Chapter 502: Shocking the World! The Law of the Dark Forest! The Only Wall-Facing Man!

【The scene changed, and at the moment when the Dark Battle ended, Luo Ji suddenly shouted loudly:”I am right! I am right!”】

【Luo Ji looked up at the starry sky. The sky in the new era was not as clear as that in his era. He could only see the brightest stars in the haze.】

【It was this environment that made Luo Ji feel once again the darkness and coldness of the lake two centuries ago.】

【At this moment, Luo Ji, an ordinary citizen, disappeared, and was replaced by Luo Ji, the wall-facing man.】

【”Dashi, I have the key to human victory in my hand!” Luo Ji said, and brought Dashi to the hibernation bureau.】

【At this time, the government order has begun to collapse, the world is in chaos, and escapism has reached its most sensitive period.】

【Luo Ji was afraid that the water droplets would come to kill him and harm innocent citizens, so he took Dashi to a desert.】.

【However, the water droplet did not kill Luo Ji when it streaked across the sky, but instead rushed towards the sun.】

【Luo Ji is no longer important. The sun has been blocked, and humans can no longer send any signals through the sun. 】

Bai Ningbing:”Is Luo Ji being modest and prudent, and has he finally attained enlightenment?”

Fulilian:”Right, right, right… right?”

Edward:”Huh? Luo Ji has realized the truth? As the savior, he is going to exert his strength?”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”The key to human victory?! Attention! The one standing here is not an ordinary person, Luo Ji, but the wall-facing man Luo Ji!”

Kal’tsit:”The stars have dimmed, and Luo Ji has returned to darkness again, but this time he has seen the truth of the universe.”

Ge Xiaolun:”No, there is a problem! The water droplets have blocked the sun! Luo Ji’s stellar curse back then has definitely changed, and Luo Ji is indeed correct!”

Muzan Kibutsuji:”Hehe… what’s the use? It’s too late! The water droplets have blocked the sun, and Luo Ji can’t use his spell!” Black Panther

:”It’s just like what Ye Wenjie said… This is the sunset of human history, and the world is really going to belong to the Three-Body Problem.”

【Luo Ji felt limp all over as if he had lost something. Seeing this, Dashi drove Luo Ji back to the city.】

【However, halfway through the journey, a group of people with Luo Ji’s photos printed on their clothes stopped him and knelt down crying.】

【”Lord, save us!”】

【”Our God, please save this world!”】


【Just when Luo Ji and Dashi were confused, Hines and the Fleet International Special Envoy arrived and said,”Luo Ji, according to the joint approval of the United Nations, the Planetary Defense Council, and Fleet International,”】

【”The Wallfacer Project has been restarted. You are now designated as the only Wallfacer. Earth International and Fleet International both recognize your identity as the Wallfacer.”】

【Luo Ji seemed to have thought of something and asked,”Is the spell effective?”】

【”That’s right, the star and star system you cursed two centuries ago have been destroyed.”】

【”According to observations, a light particle that is infinitely close to the speed of light destroyed the star in an instant!”】

Huang:”What happened? This gathering of faith is enough to make Luo Ji a god.”

Zhen Zhongjianwu:”The hope of all mankind is placed on Luo Ji… Could it be that the change of the star curse has been discovered?” Luoman

:”When people are desperate, they will always look for spiritual sustenance that can save themselves. Obviously, Luo Ji is now the savior of hope in everyone’s heart.”

Qi Tiandi:”Ignorance… This world is too filthy. Self-proclaimed hope is nothing more than a shackle imposed on others.”

Liang Bing:”It is not difficult to destroy a star, but a light particle destroys a star… Damn! What the hell?”

Guilliman:”The light particle attack is too efficient, and from the quality point of view… It seems that not many resources are needed?”

The Fourth Calamity:”The light particle attack is not very good. It is a bit of a waste to directly blow up the star. Minerals, resources, energy… Even local life can be canned. A light particle will be a loss.”

Shiki Yingji:”Where did the war criminals upstairs come from! You are guilty! Guilty!!!”

Holy Kesha:”Destroying all star systems just because one of them has a signal… Too evil! What is the truth of this universe!”

Captain Marvel:”Yeah… It stands to reason that those who can attack with light particles at will are already advanced civilizations, why can’t they tolerate low-level civilizations? Instead of destroying them decisively?”

Youwu:”This low-profile version of the Emperor’s bow and light arrow has a very high gold content, but they wantonly carry out civilization extinction… Are they crazy?¨` ?”


The Trisolarans ‘ faces changed drastically! Luo Ji must have figured out the Dark Forest Law! And he has mastered the method of using the Dark Forest Law!

However, as soon as they thought of this, the Trisolarans breathed a sigh of relief.

The water droplets have blocked the sun, and it is useless for Luo Ji to know the Dark Forest Law.

On Earth, most people began to kneel and shout the name of Luo Ji as the savior.

Only a few wise men of this era did not kneel when they saw the comments about them in the barrage, but looked at Luo Ji with hope and trust.


【Luo Ji, who had reverted to his Wall-Facing Man identity and evacuated the crowd, pulled Shi Qiang off the road and walked to a dark, sandy area.】

【He and Dashi lit a cigarette, then pulled away. Luo Ji began to tell Dashi about Ye Wenjie’s two axioms and the minimum goodwill of civilization.】

【Do not actively attack or destroy other civilizations】

【As Luo Ji continued his narration, Dashi became increasingly silent. If two civilizations discovered each other and chose to communicate, it would violate the first axiom, leading to an endless chain of suspicion.】

【If silence is ignored, it will lead to a technical explosion, and sooner or later both sides will be completely exposed.】

【Dashi took a deep puff of cigarette and concluded:”If I am better than you, since I can find you, you will find me sooner or later, which leads to a chain of suspicion.”】

【”If you are weaker than me, your technology will explode and become the first situation. In summary, letting you know me and letting you exist are both dangerous to me, and both violate the first law.”】

Angel Yan:”Shouldn’t the minimum goodwill of one civilization towards another be to help at a critical moment? Or just ignore it.”

Pluto:”Survival of the fittest. Survival of the fittest is the basic rule covering the universe, according to Ye Wenjie’s first axiom. Not destroying or plundering other civilizations when you see them is the most basic goodwill.”

Rocket Raccoon:”Uh… With so many civilizations in the universe, can’t they invent a language converter? They can still communicate, right?” Conan :

“So the chain of suspicion is drawn out. Even if they can communicate, can you be sure that they can coexist peacefully after the communication? Can you be sure that the other party will be weaker than you after the communication?”

Nia Rand:”Communication is not possible, and silence is not possible. Then can’t we get away? Leave here and go to a more distant star field.”

Thanos:”Little girl… too naive… Let’s not talk about the fact that a powerful civilization cannot escape from a weak civilization. Its existence will definitely leave traces, which will be a disaster for civilization at that time. Besides… can you guarantee that other star fields will not encounter another civilization?”

Walter:”This universe is too dark… Is life and death the only way for civilizations to exist?”

Hikaru:”I can already keep up with Luo Ji’s thoughts. Let’s see what Luo Ji says next. There cannot be only war between civilizations. There should be subsequent inferences.”

【”Dashi, you are quite smart. Luo Ji praised】

【”I’m just beginning to follow your train of thought.”】

【”Great history, this is not the beginning, our inference has ended……”Luo Ji was silent for a long time and then said】

【”After knowing my existence, silence and communication are no longer an option, so there is only one choice left”】

【The scene suddenly became quiet, with only the sound of smoking. As the cigarette butt went out, Dashi broke the silence.】


【Luo Ji said:”If you apply this picture to the billions of civilizations in the universe, the big picture of the universe will emerge.”】

【”Black, it’s so fucking black!” Dashi was shocked and cursed.】

【Luo Ji looked at the sky and completely understood the cosmic truth of cosmic sociology taught by Ye Wenjie.】

【The universe is a dark forest. Every civilization is a hunter with a gun. The dark forest is full of hunters. Everyone can only hold their breath and not make a sound.】

【As long as someone is exposed, they will be attacked by everyone, and the earth is like a silly child who lights a fire in a dark forest and shouts:”I am here!”】

【This is the law of the dark forest! 】

Holy Kesha:”Have you finished the deduction? This… This is impossible! I can’t imagine what kind of universe can be so dark and dead!”

Pluto:”The dark forest universe… Even though I have guessed it long ago, I can’t help but be shocked. This is no longer the law of the jungle, but a hunting ground, a battle royale.”

Liu Chuang:”Fuck!���Dark! It’s too damn dark! If I were in that universe, I would be suffocated!”

Emperor:”The stars in other universes are so dark, all the enemies are on the dark side, and I can’t see through them or understand them.……”

Dr. Mei:”Rather than calling it a battle royale, it’s better to say that my guesses have been confirmed in this universe. The stars are all enemies! Every civilization in this universe is at war with the stars!”

Dazai Osamu:”All the clues are connected. No wonder Luo Ji’s star curse has changed its position. If it is too close to the earth and is detected, the light particle attack may cover the solar system!”

Patriot:”Rey Diaz’s approach was right, but it’s a pity that he didn’t understand the Dark Forest Law. Similarly, Luo Ji could also rely on the Dark Forest Law to create deterrence, but now he can’t do it.”

Fire Keeper:”Ye Wenjie really ignited the first fire, igniting the first spark of the Dark Forest.”

Walter Young:”The Dark Forest Law… is too terrible… Even the pioneering star god Akivali would be shocked if he came to this universe. The existence habits of civilizations are fixed, and the Dark Forest cannot be changed”


The advanced civilizations at war in the Three-Body World could not help but become interested in and affirm Luo Ji when they saw this scene.

An ordinary person from a low-level civilization that is not even as good as dust could comprehend the truth of the darkness of the universe. His talent and wisdom are beyond doubt.

And because the existence beyond the universe, the Golden List, chose Luo Ji, a series of great god-level civilizations such as the Zeroers also set their sights on the Earth.

The Dark Forest War was forced to end because of the Golden List. Under the leadership of the great god-level civilizations, the eyes of the entire universe were focused on the Earth.

The Three-Body Fleet was already sweating profusely.


【Then Luo Ji explained his curse to Shi Qiang】

【He had already guessed the law of the Dark Forest, so he deliberately sent a signal to a star system, just like carving a mark on the trunk of a tree in the Dark Forest.】

【As he expected, a hunter found the traces and decisively destroyed the star and the star system! The Dark Forest Law was confirmed】

【The reason why the Three Body thinks Luo Ji is a risk is because Luo Ji understands that sending signals to the outside world can create deterrence.】

【Now it’s too late, the sun is blocked, and deterrence is no longer possible.】

【After saying goodbye to Dashi, Luo Ji returned to the Hibernation Bureau, but learned that the United Nations would not release his wife and children, and used this to threaten Luo Ji to work and devote himself to the Snow Plan.】

【The Snow Plan is to use Neptune’s oil film material and stellar nuclear bombs to create a dust cloud to wrap around the sun, so that water droplets can leave traces】

【This plan is only able to observe the trajectory of water droplets and make countermeasures for human retreat. 】

Captain Marvel:”` ~ The first to discover the flames was the Trisolarian Civilization, which then quickly extinguished them.……”

Homura Akemi:”Thinking this way still goes back to the first axiom. Survival is the first need of civilization. If the Trisolaran civilization does not extinguish the flame, then the earth will be hit by light particles, and the Trisolaran civilization, which is four light years away, will not be able to escape.”

Bruce Wayne:”Damn it! If Luo Ji can activate deterrence, then the Trisolaran civilization and human civilization will be grasshoppers on the same rope. However… now the big grasshopper is going to eat the small grasshopper.”

Aizen:”Tsk tsk tsk tsk… The Trisolarans have made the same mistakes as humans. How arrogant~ They won’t kill Luo Ji if they blockade the sun? They’ve also opened champagne?”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”For the savior, as long as the probability of winning is not 0, it is 100%!” Uchiha Sasuke:

“The hope of all mankind rests on Luo Ji. Those high-level officials are still forcing them? They should have shot long ago!”

Roman:”Even letting Luo Ji do that snow project? What’s the use? With teammates like this… Luo Ji can’t do anything……”

【The scene changes, and a year and a half has passed.】

【The sun was blocked, and Luo Ji publicly stated many times that it was impossible to send signals, but the public did not understand at all.】

【As Luo Ji devoted himself to the Snow Project for a year and a half, the public became increasingly disappointed with his inaction, and voices of contempt and condemnation were heard everywhere.】

【Finally, as Luo Ji’s status declined, the community where Luo Ji lived decided to drive him out.】

【The scene changes to show the neighborhood committee director opening the door of Luo Ji’s home. There are cigarette butts and wine (Li De’s) bottles on the ground, and piles of dirty clothes covered with ash and dirt.】

【Luo Ji huddled in the corner, his eyes bloodshot and haggard, his body so thin that he could not support himself.】

【Two centuries of suffering had completely crushed Luo Ji. Facing the notice from the neighborhood committee director, Luo Ji nodded.】

【”I will leave tomorrow. It is time for me to leave. Please forgive me if I have done anything wrong.”】

Orochimaru:”Hehehe… Fools cannot understand geniuses. This is what stupid humans are like.” Douma

:”Tsk tsk tsk ~ I feel sad and pity for Luo Ji. Is it worth it for him to suffer all these hardships to save mankind?”

Goetia:”These so-called new humans are just flowers in a greenhouse. They don’t have their own thinking and perseverance. They don’t enlighten human wisdom. They are just the product of failure of the times!” Hongzhong

:”Tsk tsk tsk tsk, are you all feeling sorry for Luo Ji? Only I know that Luo Ji is so fun! Why didn’t the Trisolarans kill Luo Ji? They really believed it! Hahaha!”

Joyful Star God Aha:”Huh? Huh! Hahaha! It’s fun! The Trisolarans really believed it! Boss Luo Ji is so good!”

Penglai Temple Jiuxiao:”Are there two crazy people upstairs? That… Although Luo Ji is miserable, I believe this is the hardship and test that the savior must go through!”

Alina Rand:”A mere mortal has to shoulder the responsibility of the whole world. There is no hope and encouragement, only contempt and slander… Even if Luo Ji fails, he is not qualified to laugh at him”


Three-Body World

In the Three-Body Fleet, most of the Three-Body people, even though they were sweating profusely because of the gazes of many civilizations and the breaking of the Dark Forest, still sneered at humans.

There is no doubt that Luo Ji is the real opponent in their eyes, and those humans are not. In their eyes, Luo Ji, a human, has been separated from the human group.

At the same time, the Three-Body people are also thinking about Aha’s barrage on the gold list.

As another universe���Standing at the pinnacle of philosophy, his words must have a lot of profound meaning.

“Luo Ji…what kind of conspiracy is he acting?”


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