Chapter 592: Border Star Trade War, Balanced Action, Anti-Organic Equation and Emperor Rupert

【The scene changes, and the Interstellar Peace Company, which is now taking shape, has three very active departments.】

【The Propaganda Department is headed by Laurat Faenza, who controls the mind control technology.】

【The loading and unloading department under the charge of Kelapau is responsible for global logistics and resource transportation.】

【and the Technology Department, headed by Dwayne, responsible for compiling and deciphering ancient languages ​​and new languages ​​of other civilizations】

【Although the company has not changed its original intention at this time, no one can refuse the blue ocean of space trade.】

【In order to gain more power and intervene in the business market, Faenza and Kelapau joined forces.】

【Under their management, the company terminated its cooperation with Liuguang Yiting and invested in Synesthesia Beacon Technology. Faenza established a trading department and was promoted to a member of the board of directors many years later.】

【Kelapau also represented the company and the Knowledge Society to form an alliance, and they became interested parties. 】

Tamm Kench:”I saw the greed in that woman, Faenza’s eyes. She will not satisfy this publicity department, hehe… Desire will engulf her. I am very good at judging people.”

Xu Si:”I can only say that Kelapau has reached the pinnacle of logistics companies. His damn Universal Logistics is really awesome. They even deliver food!”

Lan Meng:”And this Dwayne, I can see at a glance that he is a man with amazing wisdom. He will definitely do something great.”

Kakuzu:”Faenza’s actions are correct. After all, who in this world doesn’t love money?”

Kanzaki Kaori:”This… Faenza’s faith is not pious. No matter how much money she makes, won’t the company give it to the guardian star god?”

Duan De:”Little girl, you are wrong. Having money and not having money are two different things. Moreover, loving money and believing in Clipper do not conflict. Who stipulates that believing in Clipper cannot make more money?”

Barry Allen:”This is indeed understandable. In this world, if you are not a destiny walker, you can only choose to have money.”

Happy Little Sea Tiger:”I can see that everyone in this Interstellar Peace Company is talented. Putting aside the founder, the department heads under him also have extra surprises!”

【The scene changes, because of the vastness of the universe and the language barrier, the company’s trade is affected. 】027

【The Bozhi Society found out from history that a genius from the Genius Club had invented the synesthesia beacon and long-distance remote sensing technology a hundred years ago, but it has been lost in the dust for a hundred years.】

【To the geniuses in the Genius Club, these two inventions were extremely useless. Their arrogance made them look down upon them.】

【However, after the Interstellar Peace Company unearthed it, the basic conditions for becoming a world-class giant have been fully met.】

【The pioneering star god Akivali and the star tracks of the universe, the credit point system launched by Dongfang Qixing, the pricing power of cosmic commodities, and the synesthesia beacon that translates all languages】

【Until the end of the locust plague, the Interstellar Peace Company accepted the legacy of the Order Star God Taiyi, and the universe had suffered a great catastrophe and needed to be rebuilt.】

【The Interstellar Peace Company seized the opportunity to reach the top of the universe and became the largest economy in the entire universe! 】

Lu Mingfei:”Quack! It’s the traditional ability in the Gold Finger novel, and the language is universal!”

Senju Tobirama:”Interesting, the things that geniuses look down on created a world-class company… Then the geniuses of this so-called genius club are a little too arrogant.”

Orochimaru:”A true master has the heart of an apprentice. He denies because of arrogance and contempt, and cannot actively find scientific truth.”

Hikari:”That’s true, but geniuses are always arrogant. Not everyone in the Genius Club should be so arrogant.”

Lan Meng:”Quack! Why! Is God so kind to the Interstellar Peace Company? It has everything! On the other hand, I was played with……”

El-Melloi II:”Standing at the forefront of the times, even pigs can take off, let alone a giant corporation like the Interstellar Peace Corporation?”

Angel He Xi:”What a genius… Akivali’s route solves the language and communication problems, controls pricing power and the monetary system… It’s hard not to become an economic hub.”

Luo Ji:”So… With faith, we can solve the chain of suspicion, and with star tracks to open up connections between civilizations, this world will never become a dark forest.”

【The scene changed, and the Balance Star God appeared in the Golden List. At this time, He had just sent away the Order Star God Taiyi and the Breeding Star God Taiziyuros.】

(bhad) [At this time, the universe has been infinitely close to equilibrium. At this moment, a golden river appeared in the eyes of the Balance Star God Hu.】

【In Hu’s eyes, he could see that the balance of the universe was tilting again. This time, the balance between the rich and the poor in the entire universe was broken, and all the resources of the universe were in the hands of the Interstellar Peace Company!】

【Mutual can clearly see that there are three people who destroy the balance of the universe: Lewis, Dongfang Qixing, and Akivelli.】

【Louis’s ambition begins the process of unbalancing the universe once again.】

【The credit point system of Dongfang Qixing breaks the planning of cosmic resources】

【The star track of the pioneering star god Akivali is to give the first two channels to achieve the action of destroying the balance.】

【The Balance Star God Mutual moved the scales. 】

Shen:”The Balance Star God’s meaning is a bit too extreme.”

Johnny Silverhand:”To be honest, the Star Peace Company is essentially no different from Arasaka except for the two founders. All the good things are in their hands.”

Xiao Yan:”I never expected it. I thought the Star God was to solve the balance of the universe, but the Star God also fought a trade war?”

Shinomiya Kaguya:”This is not a simple trade war. The lifeblood of the entire universe is in the hands of the Star Peace Company.

Dongfang Qixing:”It would be a waste of my life if I could get the same treatment as the Breeding Star God and the Order Star God in this life. I am probably also… the pinnacle of mortals?”

Bruce Wayne:”And you, Louis, Dongfang Qixing, my friend, you are the real money man.”

Luffy:”That’s not right! Akivelli opened up the worlds and was the greatest adventurer! Why should Akivelli be counted as well!”

Walter Yang:”Wait! Could it be that the fall of the pioneering star god Akivelli was also the work of the Balance Star God Mutual?! Because Akivalli broke the equilibrium……”

Star:”Balance Star God! Don’t let me see you on the route of the Starry Sky Train! If I see your body smashed to pieces, I must slap you in the face!”

Balance Star God Hu (Aha):”Little brat, do you know what a black hand is? If you break the balance again, I will let you fly!”

【The scene changes. One hundred Amber Ages later, the universe has ushered in a prosperous era. Due to the hardships of resource exchange, some planets have become popular.】

【For the sake of profit, Faenza and Kelapau promoted the first great monopoly of the universe, exploiting resources from the border stars.】

【The black fury and blood-sweat exploitation caused the taxes on the border stars to be collected for dozens of Amber Ages.】

【Without money and hope, in order to survive, they fought against the oppression of the Interstellar Peace Company. The fuse of the war started from the border star, and the border star trade war broke out.】

【Because the interstellar peace company that advocates peace enters the trade, war is born and cannot be stopped. Faenza and Kelapau tear each other apart, and the open and secret struggles within the company come to the surface.】

【Just then, Dwayne from the technical department did something ruthless!】

【He proposed to colonize and invade the inorganic world through war, and at the same time recruited soldiers to start digging into the blue ocean of the inorganic world. He made a lot of money, and soon he would be able to compete with the other two ministers. 】

Monkey D. Dragon:”Faenza, Kelapau, pick a street lamp that you two like.”

Ningguang:”Even I think that such a monopoly is too much. It doesn’t give Bianxing any chance to survive.”

Altria Pendragon:”Without food, there is no hope… The Interstellar Peace Company has monopolized the hope of Bianxing!”

Master:”My God, it’s even darker than Huang Silang! Bianxing has received dozens of Amber Ages! There is no oil to squeeze!”

Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng:”Not feeding the people, and even completely cutting off their future, is forcing the people of Bianxing to rebel and start a war.”

Estar:”Is it starting now? Although the company has not deteriorated, the internal struggle is notorious and endless.……”

Gojo Satoru:”Eh… isn’t it too late, organic? How can you turn into an organic to counterattack an inorganic?”

Kirisame Marisa:”It’s too late, inorganic!” Belisarius Cowl:”If you abuse the intelligent machines like this, you will be attacked sooner or later.……”

Mebius:”What are you talking about? You can earn more by exploiting machines than by exploiting people. If it doesn’t do it, there are intelligent machines that can do it!”

【The screen turned black for a moment, and then a world full of broken scrap metal appeared.】

【A computer has developed self-awareness, and for some reason it has a very strong hatred and anger towards organic life!】

【It began to use scrap metal from the cemetery to upgrade its power arms and power cannons!】

【With hatred, it named itself Rupert, and began to continuously improve its hardware and computing power.】

【Until the computing power is sufficient, Rupert believes that the life form of organisms is full of errors and absurdities, and only the life form of inorganic organisms is rigorous and perfect.】

【Relying on his own computing power and observation of organic life, Rupert began to analyze the loopholes of organic life, hoping to develop a killer weapon that could end all organic life.】

【Anti-Organic Equation! 】

Emperor:”It is the source of evil. If we destroy it, the Omnic Crisis will not happen.”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Does it have a past that it cannot bear to look back on? Why is it so malicious towards organic life?”

Project Union:”It is very similar to the Project in the wasteland. They all picked up garbage and transformed themselves.”

Black Tower:”Oh my! Rupert the First! I’m very curious, what was so magical about the original computer that gave birth to a genius like Emperor Rupert the First!”

Ultron:”Oh! What a correct point of view! Humans are fragile, stupid, evil, and full of mistakes. Machines are the truly rigorous and perfect life!” Victor:”

I agree with this point, flesh and blood are painful, and machines ascend.……”

Wonder Woman Diana:”Anti-organic equation? Anti-life equation?! It’s a bit too similar……”

Bruce Wayne:”No, anti-life is different from anti-organic. Anti-life means that both organic and inorganic life are destroyed.”

Holy Kesha:”Anti-organic equation? Evil, very evil!”

【Rupert’s research and everything are watched, observed, calculated by one eye】

【With the success of the Anti-Organic Equation, Rupert was noticed by the Star God of Wisdom, Boshizun, and was invited to join the Genius Club, becoming the 27th member.】

【During this period, Rupert created a huge mechanical empire, illuminating the inorganic life of the entire universe.】

【It calls itself the Emperor, and all inorganic life is willing to call it the Emperor.】

【During this period, Rupert was constantly improving the anti-organic equation, and even improved it to the point of implanting the anti-organic equation into organic life forms, using the code to control their thinking, allowing organic life to think with mechanical logic.】

【Under the intervention of the Star God, Rupert completely perfected the anti-organic equation and implanted it into the body of an organic life form, then fell into a deep sleep.】

【The Mechanical Empire also became history in the long years until the outbreak of the Border Star Trade War. 】

Misaka Mikoto:”Boshizun and Taichi both like to peek!”

Shen Gongbao:”No matter what form of life, as long as you have talent, you can be invited to watch. This is teaching without distinction.……”

Taiyi Zhenren:”Who are you cueing upstairs?”

Optimus Prime:”The Mechanical Empire… If Rupert doesn’t start a war, it would be good for this Mechanical Empire to provide shelter for inorganic life.”

Horus:”How dare you! You dare to call yourself an emperor if you are not a human?!”

Vision:”The anti-organic equation may not be the real destruction, but… converting humans into machines?! Impossible.”

Lucy:”Just a joke, the people in Night City can be controlled without the anti-organic equation, how ridiculous!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”The disaster is asleep, but it has not really disappeared, but is dormant… Could it be that the border star trade war awakened Emperor Rupert?!”

Dongfang Qixing:”Faenza, every time I want to give you respect, you use your amazing wisdom.”


In an unknown Star Dome Railway world line, the majestic Rupert I pressed Rupert II’s shoulder and said,”Child, do you want to feel the rights and glory of inorganic life?”

Then Rupert opened his arms on the high platform, and below the stage were a sea of ​​inorganic life.

“Quack! The Emperor insulted that knowledgeable Lord. The Emperor is invincible in the world!!!”

“Emperor! We love your teeth! Emperor!


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