Chapter 376: War of the Physical Forms, Age of the Divine Body, Ultimate Terror, Sisterhood Breakup

【Kieran stated his intention to open Shenhe Academy in the Angel Nebula, and this proposal was readily accepted by Kesha.】

【As the guardians of justice and order, angels must always be at the forefront of the universe, and anything that contributes to justice can be discussed.】

【So the Apocalypse King Liang Bing enrolled in Shenhe College on behalf of the Angel Civilization. At the same time, some surrounding galaxy civilizations also flocked to enroll after learning that the Angel Civilization had opened Shenhe College.】

【The screen then gave a close-up of a boy, a young and immature boy with a feminine appearance, Carl, who had a crush on Liang Bing.】

【During their studies at Shenhe College, Carl and Liang Bing have always been the best students. Carl’s knowledge is so rich that he can be called a direct disciple of Jilan.】

【Liang Bing also developed the space-time gene for artificially controlling micro-wormholes of spatial calculation.

Victor:”I also want to study at Shenhe College.”

Ruan Mei:”For a college with 200,000 years of civilization, every scholar would be happy to return to the student days under this situation, right?”

Tony Stark:”So jealous, if I can also enroll, can that little cosmic bunny mock me for being a genius on Earth?”

Rocket Raccoon:”Thank you for the generous gift! You still remember it after so long?” Superman Qiang

:”Why does the screen give a close-up of this person? Is he a genius?”

Miyamoto Musashi:”Oh ah ah ah! Another beautiful boy. Ah! A beautiful young man EX”

Lu Mingfei:”A boy with a feminine appearance and such a literary temperament, could this be the legendary little boy girl?”

The gluttonous king Shishou:”What is a little boy girl? Search it… How dare you be rude to my God Carl?! You are only worthy of smelling my God Carl’s fart!”

Tushan Rongrong:”Tsk, what kind of sparks will be created by two geniuses who have a good impression of each other and have topics to talk about?”

Feiyangyang:”It will create a bootlicker (bold statement)” Misaka

Mikoto:”Space-time gene… an artificially created space-based superpower! Liang Bing is so powerful!”

【With the technology brought to the angel civilization by Shenhe College and the innovation of the angel civilization itself, more powerful genetic engineering has been applied to the angels.】

【At the same time, as the angels further strengthened their position in the universe, Kesha discovered that other life forms in the universe were competing for the dominance of the universe.】

【The savage and deformed beast civilization and the triangular body of the mottled blue civilization are evolving and trying to step onto the stage of the universe.】

【Under the planning of Kesha and Kieran, the physical war has begun!】

【In the war involving all humanoid life and triangular beast bodies, the triangular and beast bodies were defeated, and all humanoid bodies were uniformly named Shenhe bodies.】

【After the physical war, the Kamigawa body officially dominated the universe, and Keisha was called the Supreme God of the known universe after the physical war.

Luo Ji:”The potential and resources of the angels, combined with the knowledge of the Kamigawa civilization, are enough to make a technological explosion in the civilization leap.”

Boros:”The angel civilization is already the strongest civilization in their universe, and it can’t leap much further.”

Ultraman Seven:”It’s very strange… Is there only human form, beast form, and that triangle in this universe? The biological population is really small!”

Ultraman Ace:”There are no super beasts (disappointed)”

Starman Zhiton:”Keisha is too cruel, and physical wars are heresy! The lives of cosmic people are also lives!”

The First Emperor of the Lostbelt:”Ha! I think Keisha did a good job. The universe can only be controlled by humans or higher-level humans!”

Dad:”Every race has good and evil, and Keisha’s actions are considered to have broken the balance.……”

Duanmu Yan:”What balance are you breaking? Kill those who endanger humanity, kill those who have ideas about humanity!”

Zhenzhong Jianwu:”General Duanmu, you are becoming more and more extreme.”

【With the title of the Supreme God of the known universe, and with the help of Kiran, Kesha’s just order spread throughout the universe!】

【Most civilizations either succumb to Kesha’s power to show their respect, or truly believe that the just order is the best order. Except for some heretics, the just order is almost everywhere in the universe!】

【Under Kesha’s integration and Hexi’s scientific research, the angels left the era of super soldiers and entered the era of gods.】

【Kaisha subdivided the god-making project of Shenhe civilization into three categories: a generation of gods equipped with a dark plane-assisted computing engine system, a generation of gods that can live forever, and a generation of gods that can ignore the weapons of aerospace civilizations.】

【The second generation of gods expanded the dark plane to be more powerful based on the first generation of gods, and possessed more numerous and powerful abilities.】

【And the three generations of gods who are omniscient and omnipotent, can interpret the whole of a civilization in the dark plane, and can rival the entire civilization alone, and condense the essence of a civilization.

Merlin:”That is to say, there is no mysticism in the universe, and the mysticism in my world does not rise to the universe, otherwise I dare not imagine how strong the heroic spirit sublimated by the highest god in the universe is.”

Pluto:”Justice order, what a justice order, which can change the law of the jungle in a universe and forcibly change the order. Kesha is a hero.”

Virgil:”It’s mainly because Kesha’s throwing tiles overrides all civilizations in this universe. No matter whether it is sincere or not, who dares not to obey the words of the strongest?”

Uchiha Sasuke:”This is power! Suppressing the universe with her own power to bring peace and justice, she, the king of gods, deserves it. Shame on you!”

Jing Yuan:”Is the first generation of technological gods enough for immortality… Sure enough, the positive and negative feedback brought about by the differences in different cosmic technological systems are also different.”

Misaka Mikoto:”The second generation of gods is equivalent to being equipped with a top-notch computer? Then don’t they use their own brains for calculations? Too much cheating!”

Nick Fury:”The earth is not even a space-class civilization. Even if the gods calculate like this, nuclear bombs can’t do anything to them.”

Victor:”In the final analysis, the truth of everything is still technological ascension… The flesh is just a carrier of gods. I suspect that as long as their data exists, they will not really die.”

【The scene changes to Shenhe College. As Liang Bing’s horizons expand and his knowledge grows, he thinks more and more about the destruction of Shenhe civilization.】

【Suddenly, Liang Bing had a brainstorm and began to think about why the universe was born 13.8 billion years ago, and the Shenhe civilization of nearly 200,000 years could become the greatest civilization.】

【How could the angelic civilization become the strongest civilization in the universe in just 30,000 years? What about the civilizations before that?】

【The more he thought about it, the more excited and frightened Liang Bing became. In the end, he came up with the ultimate theory of fear that everything would perish in the void.】

【Imagining that the civilizations of so many years before the universe have lost their meaning and traces, Liang Bing felt fear and confusion, and began to doubt everything.

Conan:”Liang Bing’s idea is a bit scary when you think about it!”

Hikari:”That’s right… Even the Kingdom of Light dare not say that it is the strongest civilization in the universe, and Kamigawa Civilization and Angel Civilization should not be the strongest civilization sequence.” Tokiwa

Sougo:”Indeed! 200,000 years is just a blink of an eye in front of 13.8 billion years! How could there be no other older life!” Zeroer:

“It is impossible that there has been no civilization since the birth of the universe, and it is even more impossible that there is no trace left. This is the weirdness of the universe they are in.” Loki

:”Perhaps the civilization has reached a certain level, and all of them ascended to Multiverse? Or left this world.”

Absolut Tartarus:”The ascension theory is too absurd. I am more inclined to believe that their universe has a great terror that will devour all civilizations that can observe them.”

Kassa:”Chaotic greed, isn’t this the void?!”

Wang Quanbaye:”I have a terrifying conjecture. Perhaps the known universe only occupies a small part of the entire universe, and the known universe is a breeding ground for some civilization.”

Uchiha Itachi:”Conspiracy theories are not acceptable, and… what you said is too terrifying and unbelievable.” (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【When Liang Bing announced the Void Theory and Ultimate Fear, she was immediately locked up by Kesha.】

【Kaisha slammed the table with a serious face and stopped all of Liang Bing’s research, denied Liang Bing’s void theory, and expelled Shenhe Academy.】

【Liang Bing’s theory that denies the significance of the birth of all life in the known universe is nonsense to Kesha!】

【In Kesha’s eyes, it was Shenhe Academy that allowed Liang Bing to come into contact with things that she shouldn’t have, and Carl, who had a close relationship with Liang Bing, indirectly guided Liang Bing.】

【Because of this incident, after Kesha became king and became indifferent to humanity, the conflicts between the sisters that had existed for many years broke out directly!】

【Liang Bing backstabbed Kesha and announced her rebellion against the Angel Civilization. Apocalypse King Liang Bing no longer exists, and now there is only Demon Queen Morgana! 】

Gojo Satoru:”Kesha’s reaction is a bit too much. Does he know something?”

Lu Mingfei:”This is a slide that cannot be touched. Don’t be clever or show your personality.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen:”Seeing that many of you don’t understand, I can only tell you that those who understand will understand. Some things must exist for a reason, but they can’t be said openly.” Uchiha Shisui

:”Yes, although I don’t understand what Liang Bing said, her words will definitely shake the order of justice, otherwise Kesha would not have expelled Shenhe Academy.”

Alicia:”Alas… these two sisters are too straightforward. If Kesha had spoken to Liang Bing in private, if Liang Bing had softened her attitude, it wouldn’t have been like this.”

Tohsaka Tokiomi:”What a familiar backstab (my waist feels cold).

Sanguinius:”A good angel shouldn’t choose to fall into a demon. Perhaps as my father and Magnus said, knowledge cannot be understood too deeply, and Liang Bing can’t grasp it.”

【The scene changes to show Kesha sitting in the bedroom, with an angel named Yan combing her hair.】[]

【Kesha understood that all these differences did not come from the ultimate fear, but from the ideological differences between her and Liang Bing.】

【In response to Liang Bing’s statement, Kaisha did not absolutely state that they did not exist. She called the void creatures”secondary creatures”.】

【But a just order requires stability and prosperity. Some things can exist, but they cannot be put on the table.】

【Kesha is also researching the sub-organism, but this can only be said to be a private study. It is Liang Bing’s fault for revealing everything.】

【Although Shenhe Academy was expelled by Kaisha, He Xi and she also developed a celestial computer second only to the Great Clock, a sacred knowledge treasure house. 】

Ge Xiaolun:”North of the Milky Way, Wu Yan is the most beautiful!”

Angel Ruoning:”Huh! Yan is a little goblin!”

Zhan Guo:”Now Kaisha has calmed down. The conflict between her and Liang Bing should not have existed. It’s just that Liang Bing’s thoughts collided with the order of justice, which made Kaisha a little extreme.”

Qiubi:”Sub-organisms, this is another interesting hypothesis, but the sub-organisms of that universe can only be detected and discovered by the top civilization, which is a bit interesting.”

Joseph Joestar:”Kesha is still very flexible. How can she oppose the more academically outstanding research of Liang Bing when she is studying something? It can only be said that Liang Bing touched Kaisha’s reverse scale.”

Ubuyashiki Yoya:”Yes, stability is the key. Liang Bing’s remarks may cause chaos in the universe. This is not what Kaisha wants to see.”

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