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Vol 2 Chapter 852: King Baboon && Killer Snake Gun

"Well? Is this ... Izanagi?"

Guan Liyuan saw the dried persimmon ghost that had just been killed by himself, and suddenly reappeared in front of himself, but the scene of killing him by himself had a feeling of just an illusion, as if he and the ghost were standing still and couldn't help I thought of Uchiha's secret technique "Izanagi".

[Is it time? No ... time hasn't changed, is it ... cause and effect? Guan Liyuan's heart was tight.

Although Guan Liyuan saw the overbearing effects of Izanagi in the original work, he really surprised Guan Liyuan after seeing it.

"Causality rules" in most of the world belong to extremely encrypted rules, which are more difficult to touch than time rules and space rules.

For example, in the main world, occupations involving “causality rules” exist only in historical records. Every professional who has causality rules has the ability to transcend ranks, but ... in the only examples, no one Reaching the peak of the foundation, which is to stop at the use of "skills" to make limited use of the cause and effect rules.

Of course, there are some exceptions to the world, such as the blue fat man, the degree of exposure to the cause and effect rules is also very high, can be manipulated through scientific and technological means ... the structure of that world is also exceptional, there is almost no reference value, but some props are not bad !!

In addition, in the world of death, Orihime ’s "Two Heavens Return Shield" also has some causal rules. Although it shows the effect of healing and repair, it actually erases the "cause" to make the injured or broken "fruit" "Disappears and the target is restored.

The causal ability of "Izanagi" is not manifested in the "recovery" ability of erasing "cause", but through the opposition of reality and illusion to break through the rule of causality and move the entire "causal chain" from reality to Illusion.

Like the "cause" of Guan Liyuan's killing of dried persimmon ghosts and the "fruit" of dried persimmon ghosts, both have become illusions ...

However, this ability also has to pay a great price, that is, every time you use it, there will be a writing wheel eye sinking into darkness forever!

"Sinking in darkness" not only means that pupil power cannot be produced, but even basic vision will be completely lost.

Normally a Uchiha family of ninjas who have developed pupil strength enough to use "Izanagi" is already considered an elite. However, once you use "Izanagi" once, you will lose an eye, which means that The pupil power is no longer complete and balanced, and the true power of the writing eye can no longer be exerted. If used twice, the pupil power and light will be completely lost.

Therefore, for a long time, "Izanagi" was sealed as a ban ...

However, Guan Liyuan now looked at the soil in Susano Nakamura, and found that not only did the "Susano Nakasu" that needed a complete writing wheel eye to be used did not disappear, but the soil in it did not have a sense of diminished pupil strength.

"Tuanzang is really generous. When I was still hesitating whether to cooperate with Xiao organization, I had already invested such a large amount of capital ... I don't know if he wrote you a round of eyes, enough to die a few times." Guan Liyuan deliberately Said disdainfully.

"Well? Do you want to cooperate with us?"

"Now don't want it anymore ... Fairy Fairy King Baboon!"

I saw Guan Liyuan suddenly start printing for the first time ...

Although the band felt like he was being covered up, he didn't dare to think about it. He was alert immediately-Guan Liyuan was always attacking with his tail-bone holy garment and never printed it.

At this moment, the arm of the baboon bone was swollen from Guan Liyuan's shoulders and swelled up, and he was also wearing the golden tailbone holy garment.

Compared to Guan Liyuan, who is flying in mid-air, the huge and ridiculous "Baboon King Hand" directly holds Susano with soil in his hand!

Thousands of hands between the columns at that time could even hold Dingchun. Guan Liyuan's holding now is not as good as Dingchun's divine might, which is natural.

The belt controlled Xu Zuo Nenghu twisted a few times, but the baboon king held it motionlessly ...

"True Killer Snake Gun!"

At the same time, Guan Liyuan put his hand into the head of the demon fox on his chest, and copied out a two or three meter long "gun" from it, which looked like a "snake stab".

[Hey, hey, anyway, it's the bones drawn from you, why do you have to pull out from the mouth of Uncle Ben? ] Dingchun expressed dissatisfaction.

[This looks logical to the trick! ] Guan Liyuan responded silently.

I saw Guan Liyuan raise his hand and aim at the position of Su Zoneng Hu's mid-zone soil, and make the appearance of throwing.

Lei Yingai, Kirabi, and dried persimmon ghosts want to stop, but at this time they are stopped by three avatars-the tail beast bone avatar, looks like the ordinary human-sized pocket of Dingchun, and the whole body is shining golden. Glorious, and the surface of the skin with a curse pattern, was formed by Guan Liyuan's bones separated from the body and attached to the nine-tailed chakra.

In addition, there is little Hupa. Although his attack does not help, but as long as the three people do not pay attention, from time to time they will be knocked on the head by a small short hand that suddenly appears above the head!

Guan Liyuan threw a "slain snake gun" violently, and the power of the doomed **** Susuna could be hit. The double kaleidoscope with soil turned up, and the pupil strength also passed through the enlargement of Susano Sudoku. Power, sweeping towards the "spear" piercing the soil ...

However, the space along the way was completely distorted, but the "slain snake gun" only affected the speed!

Of course, I ca n’t understand the band, because he just tried to break free, so he did n’t notice that Guan Liyuan flashed blue light in his eyes when he pulled out the golden spear—like the stars that locked the Shenwei space before ~ ​​www .wuxiaspot.com ~ Yes, Guan Liyuan used the power of "Rebirth Eye". At this time, the "golden spear" is driving the real power of Yin and Yang, so the feature of "killing gray bones" is fully exerted. Even the power of Twisting Space of Divine Power can't destroy it ... unless you also use "Yin and Yang Chakra" to urge Divine Power!

It was only with the power of Susano's magnified "Shenwei" that he secured the body with soil to avoid the time of the golden spear attack.

Although Daito was extremely confident in Susano's defense, when he saw the "Slave Snake Gun" stab, he clearly felt that he would not die if he could not escape!

This is indeed the case. Su Zuo Neng was in front of the golden spear, penetrated without any resistance, and was stuck beside the head with the soil leaning over it.

And no matter how the belt controls its pupil power, it is no longer possible to maintain Xu Zuo Neng's stability. Starting from the "gun", it collapses ...

It seems that at the moment of hitting, Susano was already "killed"!

Although Susano is not a real life, if it is completely broken, it will take some time to recover before it can be used again.

So Belti immediately wanted to use "Izanagi" to replace the "causal chain" just now with "illusion", but the same reasoning ... the crushing on the level of power made this chain of causality "too heavy", Even if Izanagi can shift the chain of cause and effect, he cannot shake this "fact" without the same level of force.

"not good……"

"Eh?" Guan Liyuan gave a soft sigh, seeing that the eye with the earth is already the eternal kaleidoscope, suddenly there were blood and tears!

"Abominable! I am the man who wants to create an ideal hometown forever. How can I fall here!" 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading school

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