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Vol 2 Chapter 856: 1 lack of research on technical content

P.s: The previous chapter was written a bit wrong, and the original journey was originally a flame ray + fire flame, not a wind flame + fire flame ... Awakening is the wind flame, so it does not affect the plot.


"If you don't want to be hurt, don't come over again! Honestly ... this way I'm also very distressed," said Akai, who had been cooked.

Originally deterred by Meiteke, most of the ninjas in overseas branches have also stopped, and quite a bit of Zhang Yide's style of breaking the bridge according to the water.

Just then, a burly figure approached Kai.

"Is it Matteka? The legendary ninja technique is forbidden. Let me teach you ..." Chongwu said, tearing off his cloak and throwing it away, revealing a strong upper body.

I saw in Chongwu that the black lines spread again, but this time it was not spreading randomly throughout the body, but formed the appearance of five "monsters".

With Chongwu's heart as the core, five "monsters" surround each other, each of which is huge enough to spread the body of Chongwu, and ... if you count the tail, you will find more than five!

That's right, if someone who is familiar with the tail beast is present, it can be seen that this is exactly similar to Erwei Youlu, Sanwei Isao, Six-tailed Rhino, Nanao-Chongming, and Nine-tailed Dingchun ...

But the style of painting looks rough and exaggerated!

"Well?" Kay suddenly became more alert, perhaps the instinct of the beast, what made him feel.

"But no matter what, it won't let you pass ... towards the peacock!"

Kai Mingming did not use any ninjutsu, but just continuously punched in the direction of Chongwu, and formed an effect like a peacock opening the screen-countless groups of fire eyes, hitting Chongwu like a tide.

"What? I don't feel the breath of fire ... Is there such a power by purely air friction caused by physical skills? But is it true of fire flames and physical flames ... Jiaoyu · Cat monster swallows fire!"

On the opposite side, a fire group that struck like a tsunami. Chongwu also erupted an amazing Chakra. The dark black flames emerged from the body of Chongwu, forming a shadow similar to the demon cat demon. Mission swallowed to absorb!

That's right, it was exactly what Beiluo said before. After awakening the wind attribute Chakra, the brigade formed the fusion of the three attributes Chakra "blood following elimination".

"Okay, so strong! Actually blocking that monster?"

"Is this the reinforcements from headquarters?"

"Although there is only one, but ... it looks reliable!"

The Ninjas of the Overseas Confederation also regained some confidence at this time, and wanted to take advantage of the entanglement of Matekai, and first go around the battlefield to chase the fleeing coalition.

But just then ...

"Not good ... be careful!"

Kai didn't know when he had jumped to the top of Chongwu's head with the help of the tide of fire.

"If you can defend against the flames, what about this trick? Wooden leaves windmill!"

I saw Kay's right foot as the outer edge and the waist as the axis, as if the windmill spins quickly, and fell on the shadow of the monster formed by Chongwu, just "down" action.

Kai's right foot root, like the invincible tomahawk, directly splits the shadow of the "cat demon" ...

"Tailor Beast Fighting Shield of Isofu!"


"What?" Kay really felt that he had kicked, but did not seriously hurt the opponent, more like a kick of an unusually hard rock!

Even others saw that the ground cracked and shattered around the ground at the foot of Zhongwu at the moment of Kai's kick.

After the dust was scattered, everyone was surprised to find that there was a "tortoise shell" on the back of the stone that looked like a rock. The upper right shoulder part was slightly broken. It should be here that Ka was hit directly!

Kai had jumped away the first time he felt that the attack was not successful, at which point he launched the next offensive ...

"Great Cyclones!"

This time it is a horizontal kick, a typical wooden leaf fluid technique, but it can rely on the pure body technique, as if it really has the characteristics of the wind chime, it is almost necessary to form a rotating wind blade, and only about six doors have been opened Can do ...

"Tailed Beast Fighting Method"

"Kicked off? No! This is ..." Kay just felt like he didn't mention anything.

But it's not being avoided, it's ... the kicking part, that is, the heavy Wu's waist is transformed into countless software mini heavy Wu, avoiding this blow!

Just like Tsunade's psychic beast and the six-tailed rhino ...

"Phosphorus, heaven and earth!"

Immediately afterwards, Chongwu sprayed out a large range of phosphorus powder, and Kay, who "kicked", had no time to leave the scope of the phosphorus powder.

And even if you hold your breath, the "phosphorus powder" formed by the seven-tailed Phosphorus chakra will penetrate into the body when it sticks to the skin!

You know that although Kay is not good at ninjutsu and illusion, his mental toughness is not weak ... that is, his ability to resist illusion is not bad.

However, at the moment of the integration of Phosphorus Chakra, even if Kay, who was physically and mentally strengthened by the "eight-door armor", suddenly felt heavy and light ...

This is also the characteristic of the heavy "Illusion"-simple and rude!

The illusions of the Uchiha family and the blood pools all construct illusion scenarios, and some even specifically stimulate the enemy's emotional weaknesses. The ultimate development can make reality and illusions communicate ...

However, the effect of Chongming Phosphorus is much simpler. Since it is used by the masters of the art ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, the simplest "imbalance" illusion is best to use!

It is also called "top-heavy", "dizzy", and the perceived balance deviates from the actual balance ...

Because of its simplicity, the effect is also more "focused", even if Kay is stunned.

"Tail Beast Tactics · Jade Beast Jade!"

In the face of Kai in the "recruitment", Chongwu broke out the desperate Chakra ...

Kay even doubted whether he could have this level of Chakra if he opened eight doors.

But because the sense of imbalance hadn't disappeared, Kay even wanted to jump away backwards, all crooked and not straight.

At this time, Chongwu ’s right hand has become a cannon barrel—for Chongwu, a natural immortal body, it is not difficult to form this kind of thing on the body, and the concentration inside is equivalent to Dingchun ... even better than alone Dingchun's stronger tail beast Chakra, the tail cannon formed by this!

That ’s right, Guan Liyuan ’s “confidence” in Chongwu and Beiliuhu ’s “high hopes” for Chongwu originated from this-they have a natural immortal body, are extremely sensitive to natural energy, and are even capable of absorbing foreign cells. Restoring your own weight is undoubtedly the best carrier for the "Ghost Buddhism" performed by Bei Liuhu!

Even if only by "instinct", Chongwu can absorb other people's body cells through "reintroduction" and make himself recover quickly ...

Because of this, Beiluhu noticed that the two also conducted an independent research project for this!

Although in Dashewan's view, this study of Beiluhu lacks technical content, but only uses the innate characteristics of the Chongwu and the tail resources of the Federation, but ... it does give the Federation an extra ace combat power, making Chongwu Endure strength from the elite and become the top force in the endurance world! .

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