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Vol 2 Chapter 857: Ghost Shooting VS8 Door Armor

After discovering that Chongwu could absorb allogeneic cells without rejection, Beiluhu transformed the "Ghost Buddhism" slightly to adapt to Chongwu's body, directly excluding the influence of "rejection".

Although unable to devour the owner of the Blood Inheritance Boundary like the original "Ghost Buddhism", it allows Chongwu to absorb the "body" of the tail beast-the tail beast can recover and accumulate the tail beast by absorbing natural energy. , Originally has similarities with Chongwu's fairy body.

And the tail beast's body is exactly between Chakra and matter. After Chonggou "swallowed" the tail beast, he almost completely inherited the tail's special chakra and special constitution!

There is also his teacher, Guan Liyuan, who can truly control the power of multiple perfect human pillars, and personally impart his experience on the "tailed beast warfare" ...

In addition, there is no shortage of tail beasts in the renewal of the Federation. It can be said that the current weight is equivalent to the five-body human pillar power. It can completely control the five tailed chakras, but it cannot enter the perfect human pillar power.

Chongwu, in the current Ninja world, no one should be your opponent-no wonder Guan Liyuan will give such an evaluation ...

However, Guan Liyuan did forget one of the exceptions, which was Meiteka!

The strong people in Naruto who destroyed the world and crushed the ordinary five shadows did not appear until the fourth Ninja War in the later period. Before then, these strong people were still growing or bliss pure land. Or sink in some seals.

But Guan Liyuan forgot that this was not the case for Meiteke ...

As long as Matikai is fully open, the combat power can instantly rise to the level that changes the common sense of the ninja world. After all, it is almost the existence of the original "kicked out 70 episodes".

In the original work, Bamen Kai, who almost peaked, almost killed Uchiha in six modes. If it is successful, I am afraid that the black hand left by Hui Yeji will also vomit blood three liters.

It ’s just because the side effects of Bamen Panchia are too big, and there is no cure for Naruto afterwards. Kakai who opened Bamen will undoubtedly die. Therefore, in the first and middle periods, Meitekai will not use this trick, but only as a "more powerful" elite Shang Ni exists.

However, even now, if Matkay is really desperate, even if he has practiced for one year less than the original, his strength will not be much worse ...

Not only did Guan Liyuan subconsciously regard Kamen Kay as a "late role", I'm afraid that the regiment Tibetans in power now do not know Kay's "correct way of use", otherwise he would not be easily assigned to overseas battlefields!

Kay, like his father Mattet, will directly highlight "nuclear deterrence" in order to protect his companions ...

Therefore, in the unforeseen circumstances, in the "little" overseas battlefield pursuit, there was a collision of forces beyond the common sense of Ninja!

"The seventh door is shocked, open!"

I saw that Matt Kay faced the tail cannon that Chongwu ejected to himself, and wanted to avoid but because of the effect of "phosphorus puppet", the "imbalance" was still unable to quickly and accurately make the action. When he was about to hit, Matkay opened the seventh door further.

"What? This breath is ..." Chongwu seemed to feel something, could not help but hesitated.

Unlike the conventional physical and ninja techniques, the eight-door armor is not "developing" the limits of the human body, but "releasing" the human body's restrictions on Chakra, thereby increasing its strength by a hundredfold.

In essence, it is neither a yin and yang, nor a blood following snare, nor is it the yang and yin power of the six immortals ...

The "level" should be lower than the power of these "gods", but it can change quantitatively and cause qualitative changes, so that the "ordinary" ninjas have the ability to "goddle gods".

"Day Tiger!"

Facing Chongwu's super-tailed beast jade, Kay decided to confront it.

And just as the seventh door was opened, Kay ’s mental toughness was also greatly improved, completely offsetting the effect of the previous “phosphorus tincture” ...

The lacquered black beast jade sprayed from the barrel of Chongwu's arm swelled quickly after leaving the body, but Kai's body instantly formed a huge "monster" with white light and a tiger-like image!

Chongwu can feel that this is pure physical strength, which has caused a change in the natural energy of the outside world. The high-temperature steam overflowing from the body causes the outside air to compress and friction, producing a "glowing" effect.

The white giant tiger pounced on the black super-tailed beast jade, triggering a big-field explosion ...

Immediately after that, Kay approached behind Chugo with a speed like a teleportation, but at the same time, Chugo also extended various “pipes” like humans, some were ejectors and some were directly used as gun barrels.

The level of fierceness will be directly foolish to the surrounding federal ninjas, the water and fire ninjas who have not come and retreated.

Most of the ninjas at the scene, because they didn't know the "eight-gate armor", marveled at their destructive fighting powers, and also saw that Kay had the upper hand ...

As a result, a situation that caused Kai to vomit blood!

Now the leader of Wuyin Village is the fifth generation of water shadow disciple Liang Jisuke-a middle-aged man with a dangling eye that doesn't look very eye-catching.

After the new and old forces of Wuyin Village broke down and did not cut again, they announced that they would join the renewed federation. The restoration forces proposed a new water shadow, and cancelled the five generations of water shadow qualifications that would not be cut again.

Tuliang Jishou himself is the owner of one of the representative families of the conservatives in Wuyin Village. His strength and prestige are quite average. As the Five Shadows, his ability is a bit too low. But considering the strength of the restorationists, it is actually already It does not have the scale of the five hidden villages at all, so it can still be done.

However, this time the water and fire coalition of Muye and Wuyin Village ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After all, it is in the name of helping the AIA, and as the main participant of the group, the name is not the true Naruto of Muye, so Among the coalition forces, five generations of water shadows are the main ones.

Seeing that both sides had such a level of combat power, Tuliangji could not help but startled. However, after "jumping", while worrying that the current Wuyin Village was weak, he actually moved his mind to counterattack ...

Yes, in his opinion, since Kay has the advantage, as long as the two "monsters" and the monsters of the wood leaves win, the natural coalition can counterattack back in one breath and even regain the main island.

However, even if Qimenkai is faster, Chongwu is thicker and thicker, and in the case of condensing the power of five tail beasts and turning into a five-core combat weapon, it will not fall too far!

The most important thing is that Kay could not hold on for too long in the seven-door state. Even if he would not die if the eighth door was opened, he would soon reach the limit, but Chongwu had almost no consumption ...

As for opening the eighth door and "killing" Chongwu?

Not to mention whether it can be killed or not, Kai did not have enough blood to sacrifice himself in order to help Wuyin Village. The reason why the seven doors are opened now is entirely for the retreat of Muye.

After the help of Tuliangji ordered the counterattack, the only thing that could stop him was the wood-leaf ninja who understood the side effects of "Eight Doors", but Xiao Li, who was the clearest about it, rushed back at the moment-he originally After unwilling to leave Kai Duan, Ning Ci and Tian Tian pulled him away.

At this point when receiving the counter-attack instruction, Xiao Li seemed to have beaten chicken blood, while other Kobe ninjas who did not know very well ... could not effectively discourage Tuliang Jisuke!

After all, they don't know where Kay's limits are ...

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