Chapter 370: The Return of the Primarch! The Ten Thousand Years Promise: The Resurrection of Primarch Guilliman!

【Perhaps the doom is finally coming to an end, the rotten empire is about to be liquidated, and the tragic fate of the Lamenters will be completely cut off by a man.】

【The scene changes, and the time has come to the 13th Black Crusade period. The Weepers are still suppressed and barely surviving.】

【The target of the Thirteenth Black Crusade is none other than Ultramar, the kingdom of the Ultramarines!】

【The main forces of the Black Crusade all gathered and headed for Ultramar. The warp storm destroyed and cut off the Empire’s shipping routes and cut off its resources.】

【Fortunately, the head of the think tank of the Ultramarines used psychic prophecy to see the illusion and predicted in advance that the Chaos forces would besiege Ultramar.】

【At the same time, he also saw that the red gear symbolizing hope would arrive in Ultramar during this war. 】

Conan:”Time jumps so fast! It’s directly to the 13th Black Crusade period!”

Senju Tobirama:”Ultramar… I remember that this was the Five Hundred Worlds during the Great Crusade, a legion world that was almost invincible when it was in operation.” Patriot:”It was very powerful, but it’s a pity that Guilliman split the legion and the Five Hundred Worlds disappeared in history.”

Kaido:”Don’t think about it. Abaddon Iron FW is already on the 13th expedition. It really doesn’t matter how many expeditions there are.”

Roman:”Psychics are really the sons of God… When their psychic powers are strong, they can see the future and use it as clairvoyance, and even divination.”

Magneto:”Sons of God? Only those with strong psychic powers and loyal to the Empire are the sons of God, otherwise… those who were captured to burn the Astronomican for the Emperor are also the sons of God?” Whale Shark King:

“The glory of death is to die for a good cause. In this world, dying for the Empire is better than dying in Chaos.”

【The scene changed, and the Grand Magus of the Mechanicus Cawl, the Living Saint of the Imperial Battle Sisters Celestine, and the Eldar ally 157 came to the planet near Ultramar through the webway.】

【After some persuasion and explanation, the Ultramarines agreed to send Cawl and others to Ultramar.】

【After a long voyage and many twists and turns, Cawl arrived at Ultramar and was personally received by the Lord of Ultramar, Maneus.】

【Seeing the current Lord of Ultramar, Cawl said:”I came to Ultramar to fulfill my promise to the Lord of Ultramar.”】

【Maneus pondered for a moment and asked doubtfully:”Agreement? I have never made any agreement with the Grand Sage of the Mechanicus, and we have never even met.”】

【”No, it’s not you.” Cawl calmly said to the shock of all the Ultramarines present,”It’s the true Lord of Ultramar, Primarch Robouti Guilliman.”】

Deadpool:”《Warhammer: When the Stars Shine”

El-Melloi II:”I stuck my head in the toilet and never thought that the Mechanicus and the Eldar would come to help Guilliman.”

Woz:”Huh? Cawl? Isn’t Cawl the Mechanical Priest that Guilliman had high hopes for ten thousand years ago?”

Wang Ye:”Good fellow! Guilliman is quite good at investing! He invested in a great sage of the Mechanicus!”

Zhongli:”Cawl’s character and everything are worthy of praise. Ten thousand years have passed and the world has changed. Even the empire has decayed, but his contract remains unchanged.”

Victor:”But what kind of agreement can the Mechanical Priest of the Mechanicus have with Guilliman? The Mechanical Priest can’t help Guilliman, right?”

Senju Tsunade:”That’s right, Guilliman was poisoned by the warp. There is no way to detoxify and he can’t be saved at all.” Gabriel:”Haha! It’s not possible to kill Guilliman and then revive him to refresh his status, right?”

【As soon as he finished speaking, all the Extreme Warriors pointed their guns at Cawl and his group!】

【No matter how the times change, no matter how the empire becomes corrupt, the Primarch is the absolute bottom line in their hearts!】

【At this moment, the head of the think tank realized that Cawl might be the future he was waiting for. He announced to everyone that this was the will of the Emperor and vouched for Cawl.】

【Under the close surveillance of the Ultramarines, Cawl and his party came to the Ultramarines’ Hall of Truth.】

【The Temple of Truth is filled with a heavy sense of history and the epics of the past. The murals depict Guilliman’s heroic deeds during the Great Crusade.】

【And inside the static force field at the center of the Temple of Truth, there was the sleeping Guilliman!】

【All the chapters that split from the Ultramarines Legion have come to the Temple of Truth to pay homage to their genetic father.

Gin:”Too loyal! The Ultramarines are still so loyal to Guilliman… They won’t even touch the red line.”

Thor:”Only those politicians and chapters without military discipline will become corrupt over time. The real Primaris Chapters insist on their faith in the Primarch and never change!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Yes, when the Lamenters Chapter was in trouble, the Salamanders, Ultramarines, White Scars, and Blood Angels all lent a helping hand. These chapters left over from the Great Crusade are the ones with faith!”

Tifa:”Huh? It was the Emperor who guided Cawl here. Here? Isn’t it Guilliman’s agreement?”

Tendou Souji:”This is just a lie. Any period with the Emperor’s will becomes reasonable.”

Artoria:”How glorious and exciting! The Great Crusade, in which the Emperor led the Primarchs to create the future, is simply an unattainable dream for mankind.”

Abe Haruaki:”It’s sad… The Golden Age was the dream of the Great Crusade, and the Great Crusade has become the dream of this era.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen:”Regent Guilliman… I have a feeling that when he wakes up, the Empire will be reshuffled.”

【Arriving at the Hall of Truth, Maneus asked about the details of Kaul’s mission.】

【Cawl slowly told the promise he made to Guilliman ten thousand years ago.】

【Guilliman knew he would die 10,000 years ago, and he asked Cawl to do everything he could to save him from death.】

【And Cawl has created the”Armor of Destiny” that can restore Guilliman’s injuries.”!】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【All the Ultramarines were so excited when they heard this that they didn’t know what to say. If Guilliman could lead them again, what kind of grand occasion would that be?!】

【As long as he puts on the Armor of Destiny and cooperates with the Eldar ally, the Death Goddess Igraine’s sword that reverses life and death, he can completely revive Guilliman!

Aizen:”As expected of the wisest Primarch, he has planned everything… He even predicted his own death.” Jace

:”But Guilliman was too optimistic about Cawl, a mechanical priest, wasn’t he? Was he so sure that he could save himself?”

Uzumaki Naruto:”Maybe this is trust! Cawl did not disappoint Guilliman’s trust and really created a tool that could save Guilliman!” Ultraman

Zeta:”Oh! Siguoyi! I would like to call the Great Sage Cawl the Hammer Hikari!”

Gagara:”Don’t be mean, Hikari is really not… Like Cawl, at least Cawl was lost every three days and snatched away every five days in the Mechanicus Church.”

Uchiha Madara:”Wow~ Are the Eldars also a race that can control the power connecting the two worlds of life and death? Such a strong race was almost wiped out by Slaanesh?”

Fire Keeper:”The Eldars themselves have gods, and Slaanesh is just the most powerful evil god born from the Eldars. He is so powerful after devouring most of the gods.” Yagami Light:

“Then this god of death is quite good at hiding! If he is not eaten by Slaanesh, he can still let the gods come out to jump around”

【However, this is when Igraine says that Guilliman is now in a stasis field, permanently stuck at the moment before death, and he must die in order to be saved.】

【All the Ultramarines present were furious when they heard this and raised their guns to kill Cawl and Igraine.】

【Guilliman must live! Even for one day, no one can kill their father!】

【Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, the forces of chaos suddenly broke into the Hall of Truth by unknown means!】

【The sudden onslaught of bloodshed ravaged a small portion of the Ultramarines Legion.】[]

【Just when the battle was at a stalemate and headwind, the runes on the instruments wrapped around the Destiny Armor turned from red to green. 】

Abould:”This woman is playing with fire!”

Yakumo Yukari:”Fight, fight!” Dazai Osamu

:”Guilliman is still alive, but if we really kill him… didn’t Cawl ever think about what if the Destiny Armor fails to save Guilliman?” Peter

Parker:”Yeah… and the Ultramarines don’t think that Cawl and the others’ lives can compare to their genetic father.”

Kal’tsit:”From a universal rational point of view, it is indeed difficult to accept using Guilliman’s life to save an uncertain result.”

Liu Chuang:”Fuck! How did the Chaos forces get in? Isn’t the Hall of Truth the core area of ​​Ultramar?!”

Ashina Genichirō:”Of the thirteen Black Crusades, the most difficult one was actually defeated by Abaddon?!” Bronya

Zaycek:”It’s fate. The reason why the Unbeatable Legend is the Unbeatable Legend is that no matter how big the advantage is, it is possible to be overturned. Abaddon cannot escape the fate of failure.”

Uchiha Obito:”He was actually resurrected! Is this technology… Orochimaru’s gold content is still rising!”


【A heartbeat broke the chaos, and both the Ultramarines and the Chaos Forces stopped moving.】

【The valve of the machine wrapped around Guilliman opened, and a blue giant stood up.】

【Holding the Emperor’s Sword and wearing the Armor of Destiny】

【Ten thousand years after the Primarch’s era faded, the Regent of the Empire, Primarch Robouti Guilliman, has returned to life with hope!】

【Even though he was 10,000 years out of touch with the times, Guilliman could tell enemies from friends at a glance.】

【With unrivaled might and the Ultramarines who were greatly encouraged, the situation of the war was reversed. 】

King:”Such a strong sense of oppression! This is the Emperor Engine!”

Aha:”Emperor? The Second Empire!”

Dagu:”That man is back! Only those who have seen the Great Crusade know how important Guilliman’s return is in this era!” Woz:

“Celebrate! Regent Guilliman, who has been sleeping since the Great Crusade, has finally awakened! He will bring real changes to the corrupt Empire!”

Patriot:”Primarch… It’s terrible. Can he take over the battlefield quickly after being out of touch for thousands of years?……”

Zhang Beihai:”The overall situation is about to be reversed”


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