Chapter 335: Love from Two Worlds in One Free Will Karl Karl!

【After Zod and others were exiled, Krypton began to destroy, and the underground erupted with fiery energy caused by collapse.】

【All the surviving congressmen and high-ranking officials hid in the portable shelters, only Laura did not hide in, but walked outside and quietly watched the destruction of Krypton.】

【”Carl, create a better future”】

【The scene switches to the outside of Krypton, where the star begins to crumble, emitting a golden glow, and then explodes into dust! Completely wiped out by the collapse of the star’s core! 】

Lei Movie:”A country that runs at full speed will lose everything, and a civilization that stagnates will also lose everything… Perhaps this moment is the best eternity.……”

Hilco:”A bunch of idiots who are unwilling to escape. What’s the difference between hiding and committing suicide in a world that is about to be destroyed?”

Ryze:”Once a kingdom is destroyed, it will eventually become obscure… No matter how glorious a civilization is, it will disappear in history.”

Pluto:”Only the wise see through it all. She calmly watches the sunset of civilization without any fear or despair. Her hope has been safely delivered by her.”

Kiana Kaslana:”Kal is a child surrounded by love. Even if he doesn’t realize it, I believe he will fight for all the beauty in the world!”

Thor:”You can imagine how powerful Krypton was tens of thousands of years ago… The destruction of the planet even caused a collapse, and it was blown up like Asgard without a single thing left.……”

【The scene changes, and a wormhole suddenly appears in the space outside the solar system. Then an escape pod flies past Mars, the moon and other planets and flies to the earth.】

【After the escape pod crashed into the earth, the screen went dark for a moment, and when it lit up again, a cute little boy was sitting in the classroom, looking around in confusion and fear.】

【”Clark? Clark?”】

【The teacher called out to the stunned Clark in surprise, and at this moment, in Clark’s eyes, the skin of the teacher and his classmates disappeared!】

【Clark saw the red muscle tissue and skeleton. At the same time, countless subtle sounds entered his ears, making a loud noise! ​​】

Young man:”Alas… It’s Earth again. I wonder what gods have appeared on Earth.” Fulu

:”Kryptonians, the True Words, the Aesir, the Herrscher, the Spiral… I can’t count them all!”

ETO:”Fortunately, there is only a little wall-facing man Luo Ji on my side of the Earth. He poses no threat at all, and the Lord can easily control him.”

Aozaki Aoko:”Oh! Is this little cutie Carl?! It seems that Clark is his name on Earth, he is really cute! I like him so much!”

Fujiwara Chika:”Hello, are you the police?”

Charles:”Perspective eyes and super hearing… Super hearing and the initial awakening of telepathy are very similar. Poor little guy, no one can guide him.”

Nick Fury:”Huh – is that all the ability? It’s still within the acceptable controllable range.” Alan

Yeager:”Meat and skeleton… In Clark’s eyes, everyone is a little giant! Kuolewa… Hell!”

【Clark ran out of the classroom and hid in the utility room, covering his ears until his mother Martha came and helped Clark to concentrate and get rid of the pain.】

【Because of this action, the students in the elementary school thought Clark was a freak and a monster, and they refused to play with him and isolated him.】

【The scene then turns to a middle school. On the way to school, the school bus loses control and rushes into the river. Everyone is submerged and about to drown.】

【Clark did not feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, he looked at his classmates, smashed the underwater window with a punch, and easily pushed the school bus from underwater to the shore. 】

Whitebeard:”Clark is lucky. After he came to Earth, he had a good mother who could correctly and patiently guide his family~.”

Magneto:”Hehehe… This is the bad nature of earthlings, the stupidity of humans! They only have malice and jealousy towards these gifted people, not knowing that they are the ordinary ones.”

Ishigami Yu:”Although I sympathize with Clark, it’s okay… American bullying is not as serious as Japanese bullying, and his parents should protect Clark.”

Misaka Mikoto:”Another superpower has appeared! Underwater breathing and super strength… Although each one is not strong, Clark’s abilities combined can be regarded as a Lv.4 great ability user.”

Homelander:”Why do I feel… Clark has become more and more like me? Is he my isomorph from another world?!”

Bruce Wayne:”If Clark had the heart of Homelander, this world would be doomed.”

【The scene changes, and the classmate’s family finds the Kent family and asks what Clark is.】

【Clark listened to this and sat in his father’s car silently.】

【Clark’s father came out and he had talked to Clark, asking him not to show his extraordinary side to the public.】

【It doesn’t matter whether it will threaten yourself or the people around you, but it will shatter the faith in this world and subvert many things.】

【”Should I just watch them drown?” Clark asked, struggling internally.】

【”Maybe……”The father said cruel and ruthless words, but sometimes some necessary sacrifices will be exchanged for peace and stability.

Constantine:”Indeed, the world is still made up of the general public. Beliefs are beliefs because they are a kind of sustenance, but they cannot really exist.”

Barthelmero:”This is also one of the reasons why magic cannot be displayed in the surface world. Reducing mystery is one aspect, and starting a war between the surface and the inner world is another.”

Starlight:”But shouldn’t superhuman abilities be displayed and become heroes admired by everyone?”

Sengoku:”Clark is just a child who grew up in a peaceful world. He is not ready and does not have enough mentality.”

Kadoya Shi:”This world is also not ready. The belief and common sense of the general public will be overturned, which will bring serious consequences.” Emiya

Kiritsugu:”So, for justice and stability, something must always be sacrificed.”

【The father sat next to Clark and said earnestly:”Humans are afraid of things they cannot understand. Did you see what Pete’s mother did?”】

【”Is it because I want to be like this?” Clark’s eyes were red,”Did God make me like this?”】

【The father was stunned for a moment, then took Clark to the family warehouse and opened the basement that had been silent for more than ten years.】

【The escape pod carrying Clark suddenly appeared in front of the father and son!】

【This is the first time that Clark’s father confessed that Clark is not from this world, and at the same time handed Clark a small black rectangle.

Randolph Carter:”That’s true. Most people are afraid of the unknown because they don’t understand whether this thing will bring them good or bad.”

Joan of Arc:”God will not turn a child into a monster. God will protect the pure people!”

Young man:”Well… God can’t control aliens, right? That doesn’t make sense!”

Whitebeard:”It’s not good for a child to confess the truth so early… How can he bear that he is not his biological child!” Gokawa

Shidao:”What’s even more unbearable is that you don’t belong to this world… No one can bear the feeling that home is not home”

【Clark held onto the spaceship and couldn’t accept it. He couldn’t accept that he was not his father’s biological child, nor could he accept that he was the alien he had always been curious about.】

【”My child… I don’t blame you.” The father said gently as always:”For anyone, all this is an unbearable burden, but my child, you are different. It is no accident that you came to this world.”】

【”.One day, you will feel that everything you have experienced is a treasure given to you by God. At that time, you will have to choose whether to stand up for humanity.”】

【”Can’t I just be your son normally?” Clark looked at his father with a tearful voice.】

【”Of course you are my son!” The father hugged Clark distressedly and comforted him, saying:”But in the vast universe, you still have your biological father who gave you a name.”】

【”I don’t know why he sent you here, but he must love you. Even for your own sake, you have to find the truth.”】

【Clark lowered his head and looked at the black rectangle in his hand. The family emblem of the El family was engraved on the surface.

Eden:”He will grow up, experience the warmth and coldness of the world and the contradiction between good and evil, and eventually he will turn into gold. This is Clark’s journey.”

Peter Parker:”The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Clark will definitely choose to be a hero! I believe in him!”

Himeya Jun:”The Rotating King has proved everything. Clark’s becoming a hero is his inescapable fate.”

Alisa Rand:”But Clark can also choose to be ordinary. The responsibility of a world cannot be imposed on an outsider.”

Ying:”What is an outsider? Clark grew up on Earth. Here he has a family that loves him. Where there is a family is home. He is the son of the earth!”

Cap:”Little Clark is so lucky! He has a biological father who uses his life to help him move towards the future, and an adoptive father who teaches him to face the past!” (Good money is good) Harry Potter:”There is no doubt that the love of the two worlds is concentrated on Clark, which will make his transformation dazzling!”

【The scene changes, and the grown-up Clark arrives at a crashed Kryptonian spaceship in Antarctica and finally meets his father, Jor-El.】

【Al uploaded his consciousness into the spacecraft. Looking at his grown-up son Carl, he felt extremely guilty and relieved.】

【In response to Carl’s doubts, Al explained to Carl everything about Krypton and the origin of its destruction, as well as his birth.】

【Every Kryptonian child born from the Code of Life is born with a social status of worker, scientist, leader, etc., but Al and Laura both feel that Krypton has lost the most precious thing, which is chance.】

【Thus, the so-called uncontrollable existence, the child with free will who can control his own destiny and choose his own path, Kal-El was born. 】

Heita:”Wouldn’t uploading consciousness make him a data life? No, it always feels a bit problematic.”

Tony Stark:”Krypton’s life science is very powerful, but Joe is still a shadow… a slice of consciousness, but it is still comforting to see a grown-up son.”

Alan Yeager:”Everyone is born free! No wonder a fixed life will be destroyed!”

Kujo Jolyne:”So Clark is the most special child, he has free consciousness and can choose his own destiny!”


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