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Vol 2 Chapter 855: The right opponent?

"This is ..." Ye Cang couldn't help but wonder when he looked at the mini-tailed beast that Beiruhu took out.

"What's the name ... that's right, it's 'Enhanced Portable Tail Beast Chakra Obtaining Device · Two Tail Edition'."


"It's the name of Dashe Wan, which lacks aesthetics, but who made it the result of his research ... although it has no technical content." Beiliu did not hesitate to vilify another federal researcher.

However, there is no technical content and it is not all nonsense. In the introduction of Bei Liu Hu, you can know that this is actually the "tail" empty shell of the processed ...

It is just that the big snake pill is saved by a "semi-seal" method. It is not the same as before. Either it is sealed in the body of the human body or the new body is formed by the tail animal consciousness.

What really has the technical content is the method of making an "empty shell", which is Guan Liyuan's "Call of the Other World".

"... That's it, as long as you reseal it in your own Chakra center, you can get the power of the tail beast Chakra. Of course, like human pillar power, the premise must be able to withstand this tail beast Chakra." He whispered.

"It sounds good, but ... I can't expose my dark alliance with you for the time being, you can't use this thing." Ye Cang said.

"No, it's not for you to directly borrow the chakra of the tail beast ... Chakra's attributes of the two tails are 'wind' and 'fire', do you know that?" Beiluhu said.

"Yes, it's the same as my chakra."

Ye Cang's "burning urn" is the combination of wind and fire.

"Actually, do you still have Lei Chacha? It is just because of the existence of Shao Ye that you don't use Lei Ye very much." Bei Liuhu was naturally clear about this.

"So what?" Ye Cang asked.

"Actually ... the Confederate tail beast is also being strengthened. Erwei now also awakens the attributes of Thunderbird, and this is the enhancement of Erwei to form a shell, and Erwei has merged three Chakras. The two-tailed Chakra is a reference, isn't it difficult to form a "blood following elimination"? "Said Beiluhu.

"Blood following elimination? You mean ... like the old man of Tu Ren, the three kinds of Chakra's ability to merge?" Ye Cang Wenyan brightened.

"Of course ... I'm professional in this area. If you can't understand it, you can ask me, after all, everyone is more than ten years old ..."


"Before 'get off', we may be able to help you with a problem ..." The voice of Beiluhu suddenly cooled down.

Ye Cang heard a few words, but after a little hesitation, he immediately said, "No! You don't need to do anything extra. If it's for the end, I will find a chance for you to take it away peacefully, of course ... the tail beast The body is to be left. Although I Ai Luo is the guy's son, he is also a ninja in Sandy Village!

Only non-influenced people will join hands with outsiders to eradicate my village's companions. I will not be the same as that bastard. "

"Well, Lord Ye Cang said that, of course I wouldn't be troubled ... yes, is there any news on the overseas battlefield?"

"No ... In fact, the sandy village's intelligence network is also restricted by the country of the wind, especially after the incident between Luosha and the Dashewan Dark Alliance is exposed. And the country of the fire is still separated by the country of fire from the overseas battlefield. , The message is not so fast ... you seem to have been more curious about the situation on overseas battlefields? "Ye Cang asked in confusion.

"Yes, after all, there is a little guy who really exerts the power of Ghost Buddhism there, really curious ... If there is a suitable opponent, everyone can be startled!" Bei Liuhu said to Xiang Dongfang looked over.

At this time, in the southeast waters east of the country of wind and across the country of fire, the remnants of the country of water, with the support of the country of fire, are making a comeback, and they are fighting the restoration of the federal southeast branch!

Originally, the overseas branch was a local warfare. Although it was also the homeland of the country of water, the country of water in the Blood Mist era also practiced terror. Compared with the free and enlightened federal decree, people ’s hearts are obvious.

In addition, Koba had to guard against the new Federal Army in the north, and the internal filmists were unwilling to open up overseas battlefields. With the excuse of the new army's restraint, there was even more reason to avoid war.

And with the character of group possession, of course, it is impossible to press the old man for the country of water-so the actual participation of wood leaves is not high enough.

On the contrary, the Southeastern Division of the Federation inherited 70% of the original strength of Wuyin Village, and also inherited more than half of the national power of the Water Country, and also had a small number of new troops. If the support of the wooden leaves is insufficient, the original Water Country and the Wuyin Village The disabled party, there is no room for counterattack ...

However ... Tuanzang just hopes to save his strength. In fact, some masters are sent, such as a blue beast!

With Matkay's character, even if he doesn't support the war internally, since it is the decision of Muye, he will naturally not be able to work hard-at best it is not desperate.

However, in the joint army of Muye and Wuyin, they were defeated, and the Commonwealth began to pursue. In order to protect the retreating companion of Muye, Mei Tekai took the initiative to break!

Originally thinking that the other party was just one person, there was nothing to be afraid of chasing the troops, and once again remembered the fear of the seven Ninja swords being overwhelmed by the entire army ...

"Yes, it was the ninjutsu that defeated the seven people of the ninja sword!"

"Meiteke ... he is Meiteke ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the monster son of that year!"

"Fast, run away ..."

Just showing the strength of the "six gates", Matekai successfully scared the EFF-although the headquarters supported a lot of Chakra armor and shared the meridian reformation technology, the southeast federal branch was affected by Due to the immature technology, the number and strength of the new army are not as good as the headquarters.

"Is this the kind of reputation that Muye stepped on with the seven ninja swords and boarded the altar of ninja surgery?" No longer cut and looked at Mai Tekai who was in charge, he also had some headaches.

If he had been alone, he would have been holding up his big knife and desperately, but now ... it would be more if he didn't cut it.

"Let's go, let the soldiers of the Federation avoid him and avoid unnecessary sacrifice." Chongwu said at this time.

"Well? Are you alone?" Do not cut any more question the big man in front of him.

"It's just that much, I'll be enough ..."

"If it's the legendary forbidden technique, it's not just that." No more cuts reminded.

At first, Matkay's father, with his own strength, beat the previous generation of Nindao seven people to death or fled. Therefore, the Ninja of the original Wuyin Village has a lot of shadows on the "eight-door armor".

It is only because the side effects of "Eight Doors" are so great that practitioners also pass it in a single pass. Therefore, Wuyin Village is the only one who has enjoyed this kind of "nuclear bomb", and other hidden villages have not touched it too much.

"It doesn't matter, even if you are strong ... it's still just one person. The teacher said that in the current Ninja world, no one can beat me!" Chongwu said firmly.

Of course, if Guan Liyuan knows this scene, he will definitely add one more sentence-at least when he meets Kai with eight doors open, don't let it go! .

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