Chapter 347: Justice League vs Superman, Flash, Match Fix, Headbutt

【Clark landed on Superman Square outside the Kryptonian spaceship and looked around in confusion.】

【His eyes were dull, and he was wary and confused about everything around him.】

【At this time, everyone in the Justice League except Wayne also came to the square】

【Clark looked back at the four people who were very different from the countless people around him with some curiosity. He looked through the four people with his naked eyes and looked at their body structures until he saw Victor’s inhuman internal structure.】

【Victor’s face turned pale,”Oh no, he’s scanning us!” His body transformed uncontrollably and a weapon appeared, aiming at Clark.】

【Whoosh! Boom!】

【Clark dodged a missile, and Clark felt hostile when he saw Victor who took the initiative to attack. 】

Zhao Linger:”Huh? Looking at Mr. Clark’s eyes, has he lost his memory?”

Duan De:”Maybe it’s not Clark who was resurrected, but the Kryptonian corpse. Then they are done!”

Orochimaru:”I don’t know if this world has the setting of soul, but consciousness will still be confused when it wakes up from death.”

Saria:”This symptom is probably amnesia. He needs familiar things and external stimulation to wake him up, otherwise he can only be another person.”

Kizaru:”What’s wrong with Victor? He is so sensitive, almost catching up with Obito’s crotch is too big to counterattack.”

Lu Mingfei:”Victor is not very friendly.”

Akagi Ritsuko:”Remember the previous intelligence? Because of Clark’s existence, the mother box did not revive, which means that the mother box is afraid of Clark, and Victor is now of the same origin as the mother box, and his body will still be afraid of Clark.”

Hubie:”It’s too late. For ignorant biological consciousness, attacking behavior is the enemy.”


【Heat vision gushed out, and Victor transformed into a shield to barely deflect Clarke’s heat vision.】

【”He is very confused.”Diana looked at Arthur and Alan,”We have to control him first.”】

【Arthur nodded and rushed forward, then was punched and flew several thousand meters away and embedded into the building.】

【Diana then threw out the Lasso of Truth and tied it around one of Clark’s arms, and then the Lasso of Truth emitted a golden light.】

【The artifact Lasso of Truth can force people to recall the past. Diana activated the Lasso of Truth and said:”Kal-El, the son of Krypton, remember your identity.……”】

Ultraman Libut:”Even the technological creations of the Mother Box dare not take in Clark’s heat vision, they can only refract it. I always feel that Clark has become stronger after his resurrection.” Ukiyo

Hidetoshi:”Your feeling is right. Clark has definitely become stronger after his resurrection, and he is not just a little bit stronger.”

:”《Control him first》”

Gabriel:”Aquaman is here, Aquaman is defeated, how come he was kicked out of the game without even being able to withstand a single blow?”

Mr. E:”Hiss! Non-existent memories appeared! Suddenly, I had the impression that I and several good brothers were fighting against a big gold watch and were defeated one by one with just one punch.……”

Snape:”Is this the same effect as the Lasso of Truth and Veritaserum?”

Uchiha Itachi:”No, it’s probably similar to Iyenami, but it’s clear that the Lasso of Truth has only a slight effect on Clark.”

【Clark looked around as if he was stimulated, then grabbed the Lasso of Truth and strangled Diana’s neck.】

【Arthur and Victor also rushed over at this time, but were blocked by Clark with his chest muscles and one hand!】

【The three of them didn’t shake Clark at all!】

【Seeing this, Allen took a step forward, lightning spread, he entered the speed force and ran towards Clark!】

【Under the effect of the speed force, the time around him is slowed down to the point where it is almost stagnant.】

【Just after Allen ran a few steps, he looked at Clark in confusion as if he had seen a ghost. He clearly saw Clark’s eyes followed his movements!】

【Alan’s heart was pounding with a wise look on his face, until Clark turned his head and looked at him in the speed force, he was so scared that his hair stood on end! 】

Kiritani Kazuto:”It’s like a god coming down to earth to fight three people at once! Aside from Wayne, Alan is not very aggressive, and the Justice League can be said to have been crushed by Clark! And Clark has lost his memory and is confused.” Garuru:”This also proves that the Justice League cannot beat Clark together. The only ones who can be called guardians of this planet are Clark and the time traveler.”

Muzan Kibutsuji:”How can his senses and reaction ability be so sharp?! This is the speed force that is close to stopping time!”

Quicksilver:”Are you sweating profusely, Alan? Brother Eren, when I fought Apocalypse, I thought that extreme speed was invincible, but I was still caught.”

Emiya Kiritsugu:”Even this inherent time control that is close to time stopping can only bring him a little delay. Clark’s body has surpassed the fantasy species blessed by mysterious rules!” Sato

Shinwa:”My God, why is the expression on Eren’s face so similar to Aqua?”

Cirno:”As for Eren’s expression and eyes, my evaluation is that the God of Wisdom has no opinion on this.”

Theresa Apokalis:”Suddenly I feel offended……”

【Clark threw the three people away and punched Allen!】

【Allen, who was linked to the speed force, could only dodge awkwardly in front of Clark’s fist, and Clark was only delayed a little due to the delay of the speed force!】

【As Allen failed to dodge due to panic, he was hit by Clark’s shoulder and fell out!】

【Just as Clark was about to kill Allen, the police nearby opened fire and attracted Clark’s attention.】

【Wayne finally arrived as the thermal vision destroyed tanks and other weapons.】

【The moment he saw Wayne, Clark immediately raised his head.���He stared at him intently, and a fragment of memory flashed through his mind. It was the memory fragment of this person trying to kill him!

Kadoya Shi:”You are too fragile. You can’t stand up again after being leaned on by Clark Tieshan?……”

Lolo:”He’s a Kryptonian! Normal people wouldn’t take being hit by a Kryptonian seriously, right? It’s not easy for Alan to be protected by the Speed ​​Force.”

Starlight:”It feels like Alan could have run if he wanted to, but he was too panicked and completely lost his composure.”

Pineapple Blowing Snow:”You’re also panicking when you meet a boss who can be killed with one punch.”

Joseph Joestar:”Oh no! Seeing Wayne Clark’s memory reminded me, I can only remember a little bit!”

Captain Olga:”Why does Clark only think about bad things! (Angry)”

The Joker:”Woo~ Poor Batman, he’s going to be beaten up~ But don’t die, if you die… whose balls will I scratch? Huh?”

【Clark stared at Wayne and slowly walked towards him. Seeing this, Victor flew over and pushed Clark, but Clark grabbed him and threw him to the ground.】

【Arthur raised his trident and jumped over from behind, trying to stab Clark in the back. At the same time, the speed force was activated, and Allen also rushed over to use the kinetic energy brought by the speed force to stop Clark.】

【Clark had already adapted to the speed force after witnessing it. He turned slightly, and Allen missed the car and crashed into Arthur.】

【The two flew out together and hit the steps behind them, unable to get up. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Angel:”Protect me!”���Wayne’s battle! Can they really save Wayne?!”

Honjo Nia:”Contestant number one Victor! Contestant number one Victor was hit by Clark and couldn’t get up again! Out!”

Kirisame Marisa:”Contestant number two Arthur and contestant number three Allen used the front and back pincer attack tactics, forming two sides of cheese sandwich! Eh? Contestant number two and contestant number three switched one for one!”

Hosho Eimu:”The perfect coordination between me and my teammates.jpg” Matou Shinji

:”Hahahahaha! I’m dying of laughter! How can someone be so stupid? To be tricked by the same move a second time?”

Xiaoyu:”Alan completely forgot that Clark can keep up with his speed.……”

【As they were walking, Diana fell from the sky and looked at Clark,”Don’t force me to do it.”】

【Diana raised her hands to collide with the wristbands, but Clark appeared in front of her in an instant and grabbed Diana’s arms to prevent the collision.】

【Click! Boom!】

【Clark pried Diana’s hands apart and smashed her head with a headbutt, even creating a shock wave that made Diana’s head buzz.】

【Diana shook her head, then hit Clark with a headbutt, causing him to fall backwards.】

【Clark recovered and took a deep breath to slowly float up. He charged a headbutt and smashed Diana into the concrete floor

, unable to get up again! 】 Namikaze Minato:”In short-range explosive displacement, Clark’s speed has surpassed the scope of the instant body technique and is comparable to Flying Thunder God!”

Thor:”The Greek gods still have some background. Even Clark can feel that the impact of the divine wristband is not easy to resist.” Fujimaru

Ritsuka:”Alas… I just don’t know why the old gods retreated so cleanly. Except for Diana, there is no trace at all.” Agatsuma Zenitsu

:”Wow… What a powerful headbutt! Muzan Kibutsuji will also be shocked if he gets hit by such a headbutt, right?”

Muzan Kibutsuji:”It’s so funny. If he can’t give me a headbutt, I will explode and run away.”

Himeno:”These two people are also stubborn. They just headbutt each other like this, but Clark’s headbutt is still better.”

Ding Yi:”He understands simple physics and knows how to charge a headbutt (fun)”

【Without anyone else to hinder him, Clark flew to Wayne with red eyes.】

【”No! Clark! Don’t!”】

【Just when Wayne was about to be killed, Louise arrived!】

【Clark looked at Louise, and the vigilance and confusion in his eyes disappeared instantly. He felt only peace and security, as well as absolute trust.】

【Looking at Louise’s pleading eyes, Clark fell to the ground and hugged Louise. This embrace was so warm and reassuring to Clark.】

【”Come on, let’s go……”Lois rubbed Clark’s back to comfort him】

【Clark buried his face in Louise’s hair, and biologically protected Louise as he left.

Uchiha Obito:”For such an extreme emotional person, only his lover can calm him down.” Toyokawa Shoko

:”Clark Kent’s mind is full of Louise.” Harry Potter

:”Clark’s life is inseparable from love, and it is love that awakened Clark at this time.”

Gojo Satoru:”It’s still his wife who has to save him. In his subconscious, Wayne is his mortal enemy.”[]


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