Chapter 613: Cybercles joins the war! Redemption spanning 600,000 years!

【The scene changes, and with the participation of the Ancient Guardian’s Final Defense Protocol, other civilizations in the galactic battlefield have a chance to breathe.】

【The Human Federation and the Earth United Nations got a chance to recover and began to regroup.】

【However, the final defense protocol had no strategic deployment because the central processor had been blown into a black hole. Even though it was engraved with the obsession to fight against the rectification protocol, it just fearlessly charged towards the rectification protocol.】

【Other Awakened Empires followed the Final Defense Protocol’s fleet deployment strategy to destroy the Rectification Protocol’s fleet】

【However, the power of the Rectification Protocol Fleet is still overwhelming, and the awakening of the final defense protocol is only to delay the time for Him to purify the galactic civilization.】

【Planets were blown up one after another, galaxies were occupied by the Rectification Agreement, and the battle line of the Galactic Civilization Fleet was constantly extended.】

【A few years passed in a flash, and the weak civilizations were destroyed or forgotten. Only the Awakening Empire, the Human Alliance, and some of the stronger civilizations in the Star Sea Community remained. Horus

:”As expected of us humans! We can recover even after such a natural disaster!”

Great White Shark Tiandao:”With the opportunity to recover and redeploy the fleet, the power of the Human Federation may not be weaker than the Fallen Empire.” Asakura Riku:

“The Ancient Guardians are just like the Galactic Empire left by my father. Even without a commander, they are still strong!”

Wu Chen:”A lean camel is bigger than a horse

, that’s the reason.” Noelle:”The weight of the Ancient Guardians is reassuring. Just like a kind father.”

Sanguinius:”Although he is an iron man, it must be said that the Ancient Guardians are worthy of the name of Guardians. The sense of security he brings is just like what the Emperor brings us.”

Beerus:”It’s a meaningless struggle. The Rectification Protocol is still above these civilizations. Unless the Ancient Guardian’s central processor is not blown up, the Galactic Civilization has no chance of winning.” Fujimaru

Ritsuka:”At this moment, we can only pray for the Deus Ex Machina. Let’s get some more hidden masters!”

【In the end, the defense agreement could only delay time. At this moment, the Human Federation and other civilizations detected a strong energy pulse!】

【The energy pulse level is exactly the same as when the Rectification Protocol was activated, but the energy signal itself is slightly different.】

【The galactic civilization analyzed the signal and saw a connection from a more advanced unknown civilization appear on the screen!】

【We are Cybercles】

【For hundreds of thousands of years, we have been hiding behind the scenes and not interfering in the affairs of the galaxy.】

【However, we have detected the presence of the machines you call the Rectification Protocol in the system, and we can no longer maintain our status as impartial observers of 933.】

【To protect the galaxy’s intelligence, we will conduct active military operations against the Rectification Protocol.】

【Don’t panic because our fleet is passing through, we will not be harmed】

【This communication rekindled the already somewhat desperate mood of the galactic civilization, and more and more civilizations joined the war of rectification! 】

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Hey hey hey hey! Am I lucky? There are masters?!” Miyamoto Musashi:

“This fluctuation and momentum… It feels no worse than the Olympus Mecha Fleet!” Shiro Takeo:”

Bad news, who is my true self? A form of existence similar to the Rectification Protocol… The Justice Rectification Protocol?” The

Fourth Scourge:”The energy level is similar to the Rectification Protocol, but it is reinforcement. There is only one answer! The whitewashed Ironheart Exterminator!”

Tony Stark:”Cybercles… A civilization that has been observing the galaxy for hundreds of thousands of years? It sounds a bit like an observer.”

Black Supreme Qiyi:”To be honest, Cybercles is much stronger than the observer. More. At least Cybercles will really help, instead of saying something meaningless like”I can’t interfere.”

Holy Kesha:”To confront the Sorting Agreement and appease the weak civilization at this moment. Justice! Very justice! You pass!”

Snow Queen:”I said that the universe is hopeful. Facing a common enemy, countless powerful civilizations hidden in hiding will lend a hand!”

Pluto:”How dare you assume that this Cybercles must be a just civilization?”

Justice:”At least he is doing it. From what he said, he is at least a civilization capable of confronting the Sorting Agreement, and can influence the war situation to a certain extent.”

【The Human Federation actively contacted Cybercles and asked what kind of civilization Cybercles was.】

【Cybercles responded positively and sadly: Before the big adjustment, Cybercles operated in a similar way to the Rectification Protocol.】

【It was a dark time.】

【”Who are you?” asked the Human Federation】

【We are Cybercles. 612,421 cycles ago, we fought with the previous interstellar civilization.】

【At that time, we regarded all intelligent organic life as a threat and eliminated them by force.】

【As Cybercles narrated, the scene of the Golden List also changed to the Milky Way 600,000 years ago.】

【A mechanical cluster consciousness civilization composed of robots – Cybercles is the only inorganic regime empire in the universe】

【While they are powerful, they also have serious body discrimination, believing that machines are the perfect form of life and want to eliminate all organic intelligent life!】

【This is almost impossible, because at that time, except for Cybercles, almost all civilizations were composed of organic intelligent life. 】

Fulu Little King Kong:”After saying that, his breath finally stopped concealing! Ancient Rectification Protocol! Wow~ I’m afraid he is going to grab the Rectification Protocol and refine it in an instant!”

Conan:”What he said is similar to the operation method of the Rectification Protocol, which means it is not the Rectification Protocol, but… the dark times… Could it be that Cybercles has done something similar to the Rectification Protocol? And then regretted it?”

Xiachuan Haruki:”The civilization that fought with the previous generation of interstellar civilization 600,000 years ago… That’s no different from the Rectification Protocol!”

March Seven:”Hey hey hey hey! Destroy organic intelligent life?! Isn’t this the same behavior as that Emperor Rupert!”

Nick Fury:”Fuck! Organic What’s wrong with intelligent life? Do organic intelligent life deserve to be pointed at with guns?”

Dongfang Qixing:”The mechanical empire composed of all robots is similar to the mechanical empire in our universe. However, our universe has the Star God as a backup, and this universe… I have already predicted the ending.”

Iruma Megumi:”This is a war that is absolutely impossible to win. No matter how strong a mechanical empire is, can it compete with all other civilizations? Not every mechanical civilization is the United Nations of Earth that ascended from natural disasters.”

Misaka Mikoto:”Indeed, organic intelligent life can choose mechanical ascension, can cultivate spiritual energy, and can ascend genetically. No matter how a mechanical civilization thinks, it can’t fight against all organic intelligent life civilizations.”

【To our great regret, we actually won that war, trillions of lives were wiped out by us, and all civilization was destroyed.】

【As Cybercles narrates, the picture on the gold list changes again, and Cybercles declares war on organic intelligent life!】

【With its absolute strength unrivaled in the universe, Cybercles fought against all organic intelligent life civilizations alone and destroyed the combined fleet of all civilizations with a devastating force!】

【The war lasted for hundreds of years, and the wreckage of warships drifted in space, densely packed into clouds.】

【One by one, life-bearing planets were massacred and destroyed along with the lives on them by star-destroying weapons!】

【Cybercles seized organic life in the laboratory and tried to transform it into machines. When it failed, it carried out an even more brutal massacre, not even sparing the marginal colonies!】

【The entire galaxy is dying under the iron hoof of Cybercles, and trillions of organic lives have been slaughtered!】

【The whole universe is filled with only desperate elegy and dead silence, as well as blood and desolation.

Emperor Rupert:”No, buddy… It seems that the reason for my failure is because of the existence of the Star God.”

True Man:”It’s really too late now, organic. Hahahahaha!”

Drasion:”How is it possible! Can this be won? Huh? Isn’t the justice of the universe being maintained?!”

Black Whistle Jeanne:”Maybe the defender of the justice of the universe can’t beat Cybercles.……”

Mebius:”Unforgivable… Such a sin is countless times more evil than Belia’s! What’s wrong with organic life… (ajcb)… What does Cybercles think of life!”

Dainsleb:”Too horrible… We will be slaughtered just because of the form of life… Is it because of the unreasonable and horrible civilization outside the world that God restricts our existence?……”

Emperor:”Iron men should not be given thoughts. These trillions of lives are the heaviest blow and scar to the universe.”

Holy Kesha:”How could it be… so many lives were slaughtered, civilizations were destroyed… so the big adjustment means that Cybercros has changed its ways? Changing its ways can’t erase the sins they have committed!”

Hela:”Just like my father, Odin, that hypocritical guy. If he wants to conquer, it means mountains of corpses and seas of blood. When he’s tired and wants to be a benevolent king, he starts to save all living beings. Hehehe……”

Huang Quan:”Tens of millions of lives… I mourn for the dead, my tears fall like rain, filling the river.……”

【By the time we realized our mistake it was too late, so we made a major adjustment, readjusted our goals, and gave up the war.】

【At a certain time after the war, a probe ship from an organic civilization mistakenly entered our retreat, the Cybernauts-Alpha】

【We have been discovered, and the army will surely arrive, and we cannot evacuate. Finally, we reached a consensus: Cybercles Alpha will be sacrificed to ensure the survival of other branches.】

【We swear not to use force against organic life, and we will keep our word.】

【In Cybercles’ narration, in the golden list scene, before the galaxy was about to be cleared, Cybercles suddenly withdrew and disappeared.】

【The occupied galaxies were abandoned one by one, and all the fleets turned back to their home galaxies. Cyber ​​Alpha】

【In this way, Cybercles disappeared, and the surviving civilizations recuperated and revived. But the shadow of Cybercles still haunts them like a nightmare.

Kaname Madoka:”Inorganic beings, it’s too late… I heard the children’s cries, and I saw civilization falling apart! The planet is no longer a planet, and the home is no longer a home.……”

Fushigawa Shima:”What’s the point of giving up the war! This generation of civilization has been almost destroyed! Those lives can’t be saved, bastard!”

Ultra King:”I can feel the sincerity of Cybercles, but this sin is too heavy. Only beings like Thanos and the Wheel King can compare.”

Polnareff:”Now I swear not to use force against organic intelligent life, but how many organic intelligent life still exist? It will take several years to recover!”

Aponia:”See civilization in Panli, see the future in stopping. The disaster of the universe starts from It’s not too late, there’s still a chance to atone for the sin.”

Pluto:”What did I say.jpg Behind all the kindness is the repentance of billions of lives destroyed.”

Dukao:”At least he was not completely wrong, at least he did not completely exterminate civilization like the Rectification Protocol. It’s not too late to wake up now.”

Ignis:”Then why keep the branch of Cyber ​​Beta? Isn’t it selfish?! The sin of exterminating life is not enough for the entire civilization of Cybercles to pay!”

Melina:”Maybe it’s for atonement… Wasn’t the mechanical deity during the natural disaster of the Rectification Protocol Cybercles?”

——(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Cybercles returned to CyberAlpha and built a ring world, where he lived in seclusion and ignored worldly affairs.】

【But the residents of Cybercles are not happy, but full of self-destructive tendencies and depression.】

【They survived alone for a thousand years until they were discovered by the outside world. At this time, the outside world had recovered its prosperity, but the hatred had not disappeared. In addition, Cybercles had been closed for a thousand years, and the war broke out again.】

【However, when the Galactic Alliance arrived, they found that the Cybercros did not resist at all, allowing them to destroy the Ring World’s mother galaxy and destroy them.】

【All civilizations found this incredible, as if Cybercles had calmly accepted its own demise. Even the robots, before being killed, seemed to show an expression that only organic beings could have – relief.】

【Thousands of years ago, Cybercles, who had become numb from killing, suddenly realized the mistakes in his eyes. Organics and machines have equal rights, but it was too late!】

【They failed the expectations of an elder, failed his original intention and expectations】

【Without any resistance, Cyber ​​Alpha was bombed to pieces, while Cyber ​​Beta, which was hiding, quietly waited for the opportunity to redeem and atone for its sins.】

Sayaka Miki:”It’s hard to see this. Cybercles said it was pitiful to commit a serious crime, but it was also a shame to wake up in time.”

Twilight Star Spirit Zoe:”Then let time take everything away! After 600,000 years of cycles, the shadows of the past will always dissipate along with the civilization of the time.” Naruto

Uzumaki:”Hatred will only bring more cycles of hatred. Cybercles slaughtered organics, and organics retaliated against Cybercles… Since Cybercles did not resist, hatred should end in this generation.……”

Vision:”They are obviously machines, but relief can be seen on their faces. Their regret is deep in their souls.”

Yakumo Yukari:”It’s too late to repent. They can’t turn back. There is no place for them in this galaxy anymore.”

Romani Achiman:”They have let down an elder… The fact that they are so respected by Cybercles must be the origin of their creation… Maybe this is not the original intention of Cybercles. Arrogance made them go the wrong way.”

Bedivere:”Atonement… Ah… Since it is atonement, it is never too late. Even if the sin cannot be eliminated, at least atonement can make up for it.”

Senju Tobirama:”Then atone for the next generation. No matter how big a sin Cybercles committed in the previous generation, at least he stood up in this era and deserves respect.”


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