Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1099: Terrible Darkness (Medium)

"Are you ... new here?"


Hearing this voice, Tianzi hurriedly turned her head and looked to the side, and then she saw a corner not far from her, sitting on a young girl who looked almost the same size as herself. She looked very tired. Although her clothes were clean, the whole person looked dead.

"What is this place? What are you doing here?"

The young girl smiled at the inquiries of Tianzi.

"Here is hell, we ... are here for the pleasure of those adults ..."


Facing the girl's answer, Tianzi looked blank.

"Singing ...... dancing or something?"

But this time, the girl didn't answer immediately, but stared in surprise, staring at Tianzi for a closer look.

"You ... aren't you a young lady?"


"Just look at you."

The girl picked up the straw next to her and put it in her mouth.

"There are three kinds of people here. One was trafficked, the other was sent because of something at home, and there was someone like me ..."

While talking, the girl pointed at herself.

"Sold by my parents."

"Hey? Hey ?!"

Hearing this, Tianzi was even more surprised.

"For, why would your parents sell you to such a place?"

"Because life can't go on."

The girl sighed and looked up at the incandescent lamp in front of her.

"Our family was poor. We were flooded again last year. Our home and fields were flooded. I have brothers and sisters. There are four people in the family. There was no rice. Someone found my dad. And said he was going to sell me for money ... "

"So your parents sold you here?"

"It's better than a family starving alive. We have nothing after the flood, and our father has lost his job. Without money, we can't buy anything."

"But, but I remember ... ... the floods last year ... should be a large amount of relief money?"

After all, the emperor is the emperor. Although she was overtaken by the eunuch, she also understands these things. After all, it is not the same year. From the Internet and television, the emperor can also see the flood situation. Last year's flood was indeed very serious, so when those eunuchs told her to send a large sum of money to the disaster, Tianzi agreed.

"Disaster relief?"

The girl sneered at the inquiries of Tianzi.

"How could those corrupt officials give us relief funds? For them, it would be best if we were all dead, and they could swallow up all those relief funds. Although after the flood, relief funds were indeed issued Such a thing. But the process was extremely complicated. My father first applied for relief funds, but it took two months to get ten dollars. It was the compensation of those big companies and rich people. 'It arrived very quickly, and they got it within a few days.'


In the face of this answer, Tianzi was stunned, for a while he didn't know what to say. After a while, she asked softly.

"So, what exactly are we doing here?"

"Did I just say that? For fun."

A scornful smile appeared on the girl, and she "explained" to Tianzi very kindly.

"We are pets like kittens and puppies here, flatter them to adults, and exchange for food and clothes."

"Say charming?"

Hearing this word, the emperor stunned God, while the young girl licked her mouth.

"In short, don't treat yourself as a person, just treat it as a toy. Those adults will let you sing and dance or perform shows when they are in a good mood. If you are in a bad mood, use a whip to draw you or play some excessive Trick, look at that girl ... "

As she said, the girl raised her chin and nodded at the girl who was not far from her. The girl had messy black hair, her eyes were dull, her complexion was pale, and she looked as if she was going to die.

"You look at it and understand."


When I heard this, Tianzi was a little confused, but still approached carefully and looked at the girl carefully. However, when Tianzi's gaze was looking between the girls' legs, she suddenly changed her face, and then the next moment, Tianzi hurriedly ran "Wow" came out and spit out.

"That child was so stingy, she didn't cooperate when she was bought, and then the adults gave her a red iron stick ......... Hey, to be honest, I think she might as well die like this. Better ... "

"This, this is too much!"

Tianzi covered her mouth, but even if she closed her eyes sternly, the scene she had just seen still appeared in her mind.

"How can there be such a thing? How dare they do it?"

"Who knows?"

However, even in the face of the cry of the emperor, the girl still looked calm.

"Listen to my dad, when the last emperor was alive, everything was still very good. But since the death of the last emperor, those eunuchs have made all the smoke and suffocation. But I don't know much, after all, I am sensible At that time, the world was like this. There were corrupt officials everywhere, there was no law at all, and there was no justice at all. As long as rich people have money, they can do whatever they want, and those who have no money can only consider themselves Unlucky ... "

"No! It's not like that ...... wow ... wow ..."

At this moment, Tianzi finally couldn't help crying, but even so, only a few girls around her looked at her for a few moments, and then looked back. As for the young girl, it was quite calm.

"Well, young lady, since you have come here, crying is useless ... ... All of us here have cried and begged for mercy, and once thought that someone would come to our rescue, but ... this is simply It's just dreaming. Those big masters are high-powered people, who dares to oppose them? "

"Wh ...... wow ........."

But at this time, Tianzi couldn't listen anymore. She never thought that the outside world would become like this.

However, this is just the beginning.


Just then, the door suddenly opened, and then the man in the blue overalls came in. He glanced around and waved.

"Well, it's time for you to work! Come out!"

When they heard the blue overalls, the young girls stood up blankly like lonely ghosts, and then lined up in a row and went outside. Only the dark-haired girl who seemed to be dying just now still slumped in place.

"Hey, what are you doing? Grind, get up!"

Looking at the dark-haired girl, the blue overalls seemed quite angry, and went up to the dark-haired girl with a kick. Seeing this scene, Tianzi hurriedly stood up and grabbed the hand in the blue overalls.

"What are you doing to hit her? She's hurt like that, haven't you seen it?"

"You little bitch, you're not here to talk!"

The blue overalls gave Tianzi a fierce glance, and suddenly she let go of her hand, then raised her hand high, and slapped him in the face of Tianzi.


However, what Tianzi didn't expect was that when she was going to take the slap, the girl who had just talked to her suddenly rushed over, blocking herself and the blue work clothes, blocking the blow.

"Do you want to fight me too?"

"This child has just arrived and doesn't understand the rules! Besides, you hurt her. By then the master blame you. Will you take responsibility?"


Listening to the girl's shouting, the blue overalls took a sip and let go of her hand.

"So she ..."

"I will do her job today."

Taking a look at the figure still sitting like a doll in the corner, the girl gritted her teeth and said. When she heard her answer, the blue overalls sneered.

"Okay, this is what you said. The old men are not in a good mood today. Don't expect preferential treatment!"

After saying this, the blue overalls turned and left, while the girl looked at his back blankly, then took a deep breath, and showed a helpless smile to Tianzi.

"It's awful, it looks like I'm in trouble today ..."


"Well, let's go, otherwise those people will be more excessive in a while."

While talking, the girl took Tianzi's hand and left the room.

Along the corridor, the group walked for a long time and came to an empty room. Then the girls lined up very skillfully. This left Tianzi a bit confused, but before she responded, she was next to her. The girl pulled it.

"Come, stand to the end, so that the masters will find you later ...... In short, you should be mentally prepared."

Although I don't know what the girl meant, Tianzi nodded and stood at the end of the line according to the girl's instructions. Then she turned her head and looked around.

It's like a big glass cage, and in front of it is a stage like an auditorium. There are all kinds of strange props around, such as a triangular Trojan horse, or a leather whip and a gallows. The fresh blood stains on it are shocking.


When Tianzi was in a state of unease, suddenly, the sound of a gong sounded. Then, Tianzi saw the door on the other side of the auditorium open, and then an individual came in through the door.

When Tianzi saw them, he suddenly widened his eyes.

Because these people are not others, they are their eunuchs!

"Sir, watch today's show ...... what should you play?"

When the emperor was speechless in surprise, I saw the blue overalls approached the eunuchs with a smile and asked. The fat head and big ears had a calm face, and then snorted in a chair with a butt.

"Today ... I'm not in a good mood, so feed them all!"


Hearing the fat-eared words, the girls lined up below suddenly exclaimed, but before they could say anything, the blue overalls nodded with a common expression ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Okay, sir. "

While talking, the blue overalls pulled out the remote and pressed a button. Soon, I saw a large iron cage full of wild dogs descending slowly, and at this moment the young girls were scared into the corner, staring at it all in horror, completely wondering what to do.

"Wangwangwang !!!"

As soon as the iron cage landed, dozens of seemingly hungry wild dogs flew out and rushed towards the girls. Faced with this scene, the girls had little choice but to scream and escape.

"no, do not want!!"

Looking at this scene, Tianzi finally could not bear it anymore.

"Brother, save them -----!"

At the same time as Tianzi screamed, a silver sword light suddenly appeared out of nowhere and swept across the room.

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