Chapter 501: What does it have to do with you if I destroy you? Silly children, run!

【The scene changes to the Planetary Defense Council】

【Ding Yi, the candidate for close contact with the Three-Body Probe, forced himself to go】

【Ding Yi even threatened to die in front of the Chairman to force him to agree to contact the Trisolaran probe.】

【Considering that Ding Yi is highly respected and qualified, and that he is already 87 years old, and the Trisolaran probe is at risk of self-destruction, the Planetary Defense Council agreed with Ding Yi’s idea.】

【On the Quantum, Ding Yi looked at these little girls who cared about him and felt helpless as to why they came with him.】

【Ding Yi looked at the navigator Xizi and told her his thoughts about the things and people he loved. I love you, what does it have to do with you?】.

【He looked at the three-body detector on the screen. It was as smooth as the surface of water, with a very comfortable fluid structure.】

【Before leaving, Ding Yi asked the captain to put the Quantum into deep sea mode, ready to move forward at any time.】

【Facing everyone’s confusion, Ding Yi just smiled miserably:”My children… I, an old man who lived two centuries ago, can still teach physics at the university.……”】

Lianfeng:”Such talents should be well protected. Ding Yi is too reckless!”

Heita:”No, this is the belief of a physicist. Faced with the unknown products of advanced civilization, every physicist will be crazy about it!”

Lu Ci:”Why is old guy Ding Yi still playing hooligan with little girls?”

Siegfried Kaslana:”Who hasn’t had a romantic past? Men are young until they die!”

Orochimaru:”Ding Yi doesn’t love a specific person, but physics! He loves the physical creations from unknown civilizations to express his own ideas. He loves it, and it has nothing to do with you.”

Hikari:”Ding Yi is very pure. His obsession with physics surpasses almost everything.”

Angel Hexi:”Back to the previous question, the basic physics of the earth is locked… Think about it carefully, our basic physics of the universe is not well developed either. It is all a mixture of special metals.……”

Tony Stark:”Everything is still 24 unknowns. We can only pray that the basic physics development of the Trisolarans will not destroy all human space forces with just the detectors.”

Sun Quan:”Impossible! Absolutely impossible!”

【The Space Force approved Ding Yi’s request, and the Quantum and Bronze Age entered the deep sea state.】

【The Mantis battleship extended its robotic arm and successfully put the droplet-like three-body detector into the ship.】

【At this moment, the Earth fleet and all the Earthlings in formation outside the atmosphere are focused on the Mantis.】

【When the capture was successful, everyone cheered deafeningly!】

【The Three-Body Civilization is nothing more than that!】

【As their self-confidence grew and their contempt for the Three-Body Civilization deepened, people’s hatred for the Three-Body Civilization turned into sympathy.】

【They thought that the Trisolarans were wandering around in search of a new home, so they began to admire and pity them.】

【The people on Earth have even started to vote online on whether the Trisolarans should stay or go, and to give Mars to the Trisolarans as their new home. 】

Huanlong:”Tsk, I’ve never seen such a stupid civilization. There’s no need for internal intervention. Their self-righteousness has already begun to disintegrate the civilization and lead to its destruction.”

Yueshan:”Have these people lost their backbone? We are alienated and cannot live together. The Trisolaran civilization is an invader! Why sympathize with them!”

Jigoku Yuichi:”Yeah… Those who are not of my race must have different hearts. Sympathize with them… Then who will sympathize with the dead wall-facers? What do these new humans regard life as!”

Zhenzhong Kengo:”Hey! Humans will also immigrate to Mars in the future! Why vote to send Mars away!”

Emperor:”These fools, the entire galaxy is human”What were they thinking of sending Mars away?”

Emperor of the Universe Kayn:”How pathetic! They thought they controlled the fate of other civilizations and said they would send away the surrounding territories, but they didn’t know that this was the beginning of their destruction!”

Gilgamesh:”Tsk… People of this era are not even as good as me when I descended into the present world. They are miscellaneous cultivators without blood and wisdom, they don’t deserve to thank the Wallfacer.”

Kadoya Shi:”They never thanked the Wallfacer from beginning to end, but instead treated it as an ancient joke. In my opinion, these people are the funniest.” Fujimaru Ritsuka:

“No wonder people who have awakened from hibernation look down on the humans of the new era. The times have progressed, but human wisdom has declined.””

【On the Mantis, looking at the perfectly smooth water drop that was out of tune with the surroundings, the navigator Xizi’s eyes were a little moist, and she murmured:”This is really a tear of the Virgin Mary!””】

【This sentence was broadcasted to the space fleet and the earth through external broadcasts, and within three hours all human beings were in tears.】

【Ding Yi looked at the water drop with cold eyes. He approached the water drop and touched it through his gloves. Xizi said worriedly:”It looks so fragile. I’m really afraid of breaking it.”】

【Someone said:”This thing is so smooth, there is no friction at all”】

【Ding Yi realized that something was wrong, so he took out a microscope and began to observe the surface of the water droplet. One hundred times, one thousand times, ten thousand times, one million times, ten million times!】

【Even if the microscope is magnified 10 million times, the surface of the water droplet is still extremely smooth. Another structure with this structure is a neutron star.】

【Ding Yi picked up a geological hammer and hit the water drop hard. He then checked it with a microscope again, but there was still no trace.】

【Sitting on the ground in disappointment, Ding Yi no longer looked at the water droplets, but had a terrifying guess in his heart. 】

Yagami Light:”Are you sure it’s the Virgin’s tears and not the death?”

Laast:”Hehe… It’s just a probe, should it? But what is certain is that it is definitely a precursor to destruction!”

Young man:”Hey! Why are you crying because of a probe! They are here to invade!”

Liu Chuang:”What kind of literary youths are there in this era? They are so fancy! So sentimental? Are they bored?” Achilles

:”I just feel it’s outrageous. Ordinary people can find reasons to cry, but why do soldiers in the space force also have tears in their eyes!”

Black Tower:”Something is wrong… This thing is definitely wrong! Except for neutron stars, any material molecule can be broken. There are gaps in between, it can’t be absolutely smooth!”

Holy Kesha:”Absolutely smooth without gaps… that means this thing cannot be destroyed by pure physical means, and can only be changed by other applications of physics! I’m afraid my silver wings can’t destroy this water drop!”

Steve:”So… the hardness of the material of this thing is almost the same as the bedrock with a hardness of minus one?”

Aozaki Aoko:”Ah? Even a flying brick can’t break this water drop?”

Hikaru:”This is a high level of operation of basic physics. At least from the perspective of basic physics, the water drop cannot be destroyed. Perhaps the basic applications of advanced physics can.”

Ge Xiaolun:”But basic physics is locked, and advanced physics can’t be developed!”

【”It’s the strong interaction! The molecules of this thing are nailed down, and even its own vibrations have disappeared!”】

【Ding Yi’s forehead was already covered with cold sweat, and the other soldiers had understood everything and their faces turned pale.】

【How can this be the Virgin Mary’s tears? It is hundreds of times harder than the strongest substance in the solar system! Its hardness is enough to allow it to run rampant and destroy everything!】

【”So… what is it here for?” the officer stuttered.】

【”Maybe he is a messenger, coming to deliver a message.” Ding Yi pondered, and suddenly remembered something:”What does it have to do with you if I destroy you!”】

【Just when everyone was thinking about the meaning of Ding Yi’s words, Ding Yi suddenly raised his hand and shouted at the top of his lungs::】

【”Silly children! Run!!!”】

【The fleet commander understood Ding Yi’s words and hurriedly tried to evacuate the fleet, but it was too late. A blue halo appeared at the tail of the water drop, and then gradually……】

【In the light like a second sun, the Mantis exploded, and Ding Yi and other dead people were instantly vaporized. 】

Black Tower:”Strong interaction? I have never heard of this concept. The physics of the universe is connected, but the development direction is different. But I know that the molecules are nailed down, and physical external forces cannot destroy the water droplets!”

Doctor Strange:”The water droplets are not strong, but in this purely technological universe, there is no solution for human civilization… The closing of the space gate of basic magic can cut it in space, and magic can distort it, but without magic, it can be cut by space.……”

Hikari:”Yeah… Absolutely solid matter is not a problem for the Kingdom of Light and the aliens, but the humans in this universe have no means to counter it!”

Walter Young:”Even the weapons equipped by the Antimatter Legion’s virtual soldiers can easily destroy water droplets, but the humans in this world can only rely on themselves… without any supernatural powers.”

Death Star Thresh:”It represents… hope, destruction! Just like Ding Yi’s love for physics, the water droplet is just a messenger. What does it have to do with you if we destroy you?”

Dilena:”Fuck it! After some calculations and deductions, the temperature of the water droplet when it explodes is comparable to the core of the sun!”

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni:”Can an alien probe alone have the power of a Zanka-dachi… Alas.”

Dukao:”Goodbye, Mr. Ding, it’s worth your life to be able to see the ultimate in basic physics”

【When the other fleets observed that the Mantis had exploded and all the fragments had melted into liquid, with only one fragment flying out, they immediately raised the alert to level three.】

【When they observed the fragments accelerating to the third cosmic speed and instantly flying 300 kilometers, the alert was raised to level 2.】

【When the fragment, that is, the water droplet, is accelerated to a certain speed, it instantly flies to the Infinite Frontier in a corner of the fleet matrix, penetrates it and causes an explosion!】

【Then the water droplet instantly destroyed the first fleet in an irresistible state and made a sharp turn of 30 degrees without slowing down at all!】

【As half of the fleet was destroyed, the water droplet had accelerated to ten times the speed of the third universe! The trail behind it made the water droplet look like a shooting star pulling out a silver line.】

【The water droplets penetrated and destroyed the human space fleet like bullets through cheese, leaving no one alive wherever they passed!】

【In thirty minutes, the human space army was completely wiped out!

Bruce Wayne:”The acceleration of the water droplet is comparable to Clark’s speed, and it is extremely hard… The human fleet is completely unable to resist this speed!”

Screw Gum:”Ten times the speed of the third universe, sharp angle turn, what is its engine? It completely violates the law of conservation of kinetic energy!” Zero

:”To use an analogy from Earth, it’s like a bullet through cheese! I thought humans would just lose, but I didn’t expect that they couldn’t even defeat a detector.……”

Qingque:”Although I know it’s inappropriate, I still want to say that this is really like encountering the Emperor’s light arrow that penetrates the sea of ​​clouds.”

Shi Qiang:”Are you polite?”

Alienated Luo Ji:”This, this, this… Such a strong killing power? This… This is part of the plan! When I find the Shadow Elves, I will definitely kill the Three-Body Fleet!”

Roman:”The power created by the technological explosion of mankind in the past two hundred years… was completely wiped out in less than thirty minutes?!”

Sun Quan:”This… This… Ah……”

El-Melloi II:”If I had a son, I would want him to be like Sun Zhongmou. He gave me two thousand poisonous milks and sent me to death.……”

【After destroying the human space force, the water droplet turned to fly to the sun, while on the other side, Zhang Beihai woke up from his sleep】

【The Natural Selection was extremely quiet. Zhang Beihai walked into the command room, and all the familiar hostile voices towards him turned into respect.】

【”Asian Fleet, Blue Space!”】

【”Asian Fleet, Deep Space!”】

【”North American Fleet, Enterprise!”】

【”European Fleet, the Ultimate Law!”】

【”Asian Fleet, Natural Selection!”】

【Dongfang Yanxu saluted respectfully and said gratefully:”Senior, you have preserved the only five interstellar battleships for mankind. This is the only remaining strength of mankind. Now I accept your command!”】

【All 5,500 people began to cry like children in the face of the destruction of the earth’s power, and Zhang Beihai, an ancient soldier, was calm and majestic like a father.】

【”The earth can no longer return to its original state. All we have to do is to continue the human race.”】

【At this point, Starship Earth was established. 】

Pluto:”If you don’t listen to the old man, you will suffer. The Great Depression and the Great Revival were all predicted by Zhang Beihai and his men, and this time is no exception.”

Liu Peiqiang:”Salute to Comrade Zhang Beihai! His choice protected the last spark of mankind!”

Qilin:”There are only five warships left for the spark of mankind… Even worse than the weeper in the inventory.……”

Penglai Temple Jiuxiao:”Where is Luo Ji? Save him! Isn’t he the protagonist and savior of the inventory?”

Conan:”All mysteries still rely on cosmic sociology and the star curse. We can only pray for changes after the star curse is revealed.”

Diluke:”It is true that Luo Ji is the savior, but he has not yet awakened. Before dawn comes, someone must illuminate the darkness a little. Zhang Beihai is the weak candlelight.”


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