Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1223: 2 difficult decisions

Founder has said before that this approach is not 100% guaranteed to succeed. There is no such thing as a 100% thing in the world, even the code will jump wrong. What else can you expect?

Even if you are right, it may be the artist's fault.

But sometimes, trial and error can be terrible.

Just like now.

When she was in bed, Bama Mei was still asleep, and she had the same radiance as Zhishi at that time, but if you look closely, you can see that the radiance emanating from Bamamei at this moment seems to be absent, like a candle in the wind.

"......... It seems that they are unlikely to escape the illusion with their own power."

Seeing this, Founder also sighed.

Actually, he didn't want to do this either, but there was no way. After all, Founder's process of "making" a magical girl is to reverse the process of QB. After QB realized the girl's wish, she signed a contract with it to become a magical girl. And if you want to reverse this process, you must let these young girls who want to realize their wishes see and accept the reality with their own strength, and become stronger, so that they can "reverse" the process actively.

In the final analysis, this is their own problem, after all, Founder can only lend them divine power, but cannot help them take this step. If they don't want to move, everything is just useless.

"I can understand Mami's idea."

Xi Xingzi leaned against the wall next to him, looking at Mami in front of her face with a complex expression.

"She once teamed with me. To be honest, I have been taken care of by her a lot before, and I also heard some things about Mami at that time. Hey, her whole family was dead, but she was the only one alive at the time. Come down-in fact, you may not know that Mami was a little self-blame at that time, because an accident happened with the whole family, but when QB appeared, she only wished to let herself live ... "

I said here, Kyoko smashed dissatisfied.

不过 "But everyone was almost like that at the time. Now it's childish to think about it, but how old were we then? We were just kids, and thinking about half of things is good!"

That ’s why QB specifically asked you to sign a contract.

Hearing here, Fang Zheng shook his head helplessly. The magical girls QB was looking for were all half-old children, and even a little girl under ten years old, unless such children lived in the wasteland of the doomsday. Environment, otherwise faced with such an opportunity, no matter how much you will not think too much.

"Don't look at Mami laughing every day, but she is always in pain. She once told me that it was her fault that made her alone, because she gave up her family at that time, this is her. retribution………"

I said here, Kyoko's expression looking at Mami became more complicated.

In fact, she said here, Founder had almost guessed what Mami's illusion was. I'm afraid that in the illusion, she is living a happy and happy life with her family.

Then the next question is ...

"I said before that the fantasy world consumes the power of the magical girl itself, and now she has no power to break through the trial on her own, then I can only be forced to wake it up."

Everything has insurance, and forced wake-up is Founder's insurance.

But the problem that caused him a headache was ...

"Let Mami continue to sleep like this."

Kyoko looked at Mami with a complex look.

"Look at her now, this is the first time I have seen her so happy ..."

但是 "But this is only false happiness after all."

"False happiness is happiness."

I heard Founder's answer, Kyoko smiled bitterly.

"If she can't come out by herself, then forcibly pulling her out will only make her more painful."

Yes, that's why Fang Zheng didn't take any action. What's more important is that almost all the magical girls except Fang Zheng's Nana, Sakura and others support Kyoko's idea.

After all, unlike magical girls like Sakura, Naiba, and Fett, magical girls in this world make a wish, either for themselves or for others. But after all, they were betrayed by their own desires and fell into despair. Perhaps at that time, almost every magical girl would have an idea similar to Xiao Meiyan's "if I can go back in time".

Kyoko is also the same, she fell into the illusion that she did not use magic to help her father attract believers. On the contrary, her father attracted more believers by her own efforts, and the family did not break up, nor did they die. Got a happy life.

At that time, Kyoko was almost obsessed with it, but after all, she has been a magical girl for so many years. She is no longer the little girl who was ignorant and ignorant at the time. She also knows that her father ’s wishes are good. This idea cannot do all of this.

So she decisively chose to separate from the past and start again.

But this does not mean that Kyoko will laugh at Mami's timidity. After all, everyone is coming here, and they all know the feeling and compare their hearts to one another. Many people may not be firm when they do that, and they will lie here like everyone else.

Therefore, no one will laugh at anyone, let alone feel weak.

Conversely, in their view, awakening these people from their dreams is really cruel.

但是 "But ...... if you continue ......... Sister Mami them ..."

"will die."

In the face of Eliya's uneasy inquiry, Founder gave the answer with certainty.

"Their magic is used to maintain the entire illusion. To a certain extent, they are dreaming with life. If they successfully break through the illusion and transform into a new magic girl, then their magic can be proactively restored without worrying. There was a problem. But now, they have no way to break through, they can only watch as they gradually run out of their magic. "

"Isn't it bad?"

When I heard this, Naiba and Fett were also taken aback and rushed to catch the Founder.

"Teacher, wake them up soon!"

"No one is allowed to do this!"

However, Naiha's voice had just fallen, and when she saw Kyoko's face changed, she threw out a spear in front of the crowd.

Everyone was shocked to see this scene.

"Sister Kyoko, if you continue like this, sister Mami, they will have trouble!"

小 Sakura also hurried up to persuade her, but Kyoko didn't take it seriously, she just glanced at the Founder.

"If you die here, you won't become a witch."

"No ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Founder shook his head.

"Well, let them die."

I heard here, Kyoko made a cold and ruthless speech, but when they heard this sentence, everyone was obviously shocked.

"Sister Kyoko, how can you say that?"

Ilia couldn't help but ask.

"Aren't you and Sister Asami friends?"

"Because of being a friend, I don't want to watch Mami suffer."

Holding the chocolate bar, Kyoko's complex expression glanced at Mami who was sleeping in bed.

"She's in a dream now, at least with her family, isn't that enough? When she wakes up, isn't she alone?"

"But we still accompany her?"

However, Kyoko smiled disdainfully in the face of Naha's words.

"Can you replace her family? If your family dies and a group of people come out and say they will replace your family, will you be happy?"


When I heard this, Naiha was stunned and couldn't say any more.

"I will look here."

He said, Kyoko leaned back to the wall and looked at Mami and several other magical girls.

"Unless they wake up by themselves, I will send them away."

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