Chapter 377: The Battle of Denor: The God of War of Denor Star slashes the Sun! The Immortal Fourth Generation Divine Body

【The scene changed, and the three major god-making projects led by Jilan in the Denor galaxy also began research.】

【Inherited the power of the divine river that can break through fear, which was what Jilan hoped and expected】

【Absolute destructive power, the Nox God of War who has the power to destroy the body of a god and kill gods alone】

【The sun’s light that can control stars and stellar energy】

【These three genetic projects are the hard work and pride of Jilan, and contain Jilan’s wish to confront the unknown that Shenhe civilization discovered.】

However, the reality did not match expectations. Because of the suspicion between Dexing and Noxing over resources and other factors, the two new Kamigawa civilizations began an arms race. Aizen:”Wow~ Cut through the fear, it seems that the power of Kamigawa is Kiran’s trump card against the void.”

Lina:”Cut through the fear… Maybe the power of Kamigawa is like the dawn that crosses the sky like Dagu.”

Kal’tsit:”The god-making genetic engineering named after Kamigawa is definitely the product of the hard work of Kamigawa civilization.”

Kratos:”I thought the divine body was already an invincible physique in the universe, but I didn’t expect that the Noxing God of War would be the nemesis of the divine body.”

Luo Hao:”The power of killing gods! Don’t call him the Noxing God of War, just change his name to God Killer!”

The head of the Three Body:” A single individual controls a star? Is this reasonable? This is unreasonable! The Solar Project is simply amazing!”

Fu Xuan:”The most amazing effect of the sun’s light is its benefit to civilization. With the sun’s light, a civilization will never lack energy.” Luo Ji

:”Ah, this, a chain of suspicion… In this bright universe, I didn’t expect that neighboring sister planets would also”320″ to generate a chain of suspicion.”

Whale Shark King:”Rather than a chain of suspicion, it’s better to say that it’s a war caused by resources and greed. Human desires are really like rolling stones on a mountain.……”

【The knowledge spread by Jilan gave Deno enough resources and capital to prepare for the military competition.】

【First, both sides created a generation of super soldiers, and then the German Star Spear Genetic Engineering and the No Star Sharp Knife Genetic Engineering were created.】

【A man with a ponytail holding a spear and a woman with white hair holding a giant sword appeared in the picture.】

【Then, in order to prevent super soldiers, Dexing created the first generation of God-killing Crossbows that could destroy super genes and the second generation of super genetic engineering God-killing Hunters.】

【A tall woman wearing glasses and carrying a large crossbow appeared on the screen. 】



In Demacia, both Jarvan III and Xin Zhao felt overwhelmed when they saw themselves on the gold list.

“This is… me? I didn’t expect there would be another me in another world.”

And Jarvan III already had an opinion in his mind. Perhaps the Star of Devin and the Star of Promise represent Demacia and Noxus in Runeterra.


Riven was on her way to find Elder Suma. When she saw another version of herself on the gold list, she was slightly stunned, then lowered her head with a burst of sadness and emotion.

“In another world, can I also not escape war and killing?” Vayne, who was wiping the arrow in


, was slightly stunned, and then said to herself:”God-killing crossbow… If I also have a weapon that can kill gods, the demons will be slaughtered by me.!”


【When the tension between the two sides reached its peak, Nuo Xing took the lead in completing the god-making project, Nuo Cong the God of War!】

【Commander Kao immediately took the lead in launching the war, and also began to use Liang Bing’s research results from Shenhe Academy to create the Time and Space Rose Genetic Engineering】

【In the picture, a man in a black coat is commanding the army to attack Dexing. Next to him is a Noxing war god wearing heavy armor and holding a god-killing axe.】

【The power of the No Star War God almost covers and exceeds the power of the entire No Star. The De Star can only fight hard to delay and speed up the perfection of the Shenhe Power God-making Project.】

【Just when Denor was fighting with his head broken and bloody, the Fiery Sun Star, which was also a member of the Post-Shenhe civilization and called itself the Fiery Sun Heavenly Dao, joined the battlefield.】

【The Fiery Sun Star is the holder of the Sunlight God-making Project. Its sunlight can control the stars and better use the power of the stars to benefit civilization.

Lelouch:”The situation is clear. The god-making project has crushed all genetic engineering projects. Even if the power of Kamigawa succeeds, it cannot save the situation of defeat.” Nanami Touko :

“The Time-Space Rose is Liang Bing’s creation. What do you think… Will Liang Bing like the Time-Space Rose, her own masterpiece?”

Zoe:”Oh! Among the three kings, Liang Bing is the most human and has the strongest emotions! Inversely proportional to Kai’Sa, just like my Kayle and Morgana here!” Misaka

Mikoto:”I feel pity for the future Time-Space Rose. She will be entangled by a woman who has no taboos and is still pestering her.”

Bei Miao:”How come there is a third party involved? The self-proclaimed Fiery Sun Heavenly Dao is too arrogant! What qualifications do they have to call themselves the Heavenly Dao?” Luffy

:”And the light of the sun has no lethality! The Fiery Sun Star joined the battlefield to make people laugh!!!”


Darius and Swain looked at each other and fell into deep thought.

Swain has confirmed that whether it is Darius and Riven, the Veiled Goddess of Demacia, or Heimerdinger of Piltover, that universe and Runeterra are definitely inextricably linked.


【When the Lieyang Civilization saw the war between Denor and the Sun, they realized that the threat of war could come at any time.】

【Therefore, the Lieyang civilization added destructive power to the god-making project of the sun’s light, which symbolizes rebirth and blessing.】

【The sun’s light, once it has destructive power, can destroy any star and trigger a supernova explosion.】

【Just when the Light of the Sun was completely perfected to become a god-making project of the main god level, the Emperor of the Light of the Sun, Hongkun, went crazy!】

【He decided to destroy the stars in the Denor system without authorization, despite the opposition of the Lieyang Tiandao Elders Council.】

【The elders who were unable to stop Emperor Hongkun could only inform Denor in advance and ask them to evacuate all civilians. 】

Heita:”Adding destructive power to the Sunlight Project… Is the Fiery Sun Star going to turn the God of Logistics into a God of Destruction who can blow up stars?!” Tony Stark

:”It’s always right to take precautions before they happen. Otherwise, if the Fiery Sun Star has the God-making Project but no power, it would be a crime. The preventer is always better than the avenger.”

Shirou Emiya:”Is this Emperor Hongkun crazy? What’s the point of him doing this?”

Yuichi Tsugikoku:”People from two worlds! No matter what the war is like, there are so many civilians. Even if most of them are evacuated, won’t some people still be unable to leave!” Tobirama Senju

:”This is the end of giving power to a person who is mentally unstable and emotionally unstable. The Sunlight of the Fiery Sun Star is born evil.……”

Dilena:”Grandpa, how could……”

Super God World

Di Lena was paralyzed on the bed, not daring to face Cheng Yaowen. (To read the exciting novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

Lena knew a little about the destruction of Denor civilization, and she just treated Cheng Yaowen with a normal attitude.

But what she never expected was that her grandfather Di Hongkun destroyed the Denor galaxy and Cheng Yaowen’s homeland with his own hands.

And he did it in a crazy state without any reason!


【The scene changed, and the sun of the Denor galaxy began to accelerate its activity, with solar flares erupting continuously!】

【Finally, under the watchful eyes of the royal family of De Star, the watchful eyes of Chao and the God of War of No Star, and the watchful eyes of countless civilians, the supernova explosion destroyed the entire Deno galaxy and even affected several surrounding civilizations!】

【Kao clenched his fists, looking towards Lieyang with eyes full of hatred, sadness, and regret.】

【The Nox God of War, who had opposed the war from the beginning and was forced to join the war, was so weak that he could hardly stand. Seeing his homeland being destroyed, he had already made up his mind to die.】

【With hatred, as a sinner, as a Denor, and as a close friend, Kao asked the God of War of the No Star to launch a revenge attack on the Fiery Sun Star!】

【The God of War of No Star agreed. He swung the giant axe with all his strength and threw it at the scorching sun!】

【This axe flew out of the Denor system, carrying the most destructive God-killing power in the God-making Project, and destroyed the protection of the Sunlight on the Fiery Sun Star with a devastating force, directly cutting the body of the Fiery Sun Star in half, and one half was directly destroyed! 】

Thor:”Thank you for the generous gift… Even I can’t withstand the supernova explosion!”

Sheng Zhangren:”In the three major god-making projects, apart from the power of the Shenhe that did not appear, the Sunlight can’t beat the No Star War God alone, but its large-scale destructive power is definitely the strongest!”

Pluto:”This is fate. The unfinished power of the Shenhe and the most mature No Star War God were picked by the Sunlight.”

Shen Gongbao:”The three major projects were originally one family, but they fell into fighting each other, which is a pity……….”

Kevin:”There is no home in the smoke of gunpowder. In the burning starry sky, the descendants of Denor have become homeless people wandering the universe.”

Jing Yuan:”No Star is the star of promise, and the promise of revenge will be fulfilled! This is the sin of the Lieyang civilization itself… Maybe Emperor Hongkun never thought about it from the beginning that the No Star God of War is also one of the three major god-making projects.”

Gabriel:”Good… so powerful! Suddenly I understand the positioning of the No Star God of War, that is, shield explosion plus true damage! Pure numerical mechanism double monster!”

Bruce Wayne:”Why bother? Lieyang got nothing from destroying the Denor system. He only got the god-making project that turned against him and only half of the mother star was left.”

【After delivering this final blow, the Noxing War God, one of the three major god-making projects, lost all his energy and committed suicide with hatred, disappearing into the universe with Noxing.】

【Kao was in tears. After sending the surviving civilians away safely, he knelt down facing the direction of the Denor system and could not get up.】

【If he had not started the war and had not been surrounded by groundless suspicion, Denor would not have been destroyed in this tragedy.】

【The Battle of Denor also resounded throughout the universe, changing the universe’s pattern. The discovery and promotion of the God-killing Weapon brought the universe to a new stage.】

【It was too late for Jilan to find out everything. After crying for the Denor civilization, he disappeared in the known universe without any news.】

【Only the big clock was left, which was found and taken away by Karl, who founded the Styx civilization. 】

Kiana Kaslana:”It was a tragedy from the beginning… The ending of Denor is an imperfect story.……”

Yakumo Yukari:”What a pity… The god who stood at the pinnacle of the universe committed suicide just because of the destruction of his homeland. How sad.” Zhang

Beihai:”Without the mother planet, what is home? Without a home, they are just wanderers wandering in the starry sky. Denor’s feelings for the mother planet are much stronger than you think.”

Gokawa Shidao:”Kao… Although he started the war, he is only half responsible. No one expected Emperor Hongkun to go crazy.”

Finina:”I’m afraid that even if Kao kneels for ten thousand years, the sin in his heart will not be erased.……”[]

Whitebeard:”Kieran must be sad too… the civilization and engineering he regarded as his child turned against him and destroyed him in an instant.”

Ignis:”Ah? Carl is a lucky finder! He got the best treasure in the universe?!”

Kamijou Touma:”How sour! Is this the person with the highest luck value!”

【Because of the Battle of Denor, Kaisha discovered that the God-building Project was a threat that could bring a devastating blow to her and the angel civilization.】

【In 4.2, based on the Holy Knowledge Treasury, Kai’Sa began new research and development of the Dark Plane.】

【In ten thousand years, Kesha surpassed the highest level in the known universe and successfully upgraded herself to a fourth-generation divine body!】

【The first to third generation bodies all have their own dark plane dark matter computers, and the fourth generation body changes the way of life and becomes an atomic aggregation structure.】

【Now, every atom that makes up Kesha’s body has a dark matter computer. As long as Kesha is not completely destroyed at the atomic level, she will not die.】

【And Kesha also took herself as the main body to upgrade the divine bodies of all angels. The dark matter computer connected Kesha’s sacred knowledge treasure house and the dark plane, forming a huge angel network.

Fire Keeper:”In the words of other universes, Kesha is the son of destiny of this era and the protagonist of this era.”

Thanos:”She is the one who carries the destiny. The whole universe revolves around her, but after the emergence of the god-making project, it has begun to shift.”

Orochimaru:”From immortality to immortality! I am more and more looking forward to stepping into the starry sky.”

King of Ultra:”The body becomes atomic aggregation… Is this the way of existence I want?……”

Hiden Orto:”Ah?! Every atom has a dark matter computer… This is more than 1000% stronger than the normal three-generation gods!”

Lu Mingfei:”The most terrifying thing is that the other three-generation gods are playing single-player, while Kai’Sa is playing online! And she is the host! The holy Kai’Sa is connected to all angels!”

Zhang Chulan:”So, you also play StarCraft!”


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