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Vol 2 Chapter 860: Taking problem children to "outings"

"The two children will be entrusted to you. Take them to meet the world! Although the federation is not a" Ninja ", it will be stuck in the house all day and cannot really grow up!"

"This little devil asked you to stay in the laboratory all day, which seriously affected the progress of my experiment. I have nothing to teach him now, after all, he is not interested in the" white snake eternal life technique "... if you are too troublesome Just throw it away. "

Guan Liyuan remembered what Tsunade and Osumaru had said to himself before leaving, but glanced helplessly at the three "burdens" behind him.

[Really, can't even one's disciples take care of them? And I didn't go on an outing ...]

That's right, after knowing that Guan Liyuan had a "secret operation", Tsunade will help Sakura, Xiangxiang, and Dashewan to "trust" Guan Liyuan's care!

"We are so hard, but you as a big speaker go out lazily, take care of the children too much" look ...

Of course, speaking of "children", in fact, all three have reached the age of blast in the original work. In the world of Naruto, this is already a real adult.

As if I heard Guan Liyuan's heartfelt voice, the most adorable Sasuke among the three, said coldly, "I'm not that guy's disciple. I can act on my own if I'm in trouble."

"Forget it ... you guy is the least worrying, I don't want to start fighting with Muye ahead of time." Guan Liyuan narrowed his eyes.

If Sasuke acted on his own, he would probably go to Naruto desperately, even if Itachi doesn't care, I'm afraid Koba would do something.

"Kiba ... Will it really be at war with Kiba?" Sakura couldn't help asking.

Guan Liyuan hesitantly glanced at Sakura, only to remember that Sakura's situation was different from Xiang Phosphorus and Sasuke!

Although incense phosphorus has the bloodline of the vortex family, but the vortex family has died for so long, the phosphorus has no concept of the country of the vortex. When he was a child, he lived miserably in Cao Yin Village, and did not receive any assistance from wood leaves. What are the special feelings of the ally of the clan, but they have the deepest feelings for the Federation ... well, the deepest feelings for dialogue!

If it wasn't recommended to Dashou Maru to be a disciple, Xiang Phosphorus would always want to apply for the snow fight.

As for Sasuke ... it was deep hatred of Konoha and Itachi.

In the original work, Itachi's pupil perfusion and "nodding to kill" Sasuke before his death. Sasuke simply knew that it was not Itachi who defected to kill the whole family, but under the planning of the roots of Koba, there would be Uchiha of the rebellious precursor. A family extermination-except that Sasuke even hated Maki leaves together, it did not constitute any reason to "forgive" Itachi.

However, Sakura is different from Xiang Phosphorus and Sasuke. As a disciple who was recommended to Tsunade from the beginning, Sakura also came to "study" in the capacity of "Kanata" until she was brought out of the wood.

And it was the granddaughter who worshiped the first generation of Hao Ying.

As a result, he stood on the opposite side of the wood leaves, which was inexplicable ...

Originally, when Sakura and the Commonwealth ceased reconciliation in nominal terms, Sakura was relieved, but afterwards Sakura found that everyone, including her teacher Tsunade, did not take the "truce reconciliation" seriously!

"How do you say ... it can't be regarded as a war with Muye. Whether it is a war against Muye or not depends on how you understand Muye," Guan Liyuan said.

"How do you understand Koba?" Sakura wondered.

"Your teacher Tsunade is the granddaughter of the first generation of Naruto, do you know that?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"Of course." Sakura nodded immediately.

"The wooden leaves established by Lord Zhu Jian were to keep the war away from the ninja world. I hope that the children can grow in peace and hope that the contradictions between all people can be eliminated ... But Lord Zhu Jian failed." Guan Liyuan said.

"Failure? The first generation of Naruto did establish wood leaves, and the Ninja Village system appeared, and then ..."

"Then the Uchiha clan who created Koba with the Chishou clan was destroyed," Sasuke interrupted Sakura with a cold voice.

Although Sakura was not obsessed with Sasuke at this time, she had a vague feeling about Naruto, but as one of Sasuke's best friends, she did not want to see Sasuke like this, and she did not want to stimulate him at this time. For Uchiha I do not know how to persuade the complicated situation of the family.

However, Guan Liyuan said instead: "Yes, in order to prevent the rebellion of the Uchiha family, the overall interests of Muye were damaged."

"The rebellion or something, who knows if they made it up?" Sasuke's tone grew colder.

"It's also for the leaves, that white eye will be with your teacher ..." Guan Liyuan continued.

That's right, the sun-eyed sun-eyed eyes were robbed by the Commonwealth just after returning to the land of Thunder.

"He is not my teacher." Sasuke continued proudly.

"Sir Speaker, what do you want to say?" Sakura responded somewhat.

"You can just call me Brother Liyuan outside ... I want to say that your teacher Tsunade, the granddaughter of the original Naruto, was willing to stay in the Commonwealth, even against the 'Leaves of Wood' because of her I don't think that the beast swallowed up by the interests in the kingdom of fire now is the 'wood leaf' established by the first generation of adult Hao Ying. Now she will burn the true 'wood leaf' fire throughout the whole Ninja world. "Guan Liyuan said.

Sakura seemed to understand, but she still asked, "Is it necessary ... in such an extreme way? And, and ... Are you really the same as the original Naruto?"

Sasuke heard the words and looked at Guan Liyuan. Sakura probably felt that her problem was a bit abrupt, and could not help but feel embarrassed.

"There is no" definite "method, maybe there are options other than war. As for whether I am the same as the original Naruto ... of course, it is different! Although the ultimate goal is very similar, but ... I am not like that adult That's BB ... Keke, I mean, "If you can reason, you don't resort to violence."

I also hate violence, but I do n’t choose too idealistic methods because of fear of war. I ’m not as good as he believes in the “future”. I prefer things that can be solved now, all solved now ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The future generation, and their own things! "

If Zhu Jian ’s idealization method is really useful, then when the “1000 hands” surname disappears, Koba should have completely resolved all the contradictions between the family ninja and the civilian ninja ... However, he is willing to cancel the surname like Zhu Jian There are very few families.

From this point of view, the column is too taken for granted.

"Thousands of hands ... Zhu Jian. Huh, is it a boring" sage "? Hello, you said, what would happen to the Uchiha family if Zhu Jian was replaced by the guy in Naruto?" Sasuke asked suddenly.

"Shit,‘ Hey ’is too rude, right? But what Master Zhu Jian ... would probably kneel at the gate of the clan, persuade everyone to give up the rebellion. Hahaha ...”

"Is this a gimmick?" Sasuke said dismissively.

"Of course, while hoeing, at the same time, the guys in the family who want to come out to attack Muye, and those in Muye who want to go in and hang off the 'betrayal party' are all hanging up and fighting," Guan Liyuan speculated.

"Oh? What if it's not that strong between columns?"

"How is it possible that such a stupid guy can live so big without being strong?"


Sasuke's face is all over-what you said makes sense, I was speechless.

However, Guan Liyuan found that the phosphorous was always on the side, using a small book to remember something ...

Guan Liyuan couldn't help but see a sweat on his head and said, "Xiaoxiang phosphorus, what are you remembering? We don't popularize personal worship in the Commonwealth, let's forget the quotations ..."

"It's nothing, I just sort out the words and deeds of the speaker, and the teacher may be interested in it later." Xiang Phosphor's glasses reflected for a while.

"Wait, I think there is still something to consider ...".

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