Chapter 503 I, Luo Ji, speak to the Three-Body World.

【The next day, Luo Ji left with only a backpack, a dirty coat, and a shovel.】

【On the way, Luo Ji saw a primary school student who gave him a complicated and unfamiliar look. He took a car. In the car, a family of three were having a good time, playing the song”The Hawthorn Tree” from his era.》】

【However, Luo Ji was recognized, and the eyes of the family of three became cold and complicated, as if to say that it was not your fault to be unable to save the world, but it was unforgivable to place hope first and then turn it into despair.】

【”Please go down”】

【Luo Ji did not move. He wanted to finish listening to the song, but he was chased away. He tried to catch up with him but still failed.】

【In the heavy rain, Luo Ji walked and found a driverless bus, but was still driven off.】

【””Wall-Facing Man, what are you doing with a shovel?” Someone stuck his head out of the car window and asked sarcastically.】

【”Dig a grave for yourself.” Luo Ji said calmly, but it caused a burst of laughter.】.

Frieza:”Tsk, weaklings who go with the flow should be shot! I feel sorry for Luo Ji.”

Sengoku:”The people were just guided, that’s not their original intention.”

Young Hatake Kakashi:”Who is guiding them? Isn’t it their self-righteousness? Isn’t it their stupidity?”

Thousand Herrscher:”Tsk tsk tsk tsk… This world has never been beautiful! Not every savior has someone to help him at the critical moment like her. Luo Ji has been abandoned!” Amiya:”

In this era, except for Uncle Shi Qiang and his son, and Zhuang Yan… I guess no one can treat him well?”

Bai Ci Nan:”It’s so frustrating to watch… Damn it! Luo Ji has such amazing wisdom, he shouldn’t be coerced by these bastards!”

Xie Bai:”Fuck you! Who cares about the people? Who cares about human rights? Just join the Three Body and explode with them! I’m so angry!”

Kevin:”Looking for my own burial place… Save the world, save the world, sometimes I can’t even save myself.”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Luo Ji… don’t lose to this world with nothing!”

【After searching for a long time, Luo Ji finally found the target. Although it was half buried by sand and dust, two tombstones washed by rain could still be seen from the high ground.】

【Tomb of Yang Dong, Tomb of Ye Wenjie】

【The two tombstones stood quietly as if waiting for Luo Ji’s arrival. Luo Ji picked up a shovel, sat down next to Ye Wenjie’s grave, and began to dig his own grave.】

【It was easy to dig at first, but it became more and more difficult later on. Until the rain stopped in the middle of the night, the starry sky became clear.】

【Luo Ji looked up and saw the clear starry sky, just like the starry sky he and Ye Wenjie saw two hundred years ago.】

【The starry sky and the tombstones are the only two things that Luo Ji can see. They are indeed the things that best represent eternity. 】

Ying Lili:”I cried… How high-spirited was Luo Ji the last time he came here? He was a university professor, young and rich, and had a successful career.……”

Merlin:”Yeah… Putting the responsibility of a world on a young man for two hundred years… has also crushed him.”

Ying:”Both the human world and the Three-Body World have rejected him. Only this corner of the old world is Luo Ji’s destination.”

Penglai Temple Jiuxiao:”Is there really no way out? Do you really want to dig your own grave? Luo Ji, Luo Ji, take out the savior’s throwing tiles!”

Dingdang War God:”Fast forward to the moment when Luo Ji awakens and his magnetic field rotates violently to restart the entire universe! La la la la! The sun is so bright! Luo Ji, I love you too!”

Fire Keeper:”It’s not that simple. There is a beginning and an end… Two hundred years ago, Luo Ji began his destiny as the savior here, and two hundred years later it’s still here… Perhaps the end is near.” Thanos

:”Perhaps fate has overlapped. The same place, the same starry sky, the final battle is about to begin.”

Lei Movie:”Are the starry sky and death eternal… Luo Ji’s destiny has not yet ended, and death and the starry sky are not his destination”


Three-Body World

Red Shore Period

Ye Wenjie looked at this strange yet familiar young man, and felt a strange feeling in her heart.

This was probably the first time she had been relied on by someone. Her cold eyes softened a little, and she unconsciously felt a kind of sympathy for the younger generation in front of her.

Like her, Luo Ji and she were both helpless souls persecuted by stupid and ignorant people in the crazy times.


【As Luo Ji dug, he was exhausted. He lay down in the shallow grave and fell asleep on Ye Wenjie’s tombstone.】

【In his dream, Luo Ji saw Zhuang Yan and the child, and saw the destruction that was about to come and no one could escape.】

【When Luo Ji woke up from his dream, his teeth were chattering. He had a high fever and his consciousness was a little fuzzy. His frail body was already exhausted and the last flame was burning.】

【Holding Ye Wenjie’s grave, Luo Ji stood up and saw an ant crawling on the tombstone, just like the scene two centuries ago.】

【Thinking back to everything that had happened and what he had been doing, Luo Ji’s heart ached so much that it spasmed. This time, the pain was not for himself, but for all life.】

【”If I did anything wrong, I’m sorry……”】

Xia Ya:”Ye Wenjie is a woman who can become my mother!”

Melina:”Ye Wenjie is special. In the past two hundred years, perhaps only the old man who enlightened Luo Ji and ignited the first fire can make Luo Ji feel at ease.”

Liang Bing:”Everything will be destroyed? Luo Ji’s dream should not be a pure dream. It must be a foreshadowing of something. Could it be that this universe also has that kind of… disaster that destroys everything?”

The star god of destruction Nanook:”Civilization is a cancer that has quietly emerged among the stars. All existence will succumb to entropy increase. The picture of this universe is to return to extinction.”

Ji Yajun:”Luo Ji’s physical condition is too bad. He is almost catching up with me at that time. If he doesn’t rest, he may really die outside!”

Mash Kyrielight:”Senior Luo Ji… It’s obviously not his fault that the water droplets blocked the sun, why blame everything on Senior Luo Ji? Is human nature really like that?……”

Terra citizen A:”These are the fools who don’t believe in the Emperor of God! They have no faith, only self-righteousness and ignorance, and they use their stupidity to destroy the hope of mankind.”

Tiamat:”Is this child apologizing to all life? Why is he doing this?”

Steve:”The only way to apologize to all life is to destroy the world. Is Luo Ji going to become the God of Destruction of this world?”

Hongzhong:”Don’t be silly, Luo Ji! Just show your hand!”

【Luo Ji said softly, then stood up on the high slope where the tombstone was, tidied his hair and clothes, and took out a tube and a pistol from his pocket.】

【Dawn has arrived. Facing the rising light in the east, Luo Ji begins a head-on confrontation between the Earth and the Three-Body Civilization!】

【”I, the Wall-Facing Man Luo Ji, Speak to the Three-Body World”】

【The sky did not change, and the Trisolarans chose to ignore it. Luo Ji raised his hand and introduced the cradle system in his hand, which maintained his life and the snow engineering detonation system.】

【”The nuclear bombs of the Snow Project were precisely arranged. After detonation, the dust formed by the oil film would flicker on the sun, conveying the coordinates of the Three-Body World and the surrounding thirty stars.”】

【”The sun will become a beacon in the Milky Way, and the solar system and the earth will be exposed.”】

【”Many civilizations are advanced enough to observe the sun from multiple angles, and they can get all the information in just a few hours.”】

Liu Chuang:”Holy crap!!! It’s amazing! Luo Ji is so awesome!!!”

Gudako:”Too domineering! He threatens the whole world by himself!” Alicia

:”Wow~ Let’s cheer for Luo Ji! Cheer for Luo Ji!”

Woz:”Celebrate! Luo Ji, the savior who has endured hardships for many years, shouldered the responsibility of the world and threatened the world as the only wall-facer, has finally awakened!” Namikaze

Minato:”Bearing the name of the wall-facer, he will not lose!”

Kurita:”How can he be so arrogant? I knew that Rey Diaz’s direction was correct back then, but I didn’t know the law of the dark forest.”

Elini:”Too shocking… Luo Ji, forever God of the distance! According to his method, the sun will indeed become the only beacon in the dark forest, and by then even more than one civilization will observe the solar system.”

Lu Mingfei:”What’s the difference between this and disclosing your coordinates to people nearby? He even implicated the Trisolarian civilization!”

Jiraiya:”Luo Ji is a true ninja! His perseverance and wisdom are beyond the reach of others!”

Bai Yuechu:”This, this, this… the first law really exists! The Earth opened champagne in the first half and the fleet was shattered by water droplets, but the Trisolarian opened champagne in the second half and Luo Ji turned the tide against the odds?”

Duanmu Yan:”Then don’t open champagne in the first half! What if the Trisolarians don’t care about Luo Ji’s plan?”

【After Luo Ji finished speaking, everything was silent. The Trisolarans did not make any response, and neither Sophon nor Waterdrop appeared. It was as if Luo Ji was talking to himself.】

【Slowly walking to his own grave, Luo Ji pointed the gun at himself and said:”Now, I will stop my heart from beating, and I will become the biggest sinner in the history of both worlds.”】

【”I’m sorry to both civilizations. But I won’t repent for my crimes, because I have no choice.”】

【”Tomoko, I know you are by my side. You have always ignored the calls of mankind. Silence is the greatest contempt.”】

【”You have allowed us to keep our contempt for two centuries, and we can still do so now. You can continue to remain silent, but… I will only give you thirty seconds.”】

【After saying that, Luo Ji’s finger was on the trigger.

Ge Xiaolun:”Ah, this… No, no way? Are the Trisolarians really not afraid? Or is Luo Ji’s work in vain?”

Tony Stark:”Theoretically, there is no problem, but the Trisolarians are so stable, I’m still a little panicked.”

Shiki Yingji:”If Luo Ji is right, then Luo Ji will really become the biggest sinner in both worlds after firing this shot!”

Thanos:”Even if he fails, I still respect Luo Ji. Anyone who can hold the fate of the world in his hands deserves respect.”

Okabe Rintaro:”Since the protagonist of the Golden List is Luo Ji, then Luo Ji will not lose! This is the Dimensional Golden List The greatest decision requires the strongest will, Luo Ji is fully qualified!”

March 7:”I’ll only give you 30 seconds! I’m so happy to see it! Luo Ji is so handsome!”

Caterpillar:”Quack! That wall-facing man Luo Ji pressed the face of the Three-Body Civilization to the ground and humiliated it severely!”

Walter Yang:”Silence is indeed the greatest contempt, this slap is a slap on the face of the Three-Body people. Well done! Luo Ji!”

Zhou Fangzun:”You will definitely win! I thought of the title given to Luo Ji by Jinbang, the sword bearer. Then he must be holding the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of the two civilizations!”

【In less than ten seconds, three smooth spheres appeared in front of Luo Ji, covering half of the sky, with words projected on them that Luo Ji could understand.】

【「Stop! Stop! Stop!」】

【”Then can I negotiate terms with you?” Luo Ji’s finger was still on the trigger.】

【「Put down your gun first, then we can talk!」】

【”This is not a negotiation, but a request for me to continue living. You only have two choices: agree or disagree.”】

【「Tell us what you want」】

【”Stop the droplet, or probe, from blocking the sun”】

【「Already done」】

【Then Luo Ji asked the other nine water droplets to turn around and fly away from the solar system, and the Trisolaran civilization did so.】

【Under the threat of the Dark Forest, Luo Ji’s life has become the first necessity for the survival of the Trisolarian civilization and the Earth civilization. 】

Deadpool:”Yo yo yo~ Isn’t this a Trisolarian? I haven’t seen you for a few seconds, and you’re like this?”

Xie Bai:”Puff! No! You can’t laugh~ No~ Puhaha~ No! Absolutely not! Hahahahahahaha!!!”

Tsugukuni Yoriichi:”Trisolarians, what do you think of life?”

Muzan Kibutsuji:”I think of it as a treasure, brother!” Fujimaru Ritsuka

:”Ahem, I still like the unruly attitude of the Trisolarians. Please recover.”

Doctor Strange:”What happened to the bones of this Trisolarian?” How come he is even softer than Dormammu? (annoyed)”

Liang Bing:”Fuck! Where is the dignity of a high-level civilization? Why do you do whatever Luo Ji, who is like a lackey, tells you to do?” Muzan Kibutsuji:”When there is a threat that can destroy you without leaving any residue, you still act like this.”

Gagula:”Survival is the first need of civilization? Luo Ji is the first need of civilization!”

Shen Miao:”On the one hand, I am happy for Luo Ji, because his patience for so long has finally ended and he has won. On the other hand, I feel it is not worth it for Luo Ji to save those ungrateful people on Earth.”

【After thinking for a while, Luo Ji asked the Trisolaran fleet not to cross the Oort Nebula.】

【「The fleet has been reduced to its limit, and it is impossible to reduce the propulsion force to zero in a short period of time.」】

【”Then let’s deviate from the solar system course. This is not necessarily a dead end. Perhaps the Trisolaran spacecraft and human spacecraft will be able to catch up in the future?”】

【”Let’s take action first. After all, turning is a long process. Give me and other lives a chance to survive.”】

【After three minutes of silence, the Trisolarans replied:”It will start to shift about ten minutes after Earth time, and Earth will be able to observe the fleet turning after thirty minutes.」】

【”That’s it.……”Luo Ji put away the gun and leaned weakly against the tombstone.】

【「Do you need me to call an ambulance? Your condition is very dangerous.」】

【Extremely cautious and humble words appeared on Zhizi’s projection. In the eyes of the Trisolarans, the lives of billions of people on the entire earth are not as important as one Luo Ji. 】

Angel He Xi:”If you don’t live in that universe yourself, you really can’t understand the horror of the Dark Forest Law… Can you agree to something like the deflection fleet, which has no future?”

Guilliman:”Now there are only two choices for the Trisolaran civilization. Either the fleet is slowly destroyed and civilization continues to reincarnate. Or Luo Ji activates deterrence and the two worlds are completely destroyed.”

Shinomiya Kaguya:”Wow… The Trisolarans are really, I’m crying! They care about Luo Ji more than anyone on Earth~”

Hanabi:”Don’t they care? If they don’t care, both civilizations will be destroyed. Only people on Earth are so stupid to reject and hate Luo Ji.”

Liang Bing:”Tnnd, if I were in that universe, as the queen, I would definitely take Luo Ji under my command and treat him well. It would be a waste for such a person to stay on Earth!”

Wise King Gilgamesh:”Humph! There is nothing wrong with humans. It can only be said that the new humans in this new era of Earth have problems!”

Zenin Maki:”But no matter what, Luo Ji’s life is indeed more important than all humans at this moment”


Three-Body World

New Era

All humans, including the top leaders, bowed their heads and clenched their fists, feeling deeply humiliated and ashamed.

Yes, the people of Three-Body knew how to care about Luo Ji’s life, but they were still rejecting their own wall-facing people.

Thinking of this, the whole society began to mobilize. Even if they couldn’t win back Luo Ji’s heart, they had to at least make amends.

The elementary school student who treated Luo Ji coldly was hung up at home by his parents, who took out the ancient weapon Seven Wolves and tortured him in turns.

The family that kicked Luo Ji out of the car also publicly apologized to Luo Ji in the media.


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