Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1222: Lost mind

The next day, Founder returned to the library with Xiao Meiyan, but when everyone saw Xiao Meiyan again, they were almost all surprised.

I want to know that although Xiaomei Yan often appeared before, she always carried a cold air field, and her body was filled with a strange atmosphere. Only in the face of a few people, such as Madoka and Founder, would she converge slightly.

But now, the biggest change is ......... She laughed!

The 10,000-year-old iceberg girl smiled. Do you believe it?

At least Madoka couldn't believe it.

"Good morning, Madoka."

"Good morning, Homura, you are ..."

I looked at it with a soft smile, as if completely changed into a person like Xiaomei Yan, Madoka was stunned and speechless, and nodded for a while.

"………Are you OK."

"I'm fine, I just figured out something ..."

Homura's smile is still very gentle and soft, not as cold as before, but Madoka feels that Homura in front of her is better than before ... ... how to say, although Homura's attitude was cold, but small Yuan can feel that the other party is trying to get closer to himself.

But now, although Homura seems to be more accessible, Madoka can feel that the other party is not as eager as before.

"I said, big brother, shouldn't you give her some ecstasy?"

黑 Xiao Hei also came over here, pulled Lafangzheng's clothes with a smile, and asked. In the face of Xiao Hei's inquiry, Fang Zheng shook his head and sighed helplessly.

"Don't tell me, I don't even know if this is a good thing or a bad thing."

To be honest, if Founder is to say it, the situation of Xiao Meiyan is very similar to that of "taming" Atalan in the moon-shaped world. Just to say, Atalanta is more like a beast. After being tamed by himself, he immediately becomes a gentle and gentle pet.

He is like a hunting dog. He usually coquettishly sells intimacy in front of the owner, but once the owner orders, it will immediately show its fierce and cruel side to those prey.

But Xiaomei Yan is different.

How do you say ... she is more like ... Doll.

This is not Fang Zheng's disparagement of Xiao Meiyan. The reason he said to Xiao Meiyan before was to show his attitude on the one hand, and to relieve Xiao Meiyan's psychological pressure on the other hand, to tell her that the sky was down and had her own stand, You don't have to worry about mixing with me!

However, what Fangzheng didn't expect is that his goal was achieved, but it was a bit too far.

In fact, when I woke up the next morning, Founder hadn't found any problems. Homura was a bit shy at the time, but it seemed that the whole person was relaxed a lot, and there was no breathless breath like before. Feelings of stress and responsibility.

But what Fangzheng didn't expect is that when he communicated with Homura, the other person came directly to say "From now on, I belong to you, master, please use it at will."

I was startled by Founder at the time, thinking that I had broken Homura. As a result, after communicating with Homura, he investigated it again with "The Obituary Banner", and founder finally understood the truth of the matter.

As Founder expected, Homura had too many things to care about, Witch's Night, and her relationship with Madoka, and the consequences of her unstoppable reincarnation. This is far beyond the limit that a 14-year-old girl can bear, especially the fact that QB finally pointed out. Although Founder comforted her, it was only an unproven hypothesis, but how could Xiaomei Yan just throw it to this Behind my head?

If what QB said is true, then her reincarnation will only increase the cause and effect on Madoka.

But if she gives up reincarnation, what if she fails again this time on Witch Night?

This pressure made Xiao Meiyan almost out of breath. If she was the only one, then she could only continue to bear it silently.

But now she has a person to rely on.

So Xiao Mei Yan made a decision, she wanted to dedicate everything to Founder.

This is not only the meaning at the physical level, but even the spirit—Xiao Meiyan even gave up her spiritual will, that is to say, from now on, she is like a person who can only obey Founder's orders Even robot. What the Founder wants her to do, she will do whatever she wants, no longer thinking, judging and choosing by herself.

I was speechless about this founder, and he did not expect Xiao Meiyan's mental pressure to be so great, and finally made this seemingly incredible decision.

This is obviously escaping, but Founder can't say that Xiao Meiyan has done wrong. She has been in so many reincarnations. She has been fighting alone by herself. How much pressure has been accumulated, ordinary people simply cannot imagine. In this case, it is not surprising that she will do anything.

In fact, if you think about it, it is obviously impossible for an average girl to make such a move. You must know that there are many magical girls who have been reversed because they were rescued by the Founder. No one said that they would "receive great grace and good deeds and only agree with each other", and Homura is obviously not a frivolous person. .

Instead, she is introverted and conservative.

Once such people go extreme, it will be awful ...

Looking at Xiao Meiyan with a smile and a conversation with others, Fang Zheng was speechless. To be honest, the reason why Xiao Meiyan laughs is still Founder's experiment. Founder also wanted to see how deep Homura's situation was, so he let Homura learn to smile.

He also said to Xiao Mei Yan, "It's more cute to laugh."

Certainly, this is also true. If Founder said it, the smiling Homura must be more cute.

Originally, Founder felt that Homura hadn't smiled for so long. It would definitely not be so easy to laugh, but what made him not think that after hearing her suggestion, Homura really laughed.

And not that kind of smirk, but really relaxed and laughed from the bottom of my heart.

This is why these people are surprised when they see Xiao Mei Yan.

But now Founder has no good way to do this. If he wants to completely cure Xiao Meiyan's heart disease, I have to wait until the night of witch destruction and the crisis of this world is completely solved.

Because Xiao Meiyan couldn't bear the consequences of this failure, and didn't want to really fall into the despair of "all these are caused by herself", she chose to escape.

So Founder and her say nothing at all now.

Unless all this is resolved ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ How is the situation today? "

After Xun converged, Fang Zheng glanced at Xiaomei Yan again, then retracted his gaze and turned to Xiao Hei. He didn't touch the fish yesterday. In fact, it was Xiao Mei Yan who went to find out yesterday after everything in his hand was handled.

And what he has to deal with is the transformation of other magical girls.

After the success of Zhishi, other magical girls were also encouraged and basically accepted the Founder's plan.

However, their situation is not the same.

Maybe it ’s because the magical girls in this world have suffered far more than the knowing world. Nearly two thirds of them have spent much longer than knowing the world to get out of the illusion, but fortunately, they also Successfully got rid of the curse of soul gems and witches and turned into a relatively "normal" magical girl.

But not everyone is so lucky.

The remaining one-third fell into sleep.

Of course, this does not mean death, but as the words put them, they have completely fallen into the illusion and are unable to extricate themselves, and they are still asleep until now.

一 One night has passed now. What about the girls?

"Three people are still awake."

Xiao Xiaohe shook his head helplessly, then sighed.

"Sister Asami is among them."

:. :

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