Chapter 336: Awakening of the Bio-Force Field, God on Earth! Death of Father, Enlightenment of Love

“Why don’t you come with me? “】

“We can’t come…… Either me, or Laura. “】

[Al is very helpless and sad, as a flawed Kryptonite, he can only live and die with Krypton or save Krypton, and he definitely has no idea of escaping. 】

“So, I’m already alone……” Karl was a little sad, he thought he could have his own people, the same kind. 】

“No. Al turned to look at Karl, “You are a child of Krypton, a child of Earth, and you are a child who condenses the essence of two worlds.” “】

Luo Ji: “The ideological seal based on civilization is also sad…… Carl was the greatest freedom Joe could do, and he couldn’t escape. ”

Ruan Mei: “I can understand why the council is so rotten, since the operation of the Life Code, the fate of Krypton has been written, there is a thought seal, no one on Krypton wants to escape, he can only choose to live and die together.”

Holy Keisha: “A Kryptonian civilization can only create a free Karl El, which is also the sorrow of a civilization.”

Nick Fury: “Don’t say it! We, the planet, welcome the legacy of civilization…… Friends of other civilizations! ”

Bervis: “He was born on Krypton, but he will never forget Earth.”

Kaeya: “Don’t forget Zod! The Thought Seal is destined for Zod to find Clark to reshape Krypton, and then Clark will be forced to choose between the two families, just like me……”

[Wow! 】

[The lights come on, and a blue-and-red cloak appears in the lab.] 】

[Al looked at Carl with great anticipation, “It’s true that earthlings are very different from us, but I believe it’s a good thing. “】

“They won’t necessarily make the same mistakes as we do, as long as you guide them, Karl. “】

“As long as you give them hope, that’s what it means. Al pulled off his coat, revealing the black S on his inner clothes, “The meaning of the El family’s crest is hope. “183】

[“What is firmly believed in there is the inherent goodness of human nature, and you can bring it to them. “】

Penglai Temple Jiuxiao: “Good …… What a handsome suit! It’s obviously tights, but it’s so textured! This savior needs a set too! ”

Hikari: “Don’t think about it, little girl, Joe is a top scientist on Krypton, and what he prepared for Clark must be the crystallization of Kryptonian technology.”

Shi Qiang: “This is really good, there are people with advanced civilization who use his thinking to guide the earth not to step on the pit, why haven’t we encountered it!”

Ge Xiaolun: “Compared to the gods who came to the earth, maybe Qiao on this earth really has kindness and expectations for the earth, right?”

Motherlander: “Clark’s image in the eyes of the world is hope…… Fack! I’m a stand-in?! ”

Deadpool: “Hahahaha! Motherlanders? Clown Man! ”

Ultraman Ace: “So, Clark, you have to give up your passion!” You will guide the people of the earth to a better tomorrow! ”

Elysia: “It’s so good~ Al’s family crest and Clark’s fate, all kinds of good qualities are sown by Clark, where did he come from?!”

Divine Keisha: “This is the virtue of a strong civilization, the inherent goodness of human nature…… Innocent and pure thoughts, but that’s what makes it seem beautiful. ”

[Click! 】

[The door of the spaceship opened, and Carl walked out of the spaceship in his suit, looking at the snow-capped mountains in front of him. 】

[The yellow sun of the earth is younger, and Carl’s cells absorb the sunlight and enhance the abilities of his body.] 】

Although the gravitational pull of the earth is very weak, the atmosphere is more abundant in nutrients. 】

[Karl walked to the clearing, he clenched his fists and looked at the sky, the biting cold wind did not affect him at all, but the blowing cloak made him look like a god. (bjcg) Tony Stark: “How? Clarke’s rendering when he goes out is really more like a god than Loki was back then. ”

Loki: “Oh~ big, it’s hard to imagine that I’m really a god, and you’re still whipping me.”

Zuotian tears: “This superpower is good! It’s a dream to get stronger by lying down in the sun or something! ”

Derena: “Holy! Basking in the sun can make you stronger! Isn’t that goddess the one in the Earth novel…… Spiritual veins! ”

Firewoman: “Under the sun, only hope will become more intense, and it is clear that Clark is hope.”

Angel: “Wuhu!” Everyone’s favorite combat power guessing session has begun! I don’t know how strong Clark can be, I don’t know if he can compare to the motherland? ”

【Bang!】 】

[Carl jumped hard, flew directly thousands of meters high, and then landed and smashed the earth and jumped again! ] 】

[After jumping several times in a row, Carl jumped hard with both feet, jumped directly 10,000 meters high, passed through the clouds, and an inexplicable force lifted Carl’s body and made him fly! ] 】

[Carl smiled and felt the purity of the sky and this freedom, suddenly that power disappeared, and Carl lost control and smashed headlong to the ground! 】

[This collision directly crashed through an iceberg and smashed the earth into a big hole! ] 】

Tigger: “He can jump better than me!”

Black Tiger Afu: “This trick is!” Antelope jumps! ”

Golden Boat: “I’m a tortoise!” If Clark were a horse girl, he would jump straight to the finish line! ”

Maitkai: “Isn’t it as good as decades of perseverance day after day as others basking in the sun for more than ten years…… Good! Even in the sun, Clark is a newborn youth! The newborn youth must thrive! ”

Naruto Uzumaki: “Clark feels as if he can fly too, but it doesn’t seem to be strong enough to escape gravity.”

Magneto: “It’s just that the ability has not fully awakened, and it is so powerful if it is not awakened, if it awakens, I can’t imagine it!”

My wife Shanyi: “Even the mountains have been smashed through!” Clark’s head hammer is stronger than Tanjiro’s head hammer! ”

Liu Chuang: “WOC Clark can’t be stunned this time!”

[The brief pain and the coolness of the snow brought Carl to his senses from his excitement, and he looked at the sun and remembered his father Al’s words. 】

[“You have to lead the earthlings forward, they will follow you, they will stumble, they will fall, but one day they will ……”]

“They’ll bask in a ray of sunshine with you, Karl. One day, you will work miracles. “】

[A fiery melody sounds, and Karl closes his eyes and bends down on one knee. 】

[His fist pressed to the ground, and the earth began to tremble, and countless tiny pieces of sand, gravel, and snow began to slowly surround him, and began to move in a regular manner. 】

【Bang!! 】

[The earth is cracked! Carl completely broke free from the shackles of the planet’s gravity and soared straight into the sky! 】

Ancient One: “Like-minded, never alone, Clark will walk side by side with humans.”

Enkidu: “It’s good that wherever humans fall and where they are lost, Clark will light the way ahead for them.”

Vodym Kirshtaria: “Perhaps the future Clark will become a beacon of Chaldea to the people of this earth.”

Kaeya: “yes…… In any case, both Clark and the earthlings grew up under the same sun, not like family, but more like family. ”

Tiandao: “Huh? This is…… Magnetic field turning? No, it looks like a different kind of biomagnetic field. ”

Ruan Mei: “I guess this biomagnetic field is a force field used to protect himself or close to his life, and it is difficult to imagine that life can have this kind of power.”

Queen Maeve: “So…… Can Clark lift the plane without breaking it? ”

Motherland: “Falk !!”

[A white trail crossed the sky, and Carl flew into the sky and exploded into a huge sonic boom before accelerating again!] 】

[From the snow-capped mountains to the grassland, from the grassland to the sea, from the sea to the Gobi ……]

[Carl flew through every region of the earth, witnessing the beauty and magnificence that people in the world rarely see, he roamed in this world, and there were no shackles on his body! 】

[In the end, Carl passed through the mountains and steeps and went straight to the sky!] The sunlight shimmered slightly through the clouds, and between the holy clouds, Carl was surrounded by sunlight and clouds, like a ……]

[God of the earth! 】

Tony Stark: “Thank you! Sonic boom?! This kid flies so fast?! I don’t think Kryptonians are so strong in Krypton! ”

Angel Hexi: “First of all, the sun of the earth is young and vibrant, and secondly, Clark is a perfect Kryptonian integrated into the Code of Life, a perfect creature without cripples and shortcomings.”

Dainsleif: “Having witnessed all the scenery of this world, broadened his narrow horizons, and comprehended the magnificence of life, Clark is now a true man who has stepped into heaven and earth!”

Alan Yeager: “There is no sorrow and concern in this moment, only unlimited freedom!” Carl is free! ”

Angel Cold: “End…… The perfect male god! It’s perfect…… Whether it’s appearance, character, camp ……”

Merlin: “There’s a divinity in him, it’s strange that a teenager can have that kind of divinity that only an ancient god has.”

Manaka Kengo: “Is this the god of the world…… It’s really reassuring! ”

[One day, Clark is riding home in his father’s car, and no one notices that the wind direction is beginning to change.] 】

[Until Clark and the others were about to get home, what came into view was the dark sky and the tornado that had already formed! 】

[Everyone was guided by their father to hide under the rooftop, even Clarke. 】

[But the father turned around and went back to rescue the dog in the car, but he was stuck and broke his leg.] 】

[Looking at his limping father and the approaching storm, Clark just took a step forward when he was stopped by his father’s raised hand. 】

[He just raised his hand and looked at Clark quietly and shook his head, Clark still needs to hide, he can’t be exposed to the public’s eyes, he can’t harm his own children.] 】

[As the car and tree are torn to shreds, and the father disappears into the storm, only Clark has red eyes, and he is completely mature.] 】

Black Emperor: “Crying~ Tears~ The life of a dog is also a life~!” This guy is definitely a real man! I admire him! ”

Whitebeard: “I approve of you!” He really gave all his love to Clark! ”

Konstantin: “Choosing to sacrifice himself for the safety of his children, this guy’s character should be enough to go to heaven, right?”

Jia Baili: “Absolutely! Who objected to me and asked my sister to beat him! ”

Harry Potter: “It’s normal to lose…… He used his life and love to teach Clark what great love is. ”

Holy Keisha: “Salute to these two fathers, who laid the foundation of kindness and love in Carl’s heart with their lives!”

…………。 (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

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