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Vol 2 Chapter 851: Write round eye

"Eh? Is Susuke able? It's more complete than I expected ..." Guan Liyuan also found some at this time. The writing wheel eye with soil seems to be more than just a kaleidoscope!

In front of him, Susano was close to perfection, but it was a little rough in the details ...

However, the height reveals that this should not be truly complete, as Hupa said, its size is about the same as the "big dragon", that is, Kao Paris.

When Huop saw Kaoparis, he was in the "Pokémon World", which is more than 70 meters in size. It is not the size of an arm in the main world like a celestial column ...

Susano, who has soil in his eyes, is probably so big.

Although Guan Liyuan was not in the world of Naruto, he saw with his own eyes the complete body, and only knew whether it looked accurate in the original work, but Dingchun had seen it!

Followed Asura to fight Indra, and Dingchun, which was forcibly controlled by Uchiha Spot, has seen Indra and Spot's Suzumaki-more than twice as much as Suzumaki with soil in front of him. That is, it is at the same level as Dingchun's body volume.

In contrast, Susano Nobu with soil is also a bit compact and should be only semi-complete.

"It is indeed the great speaker of the renewal of the Commonwealth, who actually knew Xu Zuneng? I thought that after the war between Zhu and Zhu in the end of the valley, the world has gradually forgotten the true power of writing round eyes!" "Please call me Uchiha".

"Hahaha, do you want me to say that you are Uchiha?" Guan Liyuan laughed.

"Haha, is it funny?" Daito continued to imitate the spot tone.

"What should I say ... Susano's color and size are not correct, and the real spot, there is no need to capture Kakashi's eyes to restore the integrity of the eyes, right?"

In Guan Liyuan's view, the soil is covered with flaws ...

It is estimated that only Leiying Ai and Kirabi were present at the scene with the belief. When he just said something to end the valley, Leiying Ai was obviously nervous, but Guan Liyuan took it apart immediately.

As for the dried persimmon ghost ... Guan Liyuan remembers that in the original work, he should always think that the masked person is the spot, but at this time, there was no surprise, and he didn't know whether he didn't care about the identity of the masked person or there was another original. Nothing happened.

"What the **** are you ...?"

Guan Liyuan said these secrets, except for himself and the real spot, no one knows!

Even Kakashi should only have some vague speculation ...

"It's true, you and I weren't born when the battle between Bian and Ending the Valley was done!" Guan Liyuan said solemnly.

[I feel like you will lose the command of your air combat unit. 】 Zhong Ming reminded Guan Liyuan silently, carefully Gang Gang looked for him desperately.

Guan Liyuan: [……]

"None, nonsense ... Shenwei Shuriken!" Suzu suddenly became excited.

I saw Shen Weisuo's two hands with three shurikens from the wings behind him, and threw them at Guan Liyuan.

Guan Liyuan was immediately amazed by the IQ with soil—don't believe it? If you do n’t believe me, what are you excited about? Did you really believe it? Haven't seen the first generation of Naruto, you should also know "Muya"? Could it be more deceiving and cheating?

Yes, normal people would not believe what Guan Liyuan had just said, but the three views on the soil have been stimulated once by the spot, so he is very sensitive to such things as "the original naruto is still alive"!

Of course, soon brought back the soil also reacted, he was fooled!

Because after the fight, Guan Liyuan's fighting method obviously had no relationship with the original Naruto ...

But it is undeniable that Guan Liyuan is also very strong. In the face of the "Shenwei Shuriken" that can destroy the target by distorting the space, Guan Liyuan directly uses a burst of "super active tail beasts" to offset.

And then condensed a giant bone arm wearing a golden coat, the hammer was so Zuoneng also backed up again and again.

Because it is impossible to transform between Shenwei space and surface dimensions, the means of carrying soil is restricted a lot, even if it looks very "bluffing", but in fact it is still completely suppressed by Jin glittering Guan Liyuan. And Kiraby did not restore much combat power at this time, ghost ghosts can only help is limited, the four of them are still blasted by the devil ...

However, the semi-complete body with soil must be able to meet, but in fact it has also surprised Guan Liyuan ...

In addition to Indra, who had the first writing wheel eye, he could write the wheel eye in the form of a three-hook jade to show the full power of the writing wheel eye. Later, the writing wheel eye inherited by the Uchiha family must open the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. Able to develop the true power of writing chakras.

Guan Liyuan, who now has a "rebirth eye," understands that the so-called "pupil power" is actually a mutated spiritual power.

The first generation of writing round eyes can burst out of pupillary force, and it can also withstand the burst of pupillary force, so for Hamura and Indra, there is no such thing as rebirth eye and kaleidoscope.

The later Uchihas, although they inherited the writing eye, did not have the powerful mental power of Indra.

As for "Kaleidoscope writing chakra", it is a distortion form that stimulates the writing chakra after the mental force is gone ...

Although the ordinary "kaleidoscope writing round eye" has the ability to burst pupillary power, it cannot bear the burst of pupillary power at all.

The blood of the Uchiha family, because they can not reach the level of Indra, can not rely on their own strength to control the spirit of the runaway ... unless the individual writing wheel eye fusion!

This is the same as the opening condition of the rebirth eye. The descendants of Yumura on the moon can not independently reach the intensity of the original white eye of Yumura ...

It's not long to stick to the wheel with ordinary kaleidoscope.

And if the soil is just to capture the eyes that Kakashi has left for himself ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At present, it is only an ordinary kaleidoscope to write the round eyes!

After all, there are no immediate relatives in the belt. If you use the non-immediate relatives to fuse the writing wheel eye, the efficiency will be lower. Seizures are probably not enough ...

[What is the method left by the spot? Or is it that ... with soil from other channels, I have got more writing chakras? Guan Liyuan muttered secretly.

This is what he cares about most!

That ’s right, there are only three of the remaining Uchiha clan people, but if you want to write a lot of chakras, there are two other ... or three sources.

One is the root of the wood leaf, and the other is the renewed Confederate Serpent Institute. The former is the culprit of the Uchiha family's destruction, and the latter is the former partner—with the character of the large snake pill, how can it not stain the next batch of experimental materials?

Another source, Guan Liyuan, is not very sure, that is, Osu Maru said that he escaped from him a few years ago to write an eye-shaped experiment. Guan Liyuan speculated that this experiment should be the original Uchihabane, but I do n’t know. His situation now.

If the band is really the "eternal kaleidoscope writing chakra", then ... it is likely that it is already in contact with the root person!

In other words, Xiao organization may have some kind of connection with Muye's Tsang-Zang faction.

Just when Guan Liyuan suddenly stabbed "common killing gray bones" from the palm of his hand, stabbed the ghost's heart, seeing that the ghost was about to "disappear" ... but in the blink of an eye, I found that this section was "deleted" from reality, as if it was At the time of the illusion, Guan Liyuan finally completely determined that the band did get a batch of writing eyelets!

In addition to the awakening of the eternal kaleidoscope, there are actually extra consumables for him to perform "Izanagi" ... 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading school

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