I still have some things that I want to discuss with Master Lei Ying." Mask Man said.

Suddenly, Leiying Ai remembered that Muye's replica Ninja Banner, Kakashi, lay in the rain country not long ago, and lost the transplanted writing eye.

Was it taken away by the man in front of him? But why would he have two?

And ... Is this really writing chakras? Lei Yingai naturally saw the writing of the round eye. Before the Uchiha family's accident, don't write too much of the three hooks in the wood leaves, but this pattern ... is the first time I see it!

Just when Lei Yingai wanted to say something more to the mask man, there was suddenly a distorted piece of shadow in the "space" of alien space!

The male with the mask exposed and looked at it in surprise, it seems that he doesn't understand. Why are there people who can affect the mighty space when both eyes are here?

That's right, "Mask Man" is naturally the land that has been hidden by "spots" for more than ten years after the First World War.

At this time, with the ability of "Kaleidoscope to write round eyes and Shenwei", I learned some of the mysterious soils of space, and already understood the truth of more than one layer of space. The so-called magical space is actually more like being able to swim in countless levels. "Ship", and his two eyes are the console of "Ship".

Immediately in the distortion, I saw a pair of huge blue eyes that seemed to flash the glorious stars, and emerged from the air in the dark "air", as if two stars were hanging, overlooking the different spaces. The four people seemed to be saying "I found you"!

"Is it found?" Ghostly said, already holding the diaphragm muscles behind him.

The eyes, which are as big as the stars, gave the ghosts a lot of pressure, and the power of the attack just outside, the ghosts and bands also felt.

It is because when inhaling Thunder Shadow AI and Kiraby, they were affected by some external attacks, which temporarily caused the soil to lose the ability to observe the outside world. Without a mask, other people can see the blood stains in his eyes. .

"Wait ... I'll try to move to another dimension layer ... No! It's really locked up!" Bandi said slightly dignifiedly.

"Are you guys in time and space jutsu?" Lei Yingai also saw something at this time.

"Don't be nervous first. If you want to open up the Shenwei dimension, it's not that Chakra can do it strong enough. The other party just barely locked us in." The tone with soil became serious.

That's right, Guan Liyuan is outside at this time, and has temporarily opened the "rebirth eye" by consuming the tail beast Chakra!

Guan Liyuan ’s “Space Master” occupation can also be used in the world of Naruto, just because Guan Liyuan ’s professional skills ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are all passive, and the skills to use in Naruto world need to be developed by yourself ...

In this respect, the world of Naruto is far less convenient than the world of Saint Seiya, so Guan Liyuan has not been "wasting time." Even from the perspective of other space professionals, the world of Naruto is actually a small holy place, because the rules of space here are also more important than the main world. It's a lot simpler, but it's nothing compared to the world of Saint Seiya, whose rules gradually collapse.

Just after Guan Liyuan found that Leiying Ai and Kiraby seemed to "disappear", they also remembered Kakashi's eye-catching incident, so he used the passive skills of "controlling different dimensions", combined with "rebirth eyes", and searched for a nearby one. Layers of different dimensions ...

Because the rules of space are simple, the dimension of the Naruto world is much less. It is not as vast as the main world. It didn't take long to discover these guys!

Belt soil and ghosts are distinctive, and they are all wearing Xiao's clothes. Guan Liyuan naturally recognized them at a glance.

The pair of writing round eyes with soil has already been paired up. This did not exceed Guan Liyuan's expectations, but ... his kaleidoscope pattern is not the same as some in Guan Liyuan's impression. It seems to be more complicated, and I don't know if it is Because of the "mistakes" of the original work, there are still other twists and turns.

"Well? The space of Shenwei is actually constantly roaming between dimensions? Can it be opened directly with reincarnation eyes ... No, that consumes too much, and there is no way to recover immediately when Dingchun is here. Sure enough, it is ... psychic art!" Guan Liyuan After speaking a word, the silent seal was formed.

Immediately, someone took the soil and found that the eyes in the space of Shenwei disappeared, but then a copper ring appeared out of thin air. This time, there was still an outside voice coming in!

"Hupa ~ It's amazing ~"

With soil: "..."

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