Chapter 348 Famous Scene: The Rebirth of the God of the World! The Incarnation of Hope Created by Love

【The scene changes, and the mother box that was blown away by Clark’s resurrection is seen by Victor’s father who is watching.】

【Victor’s father understood everything when he saw his son with the Justice League】

【He took the Mother Box to the laboratory, and Steppenwolf followed the signal of the Mother Box and rushed into the laboratory.】

【He placed the Mother Box in the laser room, and Steppenwolf came to him.】

【As the powerful laser shot at the Mother Box, the chaotic laser dissolved Victor’s father into ashes, and the Mother Box was heated to become the hottest substance on the earth!】

【Steppenwolf was puzzled and sneered at his useless efforts, then took the Mother Box away. 】

Shirou Emiya:”Between being a father and being a hero, he chose everything. He paid too much to make Victor free of weaknesses and worries.……”

Jonathan Joestar:”Huh? I don’t understand why Victor’s father committed suicide. What’s the point of this?”

Walter Yang:”This is the shining point of human beings… Suicide is to make Victor’s soft spot without being threatened, and using laser to heat the mother box is to make the mother box a torch. The greatness and love of scientists are so simple.……”

Zhang Beihai:”The inability to destroy the Mother Box means that it can be the carrier of the highest temperature on Earth. Under the scanning of satellites, Steppenwolf’s whereabouts are nowhere to be hidden.”

Whitebeard:”He is a great father and a great human being. His love is silent and ardent, and his actions have explained everything.”

David Martinez:”He turned his body into a raging fire!”

Kal’tsit:”As a scientist, I am satisfied to be able to study the Mother Box. As a human being, he has contributed to the protection of the Earth. As a father, he has not dragged his son down. There is no doubt that he is a pioneer.”

【The scene changes, Clark holds Louise and returns to the farm home, which is already covered with dust and deserted.】

【Lois looked at Clark and explained everything. Martha had no money to pay the mortgage. She was a strong person and left without telling anyone.】

【Clark put on his clothes and looked out the window at the familiar countryside. His father’s company, his mother’s love, and all kinds of emotions filled his heart.】

【”It likes it here, and so do I”】

【Walking in the cornfield, Clark remembered everything. Martha, who had heard the news, came back.】

【Martha covered her mouth, her eyes were already red, but she couldn’t suppress her joy. Clark hugged Martha and Louise tightly. These were the two most important women in her life.

Tony Stark:”Oh my God! Where’s Wayne? Didn’t Wayne support Martha? Wayne should do this both emotionally and logically!”

Gilgamesh:”She is a poor and strong daughter. She didn’t tell anyone about her predicament. After all, she had nothing to lose.” Optimus Prime

:”Wayne has been busy looking for those people all over the world because of nightmares. Some mistakes are understandable.”

Hikigaya Hachiman:”The familiar Superman is back. Only childhood and love can awaken the real him.”

Holy Kesha:”Nothing in the universe is immutable. Only true love is eternal.”

March 7:”Woo woo woo! I really can’t help it. I’m so moved! Martha finally has a family again! Mother and son reunited woo woo woo……”

Siduri:”That’s great. The old man who has suffered for half his life finally has something to be happy and joyful about.”

Ultraman Ace:”Martha and Louise are the two most important women in Clark’s life, and they are also his inner weakness. If he protects them, Clark will be invincible!”

【After a brief moment of tenderness, Clark looked at Martha and said,”Mom, listen to me, they must have asked me to come back for a reason, and I have to find out.”】

【Martha nodded without saying anything. She trusted her son unconditionally. She believed Clark could do anything.】

【The scene changed, and Clark returned to the Kryptonian spaceship in Antarctica again.】

【As Clark entered the spaceship, the spaceship was activated, and armor and combat suits appeared in front of Clark.】

【There are Kryptonian combat armor, red and blue uniforms for diplomacy, black uniforms for home use, and gold and silver uniforms representing civil servants.……】

Himeya Jun:”Clark’s fate has not yet ended, and there is no one on Earth who can entrust the bond.”

Angel:”He is the guardian of the planet. He has been called and he must respond, as always.”

Minamoto no Raikou:”Unconditional trust in your son is the most sincere love of a mother.……”

Ms. Herrscher of Knowledge:”Of course she trusts Clark. If it were me, I would trust him too! After all, he can really do anything!”

Deadpool:”Woo! I’m so envious! I’m going crazy with envy! This man actually hid a closet!”

Zhang Chulan:”Krypton’s Aquamarine House, Superman’s closet!”

Seiya:”I saw Zod’s armor, Joe’s armor, and the close-fitting suit inside Zod’s armor. It’s so spacious!”

【At this moment, the voices of the two most important men in Clark’s life, his biological father from Krypton and his adoptive father from Earth, intersect.】

【The El family crest symbolizes hope, a fundamental belief that everyone can be good… and what can you bring to them?】

【Clark…you must have been sent here for a reason.……】

【You will give all beings on earth an ideal to strive for and pursue.】

【Even if you have to spend your whole life for him, you should find out why you are here.】

【They will stumble and fall.……】

【You have to make a choice……】

【They’ll stand shoulder to shoulder with you in the sun, Carl】

【You must choose whether to stand proudly before mankind】

【You will help them create miracles. 】

Ge Xiaolun:”Fuck! It’s on fire! It’s a bit shocking!”

Whitebeard:”Under the love and shadow of two fathers, Clark learned the truth of life and responsibility and mission!”

Holy Kesha:”The biological father taught Clark kindness, justice, mission, responsibility… He let Clark guide humans, let Clark integrate into this world, and let the people of this world move forward side by side with him.” Enkidu

:”The grievances of Krypton are already a thing of the past. It is Clark who ties the two worlds together. He will move forward side by side with humans.”

Gagara:”His adoptive father taught him to hide and integrate, and taught him kindness and love for others. Clark’s today is inseparable from his two fathers. His father influenced his life.”

Senju Tobirama:”Humans made Clark Kent, and Clark will also create miracles with humans!”

Uzumaki Boruto:”TMD! It’s on fire!”

Yasuo:”Like-minded, never alone, Clark is never alone, behind him is the world!”

【Clark walked up to a suit and raised his head】

【The door of the Kryptonian spaceship opened, and Clark, wearing a black battle suit, walked out.】

【He no longer fights as a bridge wearing the red and blue uniform representing diplomacy, but fights as the Son of Man to protect his homeland!】

【All the hopes and dreams of Krypton are pinned on you. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【I’m so proud of you, son!】

【Your mother and I love you dearly.】

【Your mother and I both know that you will change the world.】

Hemer:”Black suit, black can help Clark absorb sunlight faster, making him stronger and recover faster.”

Odin Odinson:”There is a deeper meaning, home. Black suit is only worn at home. Clark used to be confused because of his identity, but now he won’t. He will not forget the land under his feet, it is home.”

Kong:”Where there are Louise and Martha is Clark’s home. He is willing to be ordinary for the sake of his love, and he is willing to stand up for the world……..”

Kiana Kaslana:”Rather than saying that all the dreams and hopes of Krypton are there, it is better to say that Clark is the son of Krypton who carries the entire Krypton. As long as he exists, Krypton will not perish.”

Mordred:”I really envy him for being the pride of his father and being loved by his parents.……”

Observer:”Although we can only see a little bit through the golden list, in his world, the multiverse revolves around him. He is truly the Son of the World who changes the world!”

【Clark was half-kneeling on the ground as he had been before. The bio-force field under his fist was condensed with gravel, but it was not as tough as before, but more powerful, gentle and slow, rising with him.】

【Your heart is tested】

【Clark, I know this isn’t easy.】

【But you brought hope to their world】

【You have to let everyone know who you are.】

【Love them, Carl…as much as we love you】[]

【Take off, son, it’s time】

【The soft biological force field gathered into a vortex, and Clark soared into the sky again! 】

Ryze:”He has really transformed. His biological stance is much stronger than the first time!”

William Zeppeli:”The soft biological force field represents that he has a more refined control over power, rather than pure brute force. His talent is really very strong!” Su Huanzhen:

“The gravel surrounding Clark is the living beings on Earth. They will no longer surround him out of worship, but will move forward together and rise with him.”

Namikaze Minato:”The vortex is just a plane. As it rises and becomes a spiral, there will be more different understandings of love.”

Clipper:”The result of the existence of the Mother Box and the Anti-Life Equation on Earth is unchanged. Apocalypse will come sooner or later. Clark has indeed brought hope to this world.”

Kaname Madoka:”God loves the world. This is an eternal law.”

Condor:”Clark! I’ll let you fly! (Voiceover)”

Old Heavenly Master:”The great roc rises with the wind one day, soaring up to 90,000 miles. When the time comes, show your edge to the world.” Roman

:”Fly to the clouds, Clark! Go and write the story of love and hope that you have witnessed!”

【As dense sonic booms sounded, the building shrank rapidly, and Clark flew from the surface of the earth to outside the earth in less than two seconds!】

【He stood on the earth with his arms outstretched, his black cape fluttering slowly with the biological force field.】

【The sun shines on him from the horizon of the earth. Clark’s body seems to overlap with the reborn Son of God, Jesus.】

【Feeling the warmth of the sun and overlooking the lights of thousands of homes, Clark felt a sense of mission, destiny, and responsibility in his heart!】

【The Son of Krypton, the Son of Man, the God on Earth, the Incarnation of Hope, created in the love between two worlds……】

【Already back in the world! 】

Tony Stark:”Thank you for the gift! This acceleration? Flying out of the atmosphere in two seconds?”

Fei Dian Oren:”Now Clark is much stronger than before his resurrection!”

Jeanne:”I… I seem to have seen the Lord!” Constantine:

“Jesus died in spit and abuse the first time, but after his resurrection he was full of respect and worship. I think Clark is probably the Son of God in his world?”

Dilena:”The Son of the Sun is more powerful than me, the Sun Goddess, but it’s also good, we are all family, Clark is awesome!” Himeya

Jun:”Behind Clark are more than thousands of lights. He deeply understands what the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!”

Caterpillar:”Love and hope of two worlds, the dignified Clark who has returned is invincible! TMD! Who can stop him?!”


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