Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1100: Terrible darkness (below)

Jian Guang flashed by.

Blood splattered, those fierce wild dogs were split into two in an instant, and at the same time, even the glass wall in front of them was cut open. Not only that, the "audience hall" where the eunuchs were collapsed the next moment.


The auditorium was torn apart and fell to the ground like broken tofu, making a dull booming sound. The girls were at a loss looking at all this, and had no idea what to do.

"Cough, cough, what's going on?"

The auditorium is not high, which is the height of the second floor. Naturally, no one can die after falling down. It didn't take long before I saw the eunuchs crawling out of the rubble. The head of the fat head and ears was even more desperate, while clapping at the dust on his body, while yelling.

"How did it happen? Who did it? Look at me not picking him up ..."

However, the fat-eared voice was getting smaller and smaller, he looked at the girl with long silver-white hair standing in front of her eyes, and the whole person was almost paralyzed.

"Oh, Your Majesty!"

The fat-headed ears hurriedly fell to the ground, and other eunuchs responded at this moment. They looked at Tianzi one by one, and their faces suddenly changed.

"His Majesty!"

"You, you, you ..."

Tianzi clenched his fists, his face pale, and stared angrily at them. She had never been so angry like today, and even now Tianzi felt as if a flame was burning deep inside her.

"Don't you let me out ... just to keep me from seeing this ?!"

"What you said will handle government affairs well, is that how it is handled ?!"

"No, no, this, we, we just ..."

In the face of Tianzi's angry question, the fat head and big ears also looked cold, and then he suddenly thought of something.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is not what we made. This is a ghost of the ministers. They say there are any entertainment shows, so let us relax. We know nothing about it ..."

"Yeah, yeah, Your Majesty, we are innocent!"


At this moment, the emperor is no longer weak on eunuchs.

"I saw it, I heard it, and you said you would let the wild dogs eat us! You did just that! You always did it!"

"No, we really aren't, we don't know anything ..."

Hearing Tianzi's reprimand, the fat-headed ears showed a panic expression to explain, at the same time his eyes flashed fiercely, then the fat-headed ears suddenly reached into his arms, took out a gun and aimed at Tianzi. However, at the next moment, the dark sword was cut off suddenly, and the fat-eared fingers were cut into two pieces together with the gun in his hand.

"Wow ah ah ah ah !!!"

The fat man's ears made a sharp scream, and he shouted loudly while covering his right hand, which he couldn't stop spurting. At the same time, Fang Zheng's figure also emerged from the side of Tianzi. He held the big sword in one hand, and fiddled with the mobile phone in one hand.

"Well, your intention is to stab your Majesty, the evidence is conclusive, and there is video ..."

As he said, Founder pressed several numbers with one hand, then picked up the phone.

"Hey, General Hong Gu? That's right, it's me, um, I want you to bring a group of trustworthy people and come immediately ......... where is this coming? Anyway, you check the signal coordinates, then come here, there are Good show. By the way, if you encounter resistance, you can kill it. Also, bring some medical staff. "

After giving the order casually, the Founder took a chair that had not been broken and sat down, staring blankly at the eunuchs in front of him. At this moment, these eunuchs are already afraid to say a word. The fat and big ears are still mourning on the ground. Although there are also several guards who want to rush over to show loyalty, Founder just waved a few swords in his hand and turned them into The ground meat was on the ground, and then no one dared to come to trouble.

General Hong Gu's movement was very fast. Only ten minutes later, the crowd heard the sound of gunfire from outside. Then, not long after, General Hong Gu rushed over with a group of soldiers.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

Looking at Tianzi and Founder, Hong Gu was relieved and asked quickly. Facing the inquiry of General Hong Gu, Tianzi nodded.

"I'm fine, General ...... Go and get them all!"


Hearing Tianzi's order, General Hong Gu nodded hurriedly. However, when he stood up and looked in the direction pointed by Tian Zi, General Hong Gu was a stunner. Then he turned his head again in doubt.

"Sir, they ..."

"Catch them all !!"

"Yes Yes!"

This time General Hong Gu didn't hesitate anymore. Of course, he recognized the eunuchs who fell to the ground, but General Hong Gu was also quite puzzled. He knew that the little emperor was always reticent to eunuchs. I dare not rebel against them. Right now, His Majesty is so anxious and corrupt, even if they are not fake, they must be arrested. Although I don't know what happened, at least it is certain that the relationship between the two sides has broken!

These eunuchs are finished!

Thinking of this, General Hong Gu was also very excited. He stared fiercely at these eunuchs, and then waved his hands.

"Come, tie them all up !!"

Hearing General Hong Gu's order, a group of soldiers rushed up like wolf and tiger immediately, and pressed the eunuchs to the ground and tied them together. And General Hong Gu turned his head again, looking at the Son of Heaven.

"Your Majesty, what else do you command?"

"Well, then ... this ..."

In the face of General Hong Gu's inquiry, Tianzi was also thinking hard, but she seemed to have no idea for a while, so she had to look to the Founder.


"Well, leave it to me."

While touching Tianzi's little head, Founder gestured to General Hong Gu, took him to the side, and whispered to General Hong Gu what happened.

"Well, these shy people are just abnormal!"

Looking at the shivering girls hiding in the corner, and those blood-stained tortures and the dead dog's body lying on the ground, even Hong Gu could not help but grit his teeth.

"No bird thing would be such a disgusting person ...... this group of beasts ...... His Royal Highness, let's say what to do!"

"Well, then you listen to me."

Founder dare to call Hong Gulai, naturally he had figured out a way.

"Now you leave immediately and block Luoyang on the grounds of your disappearance, and then ..."

As he said, Founder passed a tablet.

"Catch them all."

"this is………"

After taking the tablet, Hong Gu glanced curiously, then he suddenly widened his eyes. Because the names on the tablet are all subordinates and running dogs!

"Sir, these people ...... are you sure you want to catch them all?"

"Of course, we have enough evidence to prove they are suspected of illegal acts, and the evidence is all here."

The Founder pointed to the tablet.

"There are call records, bank lists, and some surveillance images and various materials. If you want to see them, you can watch them one by one when you catch someone."

"His Highness, these ... how did you get it?"

Looking at the list in front of him, General Hong Gu was totally inconceivable, but in the face of General Hong Gu's inquiry, Founder smiled slightly.

"Of course I was well prepared. You wouldn't think I came back for sightseeing."

"of course not!"

Although Founder was just joking, General Hong Gu was in a hurry, then immediately tightened his body and answered loudly. He is now convinced by Founder that he not only possesses a powerful force that can dismantle MS by hand, but even these eunuchs, he easily wins the talk.

The Chinese Federation has finally been saved!

"Then the rest is left to you. Don't forget to put those children in place."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Respectfully made a present to Founder, General Hong Gu immediately turned around and trot away to execute the order. At this time, the girls hiding in the corner seemed to be reacting to what happened. They looked at each other, some unbelievably looking at those who had shown their bravery to themselves, but now kneeled down on the ground in despair, one by one like a dead kiss Dad-like eunuchs, and soldiers who are suppressing the entire facility. It took me a long time to react.

This is ... is you saved?

"I said ...... what the **** are you ..."

At this time, the young girl came over before, her eyes widened in amazement, looking at Tianzi. The girls were listening to General Hong Gu's words just now. It was even more horrifying at this moment.

"Are you ... Her Majesty?"


In front of the girl in front of him, Tianzi nodded a little embarrassed. She looked at the girl, opened her mouth to say something, but did not know what to say. However, she saw the young girl gazing at her in front of her, then suddenly reached out her hand and slapped her in the face.


The hot pain on the cheek, Tianzi looked at the girl in surprise, she didn't understand at all, just why she was so good to herself, why did she hit herself? However, the girl just stared at her, then her eyes became red, and she turned and ran.

"You rude, you ..."

Seeing this scene, the guard next to him was also surprised, and hurried forward to try to catch the girl, but was stopped by the founder.

"No, just go with her."

As he said, Fang Zheng came to Tianzi and held her shoulder. Feeling the Founder's breath, Tianzi turned to look at him with tears in his eyes.

"Brother ..."

"It hurts, you may feel aggrieved and feel that you shouldn't be treated like this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But ... this is what you deserve."


"You are not an ordinary child, Your Majesty."

Founder stared at Tianzi, saying word by word.

"You are the supreme ruler of the Chinese Commonwealth. You have the responsibility to manage all this, but you give up your responsibility. They ..."

As Founder said, he looked at the young girls who were crying and receiving treatment.

"They are the result of you giving up responsibility."


This time, Tianzi never spoke again. She just silently looked at the crying girls and said nothing, while Founder patted her on the shoulder.

"Remember this slap, this is probably the best gift you get tonight."

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