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Vol 2 Chapter 859: 4 battle countdown (2 in 1)

"What's the matter? Are you okay?" Said Zhongwu, who did not cut and watched the withdrawal.

Just now, in the situation where Kay Quan tried to break off, the water and fire coalition turned back, and it was only a small victory. The result was a big advantage!

However, it is very clear that if you don't cut it again, you should have the opportunity to kill the other "blue beast" just now, and if you don't cut it, you think that the other person is "very dangerous" and should be eliminated first ...

However, Chongwu just repelled the opponent. Although everyone else saw that Chongwu was physically weak and unable to pursue, but he did not cut it again and found that the reclaimed Chongwu didn't consume much.

"Nothing, I found something interesting." Chongwu said, and looked far away at the direction Kay left ...

At this time, Xiao Li was carrying Kai, and Ning Ci and Tian Tian followed each other!

Just now Chongwu saw Ningji come to the rescue, so he chose to give up and kill Kai.

Although Chongwu didn't know Ningji, he did recognize some kind of "seal" on Ningji.

Others may not feel it, but Chongwu has a technique that resonates with it-yes, it is the mark that Dashe Wan made on Ningji!

In order to avoid the "dark child" that was hard to lay down, he was finally killed by his own people without knowing it, and Ning Ci left a curse that can be felt by high-ranking federal officials.

In this way, even if you do n’t know who Ningci is, it will also understand its importance to the Federation. It will not be dead at critical moments, and it will even rescue in disguise during hostilities.

Chongwu felt this kind of imprint, so he pretended to be physically weak and gave up hunting.

Moreover, Kai did not lose consciousness at this time, and Chongwu just vaguely felt that if he really wanted to push the other side to death, there might be other changes, so when the three young students of the other side were standing in front of him, , Chongwu simply pretended to be physically exhausted back.

"How? Did it affect the President of Taodi?" Chongwu asked a little worried.

"Forget it, it's nothing ... since they returned to the battlefield, the results of this battle have been locked. It really is not in the interest of the Federation to really kill the important figures of Muye here." Shake his head.

In September of the first year of the Commonwealth, three months have passed since the Kingdom of Thunder declared war on the renewed Commonwealth.

During this period, four large-scale local battles broke out in the Ninja Realm, the Battle of the Country of Grass, the Battle of Frost and Snow Fortress, the Battle of the City of Thunder, and the last "Wind and Island Battle" that took place next to the main island of the original water country ...

In the four local battles, the newly renewed federation defeated the alliance of Cao Ren, Lei Ren, and Mu Ye Ren, Shui Ren, and the remaining forces of the remnants of the Nirvana, effectively deterred the nations of Ninja!

After the battle of Thunder City, the mess left for Yunyin Village and the Kingdom of Thunder made the kings' houses gritting their teeth, and they also had to **** their teeth. In the battle of Fenghe Island, the battle between Chongwu and Meteka also made the Hidden Village lost his voice.

In contrast, although Guan Liyuan has also shown that he is not inferior to both, but because there is no "audience", there is no effective communication ...

However, under the shock of this record, the local war finally died down before the fourth Ninja War was provoked.

The country of grass fell to 90% of the country, and the remaining 10% were nominally hardliners who exiled the country of grass to avoid counterattacks. In fact, it was to update the federal government and leave a gap between Yuyin Village!

At present, in the eyes of most members of the Xiao organization, their BOSS is "Pain", so there may be cooperation between the soil and the group, and it is impossible to judge whether this is the overall behavior of the Xiao organization or its personal behavior.

And now Guan Liyuan feels that it is better not to call them directly-even if he wants to call them, it is too personal to directly border them.

Of course, the so-called "hard-liners" of exile, in fact, only some Cao Ren chose to be exiled. In fact, only the remaining 10% of the civilian population in the South also moved to the North and put in the embrace of the renewal of the Federation ...

As for the remnants of Cao Yin Village, will it cause trouble?

Guan Liyuan, who is a key soldier in the northwest region, is not worried about this. If they dare to die, they just kill them!

These years, in the ninja world, it ’s rare to be as disciplined as the renewed federation and insist on not killing prisoners. There is no reason to not even kill the enemy ...

In this way, these grass ninjas have no room for survival, and they will naturally take the initiative to intervene in the chaos of the rain country, and will also give the federal "Central Intelligence Agency" the opportunity to infiltrate the rain country.

The country that was originally tough and regarded as the "second hegemony" of the country with the closest strength to the hegemon's fire country, was not prepared for the war and was not adapted to the new way of updating the federation. The AB combination of Rabbi and Leiying Ai both declared "missing."

In addition, the death of King Lei and a large number of nobles, and the intensification of the contradiction between the noble class and the civilian class, made Lei Zhiguo exhausted, and he had to turn to attack ...

The new five-generation Leiying is no longer a Yeyue clan, but a young Darui.

Although the family inheritance system of the first four generations of Leiying was broken, it did not cause much turbulence, because Dalui was originally the next generation of the three generations of Leiying.

The character of Dalui is not as strong as the four Leiyings of the Yeyue clan. Given the current situation in the kingdom of Lei, if there is no external pressure, doing nothing and taking care of it may really make you tired. The cluster of thunderous kingdoms slowed down.

But that is impossible!

Although the civilians are already exhausted, the war will no longer be suppressed in the aristocratic class and Yunyin Village. Now it is only at the stage of "ready to go to war" ...

Even in the end, there was only an unsuspecting truce between Thunderland and the Renewed Confederation, without signing any agreement on reconciliation, which made it clear that it was just a half-time break.

In contrast, with the Land State and the Wind State, they first recognized the renewal of the federal dominance in the north, and the State of Fire also reconciled with the renewal of the Federation in name, but urged the renewal of the territory of the State of Water.

Of course, the renewed federation ignored him, and the country of fire did not care about whether the federal government ignored it, but there was no support for the exile forces of the country of water and Wuyin village, and it gave trouble to the overseas branch.

The islands in the southwest of the original water country have also become the only region that has not yet ceased war, but the scale of the war is already small and it has entered a deadlock ...

On the one hand, the King of Fire room is actually just the "both ends of the rat". On the other hand, it is afraid of the lesson learned from the city of Thunder, and on the other hand, it is also worried that the renewal of the Confederation will be more difficult to control.

However, the King of Fire's ambassadors in the wood leaves were in trouble. At this time, it was not good in the wood leaves, and they had lost a lot of support.

Killing the father and breaking the family sage Itachi has made many families unable to trust them-after all, this is a sage who has ruthlessly killed even his entire family ... but at least it is quite popular among ordinary ninjas.

And the root of Tuanzang, isn't it true that the real gods hate the dogs and ignore them?

Although the three generations of Naruto only revealed some of the truth about the Uchiha family ’s extermination, this kind of thing, a little bit raised, will allow many large families to learn more about the truth-for example, the black hands behind the Uchiha family ’s extermination. Roots!

If the current Naruto is still ape flying, no one is willing to manage the group, but the sage ferret is also "dreadful". In addition, the former country of the rain has broken the halberd, so that there are many large families around the group. support.

However, the battle of Fenghe Island made the Tuanzang extremely skeptical, accusing him of not giving command to Xinshuiying's waste in order to suppress Haoying!

For a time, all countries have entered the adjustment period, and the renewal federation is also happy to continue to focus on development. The quieter the longer the better ...

However, everyone knows that although the fourth Ninja War broke the brakes before the outbreak this time, the countdown bell still “clicked” in everyone's ears!

Even the land of the land and the land of the wind, which are not participating in the war, are preparing their own things, but the two western powers are obviously unfavorable. One is that the wind and the wind are inseparable, and the other ...

Although the earth king respects the earth shadow, and it can even be said that the earth shadow grew up, it is the most harmonious relationship between the hidden village and the royal family. The second generation of earth shadow has a strong influence in the country, but ... Old Ohno is very depressed!

Because of the exposure of the new federal tactics, the worm has made the ninjas a hotspot in the hidden villages!

The carefully cultivated ninja insects are good at breaking small and large-scale war equipment. This is the common sense of the ninja industry-those thick-skinned big guys are often paralyzed by a few small bugs!

However, although the Ninja Ninja is not the limit of blood succession, it is often a family secret, which is not the same as the ordinary fire and water martial arts ...

For example, wood leaves don't have to worry about it. The oily women of the family known as the strongest insects are the old family of wood leaves. This leaves Wood leaves full of vigor after hearing about the "armored forces" of the Federation.

And Yanyin Village ... there was a very famous "Shuiliu family" among the Ninjas before, but in the third ninja war, the Shangshuiliu group was the pioneer of Yanyin Village, and they were defeated by the Yunui family in the insect battle. As a result, the entire battle fell to Muye, so the oil women's tribe had a higher status in Muye, while the upper water stream tribe was exiled by Yanyin Village!

Because the large battle array equipment is not the focus of the development of the ninja community, and the worm makes the ninja only as a perceptive ninja, it is not irreplaceable. As a combat ninja, it has a lot of advantages, so the second generation of Tuying quickly forgot this family .

Now when I finally think about it, I decided to re-enable the "upper stream family", but found that it was "rolled away", and I didn't find it at all ...

The old man Ohno was also very puzzled-anyway, he is also a ninja, and he will not starve to death after exile, right?

However, I did not know that after being exiled, the "Shangshuiliu Clan" was renamed the "Shenhe Clan", and this part appeared in the original animation ... So it was long recruited by Guan Liyuan and became a hidden member of the armored forces.

I believe that if Koba wants to use the oil women to destroy the federal armored forces, their old opponents will be willing to let the other party eat a pound!

In the "peaceful peace" of the Ninja community, when it came to "Renew Two Years", Guan Liyuan received a lot of good news on the first day of the new year. For example, the Shenhe family reported that the armored army ’s insect defense enhancement has overcome most of the technical difficulties Can be transformed initially;

For example, Dashe Wan reported that there has been no small progress in the research of "birds in cages", and it is recommended to enter the human test stage;

For example, the development of the perception plug-in for "Chakra Armor" by Beluhu has made breakthrough progress and can begin to spread to the entire army;

Another example is that after Tsunade inherited the city of the sky, she used the power of "forbearance" created by her ancestor Ashura to continuously strengthen her body, which not only greatly improved her strength, but also caused the phenomenon of returning to ancestors-not having a tail or the like. , But silently found that the wooden bed where Tsunade rested usually sprouted, and it was suspected that a wooden clam Chakra had produced;

And as the third generation of Ninja Sect Capricorni reincarnation, the witch maiden Shiyuan of the former ghost kingdom has mastered the ability to temporarily break out of Yin Yang and Chakra, and has grown from being new and directly to "beyond the common sense of Ninja" level. At present, Under the guidance of Tsunade, supplement common combat knowledge.

If other countries know that while they are resting and preparing for war, the Federation will not only expand its size, but also have a level of combat power beyond "common sense of Ninja" ... Would it regret not directly fighting?

There are even three others who are almost the same as the original Naruto and Uchiha Spots in their impressions. They have the ability to suppress the troubled times, and they are all full of potential. They may break through the possibility of exceeding the common sense of Ninja at any time.

That is, Osumaru, Beruhu, and Tsunade who have acquired a new body and can reorganize their secret techniques-all three are ninjas without a name, except that Tsunade is clearly his granddaughter, Osumaru is likely to be from the former Chishou clan, but from the point of view of talent, it is likely that it is the descendant of the civilian ninja that Muye joined in the early days!

If it is said that the existence of this level of "suppression of troubled times" between pillars and spots is still an "epic" combat power recorded in history, then the more powerful Asura and Indra, including the "monsters" in the middle and late stages of the original work, It can only be said to exist in legend-legendary combat power.

At present, including Guan Liyuan, the Federation already has three legendary and three epic existence.

In addition, there are strengths that are not inconspicuous in a group of "monsters", but also have "saga" potential sasuke.

The continuous emergence of civilian Chakra practitioners has also led to the rapid expansion of the new army ...

Although the percentage of civilians with excellent Chakra training qualifications is very small, and there is also a lack of effective counseling-even if the federal government pays high salaries to most of the villages in the Hidden Village, it is impossible to make all Everyone has the education level of a ninja school.

But the base of civilians is a thousand times that of the five hidden villages. Even if the probability of "genius" appearing is hundreds of times smaller, it is also a very considerable number!

In March of the second year of the update, when the Commonwealth promoted and encouraged the first anniversary of the nationalization of Chakra, the size of the new army had exceeded the number of old ninja village ninjas integrated in the former northern countries ...

After all, in the hidden village, the so-called "genius" can also graduate one year, and the Commonwealth promotes the nationalization of "Chakra", not the nationalization of "Ninjutsu", everyone only needs to cultivate the lower tolerance level of Chakra ~ www .wuxiaspot.com ~ and basic body surgery, you can be armed immediately.

It is estimated that when the nationalization is implemented for one and a half to two years, the strength of the new federal army will reach the first bottleneck.

Once the young people of the right age and the talented civilians have completed their initial cultivation, those who haven't succeeded afterwards have to rely on time accumulation. The initial "explosive" growth will slow down;

Secondly, resources will begin to limit the expansion of the new army, and the standards of the new army will also increase in the future. It is impossible to always equip all the new and innovative Chakras with Chakra armor;

The third is that Chakra ’s practice is to consume food, that is, to consume food. Even if the Federation is prosperous under the driving force of technology, it is expected that the scale of the private Chakra ’s practice in half a year will “persecute” the Federation to invest most of its power in Chakra. Production and research and development of production tools such as carat farm tools.

In other words, the best war for the Federation is half a year to a year, and the other parties can endure another half a year to a year ...

The next time we go to war, I'm afraid it's hard to hit the brakes at the last minute. In all likelihood, we must distinguish between high and low, even life and death!

Therefore, Guan Liyuan also decided to use the last time before the war to make some advance preparations.

For example, fulfilling the dark alliance with Ye Cang, and also fighting for an ally for the Federation ... may also be a "branch", and then the situation of the more important rain country organization, and whereabouts!

Guan Liyuan didn't dare to rush into war without associating with the "Uchiban" and the ultimate behind-the-scenes "big tube Muhuiye" behind himself.

If, like the spot in the original work, be "fisherman gains", it will be too shameful for forum members to go out and say they are administrators ...

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