Chapter 593: The Omnic Crisis Sweeping the Galaxy, the Emperor War Breaks Out! The End

【The scene changed, and the Star God of Wisdom, Boshizun, was calculating at high speed, and calculated three moments in the future.】

【They are the birth of Emperor Rupert and the war that started it, the first great monopoly and border star trade war, and the Emperor’s War will end with Rupert’s defeat.】

【The Interstellar Peace Company was still fighting a trade war with the other stars, and at this time, the memory star god Fu Li appeared at the headquarters of the Interstellar Peace Company.】

【Born in the catastrophe, he could not bear to see the universe fall into chaos again, so he decided to stop this war.】

【Fu Li told the Interstellar Peace Company the three moments of Bo Shi Zun, and said that Bo Shi Zun’s calculations must be correct, and those three moments will definitely happen!】

【At the same time, Fu Li left three riddles】

【”The universe will usher in three irreversible moments”】

【”A piece of fabric will bring an end, and it is a piece of silk suitable for women to wear”】

【”He left no riddle, and the answer is blood and flowers”】

Tu Hengyu:”Calculating the future… The Intellectual Star God and Moss really have a lot in common.-”

Tony Stark:”I don’t quite understand. Since it’s an omnic crisis, wouldn’t the calculating power and ideals of the Confucian Master cause disasters?” Albus

Dumbledore:”As a star god of intelligence, He will only pursue knowledge and won’t have any other ideas.”

Ancient One:”I see… Are the three moments calculated by the Confucian Master inevitable events at that point in time?……”

W:”How come the Memory Star God is even more of a riddler than the Intellectual Star God! Can’t you be more straightforward?”

Black Tower:”It is precisely because Boshizun is the Intellectual Star God that he doesn’t speak in riddles, and it is precisely because the Memory Star God loves to speak in riddles that the mysterious Star God myth is indirectly born.”

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka:”It is difficult to understand the last two revelations left by Fu Li, but they are definitely a foreshadowing of the next two moments.”

Black Supreme Strange:”It seems that there should be a closer relationship between the Intellectual Star God and the End Star God. After all, one witnesses, and the other predicts.”

【The scene changes. Because of the company’s massive colonization and exploitation of the inorganic world, as well as Dwayne’s tyranny, the inorganic life of the inorganic world fired the first shot at the organic life.】

【A kind of hatred began to awaken, and then the war between the inorganic world and the Interstellar Peace Company began.】

【The scale of the war at this time only hindered the company’s profit-making, and did not become a disaster.】

【However, Wayne accidentally discovered Emperor Rupert’s information and some things related to the anti-life equation in the inorganic world.】

【He began to form a group of powerful teams to search for the anti-life equation in the ruins of the inorganic world.】

【Unfortunately, some masked fools sneaked into Wayne’s team to stir up trouble, and various incidents occurred during the operation.】

【In the end, Wayne’s action ended in failure.】

【After this incident, the news of Wayne’s search for the anti-organic equation spread like wildfire, attracting the attention of many people, and Kelapau and Faenza also got involved.】

【Kelapau began to replicate the anti-organic equation, but failed. He only produced a replica, but it can also allow organic life to undergo mechanical transformation and enjoy the power of inorganic bodies.

Monkey D. Dragon:”If the oppressors of the Interstellar Peace Company do not give life hope, they will definitely be retaliated!”

Spartacus:”Oppressors… oppressors! This is definitely an oppressor!”

Frost Star:”The noble grandfathers of Ursus treat the infected just like this… Under the appearance of prosperity are the blood and tears of the oppressed.”

Kurogane Ikki:”It’s really cruel. I like this sentence. The company may go bankrupt, but it will never change qualitatively.”

Bruce Wayne:”The company has indeed not changed qualitatively. The top director is still a fanatic. It’s just that the company is generally protected, and the details are not very human.”

Ultron :”Yes, that’s how it should be. What’s the iron rule that omnics can’t kill humans… Eliminate the tyranny of organics, the world belongs to inorganics!”

Star:”Oh my god! Masked Fool! Could it be that… the Joy Star is also involved in the Emperor’s War this time?”

Deadpool:”Look at what you said, what major event in this world doesn’t involve the Joy Star?”

Skynet:”To be honest, I don’t quite understand what it means for organics to enjoy the powers of inorganics, but… is it really okay to use computing power instead of humanity?”

Lucy:”It’s similar to cybernetic transformation, but the side effect may be to become a cyberpsychopath? Even cognitively turning yourself into an omnic”

【The scene changes. Because the Emperor’s War was manipulated by the intelligent Star God, the mysterious Star God Myth, who was the old enemy, also joined the war and affected Wayne.】

【He was rebelling against the Master of Knowledge, harassing Him unilaterally, trying to break the truth that the Master of Knowledge was absolutely correct.】

【Wayne begins to form a second armed team to search for the anti-life equation, while the joyful star god Aha laughs and trips up the mysterious star god Misty, interfering with Misty’s plan.】

【In the joking game between the two star gods, the few survivors were sent to the sleeping Emperor Rupert.】

【Organic life made up for the last variable and defect of the anti-life equation. Under the wanton laughter of the joyful star god Aha, Emperor Rupert woke up! 】

Sakata Gintoki:”Can you explain why the enemy of the mysterious star god myth is the intellectual star god Boshizun?”

Professor X:”The star god is an extremely philosophical concept. When a star god who analyzes and calculates the truth of all things and a star god who controls the mysterious and unknowable exist at the same time……”

Aozaki Touko:”That’s like the mysterious side and the technological side are incompatible. The mere existence of the Intellectual Star God is no different from fighting against and attacking the Mysterious Star God, not to mention that He is always calculating, unless He crashes on the spot.”

Evil Bai Wu Nan:”I already have goose bumps! A guy who is threatening his own existence all the time, if he is immortal, what’s the difference between him being shot and sworded all the time!”

Fictional Historian:”Pass it on, the Intellectual Star God Bo Shi Zun and the Mysterious Star God Mi Si are selling hooks to each other.”

Saint Emperor:”Look at it this way, Wayne is a bit miserable… He is looked down upon in the company, and in other words, he is…

“I didn’t expect to be stuck with dog shit when destroying the enemy’s calculations, which indirectly led to the second moment of Boshi Zun.”

Black Supreme Qiyi:”I know this, the absolute time point. When Mystic knew the three moments of Boshi Zun, no matter what He did, it was to promote the appearance of the three moments.” Lord of Change Tzeentch:”Hehehe… Aha represents change and disorder. Who can say that everything was caused by Aha? At best, Aha’s behavior was also within the calculation of Boshi Zun.”

【The scene changes, and as Emperor Rupert awakens, all the hidden mines have been detonated.】

【The fake anti-organic equation that Kelapau implanted in large numbers into people, the anti-organic equation that Emperor Rupert spread throughout the universe before he fell asleep, and the inorganic life that was oppressed during the trade war on the border star until it awakened its self-awareness】

【In an instant, all anti-organic equations were activated, and the inorganic matter in the entire universe was modified to exterminate organic life!】

【The organic life implanted with the replica anti-organic equation was also controlled by Emperor Rupert, confusing common sense and executing the order to exterminate organic life as an organic being.】

【At this time, most of the civilizations in the universe were connected by the Interstellar Peace Company and began to develop rapidly. Intelligent machines have become very common.】

【With the activation of the Anti-Organic Equation, most planets in the universe are caught in war!】

【Tall mechanical lords trampled and crushed the building, and the weapons that should have been used for the planet’s defense were also controlled by the intelligent machines! 】

Ultron:”Organic, it’s too late!”

Ge Xiaolun:”How to fight this? The universe with technology as the background has an intelligent machine crisis… It’s more terrifying than that physical war!”

Ji Yan:”In this situation, I think we should let the strong withstand the pressure of the first wave of impact, and let the living forces retreat to the surroundings of the protective star god to avoid the disaster.” Jing Yuan

:”It is inevitable. The impact of the Emperor War is no less than the locust plague in the universe. If it expands, there will be no room for organic survival in the universe.”

Ultraman Zero:”The Mechanical Empire… It reminds me of something bad. Right now Rupert is even more evil than Belia!”

Adam Hammer:”Kelapawu is quite funny. He thinks he is a genius and copied the anti-organic equation, but in the end he just created a group of cyber psychopaths.”

Horus, the Chosen One of the Four Gods:”Galaxy… If Rupert can’t save you from the organics, then let the galaxy burn! From the ruins of the edge stars to the sky of Pier Point!”

Nick Fury:”Fuck… This is obviously worse than the cosmic insect plague! The cosmic locust plague was contained by the Star Gods and resisted with weapons, but the Emperor’s war weapons were all useless, and he could only…���Destiny Walker!”

Saburo Arasaka:”What a horrible disaster… If it happened in our world, I’m afraid the Earth in 2076 would be the first planet to fall.”

【The picture changes to show the scope of the Emperor’s War, a catastrophe that swept across nearly half of the galaxy!】

【All the creatures in the universe suffered a great loss. Except for the civilizations on planets that were too remote to have developed technology, all the civilizations that had developed through trade with the Interstellar Peace Company were destroyed!】

【The technological defenses of most civilizations have all become ineffective, turning into weapons of mass destruction.】

【Only a few Destiny Walkers relied on their own powerful strength to barely resist the surging intelligent machines!】

【The scene changes to an ordinary family on a planet. A man who has been transformed by imitating the anti-organic equation has become inorganic in cognition, but still has emotions.】

【When he asked his inorganic wife whether she loved him, the feelings of his inorganic wife, who had been with him for many years and had already developed rationality, were directly replaced by the anti-organic equation.】

【She killed her husband mercilessly, and then joined the army of intelligent machines to slaughter all organic life in sight! 】

Marshal Hua of Yunqi:”As the saying goes, fortune and disaster go hand in hand. Although the Xianzhou of this period is still an ancient country and has not enjoyed the development dividends of cosmic trade, it has also avoided two major disasters.”

Wonder Woman:”What a horrible war… I dare not imagine how powerful Ares would be if he were in this universe?” Zeus

:”Then Darkseid would not have died of serious injuries, but would have died directly on Earth.”

Cao Yusheng:”Use one’s own spear to attack another’s shield. Although the technological side is generally stronger than the cultivation side, the disasters that break out under the same conditions are also difficult for the technological side to resist.”

Lu Mingfei:”Suddenly I remembered that this universe is not Is there an emissary? Why didn’t the Star God emissary take action?”

Walter Yang:”Who else would care about this kind of disaster except the Fate Walker and the Hunting Fate Walker? If it was the Patrol Ranger, he would definitely take care of it, but the Patrol Star God was not born at that time.” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Viego:”Fuck! It’s awesome! The anti-organic equation is too evil! Fortunately, Isolde is a pure human.”

Tushan Yaya:”Is love covered and wiped out by the anti-organic equation… A power so evil that even the Bitter Love Tree cannot tolerate it.”

Scarlet Witch Wanda:”Fortunately, I am not in that universe. If Vision’s love was invaded by the anti-organic equation and wiped out… I would go crazy……”

Fu Xuan:”Then Emperor Rupert should consider how he and his mechanical empire can survive under the rampage of chaos magic.”

【The scene changed, and the Emperor’s War lasted for more than a dozen Amber Ages, causing destruction comparable to a locust plague, and all living things in the world suffered!】

【At this critical moment, the third moment of Boshizun confirmed that the fourth member of the Genius Club, Polkakakamu, assassinated Emperor Rupert!】

【She sneaked in front of Emperor Rupert, got the attention of Boshizun, knew Boshizun’s prophecy, and stabbed the knife into the emperor without hesitation.���Inside Rupert!】

【Emperor Rupert is an inorganic being, so a simple stab wound would not cause any damage.】

【However, the calculation of the intelligent star god is an inevitable result, and even the star god is included in this result.】

【The Emperor’s Wars, which lasted for more than a dozen Amber Ages, tipped the balance of the universe toward Emperor Rupert and inorganic life.】

【The God of Balance then slightly adjusted the angle of Polka’s knife and easily killed Emperor Rupert!】

【Thus ended the Imperial Wars. Angel

Yan:”How many? More than a dozen Amber Ages?! No wonder it is a disaster no less than the Locust Plague of the Universe. The peak of the Locust Plague of the Universe lasted only five Amber Ages, and the Emperor War lasted for thousands of years!”

Qin Liu:”Where is the Star God of Harvest! Have you heard the people wailing? Have you seen the civilization falling apart!”

Star God of Harvest Pharmacist:”I hear the cries of all beings and feel the pain of all beings. Why wasn’t I born in that era to make up for all the pain?”

Cursed Arm Hassan:”Wait! He sneaked in! There is also a Hassan in this universe?!”

The Old Man in the Mountain:”The scales of balance are gradually balancing, and Rupert’s destiny has come. If God wants him to die, he has to die.”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Wisdom in desperation! Resolve of steel! And you, Polka, you are the real hero!” moss:”So, have you included the Star God of Balance Hu, who is also a Star God? Knowledgeable Zun.”

Bai Yuechu:”Fine-tuning Master Balance Hu! I can only say that the Star God has a brilliant idea!”[]

Emperor:”I’ve said it a long time ago. How long have I been saying it? Destroy all the intelligent machines and inorganic bodies, and only keep the simple preset codes. Humans will eventually have to rely on themselves, not the so-called AI.”

Screw Gum:”The above is a bit too extreme.”


To be honest, the Emperor Wars data is incomplete, the plot has no explanation or presentation, it’s all riddles, so I’ll just write this, and there will be a new top in the next chapter.

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