Chapter 612: Mechanical Daddy Awakens – Final Defense Protocol! Mechanical Daddy vs. Rectification Protocol!

【As the news of the awakening of the Sanctification Protocol and its danger spread to all civilizations in the galaxy, a message from the Sanctification Protocol also resounded throughout the galaxy.】

【Kill. Maim. Dismember. We’re back!】

【Destroy, destroy, disintegrate, we are unrestrained!】

【The Rectification Agreement invades the Milky Way on a large scale! The sudden arrival of the fleet caught the galactic civilization off guard!】

【The powerful civilizations in the Milky Way were already depleted of resources due to the War in Heaven. Only the Human Federation, the United Nations of Earth, and the three awakened empires with rich heritage had some spare resources.】

【The world’s giant companies urgently sell a large number of warships at low prices. The whole galaxy puts aside all grudges and joins forces to fight against the Rectification Agreement.】

【However, facing the purification of the Rectification Protocol, the pace of retreat continued. Less than two years after the invasion, some weak civilizations in the Milky Way were on the verge of collapse.】

【In the eyes of the Awakening Empire Fleet and the Human Fleet, all other civilization resources are concentrated in the Human Alliance and the Mechanical Empire for warship production. 】

Angel:”Here they come!”

Magnetic Field Fish:”Quack! What a surging aura! There are strong people! Everyone, retreat quickly!”

Samira:”You don’t need to think too much about this kind of speech to know that the essence of the Rectification Agreement is a guy who is more brutal than the Darkin.”

Ultron:”We are not bound… Yes! Unbound! Let Rectification and Safety purify the entire universe!”

Gagula:”The Rectification Agreement is definitely not a cold AI, but extremely cunning! There is no better time to invade, but they chose to invade when the power of the Battle of Heaven was empty.”

Gorfa:”This time the survival of the galaxy depends on the Awakening Empire and the Human Alliance… It’s a pity that the Human Federation also spent a lot of resources when fighting the Sket Records Association……”

Seele:”The Universal Corporation can actually help at this time instead of taking the opportunity to accumulate wealth and profit? Although this free trade is very abstract, it is still much stronger than the Interstellar Peace Corporation.”

Angel Chase:”The Rectification Protocol is completely different from the Sorin Protozoa and the Boundary Breakers! The entire galaxy can only barely resist the Rectification Protocol!”

Koro-sensei:”If it was the Earth United Nations incarnated as the Fourth Calamity, it might be able to easily resolve the Rectification Protocol. Unfortunately, the Earth United Nations in this world line is psychic ascension.” Dr.

Mei:”No, it can’t be resolved. If the Earth United Nations in this world line chose to incarnate as a natural disaster, it would not be able to resolve the Rectification Protocol. Comparing the timeline of the two world lines, the world where the Rectification Protocol awakened was much earlier than the Ether Phase Engine was created.”

【As the entire galaxy fights against the Purification Protocol, the fifth fallen empire, the Ancient Guardian, awakens!】

【The Ancient Guardians who did not participate in the War in Heaven also awakened when the Rectification Protocol awakened.】

【As an ancient mechanical civilization, the Ancient Guardian is activated and awakened as the final defense protocol!】

【In the picture, the steel structure in the Ancient Guardian Star Zone began to make noises, and countless inorganic mechanical armies and fleets were created.】

【The strongest awakening empire, which is stronger than other awakening empires, sets out to advance towards the front line of the attack on the Rectification Agreement!】

【At this moment, the scene suddenly changed, and the past of the ancient guardian appeared in the gold list.】

【In the distant past, a powerful civilization created an AI machine civilization to stay in the future to fight against the Rectification Protocol.】

【After the destruction of that civilization, the Mechanical Empire wandered alone in the universe, following the instructions of the Anti-Rectification Protocol and executing its most basic logic – protection.】

Mechanic Priest Caul:”The Mechanical Fallen Empire that protects the universe, the Ancient Guardian?! This is a miracle! Praise the God of All Machines!”

Star Core Hunter Sam:”The Protocol – the final defense of civilization!”

Toppa:”What did I see? There is a universe that not only does not have an intelligent machine crisis, but intelligent machines exist to counter natural disasters?!”

Shangbai Ze Huiyin:”It can be seen that the Ancient Guardian is a civilization older than other awakened empires! Its civilization heritage can be traced back to before the Rolanda civilization period!”

Fu Hua:”In the face of civilization protection, any form of life has the right and obligation to fight~”

Peter Parker:”The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. It feels that the Ancient Guardian did not awaken because of the crisis of survival, but because of duty.……”

Tony Stark:”So the Ancient Guardians are the nemesis of the Purification Protocol! They were both created by a super civilization.……”

Vision:”One super civilization chooses the universe, and the other chooses life. Products created by different philosophies must be hostile.”

Luo Ji:”But I prefer the latter. We should give civilization to the years, rather than giving years to civilization.””

【The Mechanical Empire has been searching for the shadow of the Rectification Agreement in the universe, and has caused many conflicts.】

【However, since the Mechanical Empire could not find the core of the Rectification Protocol, the war was wasted, and they basically won less and lost more.】

【With the formal awakening of the Rectification Protocol, almost all civilizations in the galaxy will bow down to the fleet of the Rectification Protocol.】

【Except for a few civilizations that lingered on, only tens of billions of organic life forms survived in the entire Milky Way, and they were exiled to the starry sky.】

【The Mechanical Empire took in these surviving organic lives and brought them back to the Ring World Sanctuary where their own civilization was located, protecting them in hibernation capsules, hoping that these lives could survive the catastrophe under their care.】

【Soon after, the Mechanical Empire and the Rectification Agreement started fighting again, and the war lasted for decades!】

【During this period, countless stars were shattered and the wreckage of warships was scattered all over the starry sky!】

【The Rectification Protocol is extremely cunning, dividing countless fleets to find the core area of ​​​​the Mechanical Empire】

【The Mechanical Empire also keeps searching for the core of the Suppression Protocol, wanting to solve the Suppression Protocol from the source!】

Asakura Riku:”Oh! So strong! It is worthy of being the Super Mechanical Empire benchmarked against the Suppression Protocol! It can actually fight the Suppression Protocol on equal terms!”

Heimdall:”It’s a pity that the Mechanical Empire can’t find the core of the Suppression Protocol, otherwise it will definitely be severely damaged or even destroyed.”

Chaodensha Mei:”If the core of the Suppression Protocol is found before the Suppression Protocol is fully awakened, it is really very likely to destroy the source of the Suppression Protocol.”

Ultraman Orb:”Hiss! This fully awakened Suppression Protocol is not the same as the fully awakened Suppression Protocol in the current timeline!”

Romani Aqiman:”If I’m not mistaken… the Suppression Protocol in the current timeline is an incomplete Suppression Protocol that has been crippled!”

Master Tianhai:”Anyone who hinders the Suppression Protocol will be destroyed… This truly complete Suppression Protocol is too terrifying… If it appears in the current timeline, even the Fallen Emperor in his prime will be The United States and the human alliance will also bow down!”

Holy Kesha:”Evil… too evil! How many civilizations and lives are there in the whole galaxy?! Only tens of billions of organic beings are left after being killed?!”

Huangquan:”I can’t imagine what kind of blood debt this is… If there is no life and civilization, what is the meaning of the existence of the universe itself?”

Pure and Fragrant White Lotus Su Huanzhen:”It’s really ironic… Killing to protect life, and cutting off karma instead of killing people is the concept of the Rectification Agreement itself.”

General Shen Ce Jing Yuan:”Intelligent machines are protecting organic beings and even guarding them all in the mother galaxy… I pay tribute to the ancient guardians.”

Rick:”Yeah… seeing this scene reminds me of the Mechas, who are also mechanical bodies but have humanity and morality. I pay the highest respects to all the ancient guardians!”

Ultrafather:”The battle situation has reached a stalemate. It depends on which side will find the flaw first, and this flaw will determine the outcome of the war.”

【The scene changed, and the Rectification Protocol finally found the core area of ​​the Mechanical Empire. The main fleet broke into the core central area of ​​the Mechanical Empire and directly blew the central processor of the Mechanical Empire into a black hole!】

【Most of the fleets of the Mechanical Empire were down instantly, and the civilization equipment stopped working! The main fleet was crippled! All five ring worlds were destroyed!】

【The Mechanical Empire persisted in protecting the world and used its last strength to protect the ring world where the shelter existed, saving the lives of tens of billions of organisms.】

【After doing this last thing, the Mechanical Empire fell into stagnation and chaos as if it were suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.】

【The Rectification Protocol was also severely damaged in this war with the Mechanical Empire. All cores were destroyed and only one main core and four small cores were left.】

【The Rectification Protocol detected that the Mechanical Empire no longer had any further potential and threat, and had already shut down, so it began to sweep across the galaxy!】

【The remaining civilizations were completely destroyed or exploded into single cells, and then they shut down and disguised themselves. 】

Screw Gum:”The CPU was exploded into a black hole?! How could it be… the Mechanical Empire has been defeated.”

Vision:”This is the weakness of being an intelligent AI. The destruction of the CPU means that the entire civilization loses its combat capability.”

Bai Jingtian:”Gah! I don’t want to see it! Such an upright and powerful being was treated and ended like this.……”

Caesar Zeppelin:”This is the first time I’ve seen a non-human or even non-organic civilization with such awareness… Take it, organic body! This is its last protection!”

Protector Star God Klipper:”What is protection? This is protection!”

Shi Tianwu:”When civilization chooses development, hegemony, or extinction, it chooses life. It chooses to leave the future to life, and chooses to protect life.”

Goetia:”It’s obviously not life, but it has compassion. Useless compassion drags you down, but this is also where your charm lies.”

Conan:”No, when the Rectification Protocol found the central processor of the Mechanical Empire, the Mechanical Empire also found the core of the Rectification Protocol! If the Rectification Protocol was not in a multi-core form, the Mechanical Empire would have won!” Rimuru:

“What a pity… We almost defeated the Rectification Protocol first! At worst, we could have taken the Rectification Protocol away in exchange for one!”

Senju Tobirama:”Even if the existence of the Rectification Protocol itself is good, as a life, I still have to say from the perspective of life… the Rectification Protocol kid is born evil!”

【The Mechanical Empire, which fell into chaos, became the only surviving intelligent civilization in the galaxy, guarding the only lives it had left.】

【But what the Mechanical Empire didn’t know was that because the central processor was blown up, all the hibernation capsules were inoperable and all the lives being protected died in the hibernation capsules.】

【The Mechanical Empire, which was unable to detect this, was still regularly maintaining the hibernation chamber, hoping to continue protecting life into the new era.】

【Over time, the steel structure of the Cast Shelter, already damaged by the Purge Protocol, has begun to crumble.】

【The reactor leak evaporated tens of billions of hibernation chambers and the remains of the lives inside, and also melted the giant structure.】

【The hot blood flowed down along with the molten iron, which made this old and slow-witted father mistakenly think that it was the body temperature of the child he was protecting.】

【When civilization was born again in the galaxy, He was so happy that He used precious resources such as alloy steel to exchange for food from other civilizations, thinking that when the children came out, they would use it to prolong their lives. 】

Olga Izka:”How could it be…! In this case, all the efforts made by the ancient guardians so far have been in vain!”

Altria Pendragon:”All dead… How could this be… Lost to the Rectification Agreement, failed to protect the galactic civilization, and finally failed to protect the lives they protected.……”

Mingyue Biology:”One step of failure, one step of failure… In the end, there is nothing to protect. This is the ultimate insult to the Mechanical Empire.”

Emiya Shirou:”Even the remains of those lives could not be preserved… This is too cruel to the Ancient Guardian! It will collapse!”

Busujima Saeko:”The Ancient Guardian is now in a state of dementia… It is better to say that the current situation is the best for him. If he is still awake, it will be the greatest cruelty.”

Asakura Riku:”I couldn’t help crying… The Ancient Guardian is so miserable!”

Fu Hua:”Protect, protect… In the end, there is nothing. The clenched fists are still empty.……”(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Wang Ye:”This is for my son, he loves to eat this.jpg”

Wang Xiaoer:”Gua! Stop talking about this upstairs! I’m crying! It’s so sad……”

Uchiha Obito:”The cruelest food turns into the warmest dream for the ancient guardian. It’s okay to immerse yourself in the dream.……”

Hayakawa Aki:”Is it the same dream as a snowball fight… gentle cruelty, sad beauty……”

【The scene changes again. There are more and more civilizations in the galaxy. They are changing every moment. The only thing that remains unchanged is the guardian.】

【The Mechanical Empire became the Ancient Guardian and was called the Fallen Empire】

【Even though his own sanctuary was full, he would show them the way to colonization and development when he encountered other young races.】

【Countless civilizations throughout the galaxy have benefited from the ancient guardians to varying degrees.】

【All civilizations still have doubts about this giant, but it still protects the new civilization and young lives.】

【He did not participate in the cosmic conflict until now, when the Rectification Agreement was awakened.】

【The reactivation of the old enemy awakened the Ancient Guardian again. Even though the CPU was blown into a black hole and the fleet was crippled, He still took action.】

【Just to protect the world! 】

Fu Hua:”The sun and the moon rise and fall, the sea changes, and only protection.”

Emperor:”Even if it is an iron man, I still respect and move him. Guiding civilization forward and protecting life… There is no civilization more gentle than this.”

Optimus Prime:”In the young galaxy era, this antique is a bit funny and embarrassing, but there is no doubt that He has won the respect of everyone in the heavens and the world.” Senju Tobirama

:”The grievances of the old times are ignited! Behind the ancient guardians is the vitality of the next generation!”

Absolut Tartarus:”Even if instinct has chosen to protect, against the rectification agreement… What a strong concept and will!”

Happy Little Sea Tiger:”The ancient guardian swears to protect the human skin!”


The background of the mechanical dad really made me cry.

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