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Vol 2 Chapter 858: Assist from Koyo and Haze

"Do you want me? I can't think of you in the renewal of the federation, and you are such a strong master. I am very happy to be with you ... but ... my youthful blood cannot be delivered here, goodbye!"

Kay estimates that "after the break" is enough by now, and he has to find a way to get away, and said that he would fly out of Chongwuyu, and he also used his strength to retreat. Just want to withdraw!

However, at this moment, Kay suddenly noticed that there was a sound of killing behind him-why did the water and fire coalition rush back!

"..." Kay looked at this scene, with 100,000 alpacas in his heart, unable to restrain himself from wanting to come out.

"Hehehe, it seems you can't go yet! Tail beast warfare · broken jade collapse fist!"

Although Chongwu didn't understand the youth of this watermelon head and what he had to do with it, he saw the embarrassment of the uncle now, and expressed that he had fallen into the grave and changed the power of the tail beast jade to "erupt" to promote himself to absorb nature After the energy, like a hard granite-like fist, he smashed over to Kai ...

"Abominable! What are you guys doing when you come back? Are you more **** than me? Quickly withdraw!" Kay yelled at the returning Ninja.

"Well? Do you really ..." The ninja who had returned to the battlefield for a while also choked.

In fact, someone also reported to Tuliangji before, that Matekai of Koba used some kind of side effect to greatly ban surgery!

Just twenty minutes ago ...

When Tuliangjisuke was disappointed, he was also relieved-if the normal state is really strong, even if the village of Wuyin is revived, I am afraid that it cannot escape the control of wood leaves.

However, for the suggestion of continuing the retreat, Tsuraichi hesitated for a moment and did not accept it!

The reason was that suddenly Takuyoshi helped to think that Chongwu's state was also likely to be using a forbidden technique, which means that the other party might not be able to support it first!

Of course, there is also a reason that has not been announced, that is, for Tuliang Jisuke, two monsters are the best result, otherwise it feels stressful to think about it ...

It was as if Zhu Jian and Bian were at the end of the war in the valley, and other Ninja villages wanted to set off firecrackers to celebrate.

"Don't hurry ... The opponent must have used the forbidden technique. It is obvious that Maitekai of Guicun has taken the advantage. If the situation is really bad, I will announce the retreat." Asma said.

At this moment, Ning Ci rushed over ... He had not been able to stop Xiao Li before, so he came to the command center.

"Wait! Master Shuiying, if Teacher Kai can really defeat the other party, he won't stop the other party when we retreat, and ... I am a student of Teacher Kai, I know this kind of forbidden surgery is harmful to the body Burden, Teacher Kai is used only to cover our retreat! "Ning Ci said.

After seeing Da She Wan again last time, Ning Ci once again voluntarily closed his memory and cooperated with the federal study of "birds in cages", so he would not show any "abnormality".

However, what happened at that time has already made Ning Ci's prejudice towards the Koye and Nichigo clan.

However, Ning Ci has not yet reached the point where he intends to sacrifice Teacher Kai and sacrifice Xiao Li in order to retaliate Mu Ye, "tempting" Mu Ye Ninja to return to death ...

If Kai and Xiaoli weren't there, maybe Ningci's thought would be different, but at this time he really wanted Shuiying to retreat.

"Are you ... Hiroshi Shiba? Do you have such a ban?" Tuliang could not help asking.

If Muye can bear it all, he can perform such a ban, even if it has only one percent effect, it is scary enough.

"No, this kind of prohibition can only be used by hard-working geniuses. Now only my teacher and Li can do it. What I am good at is soft boxing, which is not suitable for this kind of prohibition." Ning Ci said honestly.

And Tuliang knew that there would be another Konoha ninja, and he also knew that the young ninja now rescued Kay, and comforted softly: "Since you can't, how can you determine the time for persistence? This is a war ... you can't change your overall strategy because of your "estimate" ... but don't worry, as long as your teacher can't hold on, I will order a retreat. "

"But ..." Ning Ci wanted to say something more.

"Enough! You just have to endure forbearance, here is not your turn! You have decided that Lord Water Shadow will command the battle. Now as an endurance ... What you have to do is obey orders!" An old man next to Tuliang suddenly He reprimanded.

When Ning Ci heard the words, he couldn't help but glance at him.

If another Ninja Ninja said such things, Asma present would have to teach him to be a man in a minute, but now ... the talking is from the family of Hyuga!

As the largest family of wood leaves at present, the people of Hyuga and Naruto have "face and heart disharmony".

After all, Itachi is a "sage" who can sacrifice even his own family. The large family of Koba generally cannot believe him, otherwise he will not be raised by the group.

Although the Hyuga tribe doesn't really trust Tsangzo, they are 100% support for the crusade against the federation. After all, the Hyuga tribe and the predecessor of the Northern Alliance have already turned their heads, but the two sides have not made it clear.

Therefore, among the wooden leaf ninjas who support the country of water, there are many ninjas of the Hyuga tribe, and one of the three major ancestors, Koyoshi Hyuga, who also came with support. As his elder, he stayed beside Shuiying Shuiying. strange.

Ning Ci is here because the third team led by Matekai received the task and did not come with the Hyuga tribe, but when Nikko Guangyi saw Ning Ci's anger at this time, he would not hit a spot!

Originally Xiang Guangyi as a Konoha ninja, he was actually dissatisfied with continuing the war, but when he saw Ningji coming, and thought that Mate Kai was Ningji's guidance and forbearance ... Especially now in Koyo, his attitude towards the Federation, The dispute between the film faction and the group Tibetan faction has led to an increasing divergence of interests between the "mud-legged" ninja and the family ninja ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and Matekai obviously belongs to the former ...

The mentality of Hikaru Guangyi changed, so it was at this time that Ningji was directly reprimanded, and the disguise was quite strong.

After all, this kind of old stubbornness still has more identification with the Hyuga family-although the three old people are actually only separated, the true family can only have one vein, but their "bird in the cage" has the highest level of authority.

Because of his father's self-sacrifice at that time, Ning Ci made an exception and had the same level of authority as the old tribe. At that time, it attracted a lot of criticism. After the "eye for an eye and an eye" incident, the old tribe again proposed Reduce Ningji's permissions.

In their opinion, Ning Ci, who did not even return to the tribe's family land and did not identify with the family, was too dangerous to possess such authority ...

Of course, why Ningci had this kind of authority, and why they had previously judged that Ningci would be "dissatisfied", they all instinctively ignored it.

"Okay, okay, I'd like to thank Muye for having so many families, who have the same responsibilities as the Hyuga clan, who are willing to support us and direct or whatever ... I'm really ashamed to see it." Put on good people.

After Ning Ci glared at the uncle and grandfather, Leng Hu turned and left, and hurried to the front ...

If the group were hiding here now, such a decision would not be made, but there is no "if"!

Asma shook her head when she saw this, and she was a bit dissatisfied with Nikko Gwangyi, but at this time, as a representative of the ape flying house, he was not good at arguing with "oneself", and only wished Kadoh to insist on it ... ... don't ask to defeat the other, just ask Kay not to take yourself in!

At the same time, Asma couldn't help asking: "Is this really ... the" jade "I want to protect? 】.

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