Chapter 369: The Tauren Joins the Atonement Expedition and the Tyranids Main Force

【After the investigators from the Inquisition came to the Great Vortex to investigate, they were finally able to confirm that this was not a dispute, nor a conflict, but a division that concerned the safety of the empire!】

【The Inquisition ordered the Chapter Masters of the Astral Claws and Fire Hawks to drop their guards and return to Terra for questioning.】

【The galaxy leader who first found the Fire Hawks was also judged to be an accomplice in the continued deterioration of the conflict.】

【Huron knew that if he surrendered, his only fate would be death, so he chose to become the enemy of the empire!】

【In this way, the Great Vortex escaped the control of the Empire, and Huron and the Claws of the Celestial Realm became enemies of the Emperor in a de facto sense.

Snape:”You just realized it, the brain of this high lord of the Empire is as stupid as the troll.”

Rebuke:”It’s only now that we are starting to solve it. The conflict has reached this level and it can no longer be solved by simply passing on messages.”

Shiki Eiji:”As the commander of the chapter, how could Huron not know the consequences of being caught by the Empire? With the Empire’s announcement, Huron must have rebelled.”

Shanks:”How can I put it… If those merchants hadn’t gone to the Fire Hawk Chapter, they might not have turned the situation into civil strife through personal conflicts.”

Conan:”Hey! Are you done pretending? Are you rebelling?! Where does Huron get the confidence to fight the Empire? Even if the Empire is corrupt now, it cannot be fought by a single regiment.”

Muzan Kibutsuji:”Can’t you run away if you can’t win? If you can’t defeat the regiment, just join Chaos. Can’t Chaos defeat the Empire?”

Amiya:”Hey hey! But…but the Mantis Warriors and the Lamenters were betrayed by Huron! Didn’t they become rebels by helping the Astral Claws?”

Gagara:”So don’t choose sides too early… There must be something wrong when things are abnormal.”

【After recognizing the seriousness of this separatist war, the Terran government spent a year to build a powerful repressive force.】

【They are the Raptor Regiment, the Fire Angel Regiment, the Red Scorpion Regiment, the Salamander Regiment and the Solar Region Fleet.】

【Led by the Red Scorpion Chapter Captain Ordiz, they went to the Great Vortex, and this rebel army joined the Ranger Warriors and the Fire Eagle Chapter.】

【When they arrived at the periphery of the Great Whirlpool, the rebels and the Hurons started a fierce conflict, with the Mantis Warriors and the Lamenters always fighting at the forefront.】

【Because of Huron’s news blockade, the Lamenters and Mantis Warriors believed that Huron was resisting the Empire’s suppression, but they didn’t know that they had already become part of the rebels because they were on the wrong side. 】

Liu Peiqiang:”Nearly six chapters?! Although they are very powerful, if the Empire cannot fully control the chapters, then this will evolve into factional struggles!”

Liu Chuang:”Not really… I remember that the Salamanders are quite popular, so it shouldn’t cause too much conflict.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen:”Being popular depends on who you are with. In the Human Empire, those who betray the glory of the Emperor are enemies, and the traitor chapters will not be treated with mercy.”

Lin Chong:”The Lamenters and Mantis Warriors are both… What a group of heroes! It’s a pity that their loyalty is to the wrong person, Huron is a hypocrite and a villain!”

Jonathan Joseph:”Turn back quickly! Weepers and Mantis Warriors! Huron deceived you! It’s not worth your life!”

Bruce Wayne:”And they blocked the information… It’s too despicable. Huron really didn’t treat the Weepers sincerely. He just wanted to use them from the beginning to the end.”

Wang Xiaoer:”The Weepers don’t know how to judge people. He and Huron are in close contact, but Huron is playing tricks on him.”

【As the war intensified, frictions and accidents continued to occur, and after a few years, the number of war groups involved in this war had reached more than a dozen!】

【At the same time, due to the civil unrest, the Great Vortex was left unguarded, the Empire’s border defenses were weak, Chaos, Pirates, and Orcs began to take advantage of the chaos to cause trouble】

【The Terra government has decided to quell this civil unrest as quickly as possible at any cost.】

【The Badab War has been judged to be the largest-scale infighting among Space Marines since the Horus Heresy in ten thousand years!】

【The Imperial High Lord sent the Minotaur, one of the Empire’s elite forces, to join the battlefield and issued an order to completely destroy the Weepers who were aiding and abetting the tyrant.

Tokiwa Sougo:”More than a dozen chapters! If this continues, this war will be considered a Huron Rebellion!”

Ares:”Okay, let’s fight… The harder the better!” Captain

Dragonfly:”This conflict has completely turned into a three-way melee between the Astartes, the Chaos forces, and the Orcs! They are too impulsive!”

God Warrior Aatrox:”I have to say, it was a wise move for Guilliman to split the legion into chapters. Dozens of chapters can be compared to the former legions and avoid causing too much chaos.”

Viego:”Fuck! Minotaur?!”

Feiyangyang:”Minotaur, don’t come over here! Minotaurs must be extremely cruel people!”

Finina:”Hey hey hey! Why… Why do we have to wipe out the Weepers Chapter! Is there no investigation of the cause and effect?”

Liang Bing:”The Warhammer universe is so extremely cruel. Since they have committed an act of betrayal, they are the enemy of the Empire, nothing else… But this Weepers Chapter is so unlucky!”

【The scene changes, and a huge fleet rushes into the Great Whirlpool Galaxy, while Huron has already escaped from here.】

【The wailers, who were still unaware of everything, still thought that this was just a conflict between friendly groups, and fought on the front line with loyalty.】

【The Lamenters did not kill them, but instead defeated the other Astartes and made them lose their combat capability, thus helping the Astral Claws and minimizing casualties.】

【However, the Tauren Regiment’s reckless boarding and brutal fighting style directly defeated the Weepers Regiment!】

【It was also at this time that the Lamenters learned that their good elder brother and brother had already betrayed the glory of the Emperor!】

【The Weepers were besieged and killed, their weapons and resources were robbed, their warships were occupied, and less than 300 Astartes were imprisoned as prisoners of war.

Captain America:”Too naive, the Weepers are as naive as I was in the past, but Huron betrayed the Empire and the intentions of the Weepers.”

Calista:”All traitors must die! Huron can’t escape the Empire’s crusade!”

Sinmeier:”The Weepers are too good… They are sandwiched between the two sides to quell the conflict, but I didn’t expect that this war was a betrayal of the Empire and them from the beginning.” Angel

Yan:”As expected of the descendants of Sanguinius and the descendants of angels, their kindness should be treated well, and they should not be used and betrayed like this.……”

Sato Shinwa:”This Minotaur is so cruel! It boarded the Weepers and smashed them to pieces!”

Sawada Tsunayoshi:”Poor Weepers… betrayed by their brothers, beaten by their brothers, and finally became a chapter that betrayed the Emperor. No one can withstand such a double blow to their body and faith.” Kadoya Shi:”

But there is still friendship and humanity among the Astartes. The High Lord ordered their annihilation, but the Minotaur Chapter left at least 300 people.” White

-haired man:”It seems that the fate of this Gou Cao is deliberately playing tricks on the Weepers Chapter, and each time it just gives them a life and lets them continue to suffer misery!”

【As the Weepers withdrew from the battlefield, the Empire spared the Weepers, who were judged to be traitors, and avoided the fate of complete destruction.】

【Otherwise, the Lamenters will join the remaining 29 chapters that are considered unqualified or guilty, a total of 30,000 Astartes, in a century-long crusade of atonement.】

【During this century-long expedition, they will not receive any assistance or resource supplies, but will be martyred in the smoke and blood to wash away the sins on their bodies.】

【Unable to bear the tragic fate of the Weepers, the Salamanders secretly gave them a large amount of supplies and materials before the expedition began.】

【This is the only thing they can do to help.】

【On the other hand, because of what happened to the Weepers, a group of nuns who were once protected by the Weepers embroidered a battle flag for the Weepers while crying.】

【The blood-tear flag contains the sisters’ sorrow and blessings. 】

Sarutobi Hiruzen:”30,000 people?! Who organized the Atonement Expedition? This is the scale of half a legion!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Yeah! If they are pushed to the limit… No! The Empire is already forcing them to suppress them! If they rebel, it will be more serious than the Huron Rebellion!”

Artoria:”Going on an expedition without being allowed to replenish resources and troops… What’s the difference between sending them to die? If the Emperor hadn’t fallen asleep, would he really do this?!”

Ichimaru Gin:”`~ Hehehe… There are bad guys wasting the power of the Empire in the name of the Emperor~”

Twilight Astral Zoe:”Well~ Chaos can corrupt others! Can you imagine what would happen if a group of people treated like this went to fight Chaos?”

El-Melloi II:”Borrowing arrows from a straw boat?!”

Kiritani Kazuto:”No wonder the Salamanders are so popular. This is what brotherly chapters can and will do.……”

Peter Parker:”Facing half of the rebels during the Curse Founding period, it’s good enough not to add fuel to the fire. It’s really rare to help in time of need. It’s so heartwarming.”

Dainsleb:”The birth of this blood and tears flag is really similar to the Weepers. It’s full of blood and tears along the way.”

【The scene changes, and with the departure of the Atonement Crusade, the joke of fate once again falls on the Lamenters.】

【The Lamenters encountered the main fleet of the Tyranids at the beginning of their expedition!】

【The abstract terrifying swarm of insects came overwhelmingly, and the Weepers and the accompanying Red Hunters suffered heavy losses, with a total of no more than a thousand people.】

【In order to protect the people on the surrounding planets from being eaten by the Zerg, the Weepers dispersed their forces to various planets and began to resist.】

【When the Lamenters contacted the Empire for the last time, only less than three companies were still alive.】

Sora/Shiro:”Ah? What kind of a disaster is this?”

Kamijou Touma:”What kind of luck is this? Suddenly I feel that my bad luck is not unacceptable, at least it is bad luck in life.”

Bennett:”Yeah… The Lamenters’ bad luck almost wiped out the group every time. In comparison, I am lucky to be alive every time.”

Black Tower:”How abstract… The Zerg has evolved to the point where they can even drive (good) battleships. Intelligent Zerg are terrifying.”

Caesar Zeppeli:”The Lamenters have lived up to Sanguinius’ blood. Please, Sanguinius, respond to them!!!”

【Just when the Weepers reluctantly agreed to the Tyranid Zerg expedition and protected the surrounding planets, misfortunes struck again.】

【The bloodthirst and black rage they had conquered have returned! The latent flaw in the gene-seed of the Mechanicus has erupted!】

【After learning of the misfortunes of the Lamenters and the fate of the Atonement Crusade, the Blood Angels Legion attempted to find their successor, the Lamenters, and bring them back to their home planet to preserve them.】

【But I missed it every time, just a little bit.】

Zero:”I won even though I did this… It’s a miracle that the will to survive was born.……”

Su Huan-zhen:”It’s a pity that good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone. They didn’t get any good fortune, but only misfortune.……”

Tony Stark:”This damn Mechanicus is outrageous! They finally overcame their gene seed and now their ears are going to explode?”

Orochimaru:”If you are new, just practice more. Machines are machines and organisms are organisms. If you really treat machines as organisms, why don’t you call it the Mechanicus?”

Hikari:”That’s right. Scientific research that is not related to the profession will only lead to farce and heresy.”

Abe Haruaki:”What luck… The Blood Angels can’t even take them home.……”


I accidentally fell asleep and didn’t wake up until 11 o’clock.

There will be updates in the second half of the night, and I will start a new book. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This book is not finished, and I will keep the quality and write something that everyone will like to read.

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